Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 1973, Vol. 5, p. 1073.
PergamonPress. Printedin Chat Britain
Department of Civil Engineering
NUMERICAL METHODS IN FLUID DYNAMICS 26-28 September, 1973 IN RECENT years, considerable advances have been made in the numerical solution of the governing equations of fluid dynamics. These advances are mainly due to the availability of powerful digital computers. It is the object of this meeting to review the current state of the research and to investigate new possibilities, with the major emphasis being placed on their practical applicability. The meeting will consist of a series of short papers followed by general discussions. The principal topics are as follows: numerical methods for compressible flow, incompressible flow, boundary layer analysis, mass transport etc. Special consideration will be given to problems of stability and accuracy of time integration schemes. A session will be devoted to the application of numerical methods for the solution of environmental and pollution problems. Short papers are invited on each of the above topics, Intending authors must submit a summary of not more than 300 words to the Conference oxganisers before 1 January, 1973. The tinal selected papers must be received before 1 May, 1973. Papers and discussions, where appropriate, will be published in book form. Accommodation and meals for the 3 days of the Conference will be available at the Halls of Residence of the University.
Enquiries: Dr. C. A. Brebbia, Department of Civil Engineering, Southampton University, Southampton SO9 5NH, England;
Professor J. J. Connor, Department of Civil Engineerhtg, M.I.T., Cambridge, Mass. 02139. U.S.A.