Projet de declaration des Ministres sur la Charge Thermique du Rhin

Projet de declaration des Ministres sur la Charge Thermique du Rhin

provide the permanent secretariat f o r the Ramsar Convention, if the Contracting Parties should decide to amend the Convention to make provision for ...

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provide the permanent secretariat f o r the Ramsar Convention, if the Contracting Parties should decide to amend the Convention to make provision for such a secretariat, with related financial provisions to ensure total funding through mandatory contributions from the Contracting Parties; (b) IUCN in cooperation with IWRB draw up a proposal with an indication of the minimum amount necessary for the interim period, (including necessary scientific support from IWRB), pending the establishment of a permanent secretariat, and forward this proposal to all Contracting Parties by 31 December 1980; this proposal to contain the activities as set out in Article 8.2 of the Convention; (c) the Contracting Parties should give sympathetic consideration to making voluntary contributions towards the costs of such interim arrangements, and reply on this point, and the proposed activities and draft budget, to IUCN not later than 1 March 1981; (d) IUCN, on the basis of any comments received from Contracting Parties to the proposal under (b) above, should prepare a revised proposal and transmit it to (i) the Contracting Parties, with a request that they make such voluntary contributions as they have agreed to as soon as possible; and to (ii) the Executive Director of UNEP with a request that he invites the Governing Council at its ninth session in May 1981 to consider providing any additional support which might be required f o r the interim arrangements from the Fund of UNEP.

Recommendation 1.11 The Conference Recognizing the importance of the present Conference for the Ramsar Convention; Extremely grateful to the Government of Italy for its invitation to hold the Conference in Italy, and to the Minstry of Agriculture and the Regional Assessorat for the Environment for their effective execution of the many tasks associated with the Conference in Sardinia; Expresses i t s warmest thanks to the Ministry of Agriculture and to the Regional Assessorat for the Environment, as well as to the Mayor of Cagliari, f o r their welcome and hospitality; Noting further the effective operation of the Ramsar Convention in italy and in particular the designation for the List of two new Sardinian sites, Sale Porcus and Mistras to be visited during the post-Conference tour; Deeply impressed by the exceptional importance of Sardinian wetlands and especially the two lagoons east and west of Cagliari designated for the Ramsar List and visited by participants during the Conference; Recommends that research and action be considered at all appropriate levels to maintain the ecological character of all these sites.




1. Los Ministres des Etats riverains du Rhin ont d~cidd Iors des Conferences Ministdrielles de La Haye, Bonn et Berne que toutes los Cenrales futures seraient munies d'un syst~me de refroidissement & circuit ferm~ ou d'un syst~me ~quivalent.


2. IIs ont, Iors de la Conf6rence du 25 mai 1976 ~ Berne, charg~ la Commission Internationale d'~laborer une Convention sur la pollution thermique du Rhin. La miseau point de celle-ci exige des ~tudes complexes qui sont en cours. 3. Depuis la Conference de La Haye, lee Gouvernements repr6sent6s ~ la Commission Internationale ont men~ leur politique en mati6re de protection du milieu aquatique en se basant sur lee d~cisions prises Iors de ces Conf6rences. lie ont veill6 notamment ~ ce que lee principes fixes lore de celles-ci soient respect6s par lee autorisations individuelles de rejet de chaleur. 4. En attendant I'entr~e en vigueur de la Convention sur la pollution thermique du Rhin, lee Gouvernements veilleront ~ ce que rien n'intervienne, qui soit contraire aux d~cisions des Conf6rences des Ministres et aux objectifs de cette future Convention. lie s'informeront au sein de la Commission Internationale des r~alisations projet~es d#s que lee autorit6s auront termin~ tee procedures internes ~ cesujet, et & un moment qui permettra ~ la Commission Internationale de presenter en temps utile see observations sur lee effete de ces projets sur lee eaux du Rhin. 5. lie se consulteront immediatement sur lee mesures ~ prendre en cas de situation critique de la qualit6 des eaux du Rhin, influenc~es par lee rejets thermiques. 6. Lee Ministres pr~cisent que lee "syst~mes de refroidissement & circuit ferm~ ou ~quivalent" comprennent uniquement des dispositions constructives sp~cifiques, qui rendent possible de r6duire, en r6gle g6n~rale, lee rejets de chaleur dane le Rhin & moins de 10 de la valeur obtenue par refroidissement ~ eau vive. []

UNEP OFFSHORE DRILLING AND MINING* Aspects concerning the Environment related to Offshore Drilling and Mining withinthe Limits of National Jurisdiction A. General provisions 1. States should, either individually o r j o i n t l y , by all appropriate means, take preventive measure against, limit, and in so far as possible reduce pollution and other adverse effects on the environment resulting from offshore exploration f o r and exploitation of hydrocarbons and other minerals, and related activities, within the limits of national jurisdiction (hereinafter referred to as "operations"). To this end, States should, in particular, adopt legislative and regulatory measures and provide appropriate machinery. 2. (1) States should ensure that their laws, regulations and other measures relating to operations are no less effective than international rules, standards and recommend practices and procedures. They should, acting either directly or through the competent international organizations, facilitate and encourage the exchange of legal, scientific and technical information relating to activities intended to prevent, combat and reduce pollution and other adverse effects on the environment resulting from operations. (2) These laws, regulations and other measures adopted by States should, in so far as possible, be harmonized, in particular at the regional level, taking into account the best *(See Editorial).

available standards and technology. Global or regional rules, standards and recommended practices and procedures should be established. 3. States, acting directly or through the competent international organizations, should cooperate in protecting the environment from pollution and other adverse effects resulting from operations: (a) in formulating, in particular at the regional level, concerted policies, taking into account characteristic regional features; (b) by promoting the development of science and the transfer of technology. 4. Co-operation between States with regard to protection of the environment from pollution and other adverse effects resulting from operations should be carried out on the basis of good faith and in the spirit of good neighbourliness. Such co-operation should, inter alia, not cause any unreasonable delays in the carrying out of the operations. 5. States should designate, either individually in areas under their jurisdiction or, where appropriate jointly, protected areas in order to safeguard from pollution and other adverse effects of operations, important eco-systems or representative samples thereof, as well as special habitats critical for the survival of endangered species of fauna and flora.

B. Authorization system 6. (1) The important features of operations, including construction, erection on site and major alteration of installations, should be made subject to a prior written authorization from the competent authority of the State which, before granting such authorization, should be satisfied that the applicant has the technical knowledge, ability and economic capacity as deemed to be necessary by the authority to carry out the operations, as well as to apply the necessary safety measures and, whenever necessary, to take contingency action. Such authorization should be given in accordance with an appropriate procedure. For the purposes of these conclusions, "installation" means any offshore structure or facility, whether fixed or mobile, which is used for exploring for, exploiting, storing, loading or transporting hydrocarbons or other minerals from the seabed or its subsoil, but is not considered to include a ship used for transportation of hydrocarbons or other minerals. (2) The granting of an authorization should be preceded by an assessment of the effects of the proposed operations on the environment, unless the competent authority is satisfied that in the light of the scope, duration and technical methods employed in the operations, significant adverse effects on the environment cannot be expected. (3) Authorization should be refused if there are clear indications that the operations are likely to cause significant adverse effects on the environment which could not be avoided by compliance with the conditions in the authorization. 7. The authorization should provide f o r concrete requirements on environmental protection. Such authorization should in particular require the operator: (a) To take all necessary measures to ensure that spillage, leakage or wastes resulting from the operations do not endanger public health, fauna and flora and coastal regions; (b) To have an adequate contingency plan; (c) To remove the installation upon completion of the operations in so far as this is justifi-

Environmental Policy and Law, 7 (1981)