Microprocessor tutor

Microprocessor tutor

Microprocessor tutor A unit designed to teach the uses and applications of the microprocessor in schools and colleges is being manufactured by the Nor...

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Microprocessor tutor A unit designed to teach the uses and applications of the microprocessor in schools and colleges is being manufactured by the Northumberland based electronic component company, Welwyn Electric. Called the Microprocessor Tutor (MPT), the desktop unit has been developed with the help of the Newcastle Science and Technology Education Centre, and has been tested by over 50 educational establishments throughout the UK. Program instructions and data are entered in the form of 8-bit words by switches on the front panel, and a row of eight light-emitting diodes indicates the program and data entry. The MPT demonstrates the entering, storage and retrieval of digital data both in and from a computer memory, as well as the way to address memory locations, and the automatic stepping from one instruction to the next. Students can learn how to access and recall data and perform operations and manipulations using the recall information, as well as to check and change it. Instruction manual, specimen programs, and problems and solutions are provided. Welwyn Electric are at: Bedlington, Northumberland NE22 7AA, UK. Tel: (0670) 822181.

Memory Computers offer business package The Memory System 7000, a Z80-based microcomputer, which offers up to 64k of RAM and 4M of floppy disc store, is to be marketed in the UK as a complete ready-to-operate package. Memory Computers (UK) Ltd, which has exclusive UK rights to the system from Sanyo of France, is setting up a national network of distributors to sell the kit complete with business applications software products and a choice of programming languages. A preventatwe maintenance and oncall repair service will be provided nationwide and a choice of outright


purchase or leasing will be available. User staff training will be a feature of the package. Applications software products including payroll, stock control and word processing, have been developed by Interface Software. They will be supplied in 5¼ inch floppy disc format at prices of between £400 and £500. The operating system is CP/M, while available languages include BASIC, FORTRAN, PASCAL and COBOL. Purchase prices of the Memory System 7000 start at £4545 for a 32k memory, 560k disc storage configuration.

Plessey chooses General A u t o m a t i o n Plessey Microsystems is supplying a bubble memory system designed for use in telex exchanges now being manufactured by Plessey Controls. The exchanges will be supplied to the Post Office as part of its autotelex programme which is involved in the establishment of the latest telex switching systems based on the stored programme control principle. The bubble memory is being used initially for back up storage of program

Price reductions f r o m Intel . . . Intel magnetics has reduced the prices of its bubble-memory subsystem components and boards by more than 40%. The 100-piece price of the BPK72 prototyne kit, which contains a I Mbit bubble-memory module and six LSl support chilgs, drops 42%. Also included in the reduction is the iSBC 250 board for GEM applications; its onepiece price drops 26%. Intel Magnetics now guarantees prices for future production-quantity purchases of the BPK72. 5000-piece orders will be reduced another 40% beginning in August 1981. For 25 000-piece purchases, prices will be reduced another 50% from the 1981 price, starting in August 1982. Also reduced is I ntel Corporation's

tables within the exchange, permitting a totally unattended cold start capability. It communicates with the General Automation microcomputer system controlling the exchange via a high speed SDLC encoded serial data link, operating at 307 kbaud. Diagnostic facilities and remote downline load via a modem will be incorporated, and the memory system will read and write at any rate from 2.4k to 307 kbaud without adjustment. The chosen model for the system is the GA-16/220 which is suited to the tasks of real-time control in a telecommunications environment. The GA-16/220 has a 16-bit parallel architecture and incorporates up to 64kwords of semiconductor memory. It also offers over 100 DMA and programmed I/O controllers to interface with a range of peripherals. The microcomputer will be connected to the bubble memory by an SDLC protocol controller. A single system will be able to control and handle up to 16 memories, each with a capacity of between 128k and 512 kbyte. The order involves between 17 and 22 bubble memory systems and these will be featured in five different installations.

2920 analogue signal nrocessor, by uD to 48%. Single unit prices have been reduced 44%. For quantities of 500 or more, the price has been lowered 48%. To obtain current product prices and availability, contact David Ashman at Intel Corporation, Rue du Moulin a Papier, 51, Boite 1, B-1160 Brussels, Belgium. Tel: (322) 660 30 10. . . . and


Zilog is reducing the price of its MCZ 1/05 microcomputer by as much as £500. MCZ 1/05 is based on the Z80 microprocessor and has 64 kbyte storage. With this reauction, the price comes down to £3275. Discounts are available for the multiple-unit buyer.

microprocessors and microsystems