Members and readers are. encouraged to submit their original vvorks for publication in the CONFEDERATION OF AUSTRALIAN CRITIC...
Members and readers are. encouraged to submit their original vvorks for publication in the CONFEDERATION OF AUSTRALIAN CRITICAL CARE NURSES JOURNAL. These vvorks may take the form of papers on clinical or psychosocial aspects of nursing the critically ill, research reports, book revievvs, reports on nevv equipment, quizzes, reports on innovative nursing rnanagement, case histories, letters to the Editor, or questions that readers need expert opinion on. The success of the journal depends upon the quality and quantity of contributions from the members and, to this end, the follovving guidelines for the preparation of the vvorks are provided: - All vvorks should be typevvritten and double spaced on A4 papet- The title page should include all author details (name, qualifications, details of present position and past positions vvhere relevant) Diagrams, graphs and figut-es may be included if necessary and should be properly labelled and referenced - At-ticles should not be too lengthy. Tne Editor vvould prefer concise, vvell vvritten vvorks of up to 2,000 vvords in length - All journals and books referred to in the vvork must be properly referenced vvithin the text and in a list of references, or bibliogt-aphy, at the end of the vvork. References vvithin the text should take the form of nut-nbers in brackets ("1] at the point of reference (each number used only once) and then in a numbered list at the conclusion of the vvork. Fort-nat for vvork:
listing books and jout-nals at the end of the
Vol. 1
Marriott, H.J. (~1983). Practical London: Williams and Wilkins.
(2) Smokier Le'Wis, P. (~1983). Evaluation of the patient sustaining a right ventricular infarct. Critical Car~e Nursing_ ~ 3,50-55.
Works published in the Confeder~ation Journal ar-e copyright and the copyright remains 'With the jour-nal. This issue marks the first Austr-alia - 'Wide distribution of the journal and it is important that the Editorial Committee has adequate material for each issue. Please take the opportunity to share your kno'Wledge and expertise and to have your 'Work pubiished. Send all material for publication to: The Editor GPO Box 4983 SYDNEY 2001.