Preface from the Conference Co-Chairmen The Eighth American Conference on Crystal 3rowth, ACCG-8, under the auspices of the ~merican Association for Crystal Growth AACG), was held July 15—20, 1990, at the Westin E-lotel in Vail, Colorado. This special issue of the Fournal of Crystal Growth is a compendium of the apers presented orally or in the poster session at he triennially held conference. Unfortunately, the ‘eader of these Proceedings will be unable to experience the full flavor of the conference, and he stimulating technical and social exchanges in;pired by the ambience of the Westin Hotel con‘erence facilities and the “Colorado Experience”. The conference attracted over 360 scientists, md a similar number of accompanying persons, epresenting some 20 countries. Over 200 invited md contributed papers were presented in 5 lenary, 1 poster, and 18 parallel sessions. Thirty‘our vendors, who provide apparatus, supplies, riaterials, and services to the crystal growth cornnunity, were an integral part of the conference md augmented the high quality of the technical program. It is worth noting that this is the first irne since 1978, ACCG-4, that the conference has tood solely as the American Conference on Crystal Growth. ACCG-5 and ACCG-6 were held jointly with the International Conference on Vapor growth and Epitaxy, while ACCG-7 was held jointly with the Third International Conference on 1—VI Compounds. The degree of participation at ACCG-8, in terms of the number of conferees and technical presentations, was almost double that of ACCG-4. The increase is consistent with the increasing interest in the crystal growth field, as also jndicated by the growing membership in the AACG. The Conference Banquet, as traditional, was highlighted by presentation of the AACG crystal l;rowth awards. Dr. Alfred Y. Cho and Dr. Morion B. Panish of AT&T Bell Laboratories in Mur-
ray Hill, New Jersey, were co-recipients of the prestigious International Crystal Growth Award. The award was presented in recognition of their outstanding contributions to the art and science of the epitaxial growth of group Ill—V semiconductor compounds and alloys. Invited lectures, on their respective contributions, were presented by the awardees at the opening session. Dr. Daniel Rytz, Senior Member of the Technical Staff at Hughes Research Laboratories in Malibu, California (presently at Sandoz Produkte in Basel, Switzerland) was presented the American Association for Crystal Growth Young Author Award. Dr. Rytz was honored for his work on crystal growth and characterization of ferroelectric oxides and high critical temperature superconducting cuprates. In retrospect, the conference was a success both technically and socially. This, to a large degree, is a tribute of the volunteer efforts of the members of the American Association for Crystal Growth, the Conference Organizing Committee, and the support of their respective employers in conjunction with United States government and corporate sponsors. The real measure of success, however, lies with all the conferees. The content and quality of the technical program, while massaged by the Program Committee, are functions of the quantity and quality of contributed presentations. The overall value of the social program is highly dependent on the enthusiastic participation of the attendees. In addition, the success and growth of the current conference is built on the legacy and success generated by past conferences. With these in mind, it is with great pleasure that an expression of thanks and appreciation is offered to all the organizers and attendees of past, this, and future American Conferences on Crystal Growth. W.A. Bonner and T. Surek