328 loose and was removed through the mouth. The patient made and enforcement of the Act, the definition of food, the rapid recovery and but little facial deformity resulted. The provision of more stringent fines, the enforcement of the movement of the joint was perfectly normal and even during Acts where negligence is evident, and the fact that it is the separation of the sequestrum was fairly free, due to the imperative on every local authority now to appoint a public fact that the disease stopped before,it reached the articular analyst without reference to a central authority. cartilage. The necrosis seems to have been due to septic inflammation in connexion with the deciduous molars. The THE NEW UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM. interesting features of the case seem to be the apparent THE charter and statutes for the government of the freedom from general trouble from the constant swallowing of new of Birmingham have been laid on the University the discharge, the rapid and excellent recovery, and the table of the House of Commons. Mr. Chamberlain is to be a removal without the aid of an external incision of so large the first Chancellor. The Principal, who is to be appointed of the mandible. portion by the Crown, is not yet nominated. Mr. Bertram Coghill Alan Windle, M.A., M.D., D.Sc., F.R.S., has been CAMBRIDGE SUMMER SCHOOL OF MEDICINE. the first Dean of the Faculty of Medicine. THE success of this gathering in 1894 was so great that appointed Certain interesting questions arise out of these appointments we understand it is in contemplation at Cambridge to renew as showing that the University is at length a reality. the invitation to qualified medical men to visit the University. There is, for instance, the very interesting question, from It is hoped that at about the end of June arrangements can a medical point of view, as to a representative upon the be made at the laboratories to demonstrate to the visitors the General Medical Council. In any case the medical, prolatest advances in the medical sciences. The colleges are fession may congratulate itself upon the election of so disbeing approached in the hope that they will afford accom- tinguished a teacher as Dr. Windle to the responsible post modation to a certain number of visitors as before at cost he holds. price. When the arrangements are complete due notice of them will be given. WE understand that the President of the Board of Agriculture has appointed a Departmental Committee to inquire THE LEGAL CONTROL OF PROSTITUTION IN and report as to what regulations may be made by the Board THE UNITED STATES. in regard to the standards of quality of milk and cream. The THE Medical Record of New York publishes a paper by difficulty in connexion with proceedings taken under the Dr. S. Lustgarten of New York on the above subject. The Sale of Food and Drugs Act has been to differentiate exactly paper was contributed to the Transactions of the Interna- between abnormal milk or milk which has been watered tional Conference for the Prevention of Syphilis and or from which cream has been abstracted. It is to be Venereal Diseases held in Brussels in September, 1899. hoped that the long-vexed question of what is and The chief interest of the paper is in showing the almost what is not genuine milk or cream may be decided complete absence of legislation in the United States by this committee by recommending a system of fair to secure control over prostitution and the two great standards. Public analysts in particular will welcome the absence. reasons for such First, in the sovereignty announcement of the appointment of this committee which of the individual states in dealing with such sub- will consist of the following gentlemen :-Lord Wenlock jects for themselves and by themselves, and, secondly, (chairman), Mr. George Barham, Mr. George Cowan, Major the absence of any public feeling in the States on a Patrick George Craigie, Mr. S. W. Farmer, Mr. Shirley large scale in favour of such legislation. There is only Murphy, Professor Thorpe, and Mr. J. Augustus Voelcker. one instance in the history of the States of an attempt at Mr. Robert Henry Rew (of the Board of Agriculture), will legislation of this kind. The Missouri Legislature in 1872 serve as secretary to the committee. enacted a law to regulate prostitution in the city of St. Louis. Though the law operated beneficially in the THE Odontological Society of Great Britain is prepared to estimation of well-informed writers and physicians it only receive applications for grants in aid of the furtherance of remained on the statute books of the State for about a year scientific research in connexion with dentistry. For further and it was repealed in dramatic style with popular demonstrations. Dr. Lustgarten points out that for any such particulars application should be made to the Honorary legislation to be beneficial it must include all the states. Secretary, Scientific Research Sub-committee, Odontological Otherwise the effect is to other Society, 40, Leicester-square, London, W.C. to drive a
states and cities. ____
DRUGS ACT, 1900. CIRCULARS similar to those issued some months ago by the
THE subject for discussion at the annual clinical debate to be held by the Chelsea Clinical Society on March 13th and 20th is the Treatment of Rheumatism, with special reference to Prophylaxis and Cardiac Complications. The names of the speakers will be shortly announced.
Board of Agriculture in London have been issued by the Local Government Board in Edinburgh to the local authorites of Burghs in Scotland. It is pointed out that by Section 23 of the Act now in force all the powers and duties Mr. R. Clement Lucas has been appointed by the vested in or imposed upon the Secretary for Scotland in Treasurer and Governors of Guy’s Hospital, on the unanirelation to the Sale of Food and Drugs Act are transferred mous recommendation of his colleagues, to the lectureship to the Local Government Board in Edinburgh. The circulars on Surgery in the Medical School, rendered vacant by the contain much the same useful information as those whic’a resignation of Mr. N. Davies-Colley. were issued by the Board of Agriculture in London and which were dealt with in an annotation in THE LANCET of Nov. 18th, 1899 (p. 1389). The better control over the NEWPORT AND MONMOUTHSHIRE INFIRMARY.manufacture and sale of margarine is the subject of an At the annual meeting in connexion with the Newport attached circular. The chief points to be noticed by the Workmen’s ILfirmary Fund held on Jan. 24th under the authorities who are entrusted with the carrying out of the presidency of the mayor it was stated that £1027 had been purpose of the Act are as follows :-The power of the Board during 1899, being an increase of £212 as compared whether in Scotland or England of securing the execution with the preceding year.
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