Torishima adds service facility in UAE

Torishima adds service facility in UAE

NEWS Nviro Cleantech considers making offer for Southbank N viro Cleantech plc has made a proposal to Southbank UK plc, the parent company of Haywa...

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Nviro Cleantech considers making offer for Southbank


viro Cleantech plc has made a proposal to Southbank UK plc, the parent company of Hayward Tyler Group Ltd, which may lead to an offer being made for the entire issued and to be issued share capital of Southbank. The proposal remains subject to Nviro Cleantech’s completion of satisfactory due diligence into Southbank and the unanimous recommendation of the Southbank board. Hayward Tyler Group is one of the oldest engineering companies in the UK designing and manufacturing pumps and motors for the oil and gas and power generation industries. Nviro Cleantech specialises in commercialising clean technologies, building them from the innovation stage to industrial scale. For further information, visit, and

¥0.6 billion and order backlog of ¥57.1 billion at the same half year point a year earlier. For further information, visit

Grundfos expands in Egypt


rundfos has set up a new sales company in Cairo, Egypt. Grundfos Egypt will focus on project solutions within building services, agriculture, infrastructure and OEM water treatment. The new Grundfos premises will include operating demonstration units and facilities for customer training. ”It is our mission to be the market leader in our core markets with pump solutions and value added services. Our partners and stake holders will relieve some of the region’s most urgent challenges within water, treatment, and energy efficient solutions,” said Mike Otten, general manager of the new company. The Danish pump company has been represented in Egypt since 2002 by its sales company in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

For further information, visit

Torishima adds service facility in UAE


apan’s Torishima Pump Mfg Co Ltd has opened a new engineering, service and pump plant solutions company in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Torishima Service Solutions LLC, which is located in Dubai’s TechnoPark, will provide maintenance for more than 10 000 of the company’s pumps that are installed in the Middle East. Parent company Torishima Pump Mfg has invested ¥1 billion in the new venture, which will employ 50 people. Torishima Service Solutions is expected to generate annual revenues of ¥50 billion. In the six months to 30 September 2009, Torishima Pump Mfg secured orders worth ¥22.2 billion, sales of ¥20.9 billion, operating profit of ¥1.0 billion and net profit of ¥1.2 billion. Order backlog at the end of the period was ¥51.7 billion. This compares with orders of ¥27.8 billion, sales of ¥19.8 billion, operating profit of ¥0.7 billion, net profit of 16

Pump Industry Analyst

Energy Recovery opens new corporate HQ


nergy Recovery Inc (ERI) has relocated its corporate headquarters and manufacturing operations to a nearby facility in San Leandro, California that will include ceramics research and production capabilities. The new headquarters combine the company’s business and manufacturing operations into a single 165 000 sq ft facility allowing for an increase in production capacity for ERI’s PX pressure exchanger. “Our new headquarters provides ERI with a distinctive competitive edge, as it enables us to integrate our supply chain and expand our product offerings through extensive, unmatched research and development capabilities. We look forward to years of continued success in the new location as we further strengthen our position as the industry’s leading provider of energy recovery devices,” said GG Pique, Energy Recovery president and CEO.

For further information, visit

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December 2009