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NOT[L'ES. ~.1'.~ A H I ~ A N G I ' I M I ~ N T IN I ' U B L I S I I I N G
A N D D l Y ; T R l l , ~ U T 1 N G "I'IIF F I : A N K L I N
T~lJ,: publishb G office of the Franklin Join'hal, will, hereafter, be at the ]Iall of the Institute. The Editorial department will remain mMm.nged, but the wm-k has become the property of the l:'rankliu Institute. Mr. William tlamilton has been appoil~ted ~.~ctt~ar?/,and all co|n|nunications relating to the subscription to, or the distributiott of the Journal, should, hereafter, be addressed to him athis office. Communications for insertion, or relathJg to the objects of the work, n, ay be sent either to the Editor, or to the Actuary. The distribution of a widely extended periodical, requires the undivided attentiou ofa,a individual; and it is believed that the new arrangement will insure a more pron~pt and efficient management il~ this particular, than has hitherto been lbund to be practicable, not.withstanding the cat'e of the late agent. Although tlie principal p~tblieation office will be at the Insti{ute, Mr. ])obson will contimu~ t,~ aid in the diffusion of the work~ and will communicate to the Editor, or to the Actuary, whatever concerns its interests.
9% Cbrres'pondents.~Mm l]ai lion; some which we have not found time to revise, mid some which are incapab!e af revisiom 1~'hen plans of maehinm T are ofl'ered, which we t}fink absurd~ we do not deem it necessary to put the projectors to the expense of postaxe , for the objectior~s which we might rage against their discoveries: ~vere we to do so, the liberality ofh> venlors might be put to a severe test, and we apprehend tim{ ore reward, inmost instances, would be a charge of ignorance, for noI being able to perceive what is so very clear to others°