Enables users to link previously separate LANs together, forming a virtual I_AN, with line speeds equivalent to 200 kbit/s over Kilostream links. It works by connecting two LANs at the physical layer of the ISO seven layer model, and is transparent to DEC, Xerox, TCP/IP or ISO networking protocols. The unit provides full load sharing with automatic fallback if a link fails. A LCD display provides continuous status monitoring and a network management port enables network configuration and diagnostics to be used. Conforms to ISO standard network management procedures
Paxdata Ltd, Communications House, Frogmore Rd, Hemel Hempstead HP3 9RW, UK
Tricom Universal Bridge
Acts as an intelligent local and remote bridge between all standards-based LANs, including Ethernet, token ring, twisted pair or fibre optic connections. Protocols and environments handled include DECNET, LAT, TCP/IP, XNS, ISO, ICL OSLAN, Novell Netware IPX and Appletalk. Wide ~ange of connectivity solutions, from simple point-to-point connections over slow speed analogue circuits to complex multinode networks connected by high speed digital links. Will operate at full line capacity regardless of types of network connected
Tricom, Oxford Rd, Stokenchurch, High Wycombe, Bucks HP14 3SX, UK
Multimedia multiport Ethernet bridge capable of supporting up to six Ethernet, V.24/RS232 and 64 kbit/s or 2 Mbit/s digital interfaces. Completely modular, with throughput of up to 30 000 packets per second. Optimal routing algorithm ensures that all WAN trunks in a Jetlink network are employed. Automatically learns addresses of all attached stations and optimizes network efficiency and response times by only passing appropriate data packets between segments. Provides extensive network management in the form of Network Performance Analysis, which allows the Systems Manager to analyse and control all local/remote bridges and both LANs and WANs from a single point
Jaguar Communications, The Limes, Upper Marlborough Rd, St Albans, Hefts ALl 3UU, UK
Elan 2020
Encryption and security devices Network Security Workstation
Comprises a central management terminal running a PC application using windows and a mouse with cryptographic hardware and a printer for audit and alarm print. It is capable of supporting awide range of line encntptors including X.25, point-to-point multidrop units deployed at the host site and branch offices. Different types of communication configurations, such as X.25 networks and Megastream links can be controlled simultaneously. Reduces problem of key management through application of advanced key management techniques, minimizing the need for the manual generation, loading and distribution of keys. Also supplies on-line diagnostics and alarm monitoring of encryptors installed on the network
Data Innovation Ltd, 39 Mark Rd, Hemel Hempstead, Herts HP2 7DN, UK
MainLAN Adaptor Card
Developed as part of 386 Ethernet local area network. Software compatibility with NetBios, NetWare 2.15, IBM PC Network, MainLAN GTi and MainLAN/386. Complies with IEEE802.3 standard and can be used with most other network hardware that complies with these standards. Transmission speed is 10 Mbit/s. Card features specially designed chip which reduces hardware requirements
Sage Group plc, NEI House, Regent Centre, Gosforth, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK
Fibre optic communication card that provides IBM-PC, XT or AT computers, or systems based around the PC bus, with two FOSIL data communication channels. These channels are fully compatible with the PC's COM1 and COM2 serial ports, but can be allocated to any other I/O channel address if required. Control/status registers at independent I/O channel addresses allow the computer to program each FOSIL channel and to monitor channel status
Concise Technology, 10 Alpha House, Treforest Industrial Estate, Pontypridd, Mid Glamorgan CF37 5YG, UK
Miniature Ethernet network adaptor card for Carn/-1 range of PCs. Dimensions 3 inch long, 1.5 inch wide and 0.5 inch deep. Connects directly into the parallel printing port of the Carry-1 AT, providing a standard coax connection to the network. Compatible with networks which utilize Ethernett/IEEE 802.3 standards, operating at 10 Mbit/s and operating over RG-58 coaxial cable. The Pocket I.AN is supplied with a test program to check the link between two PCs on the network
Centreprise International, Hampshire International Business Park, Crockford Lane, Chineham, Basingstoke, Hants RG24 OGQ, UK
Interfaces I_AN
computer communications
PC-based telex interface designed to allow mainframe computers including Unix based systems to take advantage of the 7125 Telex service. Provides real time switched service on up to 46 channels connected to the Mercury telex network over a single leased X.25 circuit operating at 9 600 bit/s. In effect, acts as PABX for all large-scale telex users, handling all incoming and outgoing traffic, retries, answerback exchanges. Employs Sipher's interface conversion technology to support secure message protocols for the products of all the major message switch suppliers. Comprises 60 Mbyte fixed disc for support of transient message area, monitor, keyboard and parallel printer. Software is written in C
Sipher Designs Ltd, Unit 15, St George's Industrial Estate, White Lion Rd, Amersham, Bucks HP7 9JQ, UK
Provides complete any-to-any connectivity between FEPsand modems/ multiplexers, both locally and globally. Switch operates over an unlimited distance, made possible by using standard telephone company connections, combined with Data Switch's T-1 Switchlink facility. Other features include high speed interface support; menu-driven central network management with a NetView interface; an enhanced redundancy system that facilitates disaster recovery applications; and a distributed fibre optic architecture
Data Switch Ltd, Enterprise House, Foundation Park, 1A Roxborough Way, Maidenhead, Berkshire SL6 3UD, UK
PC multimodem offering V.42 and V.42 bis error correction in a standard half-card for IBM PC,AT and true compatible machines. Provides enhanced protection of a full 32-bit CRC (cyclic redundancy check) as standard. Quad standard with extended Hayes compatibility and complies with CCITT transmission standards V.22, V.22 bis, V.23 and V.21 as well as the CCITT error correction standard. Also compatible with MNP compression technique
Paxdata Ltd, Communications House, Frogmore Rd, Hemel Hampstead, Herts HP3 9RW, UK
Multidata 932
Multifunction modem providing full duplex communication with built-in dial-back security for up to 30 telephone numbers and passwords. Supports all major CCITT speeds from V32 to V21 with newly added V42 bis for faster throughput; a 3-to-1 data compression ratio enables a throughput speed of up to 38 400 bit/s. Other features include Microcom Network Protocol (MNP), LAP M error correction, and both V25 bis and 100% Hayes autodialling. Ease of use is ensured through the provision of help screens whilst the remote configuration capability allows engineers and support personnel to access remotely located modems without involvement from the remote site.
Multidata Communications Ltd, Unit 4, Shrivenham Hundred Business Park, Swindon, Wilts SN6 8TZ, UK
Honeywell RS-232 modem
Fibre-optic modem draws its power direct from the host to eliminate the need for separate mains cable. Complies with EIA RS-232 and CCITT V.24 standards. Offers full duplex, asynchronous links running at up to 19.2 kbitJs. Loss budget is 135 dB with 50/Jm core. Fully compatible with all sizes of fibre optic cable terminated with S/VIA connectors. Fibre optic links of up to 3 000 m can now be run direct from the RS-232 port on PCs
Verospeed, Stansted Rd, Boyatt Wood Industrial Estate, Eastleigh, Hants SPO5 4ZY, UK
Interfaces Xport
Universe Switch
Modems Excell 2442
From/eft to right: i.AN adaptor card from Centerprise; Honeywell R5-232 modem; Netcomm's G. 703 interface card
vol 13 no 8 october 1990