Notices with the University of Ghcnt and Antwerp. ‘Soft and hard tissue oral and maxillofacial reconstructive surgery’. Speakers: Professor R. E. Marx (*)--E. Carlson. *Director, Center for Maxillofacial Reconstructive Surgery, University of Miami School of Medicine. Information: Ccntrum Mond en Kaak, Harmoniestraat 68, 2018 Antwerpcn-Belgium. Tel: (32)3 216.47.07 or Fax: (32)3 238.04.89.
Membership of BAOMS Medical and dental practitioners with an interest in oral and maxillofdcial surgery, are invited to apply for Associate Membership. Associate Members will receive the journal, notification of the activities of the association, and the opportunity to attend meetings of BAOMS. The current subscription is E45 per annum. Application forms may be obtained from Kate Aldridgc, British Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons: The Royal College of Surgeons of En&land, 35143 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London. WCZA 3PN. Tel: 071-405-8074. Fax: 071-430-9997.
20-22 May 1993, Bad Homburg, Germany Arbeitsgemeinshaft fur Kieferchirurgic. Subject-preprosthetic and implantology in the lower jaw. Information: Priv. Doz. Dr B. Hoffmeister, Abt. Kieferchirurgie dcs Klinikums der, Christian-Albrechts, tiniversitat Kiel, Arnold Heller Str. 16, 2300 Kiel, Germany. Tel: 0431 5972833.
Medical Students’ Group-British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons The Medical Students’s Group of BAOMS provides a rcpresentative body for i.rainee Oral Surgeons undergoing medical education as a second degree. Medical students and prospective medical students are encouraged to contact Icithcr the chairman or the secretary for further information: Mr. T. K. On& (Chairman), 40 Winchester Road, Sheffield SIO 4EE. Tel: 0742 -302120. MS K. Sivaloganathan (Secretary), Flat 8, Hambledcn Court, St Francis Road, Lonoon SE22 8DE. Tel: 081-299-3768. MS A. Walker (Treasurer), Flat 3,23 Stainbeck Lane, Leeds LS7 3QR. Tel: 0532-697052. The Medical Students Handbook is available free of char&e.
25-29 May 1993, Cologne, Germany 43rd Congress of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fur MundKiefer-und Gesichtschirurgie. Symposium on ‘Recent Results of Experimental Research in Oral and Max\llofacial Surgery’. Information: Professor Dr K. L. Gerlach, Dres. Berg, Eckel, Girod, Schippers und Walz, Klink und Poliklinik fur ZMK-Hcilkunde der Univcrsitcat zu Koln, Mund-, KiefcrGesichtschirurgic, Joseph-Stelzmann-strasse 9, 5000 Koln 41, Germany. Tel: (0221) 478 5772 or (0221) 478 5774.
14-17 April 1993, Vienna Hofburg Fifth International Congress on Preprosthetic Surgery, organised by the Association for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery of the Austrian Dental Association. Information: Dr. W. Lill, Universitatsklinik fur Zahn-, Mund-und, Kicferheilkunde, A-1090 Wicn, Wdhringer Strasse 25a? Austria. Tel: 42 46 37.
27-29 May 1993, Dundee, Scotland ‘The integrated Orthodontic-Surgical correction of Dentofacial Deformities’. Speakers: Dr Bruce Epker and Dr Leward Fish (Directors of the Centre for the Correction of Dentofacial Deformities. John Peter Smith Hospital, Fort Worth, Texas). Information: Mr. J. D. Clark, Consultant Orthodontist, The Dental Hospital & School, Dundee, DDI 4HR. Tel: (0738) 23311 or Fax: (0738) 28502.
5-8 May, 1993, Linkiiping, Sweden Sixth Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Association for Cancer Education. Main topics: Communication skills and ethics, patient and family counselling, children and c:ancer. palliative care, prevention. free papers. Information: Dr Don W. Clarke, Secretary, EACE Consultancy International, 65 Grange Road, Blunham, Bedfordshire MK44 3NS, UK. Tel and Fax: (44) 767 40553. Dr Ullabeth Satterlund Larsson, Board Member, EACE, Ass. Professor, Dept. Communication Studies, Linkiiping University, S-581 83 Linkiiping, Sweden. Tel: (46) 13 282344; Fax: (46) I3 282299.
7-18 June 1993, Copenhagen, Denmark Pindborg Course in oral pathology. An intensive course in oral pathology (including most aspects of oral medicine) will be given in Copenhagen at the premises of the Danish Dental Association. The course consists of 40 lectures and 30 hours at the microscope and will be conducted in English. The course primarily aims at oral surgeons but also periodontologists, radiologists and others, who wish to update their knowledge in the field. The correlation between clinical aspects and histopathology is considered important. Further information: Secretary Anne Grcthe Ingvcrscn, Department of Oral Pathology, School of Dentistry, University of Copenhagen, 20, Norre AIIC, DK-2200 Copenhagen N, Denmark. Telephone: +45 35371700 ext. 4168.
6-8 May 1993, Antwerp, Belgium An international symposium, organized by Maxillofacial Surgery Unit Eeuwfeestkliniek Antwerp, in conjunction 133
British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial
12-13 June 1993, Aarhus, Denmark An international symposium organ&d by Aarhus University Hospital and co-sponsored by the International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons on Comprehensive Management of Cranio-facial Anomalics--State of the Art. Information: The Organising Secretariat, Department of Education, Aarhus IJniversity Hospital, Nsrrebrogade, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark. Tel: 45 8612 5555 X 3858; Fax: 45 8618 5239. Reduced reservation fees are available to those who register before 28 February 1993 and to members of IAOMS (reduction of 200 D Kr).
13-14 July 1993, Clan Clwyd Hospital, North Wales An advanced course in ‘TMJ Arthroscopy’ by Dr David HolIman of USA. Suitable for those who have already attended basic courses or have some experience in arthroscopy. Information: Mrs Ann H. Williams, Dept. Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Clan Clwyd Hospital, Bodclwyddan, Clwyd LL18 5UJ. Tel: (0745) 583910 ext. 4309 or Fax: (0745) 583143.
23-26 August 1993, FAinburgh, Scotland 25th Annual Meeting of the Association of Head and Neck Oncologists of Great Britain. International and local faculty with extensive social and family programme. Information: Mr. P. J. Bradley, Hon. Secretary, Department of ORL/Head and Neck Surgery. University Hospital, Queens Medical Centre, Nottingham NC7 2UH. Fax: (+44) 602-241653.
17-18 September 1993, London, England Autumn meeting of the British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons will take place at the Royal College of Surgeons of England, London. This will allow participation in the International Eurosurgcry Conference at the South Bank Complex, commencing on 15 September 1993. Information: Mr. M. R. Bromige, Honorary Secretary, BAOMS, Royal Collcgc of Surgcons of England, 35143 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London WCA 3PN. Tel: 071 405 8074; Fax: 071 430 9997.
31 October-5 November 1993, Broadbeach, Queensland, Australia 7th International Congress on Cleft Palate and Related Cranio-facial Anomalies. Qrganiscd by the Australian Cleft Lip and Palate Association. The meeting will focus on a multi-discipline approach to the cleft palate and related anomalies with specific emphasis on original research. Information: Mr. H. McComb. 7th International Congress on Cleft Palate and Related Cranio-facial Anomalies, 20 Cohn Street, West Perth, Western Australia 6005.
30 November-3 December 1993, Dharward, South India Complete management of cleft lip and palate: a how to do course for Oral Surgeons and Orthodontists. A 4-day symposium and a 3-day excursion to the nearby holiday resort: Goa-organised by the Dharward Cleft Unit. Information: V. Ilankovan, Dept of Oral and Maxihofdcial Surgery, Poole General Hospital. Longfleet Road, Poole, Dorset BHIS 2JB. Tel: 0202 675100 ext. 2080.
1994 2-3 September 1993, Guildford, Essex Four Symposium of The International Association of .Maxillofacial Surgeons in Training, in conjunction with the British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons in Training and the British Postgraduate Medical Federation. ‘Oral Cancer, current concepts in aetiology and management’. Invited speakers include Dr Jatin P. Shah (USA): Dr R. Ord (USA), Dr Gratz (Switzerland). Professor Raspall (Spain), Professor Fossion (Belgium), Professor Langdon (UK), Dr Hcnk (UK), and Mr Vaughan (UK). Information: The Secretary General, IAMFST, Flat 1, 5 Old Pye Street, London SWIP 2LD. Fax: 071 79 2303.
13-24 September 1993, Birmingham Basic Sciences Revision Course for Primary FDS examination. An intensive course of lectures, seminars and dcmonstrations will take place at Birmingham Medical and Dental Schools for candidates preparing for the Primary FDS examination of the Royal Colleges. For further details, please contact Mrs P Jefferis, Postgraduate Office, Dental School, St Chad’s Queensway, Birmingham B4 6NN. Tel. 021 236 8611, ext. 5805.
22-25 January 1994, Madras, India Third International Congress on Oral Cancer. Theme-Perspectives of Oral Cancer Research and Therapy in late Nineties. Key note addresses-Daily Plenary Addresses of 30 min duration will be delivered by Men of Excellence in their respective fields, outlining the present day concept and a comprehensive protocol to be established for the 2lst century before this decade runs out. Information: Arati Walia, Organising Secretary, 3rd International Congress on Oral Cancer, Oral Cancer, D-l, Kalindi Colony, Ring Road. New Delhi-110 065, India. Tel: 91-011-68449399 or Tlx: 031 66956 AKAS IN or Fax: 91 01 l-684 8343.
14-17 April 1994, Oxford, England Spring Meeting of the British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. The scientific programmc will highlight research activities and include a television presentation. Advance information from Dr J. Rayne, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, The John Radcliffe Hospital, Headington, Oxford OX3 9DU.
6-10 August 1994, Singqore Fourth International #Congress on Lasers in Dentistry. Organiscd by the International Society for Lasers in Dentistry. Information: Associate Professor Loh Hong Sai, Faculty of Dentistry. National University Hospital, Lower Kent Ridge Road, Singapore 05 I I. Tel: 065-7724933/7724988 or Fax: 065.-7732600/7785742.
6-l 1 September 1994, The Hague, The Netherlands 12th Congress of the European Association for CranioMaxillofacial Surgery. Information: Dr Paul J. W. Stoclinga, Dept. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Rijnstatc Hospital GZ, Wagncrlaan, The Netherlands.
4-6 September 1994, Croningen, The Netherlands International TMJ Conference: TMJ Degcnerativc Disease: Management. Organised as a preconfcrencc meeting of the 12th congress of the European Association for CranioMaxillofacial Surgery. Information: Dr Lambert G. M. de Bont. Department of Oral and Maxillofacal Surgery. University Hospital, PO Box 30.001. 9700 RB Groningen, The Ncthcrlands. Tel: 31 50.--613840: Fax: 31 50 -696724.
7 October 1994, London, England Autumn Meeting of the British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Scientific programmc followed by the Annual Dinner. Information: The Honorary Sccrctary, British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Royal College of Surgeons of England, 35i43 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London WC2A 3PN. Tel: 071-405-8074 or Fax: 071 430 9997.
British Postgraduate Medical Federation/ British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Advanced courses in oral and maxillofacial surgery 1993-1994 1993 Current Concepts in Oral Cancer. September. University of Surrey, Guildford. (1 n association with the International Association of Maxillofacial Surgeons in Training).
1994 Surgical and Medical Management of Salivary Gland Disease. February. London. Medical and Surgical Management of Facial Pain. June. London. Further details: B. M. W. Bailey FRCS, FDSRCS. Norman Rowe Maxillofacial Unit. Queen Mary’s University Hospital, Roehampton Lane: London SW15 5PN. 08 I-789-661 1 Ext. 2056.