Abgliophragma setosum gen. et sp.nov from soil

Abgliophragma setosum gen. et sp.nov from soil

Trans. Br . mycol. Soc. 49 (3), 363-365 (1966) Printed in Great Britain ABGLIOPHRAGMA SETOSUM GEN. ET SP.NOV FROM SOIL By R. Y. ROY AND S. GUJARATI D...

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Trans. Br . mycol. Soc. 49 (3), 363-365 (1966) Printed in Great Britain

ABGLIOPHRAGMA SETOSUM GEN. ET SP.NOV FROM SOIL By R. Y. ROY AND S. GUJARATI Department of Botany, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India (With Plate 13 and


T ext-figure)

Abgliophragma setosum gen. et sp. nov. is described from the rhizosph ere of Dichanthium annulatum Stapf.

A new fungus was isolated from the rhizosphere of Dichanthium annulatum Stapf during an investigation of basidiomycetes of grasslands. Its characteristic features reveal that it cannot be accommodated in any genus so far described. It was cultivated on Dox-yeast agar for detailed studies. Maerz & Paul (1930) was used to describe colony colours. Abgliophragma gen.no v. Hyphae atrae, tub erculatae, supp ortantes sporodochia, qu ae circu md antur setis atris septatis; conidiophora subhya lina, non furcata, disp osita valli instar, struc turis sterigmatoideis ad apices; conidia hyalina, cel1ulis aliquot per isthmos br eves connexis, singulariter producta. Species typica A. setosum R oy & Gujarati .

Hyphae black, tuberculate , bearing sporodochia with black, septate, setae around ; conidiophores subhyaline , unbranched, arranged in a palisade-like manner with sterigm atoid stru ctures at tips; conidia hyalin e, several celled, cells conn ected by short isthmi, produced singly. T ype species A. setosum Roy & Gujarati. Abgliophragma setosum sp.nov. (T ext-fig. I) Coloniae in ' Dox-yeast agar' moderat e crescentes ad 25° C., diametrum attingen tes 2 em. post di es septem, viridiatrae vel atrae, pa rte versa nigra circumdata zon a marginali viridi-nigra. Hyphae nigr ae, sep tatae, parietibus crassis, tuberculatae; chlamydosporae vel singul ae vel aggregatae, parietibus crassis, contentis densis, 2- 15'5 x 2-8' 1 p; sporo doc hia globosa, subglobosa vel irr egularia ad apicem lati ora , 50---462 x 48.6-1 26'9 P latum ad apicem et 27-54 P ad apicem angus tum, setis operta; setae septatae, rectae, partietibus duplicibus , latiores ad basin, fastigatae versus apicem qu i est vel rectus vel paulum curva tus vel undulatus, 77-396 x 4'05-10'8 P ad basin et 2'7 P ad apicem . Conidiophora disposita in serie val1i instar, sep tata, in colora vel luteo-tincta, ad apicem supportantia 3-4 struc turas sterigma toidea s qua ru m singu lae orna tae projectionibus 2- 3 mi nu tis, 12-40 x 2'5-4 P ; hae structurae ang ustiores versus basin, lati or es ad apicem, 6-14 x 1'5-3'6 p ; conidia singularite r p rod ucta in proj ection ibus , luteola in massa, constantia cellulis 5-2 connexia per isthmos breves, recta vel pa ulum curvata 29-64 x 2-3 po. Typus lectus a S. Guj arat i e solo in campo universitat is ba narensis mense Octobri 1963 et positus in Herbarium 1M! 104479.


Transactions British Mycological Society

Colonies growing moderately on Dox-yeast agar at 25° C., attaining a diameter Of2 em. in a week;,greenish black to black (Maerz & Paul, 1930 , pl. 32, A2), reverse black ~th greenish black marginal zone (pl. 8, A I): hyphae black, septate, thick-walled, tuberculate; chlamydospores either single or in groups, thick-walled with dense contents, 2-15 .5 x 2-8'1 p ;

60p ~





Abgliophragma setosum. A, Sporodochia ; B, sporodochium, condiophores; C, setae ; D, conid ium.

sporodochia globose, subglobose to irregular, broader towards the apex, 50-462 x 48.6-126'9 P at the broad end and 27-54 P at the narrow end, covered with setae all around; setae septate, straight, double-walled, broader at the base, tapering towards the straight, slightly curved or wavy tip, 77-396 x 4'1-10,8 p broad at the base and 2'7 p at the tip; conidiaphores arranged in a palisade-like layer, septate, colourless or with yellowish

Trans. Br. mycol. Soc.

Vol. 49.

Plate 13



5 (Facing p. 365)

Abgliophragma setosum. R. Y. Roy and S. Gujarati


tinge, tip of conidiophore bearing 3 to 4 sterigmatoid structures, each with 2-3 minute projections, varying from 12-40 x 2'5-4 fL, sterigmatoid structure narrower towards the base and broader at the apex, 6- 1 4 XI' 5-3 fL; conidia produced singly on the projections, yellowish in mass with 5-8 cells connected by short isthmi, straight or slightly curved, varying from 29-64 x 2-3 fl. Isolated by S. Gujarati from soil, Banaras Hindu University Campus October 1963. Type IMI 104479. The fungus resembles Gliophragma setosum Subramanian & Lodha (1964) in bearing several celled spores on a black synnematoid structure but differs in the following respects: I. Production of dark, thick-walled tuberculate hyphae with numerous chlamydospores, and black setose sporodochia which vary in shape. 2. Setae, distributed all over the sporodochia, do not show any differentiation. 3. Prominent hyaline conidiophores at the apex of sporodochia are interspersed amongst the setae which are black in colour. 4. Single conidium hyaline, but in mass, light yellowish, nonmucilaginous. Fungi resembling this have been placed in the genus Schieotrichum (McAlpine, 1903). The type species of Schizotrichum has been examined by Dr Ellis and found to be quite different. Sincere thanks are due to Dr M. B. Ellis, C.M.I. Kew, England, for examining the fungus and confirming the observations of the authors, Prof. R. Misra, F.N.I., for providing laboratory facilities, Rev. Fr H. Santapau for the latin diagnosis, and to Mr D. W. Fry for fig. 5 of the Plate. REFERENCES

MAERZ, A. & PAUL, N. R. (1930). Dictionary ofColour. New York: McGraw Hill Company. McALPINE, D. (1903). Australian fungi, new or unrecorded. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. W. 28, 533-5 63. SUBRAMANIAN, C. V. & LODHA, S. C. (1964)' Two interesting hyphomycetes. Can.]. Bot. 42, 1057-1063. EXPLANATION OF PLATE


Figs. 1-5. Abgliophragma setosum. Fig. I. Tuberculate hyphae, x 500. Fig. 2. Chlamydospores, x [250. Fig. 3. Setae, x 400. Fig. 4. Sporodochia, x 65. Fig. 5. Conidia, x 1000.

(Accepted for publication 26 July 1965)