International Jownol of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Physics
Printed m the Netherlands
BOOK REVIEW Specfres de Vibration
et SymCtrie des Cristaux, by H. POULFTAND J. P. MATHIEU,
Gordon & BreachS Paris, London, New York, (French edition in preparation.)
1970, price DM 90.00 approx.
The book intends to give a systematic approach to the aspects of symmetry, to the evaluation of the number and the properties of normal vibrations, to the study of the interactions with radiation and the calculation and observation of crystal spectra. There are the following chapters: (1) Symmetry properties of crystals, (2) Internal structure of crystals, (3) Elements of crystal dynamics, (4) Symmetry of vibrations, (5) Fundamental vibrations of crystals, (6) Classical theory of the optical phenomena, (7) Phonons and photons, (8) Interactions between matter and radiation, (9) Selection rules according to the symmetry of fundamental vibrations, (10) Absorption and scattering spectra of higher order, (11) Experimental results - applications of the theory. Seven appendices are included dealing with the elements and applications of group theory. There have been-since Mathieu’s first book from 1945 with a similar titlenumerous presentations on special aspects of crystal spectroscopy. The access to this field has been quite difficult. A newcomer had to work through a lot of papers mostly inconsistent in nomenclature. The authors succeed in giving a coherent description with as simple mathematics as possible. The new book of Poulet and Mathieu reflects the experience they have gathered in their work on the spectra of many crystals. It is most comprehensive, instructive and applicable, it is delightful to read and accessible for both chemists and physicists. Bernhard Schrader