Royal Infirmary. For further information apply to Professor Howden, Secretary of the College. Hygiene.-The regulations with regard to the degrees in
Sanitary Science
will be found under the section
MEDICINE, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.-A
has been added to accommodate the departments of physiology and bacteriology. It also contains a students’ gymnasium and a set of Students’ Union rooms. new
Clinical Instruotion.-The new Royal Victoria Infirmary, containing upwards of 400 beds, was opened by His late Majesty King Edward VII. in 1906. In the new infirmary adequate accommodation is provided for the study of the various special subjects, in addition to the ordinary The following Scholarships and Prizes clinical work. are awarded annually:-Four University of Durham Scholarships, value f..25, tenable for four years, for proficiency in Arts, awarded to full students in their first year. The Pears Scholarship, value 0850 a year, tenable for three years (when vacant). The Dickinson Scholarship, value the interest of 400, and a Gold Medal, for Medicine, Surgery, Midwifery, and Pathology. The Tulloch Scholarship, value the interest of E400, for Anatomy, Physiology, and Chemistry. The Charlton Scholarship, value the interest of .t700, for Medicine. The Gibb Scholarship, value the interest of £500, for Pathology. The Goyder Memorial Scholarship (at the Infirmary), value the interest of E325, for The Luke Clinical Medicine and Clinical Surgery. Armstrong Memorial Scholarship, value the interest of .6680, for Comparative Pathology. The Stephen Scott Scholarship in Surgery, value the interest of .61000. Heath Scholarship : The late Dr. George Yeoman Heath, President of the University of Durham College of Medicine, bequeathed the sum of .t4000 to found a Scholarship in Surgery, the interest to be awarded every second year; the next award will be in 1914. The Gibson Prize, interest on 08225, in the department of Midwifery and Diseases of Women and Children. The Turnbull Prize and Medal for Surface Anatomy. At the end of each session Prizes of Books are awarded in each of the regular classes. Assistant Demonstrators of Anatomy, Prosectors, and Assistant Demonstrators of Physiology and Pathology are elected yearly. Pathological Assistants, Assistants to the Dental Surgeon, Assistants in the Eye Department, Throat and Ear Department, and Skin Department, Clinical Clerks, and Dressers are appointed every three months. NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE ROYAL VICTORIA INFIRMARY.This Infirmary was founded in 1751 but has been entirely rebuilt, the new hospital being opened in 1906. The The number of in-patients number of beds is 430. annually is 8000 and of out-patients 100,000. The medical students of the University of Durham attend the practice of this hospital. Clinical Lectures are delivered by the Physicians and Surgeons weekly and ward demonstrations are given daily. Tutorial classes are held by the Assistant Physicians, Assistant Surgeons, and Surgical Registrars weekly, and demonstrations are given in
all of whom are paid, and preference for these appointments is given to students who have fulfilled their curriculum in the hospital. The sessions open on April 18th and Oct. lst of each year. Applications for detailed information should be made to the Dean, Dr. Horsley Drummond, at the hospital. Staff.-Phvsicians: Dr. T. Beattie, Dr. W. E. Hume, Dr. Horsley Drummond, and Dr. Alfred Parkin. Assistant Physicians: Dr. George Hall, Dr. T. M. Allison, Dr. D. W. Patterson, and Dr. T. C. Hunter. Surgeons: Mr. J. Rutherford Morison, Mr. A. M. Martin, Mr. H. B. Angus, and Mr. J. V. W. Rutherford. Assistant Surgeons : Mr. W. G. Richardson, Mr. J. W. Leech, Mr. John Clay, and Mr. G. G. Turner. Ophthalmic Surgeon: Mr. J. D. Wardale. Assistant Surgeon: Mr. T. Gowans. Throat and Ear Department: Surgeon: Mr. S. S. Whillis. Assistant Surgeon: Mr. W. F. Wilson. Gynaecological Department : Dr. R. P. R. Lyle. Skin Department: Physician : Dr. Robert A. Bolam ; Assistant Physician : (vacant.) No Orthopaedic Department now ; this branch is now done by the general surgeons. Electrical Department : Dr. W. D. Arnison. Pathologist : Dr. Stuart McDonald. Assistant Pathologist: Dr. W. T. Sewell. Bacteriologist : Dr. H. J. Slade. Pathological and Analytical Chemist : (vacant). Ansesthetists: Dr. F. G. Armstrong, Dr. W. J. Phillips, Dr. H. H. Markham, and Medical Registrars: Miss H. Gurney Dr. W. Seymour. and Dr. J. Leslie Wilson. Surgical Registrars : Mr. J. W. Heslop, Mr. J. C. Stewart, Mr. R. J. Willan, Mr. Hamilton Drummond, and Mr. F. C. Pybus. There are other institutions at which the student of medicine of the University of Durham can receive clinical instruction. Practical Midwifery can be studied at the Newcastle Lying-in Hospital. Instruction is given in Psychological Medicine at the Northumberland County Asylum, Morpeth, by Professor T. W. McDowall, the Superintendent. A special course of instruction is given in the City Hospital for Infectious Diseases by the Superintendent, the City Officer of Health, Dr. Harold Kerr. NORTHUMBERLAND, DURHAM, AND NEWCASTLE INFIRMARY FOR DISEASES OF THE EYE, St. Maiy’s-place, New-
castle-on-Tyne.—Consulting Surgeon: Dr. F. Page. Staff Surgeons: Mr. A. S. Percival and Mr. H. P. Bennett. Assistant Surgeons : Dr. Stanley Robson. Honorary Anaesthetist : Dr. 0. W. Ogden. House Surgeon: Miss F.
Matron : Miss M. Webster. Secretary : Mr. Smith, 61, Westgate-road, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Outpatients for 1912, 9360 ; in-patients, 339.
Rahtkens. Richard
the several
out-patient departments daily. Pathological are given by the Pathologist daily or as opportunity occurs, and in the new buildings nothing has been spared in perfecting scientific equipment. In addition to medical and surgical in-patient and out-patient departments the following special departments are fully equipped for teaching students: Ophthalmic, Throat and Ear, Skin, Orthopaedic, Gynaecological, Electrical, and Bacteriological. The hospital building contains the following laboratories : 1. Special Pathological Laboratory, attached to the postmortem rooms. 2. Bacteriological Laboratory, in which all clinical bacteriological investigations are carried outopsonic indices estimated with a view to treatment by demonstrations
vaccines and serums, &c. 3. There is in addition a Glinical Laboratory attached to each ward and to the outpatient department. There are five operating theatres in use in the hospital, three large theatres, a smaller one for emergencies, and an out-patient theatre. The surgical practice is especially good; more than 8000 surgical operations were performed in the last 12 months. Every facility is given to students to take out the full or any part of the hospital curriculum, and clerkships or assistantships in any of the several special departments are open to undergraduates or graduates for periods of from one to three months. There are 12 resident medical and surgical officers,
University of iiirmingham grants the degrees of M.B, Ch.B., M.D., Ch.M., and also a degree and a diploma in Public Health. The course for the Bachelors’ degrees extends over five years from the date of registration with the General Medical Council. As a rule the first four of these years must be spent in the University, but the Senate has power of recognising attendance at another University as part of the attendance qualifying for these degrees and of recognising examinations passed at such other Universities as exempting from the examinations in Chemistry, Physics, and Elementary Biology. In the case of such students at least three years must be spent in attendance upon classes at the University. The fifth year may be spent at any other school or schools of medicine recognised by the University. The students of the Medical Faculty can be members of the University Club, the University Athletic Club, and the University Officers’ Training Corps, while they possess a guild-the Guild of Undergraduates-which is designed to be a recognised medium of communication between the teachers and the taught. The University Medical Society and the Dental Students’ Society also offer opportunities of cooperation for mutual benefit. Degrees of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Sugery.The student must have passed either the Matriculation Examination of the University or one of the following examinations. For the present the University will recognise any one of the following examinations, in lieu of its own Matriculation, in the case of medical students, provided always that such examination shall have included the subjects of English, Latin, Mathematics, and any one of the following: Greek, French, German, or any other modern foreign language, together with Chemistry or Experimental Mechanics, or some other branch of Experimental Physics, and that all the subjects have been passed at one
631 At the University of Birmingham the following Scholar- examination : (a) the previous examination of the University of Cambridge ; (b) Responsions of the Universit ships are awarded:-(a) Myers Travelling Studentship of of Oxford ; (0) the Preliminary or Matriculation Examina- 08150, tenable for one year, awarded by vote of committee to tion of a recognised University; (d) the (Higher) Certi- M.B., Ch.B. Birm., B.Sc. candidates, tenable at one of ficate of the Oxford and Cambridge Examinations Board; certain German universities ; (b) Ingleby Scholarship (e) the Oxford or Cambridge Senior Local Examina- of .E10, awarded to the candidate at Final Examination
A Matriculation Examination will
obtaining highest " first-class" marks in the subjects of Midwifery and Disease of Women; (c) Sydenham Scholarship of £ 42, tenable for three years, award of Council to orphan sons of medical practitioners ; (d) Sands Cox Scholarship of £42, tenable for three years, awarded to the candidate, not being more than 19 years of age, taking the highest marks at the July Matriculation ; (e) Dental Scholarship of £ 37 10s., Open Competitive Examination in subjects learned during apprenticeship : (f), (g), (h), and (i) Four
Sept. 8th, 1913. First Examination.-Chemistry and Physics and Elementary Biology. Second Examination.Anatomy and Physiology. Third Examination.-Pathology. and Bacteriology, Materia Medica and Practical Pharmacy. Fourth Examination (at the end of the fourth year).Forensic Medicine, Toxicology, Public Health, and Therapeutics. Two years’ hospital work must have been accomplished. Final Examination.-Medicine, Surgery, Midwifery, Diseases of Women, Mental Diseases, and Ophthalmology. Attendance at a general hospital for a year after the passing of the fourth examination will be required, also attendance at a fever hospital and lunatic asylum. Vaccination instruction must be taken out and courses of Ophthalmology, Medical and Surgical Anatomy, and Operative Surgery. Degrees of Doctor of Medicine and Master of Surgery.At the end of one year from the date of having passed the final M.B., Ch.B. examination the candidate will be - eligible to present himself for the higher degrees of either Doctor of Medicine or Master of Surgery or both. Candidates for either of these degrees will be required to
In the Second and Fourth Examinations the Scholarship is awarded respecto the student taking the first place and obtaining tively " first-class"marks. In the Third Examination the Scholarship is awarded to the student obtaining the highest firstclass marks in Pathology and Bacteriology, provided that such student passes at the same examination in the subjects of Materia Medica and Practical Pharmacy. In the Final Examination the Scholarship is awarded to the candidate taking the first place in the examination-that is, obtaining the greatest aggregate number of marks-provided that in each of the subjects of Medicine, Surgery, and Midwifery he gains not less than 60 per cent. of the total available marks ; (j) George Henry Marshall Scholarship of E10, awarded annually, for the encouragement of Research Work in Ophthalmology; and (k) Russell ments of the medical curriculum enumerated below, and in Memorial Prize, a prize of books, value about .62, awarded addition he will be required to pass a general examination annually to the student who, not being of more than six in Principles and Practice of Medicine. It will be in the years’ standing as a student of the School of Medicine of power of the Board of Examiners to exempt a candidate the University, shall pass the best examination in the subject whose thesis is of exceptional merit from any part of these of Nervous Diseases. examinations. Clinical Instruation.-The medical students of the UniA thesis may be presented in any of the following versity receive their clinical instruction by attending the departments of study : (a) Anatomy, including Comparative amalgamated practice of the General Hospital and the Anatomy, (b) Physiology, (c) Human or Comparative Queen’s Hospital, details of which follow. The clinical instruction of the Birmingham medical Pathology, (d) Bacteriology, (e) Pharmacology, (f)Therapeutics, (g) Medicine, (A) Mental Diseases, (i) Preventive students is carried on under the direction of the University Medicine or Public Health, (j) Toxicology, (k) Legal Clinical Board. The hospitals present an excellent field for clinical work, possessing more than 500 beds, treating Medicine, (Z) Midwifery. Candidates for the degree of Ch.M. are required to comply annually over 8000 in-patients and 100,000 out-patients. with the following regulations :-At the end of one year The students spend part of their curriculum in each from the date of having passed the final M.B., Ch.B. !, hospital, and thus have every opportunity of acquiring a Examination candidates will be eligible to present themselves varied, full, and practical knowledge of their professional for the higher degree of Master of Surgery. Candidates for work. The curriculum is adapted in the first place to this degree will be required to comply with the following meet the needs of the students of the University of Birregulations: 1. Every candidate shall present a thesis, mingham, but it is also well adapted to the requirements embodying observations in some subject embraced in one of students preparing for the examinations of all other ,of the departments of the medical curriculum enumerated universities and licensing bodies. At the General Hospital below; in addition the candidates will be required to pass a there are open to the students the following appointments: general examination in Principles and Practice of Surgery A resident medical officer, elected annually (.E100); a and to perform operations on the cadaver. 2. It will be in resident surgical officer, elected annually and eligible for the power of the board of examiners to exempt a candidate re-election for three years (S100) ; a resident pathologist, whose thesis is of exceptional merit from any part of these elected for six months (£50) ; three surgical casualty examinations. 3. The candidate may be examined in that officers, elected annually and eligible for re-election department of the medical curriculum from which the (.650); three house physicians and four house surgeons subject of his thesis is chosen and the examiners may hold office for six months, receiving board, residence, require to see the notes of original observations on which and salaries at the rate of 0850 a year; two house the thesis is based, (a) Surgery, (b) Pathology, (c) Bacterio- surgeons to the gynaecological, ophthalmic, and aural logy. (d) Gynaecology, (e) Ophthalmology. departments are elected every six months, receiving board, Degree in Public Health.-For the regulations for this residence, and a salary of £50 a year; two assistant house degree and for the diploma in the same subject see p. 690. surgeons are elected every three months, receiving board, Fees.-Matriculation, £ 2 ; First Examination, :E2 ; Second residence, and salaries at the rate of <&40 a year; a resident Fourth Examina- medical officer at the Jaffray Hospital, who is elected Examination, £ 2 ; Third Examination,
Queen’s Scholarships of £10 10s. each.
632 THE BIRMINGHAM GENERAL HOSPITAL.-The General London, or (4) the Higher Certificate Examination of Oxford’ Hospital contains 342 beds, and of these 327 are in and Cambridge Joint Board, or (5) the Senior Local Exadaily use, upwards of 5497 in-patients passing through mination of Oxford or Cambridge, or (6) some other the wards yearly. There are special wards for children examination of equal standard accepted by the Joint for gynaecological, septic and infectious cases, and special, Matriculation Board. The course of professional study, subbeds are reserved for eye, ear, and skin cases. Some sequent to passing the Matriculation Examination and having 67,317 out-patients are treated there annually. The been registered as a medical student, extends over five years. post-mortem department is in a separate building. It The degrees in the Faculty of Medicine are Bachelor of consists of a mortuary with a small viewing room, a Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (M.B. and Ch.B.), Doctor post-mortem room proper, and laboratories for bacteriology of Medicine (M.D.), Master of Surgery (Ch.M.), and Master and morbid histology. In addition there are separate rooms of Hygiene (M.H.). in the main building, adjoining the various medical and -Degrees of Bachelor of Medieine and Bachelor of surgical wards, for clinical pathology, and these are under the S’uryery.-Candidates for the degrees of Bachelor of There are four operating Medicine and of Surgery must have attained the age direction of special officers. theatres, all designed and fitted on the most modern lines. of 21 years on the day of graduation. At least two of the In connexion with the hospital is the Jaffrav Suburban Hos- five years of medical study must have been passed in the pital of 56 beds at Gravelly Hill. The arrangements for University, and one year at least must have been passed in clinical teaching at this hospital are very thorough. In the University subsequently to the date of passing the First addition to the clinical teaching given in the wards and Examination. The other three years may be passed at any out-patient department by the honorary staff medical and college or medical school recognised for this purpose by the surgical tutorial classes are held for senior and junior University. Candidates must pass three examinations entitled students, while clinical instruction is given in all the special respectively: the First Examination, the Second Examination, and the Final Examination. The fee is £5for each departments by the gentlemen in charge of them. Conexamination. The subjects of the First Examination are:o Dr. Robert Staff :-Consulting Physician : Saundby. sulting Obstetric Officer: Dr. Edward Malins. Physicians : (1) Chemistry, Inorganic, Organic, and Physical; (2) Biology Sir Robert M. Simon, Dr. T. Stacey Wilson, Dr. T. (Zoology and Botany) ; and (3) Physics. The examination isSydney Short, and Dr. J. W. Russell. Surgeons: Mr. divided into two parts-namely, (1) Chemistry and Physics, Gilbert Barling, Mr. William F. Haslam, Mr. George and (2) Biology; and candidates may present themselves Heaton, and Mr. A. Lucas. Obstetric Physician : Dr. in these parts separately. The subjects of the Second Thomas Wilson. Aural Surgeon and Laryngologist: Dr. Examination are (a) Anatomy and Physiology (includingF. W. Foxcroft. Physician in Charge of Skin Department : Physiological Chemistry and Histology), and (b) Materia Dr. A. Douglas Heath. Ophthalmic Surgeon : Dr. R. Medica, Pharmacy, and Pharmacology. Candidates may Assistant Physicians : Dr. A. Stanley present themselves in (a) or (b) separately. The subjectsBeatson Hird. Barnes, Dr. William H. Wynn, Dr. J. E. H. Sawyer, and for the Final Examination are: (1) General Pathology Dr. L. G. Parsons. Assistant Surgeons: Mr. Leonard P. and Morbid Anatomy ; (2) Therapeutics ; (3) Forensic Gamgee, Mr. Frank Barnes, Mr. Seymour Barling, and Medicine and Toxicology ; (4) Public Health ; (5) Obstetrics. Mr. E. Musgrave Woodman. Assistant Obstetric Officer : and Diseases of Women ; (6) Surgery, Systematic, Clinical, Mr. H. B. Whitehouse. Visiting Pathologist : (Vacant). Operative, and Practical, including Ophthalmology; and Anaesthetists : Dr. Sydney Haynes, Dr. W. J. McCardie, (7) Medicine, Systematic and Clinical, including Mental and Mr. R. H. R. Whitaker. Surgical Photographers and Diseases and Diseases of Children. The Final Examination Radiographers : Mr. J. Hall-Edwards and Mr. F. Emrys- is divided into three parts, the first consisting of subject (1), Jones. Dental Surgeon : Mr. R. H. Astburv. the second of subjects (2), (3), and (4), the third of THE QUEEN’S HOSPITAL.-Similar arrangements for clinical subjects (5), (6), and (7). Candidates may present themteaching are made here, and the material also is excellent. selves in these parts separately. Candidates for the third Ward and tutorial classes are regularly conducted by the part must have completed the fifth year of medical study. staff, there are daily clinics in the out-patient department, Degrees oj Doctor of Medicine and Master nf S1l,rgery.while teaching duties are definitelv assigned to the house No candidate will be admitted to the degrees of Doctor of physicians and house surgeons. There are also special Medicine or Master of Surgery unless he has previously received the Degrees of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor departments for gynaecology and ophthalmology. Staff :-Consulting Physicians : Sir James Sawyer, Dr. of Surgery, and at least one year has elapsed since he passed C. W. Suckling, and Dr. A. H. Carter. Consulting Surgeons: the examinations for those degrees. Candidates for the Mr. Frank Marsh and Mr. Bennett May. Consulting Oph- degree of Doctor of Medicine are required to present a thalmic Surgeon: Mr. Priestley Smith. Physicians : Dr. dissertation embodying the results of personal observations 0. J. Kauffmann, Dr. J. Douglas Stanley, and Dr. J. G. or original research, either in some department of medicine Emanuel. Surgeons: Mr. J. T. J. Morrison, Mr. C. A. or of some science directly relative to medicine : provided Leedham-Green, and Mr. W. Billington. Obstetric Officer : always that original work published in scientific journals’ Dr. C. E. Pucslow. Ophthalmic Surgeon: Mr. Wilfrid or separately shall be admissible in lieu of, or in addition to, Allport. Physician for Out-patients : Dr. L. G. J. Mackey. a dissertation specially written for the degree. No candiSurgeons for Out-patients: Mr. A. W. Nuthall, Mr. B. J. date shall be admitted to the degree unless his applicaWard, and Mr. Bertram A. Lloyd. Pathologist: Dr. L. tion after report from the Faculty of Medicine shall have Ball. Radiographer : Mr. W. Steuart. Anaesthetist: Mr. been accepted by the Senate. Candidates may be required to undergo examination in any subject connected with the L. Kirkby Thomas. BIRMINGHAM AND MIDLAND EYE HOSPITAL, Church- dissertation. The subjects of examination for the degree of street, Birmingham.-Honorary Consulting Physician : Dr. Master of Surgery are : (1) Surgical Anatomy, (2) Surgery, R. Saundby. Honorary Consulting Surgeon: Mr. D. C. (3) Operative Surgery, (4) Clinical Surgery, (5) OphthalmoLloyd-Owen. Surgeons : Mr. E. W. Wood-White, Mr. J. logy, and (6) Pathology and Bacteriology. Jameson Evans, and Mr. W. H. Fulford Eales. Dental SurDiploma in Ophthalmic Surgery.-A Diploma in Ophthalmic geon : W. Madin, B.D.S. Anaesthetist: Dr. S. W. Haynes. Surgery (D.Ch.O.) has been instituted for candidates who Radiographers : Mr. Hall-Edwards and Mr. Emrys-Jones. possess a qualification or Diploma in Medicine which entitles This hospital possesses 110 beds, and there is an average to registration in the United Kingdom. The examination daily attendance of out-patients of over 270. This institu- for the Diploma will be held twice a year, at the end of the tion is recognised by Universities and the Royal College summer and autumn terms. Candidates before presenting of Surgeons, England, and Royal College of Physicians, themselves for examination, and subsequent to having London, as an ophthalmic hospital at which clinical instruc- obtained a registrable qualification or diploma, must have tion in ophthalmology may be received. Students attending attended: (a) a three months’ course of study in the for a period of three months will be granted certificates anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the eye in the Uniwhich will qualify for the University and Conjoint Board versity ; (b) a course of instruction extending over not less than three terms in an ophthalmic clinic recognised by examinations. the University ; and (e) a course of lectures on the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the eye during one term. UNIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOL. The student must pass either (1) the University Matricula- The subjects of examination are: (1) The anatomy and tion Examination, or (2) the Final Examination for Gradua- histology of the visual organs and centres ; (2) the tion in Arts of any university in Great Britain and Ireland, or physiology of vision ; (3) physiological optics ; (4) bacterioin relation to diseases- of the eye ; (5) the mor.bidl (3) the Matriculation Examination of the University ofi logy