344 during at least six winter months on the medical or surgical practice of general hospital which accommodates at least eighty patients, and during the same period on a course of Practical Anatomy, may be reckoned as one of Regulations regarding the Registration of Medical Students. such remaining ) ears ; and to that extent shall be held equivalent to one No one shall be held to be a student in Medicine who has not been regis- year’s attendance on courses of lectures, as prescribed in the 7th Section. tered in a register kept for that purpose. The register shall be closed on the 3. Attendance on the lectures of any private teacher in Edinburgh, Glasgow, I or Aberdeen, shall not be reckoned for graduation in St. Andrews, if the fee 15th day after the commencement of each Session. No one shall be registered unless he has passed the Registration Examina- for such lectures be of less amount than is charged fur the like course of lectures in the U iaiversity of Edinburgh, of Glasgow, or of Abardeen, accordtion, or such other examination as the Senate shall deemequivalent. The Registration Examination shall be conducted by the professor... of Enging as the teacher lectures in Edinburgh, Glasgow, or Aberdeen. lish Literature, of Mathematics, of Humanity, and of Greek; and shall take 11. Every candidate for the degrees of Bachelor of Medicine and Master in the first week of November in each year. place during Surgery shall, at such period of the year in which he proposes to graduate as to Subjects of Examination for Registration.—English:Grammar, Writing may be fixed for the purpose by the Senatus Academrcus, lodge with the Dictation, Composition. Geography: Europe. Arithmetic : including Vulgar Senatus-A declaration, in his own handwriting, that, on the day of graduaand Decimal Fractions. Latin: Translations, with Grammatical Questions, tion, he will have completed his twenty-first year, and will not be under from any one of the following books, at the choice of the Candidate :—Cicero, articles of apprenticeship. A statement of his studies, as well in literature de Amicitia, Cicero, de Senectute, a book of the 1Eneid of Virgil, a book of the and philosophy as in medicine, accompanied with proper certitieates. An Odes of Horace. inaugural dissertation, composed by himself, to be approved by the Senatus Candidates shall be examined on some one of the following subjects, accord- Academieus. 12. Every candidate for the degrees of Bachelor of Medicine and Master in ing to their own selection :-Greek . Greek Grammar, with parsing;and either 1ifty pages ofXenophon’s Anabasis, or a book of Homer. French: Voltaire’s Surgery shall be examined, both in writing and orally-first, on Chemistry, History of Charles XII., and French Grammar. German: Schiller’s Ballads, Botany, Elementary Anatomy, and Materia Medica; secondly, on advanced and German Grammar. Mathematics: the First Book of Euclid. Anatomy, Zoology with Comparative Anatomy, Physiology and Surgery; and thirdly, on Practice of Medicine, Clinical Medicine, Clinical Surgery, :MidDEGREES IN MEDICINE. wifery, General Pathology, and Medical Jurisprudence. 13. Students who themselves ready to submit to an examination on 1. The degree of Doctor of Medicine may be conferred by the University of the first division ofprofess these subjects at the end of the second year of their St. Andrews on any registered medical practitioner above the age of forty course, may be admitted to examination at that time. years whose professional position and experience are such as, in the estimation 14. Students who have passed their examination on the first division of of the University, to entitle him to that degree, and who shall, on examination, these subjects may be admitted to examination on the second division at the satisfy the Medical Examiners of the sufficiency of his professional knowledge; end of the third year of their course. a under this section to that shall not be conferred provided always, degrees 15. The examination of the third division shall not take place until the greater number than ten in any one year. candidate has completed the fourth year of his eonrse2. Any person presenting himself as a candidate for the degree of Doctor 16. Candidates may be admitted to examination on the first two of these of Medicine under the first section, without having previously obtained the divisions at the end of their third year; or to the three examinations at the degree of Bachelor of Medicine, shall, on so presenting himself, pay a fee of end of their fourth year. fifty guineas, inclnsive of the stamp duty. 17. If any candidate, on examination, be found unqualified, he shall not be 3. The degrees in Medicine to be hereafter granted by the University of St. again admitted to examination, unless he shall have completed another year Andrews shall be divided into three classes, and be designated respectively of medical or such portion of another year as may be prescribed by the Bachelor of Medicine (M.B.), Master in Surgery (C.M.) and Doctor of Medi- Examiners study, when he is found unqualified. cine (M.D.) 18. The degree of Master in Surgery shall not be conferred on any person 4. The preliminary branches of extra-professional education, in the case of who does not at the same time obtain the degree of Bachelor of Medicine. candidates for the degrees of Bachelor of Medicine and Master in Surgery, 19. The degree of Doctor of Medicine may be conferred on any candidate shall be English, Latin, Arithmetic, the Elements of Mathematics, and the who has obtained the degree of Bachelor of Medicine, and is of the age of Elements of Mechanics; and the proficiency of students in these branches years, and has been engaged, subsequent to his having obtained shall, as far as possible, be ascertained by examination prior to the commence- twenty-four the degree of Bachelor of Medicine, for at least two years in attendance on an ment of their medical study. hospital, or in the military or naval medical services, or in medical and sur5. No candidate shall be admitted to a professional examination for either provided always, that subject to the provisions of the first of the last-mentioned degrees who has not passed a satisfactory examination gical practice: section, the degree of Doctor of Medicine shall not be conferred on any peron at least two of the following subjects, in addition to the subjects mentioned or unless he shall before, or at the time son unless he be a Graduate in above :-Greek, French, German, Higher Mathematics, Natural Philosophy, of his obtaining the degree of Arts, Bachelor of Medicine, or within three years Natural History, Logic, Moral Philosophy; and the examination on these have passed a satisfactory examination in Greek, and in Logic or subjects also shall, as far as possible, take place before the candidate has en- thereafter, Moral Philosophy, and in one at least of the following subjects-namely, tered on his medical curriculum. Natural Philosophy, and Natural 6. A degree in Arts (not being an honorary degree) of any of the Universi- French, German, Higher Mathematics, ties of Scotland or of England or Ireland, and also a degree in Arts of any History. 20. Except under the provisions of the first section, the degree of Doctor of colonial or foreign University, which may for this purpose have been specially Medicine shall not be conferred on any person who has not previously obtained recognised by the University Court, shall exempt candidates from all prelimi- the degree of Bachelor of Medicine. nary examination. 21. There shall be paid by each candidate for the degree of Bachelor of 7. No one shall be admitted to the degree of Bachelor of Medicine or Master a fee of five guineas in respect of each of the three divisions of the in Surgery who has not been engaged in medical and surgical study for four Medicine, examinations on professional subjects specified in the eleventh section of this years-the medical session of each year, or annU8 medicus, being constituted ordinance ; each such fee of five guineas being payable at the time at which by at least two courses of not less than one hundred lectures each, or by one the candidate comes forward to be examined in that division in respect of such course and two courses of not less than fifty lectures each; but, in the which it is payable; and if the candidate desires to be admitted to the degree .case of the clinical courses, it shall be sufficient that the lectures be given at of Bachelor of Medicine only, he shall not, on admission thereto, be required least twice a week during the prescribed periods. to pay any further fee in addition to the fifteen guineas so paid by him; but if 8. Every candidate for the degrees of Bachelor of Medicine and Master in he desires to be admitted to the of Master in Surgery also, he shall, on Surgery shall givesufficient evidence by certificates—1. That he has studied admission to such a degree, pay adegree further fee of five guineas : and every caneach of the following departments of medical science, viz.: Anatomy, Chedidate for the degree of Doctor of Medicine, who has previously obtained the mistry, Materia Medica and Pharmacy, Institutes of Medicine or Physiology, degree of Bachelor of Medicine, shall pay, in addition to the fees paid by him Practice of Medicine, Surgery, Midwifery and the Diseases peculiar to Women a for the degree of Bachelor of Medicine, a fee of five guineas, and Children (two courses of Midwifery of three months each being reckoned as candidate exclusive of any stamp duties which may at the time be exigible. equivalent to a six months’ course, provided different departments of Obstetric Medicine be taught in each of the courses). General Pathology (or, in Supplementary Regulations regarding Medical Degrees. schools where there is no such course, a three months’ course of Lectures on -Morbid Anatomy, together with a supplemental course of Practice of MediAs regards the Examination of Candidates for the Degrees of M.B. and cine, or Clinical Medicine), during courses including not less than one hun- C.M.—Every Candidate shall be required to lodge a declaration of age, a dred lectures; Practical Anatomy, six months; Practical Chemistry, three statement of his course of study, his inaugural dissertation, and all his certimonths; Practical Midwifery, three months at a midwifery hospital, or a cer- ficates, with the Secretary of the University, on, or before the 25th day of tificate of attendance on six cases from a registered medical practitioner; March in each year. Clinical Medicine, Clinical Surgery, during courses of six months, or two No Candidate offering himself for examination on the first two divisions of courses of three months, lectures being given at least twice a week; Medical the subjects (see Clause XII. of the Regulations) shall be considered to have Jurisprudence, Botany, Zoology with Comparative Anatomy, during courses passed in the Second if he fails in the First ; and no candidate offering himself including not less than fifty lectures. 2. That he has attended for at least for examination on the Three divisions shall be considered to have passed in two years the medical and surgical practice of a general hospital, whichthe Third if he fails either in the First or Second division. accommodates not fewer than eighty patients, and possesses a distinct staff Every Candidate who fails to pass in any of the above divisions (see Clause of physicians and surgeons. 3. That he has been engaged for at least three XII, of’ the Regulations) shall, for a first failure in any and each of these months, by apprenticeship or otherwise, in compounding and dispensing divisions, forfeit the sum ofjE32s. and the sum of £11s. for every subsequent drugs at the laboratory of an hospital dispensary, member of a surgical college failiirp. in each or faculty, of a licentiate of the London or Dublin Society of Apothecaries, or of a member of the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, 4. That he has attended for at least six months, by apprenticeship or otherwise, the outUNIVERSITY OF DUBLIN (TRINITY COLLEGE). practice of an hospital, or the practice of a dispensary, or of a physician, surgeon, or member of the London or Dublin Society of Apothecaries, Regulations respecting Degrees. 9. No one shall be received as a candidate for the degree of Rachelor of All students in Medicine and Surgery must be matriculated, for which a fee Medicine or Master in Surgery unless two years at least of his four years of medical and surgical study, as above defined, shall have been in one or more of 5s. is payable. No student can be admitted for the winter course after the of the following Universities and Colleges—viz., the University of St. An- 25th of November. Every pupil, before he be admitted to attend the clinical lectures, must pay drews ; the University of Glasgow; the University of Aberdeen; the University of Edinburgh; the University of Oxford; the University of Cambridge; the professor ;E3 3s. for each three months’ course of lectures, and shall enter Trinity College, Dublin; Queen’s College, Belfast; Queen’s College, Cork; and his name with the treasurer of Sir Patrick Dun’s Hospital and pay him 210 10s., unless he shall have been matriculated in one of the Universities Queen’s College, Galway. 10. Subject always to the condition specified in the 9th Section, the studies of Dublin, Oxford, or Cambridge, and shall have continued his studies in of candidates for the degrees of Bachelor of Medicine and Master in Surgery Arts, under a tutor, in one of the said Universities, for the space of two years shall be under the following regulations :-1. The remaining years of medical at least; in which case he shall pay the sum of £3 3s. to such treasurer for and surgical study, other than those for which provision is made by the 9th the first half-year, with a proportionate sum for any longer period. Total Section, may be either in one or more of the Universities and Colleges above amount of fees for the degree of M.B. £10. specified, or in the hospital schools of London, or in the school of the College The following Degrees and Licenses in Medicine and Surgery are granted by of Surgeons in Dublin, or under such private teachers of Medicine as may the University of Dublin :-Bachelor in Medicine, Doctor in Medicine, Master from time to time receive recognition from the University Court. 2. Attend- in Surgery, Licentiate in Medicine, Licentiate in Surgery. The qualifications. ance
345 and Degrees are the following :—Bachelors in KING AND QUEEN’S COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS Medicine must be Bachelors in Arts of Dublin, Oxford, or Cambridge, and have spent four years, at least, in the study of medicine, including the followIN IRELAND. ing Courses of Lectures:-Anatomy and Physiology, Practical Anatomy, Candidates for in Medicine are required to make applithe of Medicine lIateria Medica and Institutes Licentiateship Pharmacy, Surgery, Chemistry, cation to the College for permission to be examined according to the form and Pathology, Practice of Medicine, Midwifery—each of these eight courses supplied by the Registrar, having previously lodged the admission fee in the is of six months’ duration ; Botany, Practical Chemistry, Medical Juriprudence—each of these courses is of three months’ duration. Xine months’ Bank of Ireland, to the credit of the College fund. Candidates are required to give proof of their having attained the age of attendance on the Clinical Instruction given in the Hospital of Sir Patrick Dun; nine months’ attendance on the Clinical Instruction of any Medico- twenty-one years, and of having been engaged during a period of four years in the study of Medicine, at a school or schools recognised by the College; and Chirurgical Hospital approved by the Board of Trinity College. shall also produce evidence of having studied the following subjects :-AnaAfter the completion of the foregoing Courses, the Candidates for the Physiology, Practical Anatomy, Chemistry, Practical Chemistry, Degree of Bachelor in Medicine must pass a public Examination, of at least tomy, Materia Medica and Botany, Medical Jurisprudence, Practice of Medicine two days’ duration, partly written and partly oral. and Pathology, Surgery, Midwifery; and of having attended a medico-ehirurThe Lectures of the Professors of the School of Physic, Trinity College, are recognised by the Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland, by the King and gical hospital in which regular courses of clinical lectures are delivered, Queen’s College of Physicians, and by all the other Licensing Corporations in together with clinical instruction, for twenty-seven months, or such hospital for eighteen months, with nine months’ attendance on a medical hospital, and the United Kingdom. similar courses of clinical lectures and clinical instruction, the attendance in Doctors in Medicine, must be Bachelors of Arts of Dublin, Oxford, or Cameach case being for not more than nine months in any year—namely, for six bridge, of three years’ standing. They require no qualification in medicine, winter and three summer months,-and the attendance on a medico-chiruradditional to that necessary for the Bachelor in Medicine. gical hospital and medical hospital not being taken out in the same year; and Fee payable for degree of M.D. £12. Masters in Surgery, must be Bachelors of Arts of Dublin, Oxford, or Cam- of having attended Practical Mdwifery for six months at a recognised Lyingor produce evidence satisfactory to the College, in each individual bridge, and have passed four years’ study of Surgery, and attendance on the in Hospital, of having attended Practical Midwifery. following courses:-Anatomy and Physiology, two courses, each of six months ; case, Candidates who are not personally known to any Fellow of the College are of six and Practice two each of Demonstramonths; Theory Surgery, tions and Dissections, three courses, each of six months; Practice of Medicine, required to transmit testimonials of character from registered physicians or Chemistry, Materia Mediea, Midwifery, one course eich of six months’ dura- surgeons, testimonials from physicians or surgeons of public hospitals or tion; Practical Chemistry, Botany, ’Medical Jurisprudence, one course each, of infirmaries being preferred. Students are recommended to divide their course of study into two periods, three months’ duration; attendance on the Clinical Instruction of three sessions, of nine months each, in any of the recognised Medico-Chirurgical of two years each: the first to comprise Anatomy and Physiology, Surgery, Chemistry, Botany, and hospital attendance; the second to comprise Practice Hospitals. Having completed the foregoing courses, the candidate for this Degree must of Medicine, Materia Medica, Medical Jurisprudence, Midwifery, and hospital attendance. pass a public examination of two days’ duration, partly written and partly The examination is divided into two parts :-First part : Anatomy, Physioeral. Fee payable fordegree of M.C., .810. logy, Botany, and Chemistry. Second part: Materia Medica, Practice of Licentiates i.z -3lediciiie must have kept one full year in Arts. The qualifiMedicine, Medical Jurisprudence, and Midwifery. Students may be examined in the subjects of the first part at the terminacation is the same as for the Degree of Bachelor in Medicine,-viz., attention of the first period of study; or in all the subjects of their education, on dance on the prescribed courses of instruction, and the passing of a similar the completion of their medical studies. public examination. Candidates are required to have passed an examination in the following Fee payable for the Licence in Medicine, £25. Licentiates in Surgery must have kept one full year in Arts. The qualifisubjects of preliminary education before the Board of Examiners of this Colcation is the same as for the Degree of Master in Surgery-viz., attendance on lege, previous to or within the first two years of their professional studies; the prescribed courses of instruction, and the passing of a similar public ex- or to have passed, within the period specified, an examination in general education held by some of the qualifying bodies, or by some one of the national amination. educational bodies approved by the College :-English: Composition. Modern Fee payable for the Licence in Surgery, .e5. All candidates for degrees and licences in Medicine and Surgery are recom- Languages: One French or German author, at the option of the student. mended to pass two examinations; one of them preliminary, which will be Greek: Homer’s Iliad, first book; or Xenophon’s Anabasis, first book; or held at the close of the second year of medical study, and the other, as hereto- Walker’s Lucian, first twelve dialogues ;-at the option of the student. fore, after the full curriculum has been completed. The subjects required at Latin: Virgil’s jEneid, first and second books; or Sallust; or first two books the preliminary examination are the following:-Anatomy and Physiology, of Cusar, " De Bella Gallico ;"-at the option of the student. M athematics : Euclid, first and second books; Arithmetic, to the end of decimal fractions. Botany and Materia Medica, Chemistry and Physics. Students in Arts of one year’s standing, of any University in the United Scholarships and Exhibitions.-The board of Trinity College give two Medical Scholarships annually, tenable for two years, with a salary of 4320 per Kingdom, requiring examinations in the first year, and Graduates or Licentiates in Medicine or Surgery of any University or College in Great Britain or annum. The subjects are the same as those required at the preliminary M.B. examination. The examination is held in June each year. The Professors Ireland, will be exempted from the Preliminary Examination. of the University School award two senior and one junior exhibition each year. (The above regulations respecting Preliminary Examination will not apply to candidates who have commenced their professional education previously to The senior is examined at the termination of each winter session in Medicine, the lst of January, 1861.) Surgery; Midwifery, Institutes, and Medical Jurisprudence. First exhikition, Candidates qualified as follows are required to undergo the second part of £15; second do. £10. The junior is examined for at the same time and in the Professional Examination only, viz.:-1. Graduates in Medicine of a Uni. the same subjects as the Scholarships. Dissections.—The dissecting-rooms, which are furnished with every appliance versity in the United Kingdom, or of any Foreign University approved by the wherebv the study of Practical Anatomy may be aided, will be opened on the College. 2. Fellows, Members, or Licentiates of the Royal Colleges of Physicians of London or Edinburgh, who have been admitted upon examination. 1st of October. Graduates or Licentiates in Surgery. 3. Dissections will be superintended thoughout the session, and every assistIf the President and Fellows be not satisfied with the answering of a candiance given to the Pupils, by the Professors of Anatomy and Physiology, by the Lecturers on Practical Anatomy, and by the Demonstrators, one or more oj date, they may admit him to re-examination after a lapse of not less than two months. whom constantly attend in the dissecting-room. The examinations are open to all Fellows and Licentiates of the College. Sir Patrick Dun’s Hospital will be visited at 9 o’clock, A.M. daily, by the If the applicant be a member of sn Apothecaries’ Company, he must surClinical Professors, and Clinical Lectures delivered twice in each week during his certificate as such previously to examination; and, if admitted, render as also the the winter session, months of May, June, and July. during must not be registered as an apothecary in any part of the United Kingdom. The library of the College of Physicians is open on every Tuesday and Members of the College who may desire to obtain the licence in Midwifery Friday, at three o’clock, for the delivery of books to students subscribing 10s. will be required to undergo a special examination, and, if approved, will receive such licence, and shall be distinguished as Practitioners in Midwifery in the authorized lists of the College. Candidates for the licence in Midwifery who are not members of the College will be admitted to examination for such THE QUEEN’S UNIVERSITY IN IRELAND, licence on the following qualifications :-The degree or licence in Medicine or Granting the degree of M.D., is the centre or head of the Queen’s Colleges Surgery from any University or College of Physicians or Surgeons in the of Belfa;-t, Cork, and Galway, each of which possesses a Faculty of Medicine. United Kingdom, together with a certificate of having attended a six months’ course of lectures on Midwifery, with the attendance for six months at a The curriculum of Medical study extends over a period of four years, and is divided into two periods of two years each. The first period comprises recognised Lying-in Hospital, or of having attended Practical Midwifery for attendance on Chemistry, Natural History, Anatomy, and Physiology, six months, or produce evidence satisfactory to the College, in each individual Practical Anatomy, Materia Medica, and Pharmacy. The second period case, of having attended Practical Midwifery. The fee for the licence is 151. 158., which may be divided as follows :-For comprises attendance on Anatomy and Physiology, Practical Anatomy, Theory and Practice of Surgery, Midwifery and Diseases of Women and examination at the termination of the first period of study, 5l. 5s.;for final examination for licence, 1(M. 10s. of Medical At least Children ; Theory and Practice Medicine, Jurisprudence. Fee for the Midwifery diploma, 3l. 3a. three of the above courses of Lectures must be attended in some one of the Fee for the Preliminary Examination, 5s. Colleges; the remainder may be taken at the option of the Candidate, Queen’s The Admission Fee, with the exception of 2l. 2s. deducted to meet the in any University College or School recognised by the Senate of the Queen’s University. Candidates are required before graduating to have also attended expense of the Examination, is returned to any Candidate who may be rejected in one of the Colleges of the Queen’s University Lectures on Natural Philo- for the Licence in Medicine; but in the case of a rejected Candidate afterwards sophy, and on one modern language, and to have passed the Matriculation passing the Examination in Medicine within twelve months, the sum previously Examination. They are further to attend duringthe first period Practical deducted is allowed in the Fee paid for such second Examination. Chemistry in a recognised laboratory; and the practice during six months of a medico-chirurgical hospital containing at least sixty beds, together with clinical lectures delivered therein; during the second period three months’ ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS IN IRELAND. Practical Midwifery in a recognised hospital with not less than thirty beds, or six months Practical Midwifery in a recognised hospital with fifteen beds; The Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland grants two different diplomasand eighteen months’ practice of a medico-chirurgical hospital, containing at one conferring the rank of Fellow, and the other that of Licentiate. A Fellow least sixty beds, and in which clinical instruction is delivered. There are two is a member of the corporation, and entitled to vote at all elections for presione of in the first University Examinations; dent, vice-president, and councillors. The letters testimonial granted to the study comprising the subjects period, the other the subjects of the second period. Candidates may, if they Licentiate enable him to " exercise and enjoy all rights of practice in the art prefer to do so, pass both these examinations at the same time. The Univer- or science of Surgery, or otherwise, which are commonly enjoyed by the Felsity Examinations are held twice in each year, in June and September. low, and to have free access to the library and museum of the College, and Further information will be found in the "Queen’s University Calendar," or make him eligible to the rank of Fellow, subject to specified regulations." may be obtained bv application to the Secretary, Queen’s University, Dublin Both Fellows and Licentiates are obliged to make and subscribe to a formal Castle. declaration legally binding them to 11 obserye and be obedient to the statutes,
requisite for these Licences