535 may be exigible. The fee to be paid for the degree of Master of Surgery shall be ten guineas. Out-door Visitation.—Under the superintendence of a consulting sbaff of physicians and surgeons connected with the University, students in the last year of their course are the sick poor in the permitted to visit and prescribe for Anderston district. For this no fee is charged, and medicines are dispensed gratis. Upwards of 3000 visits are made
UNIVERSITY OF ABERDEEN. The curricula for the several degrees conferred are nearly the same as in the University of Edinburgh. Professional Examinations will be held twice in each year—namely, in March and Jaly, directly after the close of the winter and summer sessions, The fees for graduation are the same as in the University of Edinburgh. Matriculation fee, including all dnes, for the winter and summer sessions, £1 ; summer session
College, Dublin ; Queen’s College, Belfast; Queen’s College, Cork ; and Queen’s College, Galway. Subjeeb always to the condition here specified, the studies for candidates for the degrees of Bachelor of Medicine and Mastery in Surgery will be under the following regulations : The remaining years of medical and surgical study may be either in one or more of the universities and colleges above specified, or in the hospital schools of London, or in the school of the College of Surgeons of Dublin, or under such private teachers of medicine as may from time to time receive recognition from the University Court. Attendance dunng at least six winter months on the Medical or Surgical practice of a general hospital which accommodates at least eighty patients, and during the same period on a course of Practical Anatomy, may be reckoned as one of such remaining years. Every candidate for examination for the degree of M B. and C.M. is required to lodge a declaration of age, a statement of his course of study, his inaugural dissertation and all his certificates with the Dean of the Medical Faculty,
on or before the 25th of March in each year. 10s. Candidates who commenced their medical studies before :November, 1861, are entitled to appear for examination for the degree of M.D. after four years’ study, one of which UNIVERSITY OF DUBLIN (TRINITY COLLEGE). must have been in the University of Aberdeen. Besides the Royal Infirmary, students have the oppor. Matriculation.—All students in the School of Physic in. tunity of attending the following institutions : General tending to practise Physic must be matriculated, for which Fever Hospital; Sick Children’s Hospital; General Dispenof fee 5s. is No sbudent can be admitted for the a sary, and Lying-in and Vaccine Institutions daily; Royal winter coursf payable. Nov. after 25bh. Lunatic Asylum ; Eye Instibution, in which is given clinical Previolls Medical Examination.—Candidates for degrees instruction on Diseases of the Eye, and on the application in Medicine, Surgery and Midwifery are required to pass of the Ophthalmoscope for their diagnosis. A diploma in Public Health is granted by the University an examination in Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Comparative to graduates in Medicine of a University in the United Anatomy, Descriptive Anatomy and Institutes of Medicine Histology and Physiology) previously to their Kingdom only, after a special examination. The diploma (Practical examination. degree can be entered on the Register of the General Medical Bachelor in Jledicine. - A, candidate for this degree must Council. a graduate in Arts, and may obtain the degree of B achelor be Application for further information should be addressed in Medicine at the same Commencements as that at which to the Dean of the Medical Faculty. his he receives degree of B.A., or at any subsequent Com. The degrees of B S. and D Ss. are granted, after mencements. The medical education of a Bachelor in Mediexamination, in one of several specified departments oi cine is of five duration, and comprises attendance on years’ to be selected the candidate. For Science, by regulations a course of each of the following lectures :—Anatomy, single apply to the Secretary of Science Department. Practical Anatomy, Chemistry, Materia Medica and Pharmacy, Phvsiology (two courses), Practice of Medicine, Botany, -Medical Jurisprudence and Hygiene, Pathology, UNIVERSITY OF ST. ANDREWS. Heat, Electricity, Magnetism, Light and Sound, Zoology, three courses of nine months’ attendance on the Clinical Two degrees in Medicine are granted-namelv, Bachelor Lectures of Sir Patrick Dun’s or other metropolitan hospital of Medicine and Master in Surgery (M B., C M ), and recognised by the Board of Trinity College. Six months’ DisDoctor of Medicine (M,D.). The curricula for these degrees, sections, three months’ Laboratory Instruction in Chemistry, and the regulations under which they are conferred, differ three months’ Practical Histology, three months’ study of ’from those of the University of Edinburgh only in the par- Mental Diseases, and one month’s instruction in Vaccinabiculars noticed below. tion are required. Any of the above-named courses may be The degree of Doctor oj Medicine may be conferred by the attended at any medical school in Dublin recognised by the University of St. Andrews on any registered medical prac- Provost and Senior Fellows. Fee for the Liceat ad Bxatitioner above the age of forty years whose professional minandum, 95 ;for the M.B. degree, ;E1L position and experience are such as, in the estimation of the Doctor in Medicine.—A Docbor in Medicine must be M.B. University, to entitle him to that degree, and who shall, on of at least three years’ standing, or have been qualified to examination, satisfy the medical examiners of the sufficiency take the degree of M.B. for three years, and must read a af his professional knowledge; provided always that degrees thesis or undergo an examination before the Regim Prowill not be conferred under this section on a greater number fessor of Physic, in accordance with the rules and statutes .than ten in any one year. The examinations are held yearly of the Universitv. Total amount of fees for this degree, fl3. about the middle of April. Candidates must lodge with the Bachelor in Surgery.—A Ba.chelor in Surgery must) be a Dean of the Medical Faculty the following certificates, along Bachelor iu Arbs, and have spent five years in the study with application for admission to examination :-1. A cer- of Surgery and Anatomy. He must also pass a public tificate of age, being a baptismal certificate or an affidavit. examination in the Hall before the Professors of the 2. Holograph certificates from at least three medical men School of Physic, having previously completed the preof acknowledged reputation in the medical profession or scribed curriculum of study, which includes the following in the medical schools, recommending the candidate to additions to the courses named above for the M.B. :-Theory
the Senatus for the degree, and testifying to his professional skill and position. 3. A portion of the graduation fee (viz., £1O 10s.), which shall be forfeited should the candidate fail to appear to graduate at the time appointed. A satisfactory examination, written and vivâ voce, must be passed in the following departments-viz., Materia Medica and General Therapeutics, Medical Jurisprudence, Practice of
Surgery, Operative Surgery, Two Courses of Dissections, Ophthalmic Surgery.9 Candidates are required to perform surgical operations on the dead subject. Foe for the Liceat ad Examinandum, £5 ;for the degree of Bachelor in Surgery, £5. Master in Surgery.—A Master in Surgerv must be a Bachelor in Surgery of the University ot Dublin, of not Medicine and Pathology, Surgery, Midwifery and Diseases less than three years’ standing, and must produce satis,of Women and Children. factory evidence of having been engaged for not less than No one will be received as a candidate for the degree of two years from the date of his registration in the study, Bachelor oj Medicine and Master in Surgery unless two .years at least of his four years of medical and surgical study s Students in the School of Physic who matriculated before June 22nd, .shall have been in one or more of the following universities 1872, may obtain the degree of Master in Surgery according to the reguor colleges-viz., the Universities of St. Andrews, Glasgow, lations in force previously to the creation of the degree of Bachelor in Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Oxford and Cambridge; Trinity Surgery. of