660 UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW. The University of Glasgow is both a teaching and
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degree-granting body, but admits to graduation only candidates whose preliminary examination and course of study conform to its own regulations. Within certain limits instruction given by recognised medical schools and teachers may be accepted, but eight of the subjects other than clinical must be taken in this or some other recognised university entitled to confer the degree of M.D., and at least two years of the course must be taken in Glasgow University. Under the new regulations six degrees, open both to men and women, are conferred : M.B. and Ch.B. (always conjointly), M.D. and Ch.M.; B.Sc. in Public Health; and D.Sc. in Public A Preliminary Examination must be passed in Health. (1) English, (2) Latin, (3) Elementary Mathematics, and (4) Greek, or French, or German, with possible options to students whose native language is not English in the ’case of the fourth subject. Candidates taking the University preliminary examination are not obliged to pass in all the four subjects at one examination but must
(stamp duty being
During last academic year attending University
and for Ch.M.
in the
and 62
Faculty of
The great majority of the Medicine-a total of 718. students take their hospital course at the Western Infirmary, where clinical instruction is given by professors of the University and other physicians and surgeons. Clinical instruction on Fevers is given at Ruchil and Belvidere Hospitals, while special courses, largely of a practical nature and embracing work in Hospital or Asylum wards, are conducted by University Lecturers on the Ear, the Throat and Nose, and Insanity. Queen Margaret College, hitherto conducted as a separate institution for the higher education of women, has now been made over to the University and in it medical classes for women are conducted under University professors and other lecturers appointed by the University Court, whilst for clinical instruction female students are admitted to the Royal Infirmary. Since 1894, the year in which the University first conferred degrees on women, 114 women have graduated in Medicine. Bursaries and Prizes to the annual amount of over S1000 -do so at not more than two occasions. -For the degrees of M.B. and Ch.B. a curriculum of five years are appropriated to medical students, and Scholarships and is required, in each of the first four of which the student Fellowships to the annual amount of about R1600 may be must attend at least two five months’ courses, or alternately held by medical students who have gone through the Arts -one five months’ course and two courses of two and a half months. The minimum of attendance in the first four years includes five months’ courses in the followUNIVERSITY OF ABERDEEN. ing subjects :-Anatomy, Practical Anatomy (two courses), The curricula for the several degree conferred are nearly Chemistry, Materia Medica and Therapeutics, Physiology, the same as in the Universities of Edinburgh and Glasgow. Practice of Medicine, Surgery, Midwifery and Diseases Professional Examinations are held twice in each yearof Women and Infants, and Pathology ; and courses of in March and July, directly after the close of the namely, Practical Chetwo and a half months in the following : winter and summer sessions. mistry, Physics, Botany, Zoology, Practical Physiology, The fees for graduation are the same as in the University Practical Pathology, Medical Jurisprudence, and Public of Edinburgh. Matriculation fee, including all dues, for the at least three Health. Candidates must attend years the winter and summer sessions, .f.1ls.summer session Medical and Surgical Practice of a recognised hospital alone,10s. 6d. accommodating at least 80 patients and having a distinct Besides the Royal Infirmary, students have the oppornine least months’ staff of physicians and surgeons. At of the following institutions: City Fever tunity hospital attendance is required on both Clinical Surgery Hospital, attending Sick Children’s Hospital, General Dispensary, and Clinical Medicine, and the student must have acted and Lying-in and Vaccine Institutions (daily), Royal Lunatic as clerk in medical and dresser in surgical wards, and Asylum, Ophthalmic Institution, &c. must have had six months’ out-door practice ; he must A in Public Health is granted by the University also have attended a course of Mental Diseases and of to diploma in Medicine of a University in the United graduates Practical Pharmacy (25 meetings), must have been after a special examination. The diploma can be Kingdom, properly instructed in Vaccination at a public vaccination entered on the Register of the General Medical Council. station, and must have attended at least 12 cases of for further information should be addressed labour, or three months of the Practice of a Lying-in to Application the Secretary of the Medical Faculty. Hospital, six cases being personally conducted The University also requires further study in Post-Mortem Examinations, Fevers, and Ophthalmology, and recommends study in other special subjects. If a candidate has completed UNIVERSITY OF ST. ANDREWS (UNITED COLLEGE, in a University of the United Kingdom a course of study ST. ANDREWS AND UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, and passed an examination in Botany, Zoology, Physics, DUNDEE). or Chemistry, qualifying for a degree in Science or in Arts, are from the Regulations for The extracts following he is held to have passed the examinations in such subject in Medicine contained in Ordinance No. 45 Degrees or subjects. Andrews, No. 4) of the Commissioners under the There are four Professional Examinations, the first com- (St. Universities (Scotland) Act, 1889. These regulations came prising Botany, Zoology, Physics, and Chemistry, to be taken into force on April 19th, 1897. Four degrees in Medicine after the completion of the included courses (candidates and Surgery shall be conferred by the University of being at liberty to take two subjects at a time) ; the second St. Andrews-viz., Bachelor of Medicine (M.B.), Bachelor comprising Anatomy, Physiology, and Materia Medica and of Surgery (Ch.B.), Doctor of Medicine (M.D.), and Master Therapeutics, to be taken at the end of the third winter of Surgery (Ch.M.). The degrees of M.B. and Ch.B. shall session ; the third comprising Pathology, Medical Jurispru- always be conjoined. Before commencing his medical dence, and Public Health, to be taken at the end of the studies each student shall pass a Preliminary Examination fourth winter session ; and the fourth or final, comprising in (a) English, (b) Latin, (c) Elementary Mathematics, and Surgery, Clinical Surgery, Practice of Medicine, Clinical (d) one of the following optional subjects:-(a) Greek, Medicine, and Midwifery, to be taken on completion of the (8) French, (-y) German, (8) Italian, (e) any other Modern fifth year of study. Language, () Logic. A degree in Arts or in Science in any ne degrees of (-Doctor of Medicine) and Ch.M. of the Universities of the United Kingdom and in some (Master of Surgery) are higher degrees in Medicine and colonial or foreign universities shall exempt from the Surgery respectively, and candidates (not under 24 years Preliminary Examination. The Preliminary Examination for of age) who have previously obtained the double bachelor- graduation in Medicine and Surgery, Arts or Science, of the ship may be admitted to either M.D. or Ch.M. on com- University of St. Andrews is accepted as equivalent to the pleting the after course prescribed, including an examina- Registration Examination required by the General Medical tion in Clinical Medicine for M.D. and an examination in Council (the certificate to inclnde the required subjects). Surgical Anatomy, operations on the dead body, and Clinical Also the Final Examination for a degree in Arts or Science and the Final Examination for the Diploma of Surgery for Ch.M. Fees.-The Fees for M.B. and Ch.B. are £23 2s. The L.L.A. class fee in each subject of the curriculum for M.B. and Degree of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery.Ch.B. is £22s., .E.33s., or £44s., and the present fees for Candidates must have been engaged in medical study for hospital attendance are £10 10s. The fee for M.D. is at least five years. In each of the first four years the
661 candidate must have attended at least two courses ofEleven Entrance Bursaries of .615, tenable for one year. instruction in one or more of the subjects of study specifiedi(b) Open to either sex: Four £20 and three £15, second below, each course extending over a session of not lessyear. (c) Four E20 and two £15, third year. (d) Bute than five months, either continuous or divided into two Bursary, founded in 1893 by the late Most Honourable the terms, or, alternatively, one such course along with two Marquis of Bute, K.T. This Bursary consists of the free courses, each extending over a session of not less than proceeds of E1000. (e) Two Bursaries of the annual value two and a half months. During the fifth or final year the of E25, tenable for three years at either University College, candidate shall be engaged in clinical study for at least nine Dundee, or at any Scottish University (local candidates months at the Infirmary of Dundee or at one or more of such only). For further particulars apply to the Dean of the Medical public hospitals or dispensaries, British or foreign, as may be recognised for the purpose by the University Court. The Faculty, University College, Dundee, N.B. candidate must have received instruction in each of the following subjects of study, including such examinations as UNIVERSITY OF DUBLIN (TRINITY COLLEGE). may be prescribed in the various classes-viz. : Anatomy, Practical Anatomy, Chemistry, Materia Medica, Physiology, Matric?tlatio,7t. -All students in the School of Physic or Institutes of Medicine, Practice of Medicine, Surgery, to must pass a matriculation intending practise Midwifery and the Diseases peculiar to Women and Infants, examination, for which aPhysic fee of 5s. is payable. No student Practical the Pathology, Chemistry, Physics (including can be admitted for the winter course after Nov. 25th. Dynamics of Solids, Liquids, and Gases, and the Rudi-Degrees in Medicine (M.B.), Surgery (B.Ch.), andments of Sound, Heat, Light, and Electricity), Elementary for these degrees must be Midwifery Botany, Elementary Zoology, Practical Physiology, Practical of B.A. (B.A. 0.).-Candidates and must be for at least five academic standing Forensic and The Public Health. Medicine, Pathology, candidate must have attended for at least three years the years on the books of the Medical School, reckoned from The Arts course may be conMedical and Surgical Practice either of the Infirmary of the date of matriculation. with the current medical course and the B.A. degree need Dundee or of a General Hospital elsewhere which accommodates not fewer than 80 patients and possesses a distinct not be taken before the final medical examinations, but staff of physicians and surgeons and is recognised for the medical degrees are not conferred without the Arts the purpose by the University Court. Additional subjects degree. The following courses must be attended :-(1) of study are Practical Pharmacy, Mental Diseases, Practical Lectures-Systematic, Practical and Applied Anatomy, and Practical Chemistry, Surgery and OperaMidwifery (12 cases of labour), Vaccination, Children’s Chemistry tive Surgery, Histology, Botany, Zoology, Physics, Phyand Post-mortem ExamiDiseases, Fevers, Ophthalmology, siology and Practical Physiology, Practice of Medicine, nations. Medica and Therapeutics, With respect to the places and institutions at which the Midwifery, Pathology, Materia and Hygiene ; (2) three courses of Medical Jurisprudence studies of the candidate may be prosecuted the following nine months’ attendance on the Clinical Lectures of regulations shall have effect :-1. Two of the five years of Sir Patrick Dun’s or other recognised Dublin Hospital medical study mur.t be spent in the University of St. Andrews. at a recognised London or Edinburgh hospital 2. The remaining three years may be spent in any University (one year the commencement of the Dublin curriculum may be before of the United Kingdom or in any Indian, Colonial, or counted as one year spent in such Dublin hospital); (3) Foreign University recognised for the purpose by the Practical Vaccination, one month’s ; (4) Mental University Court, or in such medical schools or under such Disease, three months ; (5) Practical instruction with Clinical Midwifery teachers as may be recognised for the purpose by the not less than 30 cases, six months ; Lectures, including University Court. three months. Two examinations Women shall be admitted to graduation in Medicine, sub- (6) Ophthalmic Surgery, have to be passed. The Previous Medical or Half M.B. Exaof Ordinance No. 18 No. to the 9[General ject provisions including Physics and Chemistry, Botany and Regulations for the Graduation of Women and for their mination, and Institutes of Medicine (Practical HisInstruction in the Universities] : Provided always that every Zoology, Anatomy and Physiology), may be passed when credit has been tology candidate for graduation shall produce evidence of having obtained for the corresponding subjects, and these may be satisfied the conditions herein laid down with respect to the if desired. The final Examination is subtaken Preliminary Examination, and shall be examined in all the dividedseparately into five sections, comprising Applied Anatomy Examiners the the of for subjects necessary graduation by (Medical and Surgical), Applied Physiology, Jurisprudence University of St. Andrews. All the classes necessary for and Hygiene, Materia Medica and Therapeutics, Medicine, of in the St. shall be taken Andrews, University graduation Surgery, Pathology, Midwifery, Gynaecology, Obstetrical except in so far as instruction obtained elsewhere is allowed Clinical Medicine, Mental Diseases, Clinical SurAnatomy, the said Ordinance. by Clinical Ophthalmology. The first seven gery, Operations, Bachelor the Examinations of of these Professional for Degrees of may be passed in the fourth year and the subjects Medioine and Bachelor of Surgery.-Each candidate shall be examined both in writing and orally, and also clinically last eight in the fifth year. Fee for the Liceat ad -Exawhere the nature of the subject admits, in the following minandum, 10. Fee for the degrees, £17. A new set of for examination will come into force from divisions-viz., first, in Botany, Zoology, Physics, and regulations Jan. For information apply to the Registrar of 1906. 1st, Chemistry; second, in Anatomy, Physiology, and Materia the School. Medica; third, in Pathology, and Forensic Medicine and Doctor in Medicine.-A Doctor in Medicine must havePublic Health; and fourth, in Surgery and Clinical Surgery, Practice of Medicine and Clinical Medicine, and passed all the qualifying examinations and must be a B.A. of three years’ standing. He must also read a thesis before Midwifery. The fee to be paid for the degrees of Bachelor of Medicine the Regius Professor of Physic. Total amount of fees for and Bachelor of Surgery shall be 22 guineas and the pro- this degree, 13. Master in Surgery.-A Master in Surgery must be a portion of this sum to be paid by a candidate at each division of the examination shall be regulated from time to time by Bachelor in Surgery of the University of Dublin of not the University Court. The fee to be paid for the degree of less than three years’ standing, and must produce satisDoctor of Medicine shall be 10 guineas, exclusive of any factory evidence of having been engaged for not less than, stamp duty which for the time may be demanded. The fee, two years from the date of his registration in the study, or to be paid for the degree of Master of Surgery shall be, study and practice, of his profession. He must then pass. an examination in the following subjects :-1. 10 guineas. Clinical The whole medical curriculum can be taken in University Surgery. 3. Surgical Pathology. 2. Operative Surgery. 4. Surgery. 5. Surgical Anatomy (on the dead subject),, College or the first two years in United College. Bursaries, United College, St. Andrews.-Fourteen Taylour: and one of the following optional subjects :-1. Surgery in Thomson Bursaries for female Medical students of the} one of the following branches-viz., Ophthalmic and Aural, annual value of from £20 to £30 each, tenable for one or Gynaecological and Dental. 2. Mental Disease. 3. Medical 4. Advanced Anatomy and two years. The Bursaries are awarded in the order of merit, Jurisprudence and Hygiene. the most valuable ones being given to those students whc; Physiology. 5. Comparative Anatomy. Fee for the degree, obtain the highest marks in the Preliminary Examination of Master in Surgery, £11. Master in Obstetric Solence.-A Master in Obstetrics and who are prepared to take two Anni Medici at the United1 must be fully qualified and produce a certificate Science St. Andrews. College, University College, Dundee.-(a) Open to either sex of having attended a summer co..rse in 0 --tt tr-c-, ,