Textbook of practical oral surgery

Textbook of practical oral surgery

Book Reviews which would have been made by others. Thus, the reviewer would have preferred some expansion of Chapter 1 (Principles) in order to deal m...

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Book Reviews which would have been made by others. Thus, the reviewer would have preferred some expansion of Chapter 1 (Principles) in order to deal more thoroughly with the manipulation or repair of the tissues, whilst the next two chapters which deal with radiography and local anaesthesia could have been either reduced or omitted altogether. There are a number of striking omissions. Thus, the insertion of a bone-graft is described in Chapter 15, but no details are given concerning the manner in which the bone-graft is obtained. Chapter 17 details the removal of a mucocele and the sublingual and submandibular salivary glands, but omits any description of surgery of either the salivary ducts or the parotid gland. Chapter 18 mentions a masking operation for the treatment of mandibular retrognathism, but omits reference to the valuable ‘reverse obwegeser ’ procedure, whilst the following chapter contains no description of the Henny ‘condylar shave ’ operation. Despite these omissions the atlas contains much to interest and instruct both undergraduate and postgraduate students of oral surgery, although its price makes it likely that they will borrow it from a library rather than buy it for themselves. G. L. HOWE Textbook of Practical Oral Surgery. Edited by DANIEL E. WAITE. 6% x9$ in. Pp. 567. Illustrated. 1972. Philadelphia : Lea & Febiger (London : Kimpton). f8.75. This multi-author textbook has been written by following the syllabus laid down by the 1952 Workshop in Oral Surgery. The book also seeks to impart knowledge of basic principles and techniques of oral surgery. While the overall objectives are clear there seems to have been a certain lack of advice to the various contributors about the style and contents of the chapters. From the title one expects there to be an emphasis on diagnostic and operative aspects, but in fact the chapters vary widely in the proportion of space allocated to the aetiology, pathology, clinical features, and treatment of the relevant conditions. There is also a considerable variation between contributors in the depth and detail thought appropriate for an undergraduate text. Likewise the academic standard varies from section to section. The pages have been printed in a double-column lay-out with, in general, the text on one side and the illustrations on the other. This makes it easy to link the illustrations with the appropriate part


of the text. It is profusely illustrated and, considering its size, the book represents very good value at f8.75. The informal style of writing is likely particularly to appeal to the undergraduate, for whom it is primarily intended. Postgraduates will be interested in the chapters by Dr. Gorlin and by Dr. Steinhauser. These are clear and succinct accounts of salivary-gland diseases and developmental abnormalities of the jaws and their treatment respectively. At the end of most chapters there is a sizeable list of references. The general appearance of the book is attractive and there seems every prospect that it will prove to be a popular addition to the oral surgical literature. G. R. SEWARD Drugs in Dentistry (Dental Practitioner Handbook No. 9). Second edition. By L. W. KAY. 83X 53 in. Pp. 330. Illustrated. 1972. Bristol: Wright. 64. The first edition of this book which was published 3 years ago received well-deserved acclaim by dentists and particularly dental students. It was probably the most valuable of the ‘Dental Practitioner Handbook ’ series so far published, and largely fulfilled the author’s expressed hope of providing an up-to-date guide to rational prescribing in clinical practice. The introduction of new drugs applicable to dental practice occurs at a far slower rate than for general medical practice, but sufficient changes have occurred in the past 3 years to justify this new edition. In addition to bringing the contents of each chapter up-to-date, there has been some rearrangement of the text to provide a more logical grouping of drugs with similar actions. Perhaps regrettably the number of pages of text has increased from 208 in the first edition to 330 in the second edition. The first chapter has been considerably enlarged to include a general description of pharmacodynamics which follows the fate of a drug from the site of administration, through its absorption, distribution, metabolism, and mechanism of action, to eventual clearance from the body. A further addition is a description of the development and control of new drugs, with a detailed consideration of the methodology and organization of clinical trials. Throughout the book the author stresses the need for care in the prescribing of drugs, and nowhere more so than in the 6rst chapter, where a section on ‘Some Do’s and Don’ts in the Practice of Dental Surgery ’ must cover every actual or potential prescribing sin. The number of items in this section has increased from 21 in the first