Degrees of Bachelor of ItZedicine and Baclcelor of Surgery.Sargery, Surgical Pathology, Surgical Anatomy, Surgical : Before admission to the degree of M.B. or Ch.B. candiOperations, Clinical Surgery. For the degree of Doctor in Medicine (M.D.) candidates dates are required to present certificates that they will must be not less than twenty-four years of age and musthave attained the age of 21 years on the day of aatisfy the University as to their knowledge of Greek. Ingraduation and that they have-pursued the courses of case they shall not have passed in this subject at theistudy required by the University Regulations during a Preliminary Examination in Arts for the M.B. degree they period ot not less than five years subsequently to the must present themselves at Durham for examination in itdate of their registration by the Ganeral Medical Council, of such years having been passed in a College of the at one of the ordinary examinations held for this before they can proceed to the higher degree of M.D. University, and one year at least having been passed in a They must also have obtained the degree of Bachelor in College of the University subsequently to the date of passMedicine of the University of Durham and must have been iog the First M.B. Examination. All candidates for the engaged for at least two years subsequently to the datedegrees of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery of acquirement of the degree of Bachelor in Medicine inare required to satisfy the examiners in the several subjects attendance on the practice of a recognised hospital, or in the of the followiog examinations : the First Examination, the military or naval services, or in medical and surgical prac- Second Examination, and the Final Examination. The First Examination.-Tbe subjects of examination are tice.I Each candidate must prepare an essay, which must be typewritten, based on original research or observation, on as follows :-(1) Chemistry ; (2) Elementary Biology ; (3) some medical subject selected by himself, and approved of Physics. Candidates must have attended during at least one by the Professor of Medicine and must pass an examination year courses both of lectures and of laboratory work in each thereon, and must be prepared to answer questions on the of the above-named subject?. The Examination is divided other subjects of his curriculum so far as they are related to into two parts: Part 1, Physics and Chemistry ; Part 2, the subject of the essay. Biology;, and the candidates may pass in these parts The University of Durham has instituted a special examina- separately. The Second Examinati.on.-The subjects of examination tion whereby the degree of Doctor of Medicine may be obtained without residence. Candidates shall not be under are as follows :-A : (1) Anatomy ; (2) Physiology. including 40 years of age and shall have been in active practice for Physiological Chemistry and Histology ; B : (3) Materia 15 years as registered medical practitioners. They shall Medica and Pharmacy. Candidates may pass in A and B produce certificates of moral character from three registered separately. The Final Examination.-The subjects of examination members of the medical profession, and if they have not passed an examination in Arts previously to the Professional are as follows :-(1) Pharmacology and Therapeutics. (2) Examination in virtue of which they have been placed on the General Pathology and Morbid Anatomy. (3) Forensic Register, they shall be required to pass in Classics and Medicine and Toxicology, and Public Health. (4) Obstetrics Mathematics. Candidates who have passed an examination and Diseases of Women. (5) Surgery, Systematic, Clinical in Arts previously to being placed on the Register are and Practical. (6) Medicine, Systematic and Clinical, inrequired to pass an examination in Latin. They will be cluding Mental Diseases and Diseases of Children. Candidates may either present themselves in all the six examined in the Principles and Practice of Medicine, including Psychological Medicine, Hygiene, and Thera- subjects of examination on the same occasion or may pass peutics, the Principles and Practice of Surgery, Midwifexy, the examination in two parts, the first part consisting of and Diseases of Women and Children, Pathology (Medical two or three of the subjects (1), (2) and (3), the second part and Surgical), Anatomy (Medical and Surgical). Medical of the remaining subjects. Candidates who fail to satisfy the examiners in the first Jurisprudence, alld Toxicology. The fee will be 50 guineas, of which 20 guineas will be retained if the part must either present themselves again in the subjects as selected or in all the three subjects of the First part or in all candidate fails to satisfy the examiners. Candidates for any of the above degrees must give at least the six subjects of examination. Candidates for the first part of the examination must have 28 days’ notice to Professor Howden, Stcretary, College of Medicine, Newcastle-on-Tyne. completed the fourth ivinter of medical study. of
Candidates tor the second part of the examination, or for the whole examination, must have completed the fifth year VICTORIA UNIVERSITY (MANCHESTER). of medical study. Degree of Doctor of Medicine. -Candidates are not eligible Colleges of the University: Owens College, Manchester ; f the degree of Doctor of Medicine unless they have University College, Liverpool ; and Yorkshire College,for received the degrees of Bachelor of Medicine Leeds. I previously Matriculation, which consists in signing the University aand Bachelor of Surgery and at least one year Register, must precede entry upon any course of study in ahas elapsed since they passed the examination for College of the University, if that course is to be counted tthose degrees. Candidates for the degree of Doctor towards the required minimum of attendance for a degree. cof Medicine are required to present a printed disThose only can matriculate who are registered students of a ssertation embodying the results of personal observations c or original research, either in some department of College of the University. Four degrees in Medicine and Surgery are conferred by thermedicine or of some science directly relative to medicine. Victoria University-viz., Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor INo candidate will be admitted to the degree unless his shall have been recommended by the of Surgery (M.B, and Ch.B ), Doctor of Medicine (M.D.), dissertation General Board of Studies to the Council for acceptance. and Master of Surgery (Ch.M.). All candidates for degrees in Medicine and Surgery are Candidates may be examined on any subject connected required to pass an examination called the Preliminarywith their dissertations. Examination (Faculty of Medicine), or to have passed such Degree of Master of Surgery.-Candidates are not eligible f the degree of Master of Surgery unless they have preother examination as may be recognised by the Universityfor , received the degrees of Bachelor of Medicine and for this purpose. viously Bachelor of SQrgery and at least one year has elapsed since 1 The examinations at t present recognised are:—1. Graduation in they passed the examination for those degrees. The subjects this or some other university of the United Kingdom, provided thatof examination are as follows : (1) Surgical Anatomy ; Latin has formed part of one of the Degree Examinations. 2. London (2) Surgery ; (3) Operative Surgery; (4) Clinical Surgery ; Matriculation. 3. Higher Certificate of the Oxford and Cambridge Schools Examination Board. (Certificates must show that the candi- (5) Ophthalmology ; and (6) Pathology and Bacteriology. date has satisfied the Examiners in Latin, Elementary and Additional Communications should be addressed to the Registrar, Mathematics, English or History, and in either Greek, French, or German. The Mechanical Division of Natural Philosophy will satisfy Victoria University, Manchester. the requirements in Mechanics.) 4. Senior Oxford Locals (Honours). ’Certificates must show that the candidate has satisfied the Examiners UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM. in Latin. Pure Mathematics, English Essay, English History, and in either Greek, French, German, or Spanish. Applied Mathematics The University of Birmingham grants the degrees of M.B., (Section D) or Mechanics and Hydrostatics (Section E) will satisfy the requirements in Mechan’cs.) 5. Senior Cambridge Locals (Honours). B.Cb., M.D., M.Cb., and also a B.So., and a degree and a (Certificates must show that the candidate has satisfied the Examiners in Latin, Euclid, and Algebra, English Composition, and English a all the subjects required by the General Medical Council. If Mechanics the subject of examination, an approved History, and in either Greek, French, German, or Spanish. Applied has not been included Mathematics (Section H) or Statics, Dynamics. and Hydrostatics fXHnina.t.ion in that subject must b passed hefore the candidate passes (Section K) will satisfy the requirements in Mechanics). Provided that tne Fmst 14.b Examination. ’Jhe Board of Studies has discietionary he subjects included in eich of the above examinations sha 1 includepower to accept ucher t xtminationa of at least equal standard.
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diploma in Public Health. degrees it is necessary that
In order to obtain any of these Before commencing his medical studies each student mus6. a student shall have passed at pass a preliminary examination in (1) English, (2) Latin, least the first four years of his curriculum in attendance upon (3) ( Elementary Mathematics, and (4) Greek or French or the classes of the University. ( German : Provided always that, in the case of a candidate whose native language is not English, an examination in, -Degrees of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery The student must have passed either the Matriculation 1the native language of the candidate may be substituted Examination of the University or one of the following for J one in either French or German, and an examination in examinations. For the present the University will recognise !any other classical language for one in Latin or Greek. No one is admitted to the degrees of Bachelor of Medicine any one of the following examination?, in lieu of its own Matriculation, in the case of merticai students, providedand Bachelor of Surgery who has not been engaged in Medical always that such examination shall have inc luded the sub-and Surgical study for five years. No course of lectures jects of English, Latin, Mathematics, and any one of the will be allowed to qualify unless the lecturer certifies that Greek, French, German, or any other modernit has embraced at least 100 lectures, or 50 lectures. as foreign language, and that all the subjects have been passed may be required by the regulations, and that the student at one examination : (a) the previous examination of tt e has also duly performed the work of the class. Candidates ior the degrees of M.B. and Ch.B. must have University of Cambridge ; (b) lesponsions of the University of Oxford ; (c)the Preliminary or Matriculation Examina- attended for at least three academic years the medical and tion of any recognised University ; (c) the (Higher) Certi- surgical practice either of the Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh, or ficate of tbe Oxford and Cambridge Examinations Boatd ; of a general hospital elsewhere which accommodates not (e) the Oxford or Cambridge Junior Local Examinations, fewer than EO patients and possesses a distinct staff of with First or Second Class Honours, or with Distinctions in physicians and surgeons. They must have attended Clinical two subjects, which may be either languages or mathematics ; Surgery during a course or courses extending over not less (f) the Oxford or Cambridge Senior Local Examioarion; than nine months. These courses may be conducted by the (g) the College of Preceptors’ Examination for First Clas professor of clinical surgery, or by professors or lecturers A Matriculation Examination will be held appointed for the purpose by the University Court, or by Certificate. Fitst Examioa- the ordinary surgeons of the Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh, on Sept. 15th, 1902, and 6ucceediog cays. tion.—Chemistry and Physics. Second Examination.— or of a general hospital defined and recognised as hereinAnatomy, Comparative Anatomy, and Physiology. Third before provided, and shall consist of regular instruction at Fourth the bedside, along with clinical lecturef. A similar course Examinatlon.-Materia Medica and Pharmacy. Examination (at the end of the fourth year).-Pharma- of clinical medicine during a course or courses extending cology, Pathology. Forensic Medicine, Toxicolegy, and over not less than nine months is required. The candidate Two Jea-s’ hospital work must have must have attended a course of instruction in Mental Diseases Public Health. been accomplished. Final Examinatlon.-Medicine, Surgery, given by the University Lecturer, or by a recognised Midwifery, Gynaecology, Mental Diseases, and Ophthal- Teacher, consisting of not less than six Class-room mology. Attendance at a general hospital for a year after meetings for lectures and demonstrations and ten the passing of the fourth examination will be required, also meetings in the Wards of a recognised Asylum for the attendance at a fever hospital and lunatic asylum. Vaccina- insane. The candidate must have attended a course of tion instruction must be taken out and courses of Ophthalmo- 25 meetings on Practical Pharmacy in a university or recognised school of medicine, or have dispensed drugs logy, Medical and Surgical Anatomy and Operative Surgfry, Degrees nf Doctor y Medicine and Master of Surgery.- for a period of three months in a hospital or dispensary, or Candidates for either of these degrees will be requirtd e tber in an establishment recognised by the Poarmaceutica1 (a) to prfsent a thesis embodying original observations in Society. The candidate must have attended for at least six in the medical curriculum and months, by apprenticeship or otherwise, the out-practice of a some subject embraced approceh by a board of medical (xaminers to whom tbe hospital, or the practice of a dispensary, or of a physician or thesis will subsequently be submitted, on the report of which surgeon, or of a member of the London or Dublin Society board the degree will be awarded or withheld (the candidate of Apothecaries. He must have acted as clerk in the may be examined on the subject which he has chosen for his medical wards and dresser in the surgical wards of a public thesis and the examiners may require to see the notes of hospital for a period of six months in each case ; and must original observations on which the thesis is basfd); or also have availed himself, to such an extent a may be (b) to pass a general examination (written and nracticai) in required by the Senatus, with the approval of the University Medicine or Surgery, according to the degree desired, and, Court, of opportunities of studying at a hospital or in addition, to show special proficiency in any one of the dispensary, Post-mortem Examinations, Fevers, Diseases of For the the Eye, Operative Surgery, and one of the three following, following subjects to be cbofen by the candidate. degree of ’M. D. : (a) Infectious Diseases, (b) D:;;eases of the viz —Diseases of Children, and Diseases of the Larynx, Ear, Chest (c) Diseases of tbe Abdomen, (d) Nervous Diseases, and Nose, and Diseases of the Skic, or such other special (e) Diseases of Children, (f) Midwifery, (g) Pathology, departments as may from time to time be determined. The (7?) Bacteriology, (i) Medical Jurisprudence and Toxicology, candidate must have attended, under the superintendence of (j) Public Health, (k) Mental Diseases. or (l) Diseases of the! a registered medical practitioner, twelve cases of labour, Skin. For the degree of M.Cb. : (a) Regional Surgery, or such additional number as the Senatus, with the sanction (b) Gvnmcolcgv, (c) Ophthalmology, or (d) Diseases of ttje! of the University Court, may from time to time determine; or have attended for three months the practice of a lyiDgEar, Noe, and ThYoat. Degree i)6 Public Hcalt7t.-la’or the regulations for this! in hospital, or of the maternity dppartment of a general hospital or other public charitable institution, and have condegree and for the diploma in the same subject see p. 621. Fees.-Matriculation, £ 2 ;First Examination, ;E5 ; Second ducted personally six or such an additional number of cases Examination, £ 5 ; Third Examination, VI; Fourth Examina- of labour as the Senatus, with the approval of the University Court, may from time to time determine. The candidate tion, £ 3 ; Final Examination, f:5. must have been properly instructed in Vaccination at a public vaccination station, by a public vaccinator, authorised UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH. by the proper Goverr ment authority to grant certificates of Four Degrees in Medicine and Surgery are conferred by proficiency in vaccination. the University of Edinburgh-viz., Bachelor of Medicine; Next, with respect to the places and icstitutions at which (M.B.), Bachelor of Surgery (Ch.B.), Doctor of Medicine the studies of the candidate may be prosecuted, the following (M.D.), and Master of Surgery (Ch.M.). The degree ofF regulations have effect : Two of the five years of medical Bachelor of Surgery cannot be conferred on any personi study must be spent in the University of Edinburgh. The who does not at the same time obtain the degree of Bachelor’ remaining three years may be spent in any University of of Medicine, and similarly the degree of Bachelor of Medicine the United Kingdom, or in any Indian, Colonial, or Foreign is not conferred on any person who does not at the same’ university recognised for the purpose by the University time obtain the degree of Bachelor of Surgery. Court, or in such medical schools or under such teachers A special University certificate in Diseases of TropicalL as may be recognised for the purpose by tho University Climates is also granted to qualified medical practitioners; Court. Of the subjects of study, 16 in number-viz., and others specially interested after approved attendance oni Anatomy. Practical Anatomy, Chemistry, Practical Chethe courses of instruction in Tropical Diseases and Practicall mistry, Materia Medica. Physiology, Practical Physiology Bacteriology, including the Micro-organisms of Tropicall Practice of Medicine, Surgery, Midwifery and Diseases of -
following :
Women, Patholcgy, Practical Pathology, Physics, Botany,