D e c e m b e r , 1934]
rive. Eleven had died, 95 were totally unfit for work, coughing and sputumpositive, and 10 were partially fit for work, though still coughing and bringing up sputum. Lunde notes that his discouraging observations are shared by Sauerbruch, who has come to regard phrenic avulsion by itself as being of negligible value.
pain in the right ear a month previously followed by otorrhcea. The pain had disappeared but the otocrhcea was persisting. There was some enlargement of the mastoid and carotid glands, and over the mastoid was a small fluctuating swelling. At operation the lesions in this situation were so extensive that a mastoidectomy had to be performed. At the antrum the lesions extended up to the meninges. A further operation a month later, a resection of the posterior wall of the bony canal, was T U B E R C U L O S I S OF T H E EAR. necessary; but suppuration still con. ORMEROD, F.C. Tuberculous Otitis tinuing the petro-mastoid region was Media. Prec. 27oyal Soc. Medicine, 1933, cleared out three months later. Histological examination of the material 26, 564. showed absolutely typical tuberculosis. The case is reported Of a man, The child made a good recovery, and aged 27, giving a history of cough for the cavity was becoming eicatrised. nearly two years and a series of The writer points out that this, and hmmoptyses eighteen months previ- another analogous case published a ously, when artificial pneumothorax year ago in an infant of 10 months, was induced. Three months after the shows I~he importance of the nasohmmoptyses both e a r s began to dis- pharyngeal route in the propagation of charge, tubercle bacilli being found in tuberculosis in the child. These forms the pus from each ear. The larynx of primary tuberculosis of the middlewas normal. Both lungs were severely ear are curable by surgical methods, as infected and the prognosis, as regards in other osseous localisations. the pulmonary condition, appeared to be very bad, but the condition improved URBANTSCHITSCH, E. Ueber klin. after the o n s e t of the otorrhcea. The isch primare Tuberkulose des GehSrears were treated with hydrogen organcs. Folia Oto-larynffol. Orient., 1933, peroxide and spirit drops and healed l, 142. in a few months, but the deafness was The writer, who reviews the literature still severe and the lungs were in and records three personal cases in a stationary condition. The writer patients aged 65 months, 7 months believes that cases of this kind are and 69 years respectively, states that secondary to chest disease and that tuberculosis of the ear is usually only a local manifestation of generalised tubercle bacilli ascen d by the Eustachian tuberculosis. I n some cases on record, tube. however, including his two cases in DESPONS, J. S u r u n cas de tubercu- infants, the tuberculosis may be, at lose primitive de l'oreille ehez l'enfant, least clinically, primary in the ear. t~evuc de .Laryngol., Olol., .Rhinol., 1933. The case in the adult was remarkable 54,387. owing to the patient's sex and advanced Primary tuberculosis of the ear in age, most of the cases of th6: kind children often takes the form of an having been recorded in young males. ordinary acute otitis with fever and The prognosis is more unfavourable for mastoid complications. The chronicity clinically primary than secondary tuberof the case usually suggests a tuber- culosis of the ear, as in primary cases culous mtiology. I n the present case sequestrum formation is much more a child, aged 3 years, gave a history of frequent.