Textbook of pathology

Textbook of pathology

fBOOK R EVIEWSf ENDOCRINOLOGY IN MODERN PRACTICE. of surgica1 knowIedge is becoming too vast to By WiIIiam WoIf, M.D. Second Edition. PhiIadeIphia...

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PRACTICE. of surgica1 knowIedge is becoming too vast to

By WiIIiam WoIf, M.D. Second Edition. PhiIadeIphia, 1939. W. B. Saunders Company. Price $10.00. This Iarge book of 1077 pages covers the heId of endocrinoIogy from every conceivabIe angle and brings the subject matter up to date. In every sense of the term it is,a textbook, but one which is eminentIy readabIe. Any physician, whether genera1 practitioner or speciaIist, can turn to it with profit. The various glands and their diseases are covered in separate chapters. Other specia1 chapters cover shied subjects, such as the menopause, pregnancy, menstruation, obesity and steriIity. There is an elaborate discussion of Iaboratory procedures and their use in endocrine diagnoses, and a section on the application of endocrinology to non-endocrine disturbances. This edition is far better ihustrated than the first, but unfortunately stiI1 Iacks a 6ibIiography. TEXTBOOK




CoIeman, M.D. and Robert Elman, M.D.Second Edition. New York, 1939. D. AppIeton-Century Company. Price $8.00.



This work first appeared in 1936, but the authors have felt a new edition desirabIe to record more recent progress. The authors have remained of the opinion that the book should incIude onIy what they considered the most important details of genera1 surgery “in such a way as to be of every day value to the practicing physician as we11 as to the medical student.” In the new edition, obsoIete or reIativeIy unimportant material has been deIeted or shortened. More important data, such as a consideration of smfanilamide therapy, the prevention and treatment of bIeeding in jaundice by vitamin K, mixed tumors of the Iung, changes eIucidating further the decompression therapy of intestina1 obstruction (to name but a few) have been incIuded in this volume. Discussion of operative technique has been confined to a few of the more common types of operations, for the writers fee1 that “the fund 217

incIude surgica1 diagnosis and detaiIed operative data in one volume. (For) an inadequate and brief description of an operation might lead to the erroneous conclusion that certain procedures were simple and might be performed with inadequate preparation on the part of the surgeon.” This statement alone would inffuence us to favor this book. The voIume is 1031 pages Iong, has 559 figures, a bibIiography at the end of each chapter, and an index. LA DERMATOLOGIE EN CLIENTkLE. By H. GOUGEROT, M.D. Sixth Edition. Paris, 19x9. Maloine. Price 220 francs. Gougerot, one of the great names in dermatoIogy, has brought up to date in a sixth edition his book on the practice of dermatoIogy. This forms part of a series on medica practice, in which different authors have written texts on the application of their speciaIties to the needs of average practitioners. Dr. Gougerot, who is Professor of DermatoIogy and SyphiIoIogy at the Paris Faculty of Medicine, is a recognized authority on the subject. He has attempted in this voIume to differentiate the known from the unknown, to simpIify and present onIy the essentiaIs of the subject. The book is 800 pages Iong and intensely practicaI in viewpoint throughout. It is we11 iIIustrated by over 300 photographs, many in coIor. Like most French books, it is inadequately indexed, but an attempt has been made through an exhaustive tabIe of contents, to indicate where various items may be located. TEXTBOOK OF PATHOLOGY. By Charles W. DuvaI, M.D. and Herbert J. Schattenberg, M.D. New York, 1939. D. AppIetonCentury Company. Price $8.50. The authors have written a book that stresses the reIationship between pathoIogic physiology and aItered tissue changes or morbid anatomy. They cIaim that “this permits of a better understanding of important cIinica1 phenomena and their correIation with basic pathoIogica1


American Journal of Surgery

Book Reviews

findings.” The writers cIaim that pathology is a basic science, and that the student should be thoroughly grounded in histopathoIogy before undertaking the study of disease from the cIinica1 standpoint. With this the reviewer heartily agrees. The subject matter is presented in such a manner that the theme of the text is the pathoIogy of the Iiving patient. This book, has not been written aIong the Iines of a “deadhouse” subject. References from foreign Iiterature have been purposeIy omitted and onIy those by EngIish and American authors that are pertinent to the text are included. The subject is covered thoroughIy and in detail. The reading is cIear and easy. In the 681 pages there are nearIy 350 iIIustrations, many in color. The index is ampIe. AI1 in aII-everything to be desired in a textbook of this character. CANCER LARINGEO: su QUIRURGICO. By Ricardo Buenos Aires, 1938.

There index.


284 iIIustrations


an ampIe

CIRURGIA DO MEGAESOFAGO. By Edmund0 VasconceIos and GabrieI BoteIho. Sao PauIo, 1937. Companhia Editoria NacionaI.

This monograph on the surgica1 management of the mega-esophagus, by Professor VasconceIos and Dr. BoteIho, of the MedicaI FacuIty of the University of Sao PauIo, BraziI, is a thorough, up to date study on a very important surgica1 probIem. It consists of 401 pages in Portuguese, covering the history, theories, physioIogy, histoIogy, pathology, diagnosis and surgica1 procedures of this annoying esophagea1 maIady or Iesion. Were it not for the Iinguistic problem, this book shouId be in every medica man’s library. NevertheIess, thoracic surgeons wouId do we11 to familiarize themselves with this important TRATAMIENTO monograph. H. Bisi, M.D.

This monograph on the surgica1 treatment of cancer of the Iarynx is very impressive in scope and wealth of detail. The detaiIed iIIustrations are very cIear and instructive. It deaIs thoroughly with the indications for operative and non-operative intervention of IaryngeaI cancer. Many usefu1 points are given as to the pre- and pdstoperative care in Iaryngectomy. THE SCIENCE AND ART OF JOINT MAJames MenneII, M.D. voi. I,-The Extremities. PhiIadeIphia, 1939. P. BIakiston’s Son & Co. Price $4.50.


This book (233 pages) is different. It reveaIs in every chapter that the author is not writing a treatise on theory but a monograph on a subject with which he has had practica1 cIinica1 experience. It is recommended to anyone who treats patients suffering from disorders of the joints of the extremities. The book sets a standard for teaching and practice in the science and art of joint manipulation and offers a standardized procedure for the technique of examination, diagnosis and treatment. The contents incIude a survey of joint lesions, referred pain, ruIes for manipuIation, and studies of each joint by itseIf.

THE ENDOCRINE GLANDS. By Max A. GoIdzieher, M.D. New York, 1939. D. AppIeton-Century Company. Price $10.00. EndocrinoIogy is one of the foremost topics of medicine of the present era. HardIy a week passes but new discoveries in this fieId are made or new theories offered for consideration. It has become a compIex, involved part of medicine, which calIs for an understanding of some of the basic sciences and an appreciation of cIinica1 reaIities. Therefore, this book by one who has devoted his energies to this fieId for over thirty years is welcomed. The writer has utiIized the recent advances in the field of physiology and pathoIogy fbr practica1 purposes in the diagnosis and treatment of endocrine disorders, and offers simultaneousIy evidence to support the statements made. The book can serve as a source of references for those who desire additiona detaiIed information. In addition to stressing the morphoIogy, physioIogy and morbid anatomy, the author presents a new and detaiIed cIassification of and, in addition, disthe endocrinopathies, cusses the prevalent methods of diagnosis and treatment. This work contains gr6 pages, with references folIowing each topic. There are 271

figures and an index.