416 specified, or in the hospital schools of London, or in the school of the College of Surgeons of Dublin, or under such private teachers of medicme...

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specified, or in the hospital schools of London, or in the school of the College of Surgeons of Dublin, or under such private teachers of medicme as may from time to time receive recognition from the University Court. Attendance during at least six winter months on the medical or surgical practice of a general hospital which accommodates at least eighty patients, and during the same period on a course of Practical Anatomy, may be reckoned as one of such remaining yeara. Every candidate for examination for the degree of M.B. UNIVERSITY OF ABERDEEN. and C. M. is required to lodge a declaration of age, a state. The curricula for the several dpgrees conferred are nearly ment of his course of study, his inaugural dissertation, and the same as in the University of Edinburgh. all his certificates with the Dean of the Medical Faculty, on Professional Examinations will be held twice in each or before the 25th of March in each year. year-namely, in April and July, directly after the close of No candidate offering himself for examination on the first the winter and summer sessions. two divisions of the subjects in Clause 12 of the The fees for graduation are the same as in the University regulations will be considered specified to have passed in the second of Edinburgh. Matriculation fee, including all dues, for the if he fails in the first; and no candidate offering himself for winter and summer sessions, E1 ; summer session alone, 10s. examination on the three divisions shall be considered to Candidates who commenced their medical studies before have passed in the third it he fails either in the in first or second November, 1861, are entitled to appear for examination for division. Every candidate who fails to pass any of the the degree of M.D. after four years’ study, one of which divisions will, for a first failure in any and each of the must have been in the University of Aberdeen. divisions, forfeit the sum of f22s., and ;ClIs. for every Besides the Royal Infirmary, students have the oppor- subsequent failure in each. tunity of attending the following institutions : - Sick Children’s Hospital; General Dispensary, and Lying-in and UNIVERSITY OF DUBLIN (TRINITY COLLEGE). Vaccine Institutions, daily; Royal Lunatic Asylum; Eye clinical instruction on the is which in Matriculation.-All students in the School of Physic inInstitution, given Diseases of the Eye, and on the Application of the Ophthal- tending to practise Physic must be matriculated, for which a fee of 5s. is payable. No student can be admitted for the moscope for their diagnosis. Application for further information should be addressed to winter course after Nov. 25th. Professor Brazier, Dean of the Medical Faculty. Previous Medical Examination.—Candidates for degrees and licences in Medicine and Surgery are required to pass a previous examination in Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Materia UNIVERSITY OF ST. ANDREWS. Medica and Pharmacy, and Descriptive Anatomy and InstiTwo degrees in Medicine are granted—namely, Bachelor tutes of Medicine (Practical Histology and Physiology) preof Medicine and Master in Surgery (M. B., C.M.), and Doctor vious to their degree examination. of Medicine (M.D.).). The curricula for these degrees, and Bachelor in Medicine.—A candidate for this degree must the regulations under which they are conferred, differ from be a graduate in Arts, and may obtain the degree of Bachelor those of the University of Edinburgh only in the particulars in Medicine at the same commencement as that at which noticed below. he receives his degree of B.A., or at any subsequent comThe degree of Doctor of Medicine may be conferred by the mencement. The medical education of a Bachelor in MediUniversity of St. Andrews on any registered medical prac- cine is of four years’ duration, and comprises attendance on titioner above the age of forty years whose professio al a single course of each of the following lectures :-Anatomy, position and experience are such as, in the estimation ofune Practical Anatomy, Theory of Surgery, Chemistry, Materia to entitle him to that degree, and who shall, On Medica and Pharmacy, Physiology, Practice of Mediexamination, satisfy the medical examiners of the suSicie; ’y cine, Midwifery, Botany, Medical Jurisprudence, Heat, of his professional knowledge; provided always that degr s Electricity, Magnetism, Comparative Anatomy. Three will not be conferred under this section on a greater num B’er courses of nine months’ attendance on the Clinical Lectures than ten in any one year. The examinations are held yearv, of Sir Patrick Dun’s or other metropolitan hospital recotowards the end of April. Candidates must lodge with the gnised by the Board of Trinity College. Six months’ instrucDean of the Medical Faculty the following certificates, along tion in Practical Midwifery, including Clinical Lectures. A with application for admission to examination :-1. A cer- certificate of personal attendance on Fever cases, with names tificate of age, being a baptismal certificate or an affidavit of and dates of cases. Six months’ dissections, three months’ age. 2. Holograph certificates from at least three medical laboratory instruction in Chemistry, three mo7ath;i’ Practical men of acknowledged reputation in the medical profession Histology, and one month’s instruction in Vaccination are or in the medical schools, recommending the candidate to required. Any of the above-named courses may be attended the Senatus for the degree, and testifying to his professional at any medical school in Dublin recognised by the Provost skill and position. As only ten can graduate yearly, can- and Senior Fellows. Fee for the Liceat ad Examinandum, didates will be selected whose service and certificates seem ;S5 ; for the M.B. degree, £11. to the Medical Faculty to present the highest professional Doctor in Medicine.-A Doctor in Medicine must be M. B. claims, and where these seem equal preference will be given of at least three years’ standing, or have been qualified to to age and priority of application. 3. Candidates, when take the degree of M.B. for three years, and must perform segietered for examination, shall remit a portion of the gradua- exercises for the degree before the Regius Professor of (viz., ElO 10s.). This sum shall be forfeited should Physic, in accordance with the rules and statutes of the the candidate fail to appear, or to graduate, at the time University. Total amount of fees for this degree, E13. Bachelor in Surgery.—A Bachelor in Surgery must be a appointed. 4. A satisfactory examination, written and vivd roce, must be passed in the following departments-viz,, Bachelor in Arts and in Medicine, and have spent four years Materia Medica and General Therapeutics, Medical Juris- in the study of Surgery and Anatomy. He must also pass a prudence, Practice of Medicine and Pathology, Surgery, public examination in the Hall before the Professors of the School of Physic, having previously completed the prescribed Midwifery, and Diseases of Women and Children. No one will be received as a candidate for the degree of curriculum of study, which includes the following additions Bachelor of Medicine and Master in Surgery unlees two years to the courses named above for the M B. : Operative Surgery, at least of his four years of medical and surgical study shall Two Courses of D ssectiong, Ophthalmic Surgery 13 Candihave been in one or more of the following universities or dates are required to perform surgical operations on the dead colleges—viz, the Universities of St. Andrews, Glasgow, subject. Fee for the Liceat ad Examinandum, E5; for the Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Oxford, and Cambridge; Trinity degree of Bachelor in Surgery, £5. Mciste2, in Sqtrger.y. 14 -A, Master in Surgery must be a College, Dublin ; Queen’s College, Belfast; Queen’s College, Bachelor in Surgery of three years’ standing, or have been Cork ; and Queen’sCollege, Galway. Subject always to the condition here specified, the studies 13 Students in the School of Physic who matriculated before June for candidates for the degree of Bachelor of Medicine and obtain the degree of Master in Surgery according to the Master in Surgery will be under the following regulations : 22nd, 1872, may in force previous to the creation of the degree of Bachelor regulations The remaining years of medical and surgical study may be in Surgery. 14 Masters in Sargery must be of the standing of Masters of Arts. either in one or more of the universities and colleges above sary, value .635 per annum, tenable for three years, are Two John open to competition to medical students. Gibson Bursaries, value £20 par annum each, tenable for three years ; two Macdonald (Minors’) Bursaries, value £16 per annum each; and two Taylor Bursalies value Ell per annum each. tenable for four years, may be held by medical students. The Brunton Memorial Prize of £10 is awarded to the most distingaished medical graduate of the year.


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