483 three-fourths are primiparpe, and upwards of 700 Out- the second course on March 3rd, 1882. Practical Chemistry, patients are attended. Pupils see...

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483 three-fourths are primiparpe, and upwards of 700 Out- the second course on March 3rd, 1882. Practical Chemistry, patients are attended. Pupils see the practice of both de- directed by Professor Attfield, Ph.D., F.R.S., F.I.C., F.C.S., partments. Of 1450 cases delivered since 1879 there were assisted by a Demonstrator, Dr. Alfred Senier, F. 1. C... over 250 obstetric complications at’,birth or shortly after deliF.C.S., and an Assistant-Demonstrator, Mr. R. Dunstan, very. Physicians to the In-patients : Dr. Hope and Dr. F.C.S., commences on Monday, October 3rd, at 10 A.M. Grigg. Physician to the Out-patients : Dr. Boulton. The The laboratories are open from ten o’clock in the morning attend daily, and give ciinical instruction. Me- until five o’clock in the afternoon daily, except on Saturdays, dical pupils are received to be trained in Midwifery. Fees : when they are closed at two o’clock. Fees for teu months, from five guineas. Monthly nurses and midwives are also according to hours of attendance, 12 to 25 guineas ; forreceived for training. Fees : Ten guineas and twenty-five shorter terms in proporlion. SOUTH LONDON SCHOOL OF PHARMACY, 325, Kenningtonguineas respectively. BRITISH LYING-IN HOSPITAL, Endell-street, St. Giles’s, road, S.E.—Managing Director, Dr. Muter. Daily lectures W.C.—Consulting Physician : Dr. Priestley. Consulting on Chemistry, Botany, Physics, Materia Medica, Pharmacy, Surgeon: Mr. T. Spencer Wells. Physicians: Dr. Hey- Classics. A special hygienic luborarory for the practical


wood Smith, and Dr. S. Fancourt Barnes. Matron : Miss Freeman. Secretary : Mr. Fitz-Roy Gardner. This institution receives women only as midwifery pupils. The pupils reside in the hospital, and attend the patients indoors and within half a mile radius, under the direction of the matron and physicians. A course of lectures is also given by the physicians. The fee for the course of three months is ten guineas. Pupils that prove themselves competent receive a certificate signed by the physicians, enabling them to practise midwifery. THE ROYAL HOSPITAL FOR CHILDREN AND WOMEN, Waterloo-bridge-road.—Instituted JS16. Consulting Physicians : Dr. Wilks, Dr. John Williams. Consulting Surgeon : Mr. J. Cooper Forster. Physicians : Drs. W. Park, G. R ’per, and ErJwin Burrell. Suigeon : Mr. Edwin Canton. Surgeon Denti-t : Mr. W. Whitehouse. Resident Medical Otlicer : Mr. E. Overman Day. Secretary : Mr. R. G. Kestin. Advanced students in medicine, and such practitioners as may desire it, are permitted to attend the practice of this hospital gratis. If a certificate signifying such attendance be required, the sum of £5 5s. must be paid to the physicians and surgeons in ordinary

coojoiitly. VICTORIA HOSPITAL FOR CHILDREN, Chelsea, S.W., and Churchfields, Margate.—The Hospital contains G5 beds and 17 at the home at Margate ; and has a large out-patient department (over 500 weekly). Physicians : Dr. Julian Evans and Dr. Ridge Jones. Physicians to The out-patients: Drs. Grigg, Allchiu. Albert Vd1ll, and T. Colcott Fox. Surgeon : Mr. Cowell. Surgeons to the out-patients: Messrs. Churchill and Walter Pye. Dental Surgeons : Mr. Risdon and Mr. Francis Fox. House-Surgeon: Mr. Weyland Chaffey. Registrar : Dr. Dawson Williams. Secretary : Captain W. C. Blount, R N. Out patients are seen daily as under :-Medical cases: Dàlly, except Saturday and Sunday, at9A.M.; also on Mondays and Thursdays at 1.30. Surgical cases : Daily, except Monday and Thursday, at 10 A.M. Dental cases : Wednesdays and Saturdays at 9 A.M. BELGRAVE HOSPITAL FOR CHILDREN, 79, Gloucester-

’ street, S. W.—Patron: H.R.H. Princess Beatrice.

President : Duke of Westminster. Twenty beds. Consulting Physician : Sir Wm. Gu!l. Consulting Surgeons: Mr. Wood and Mr. Brodhurst. Physicians : Dr. Hope and Dr. Ewart. Surgeons : Mr. Bennett and Mr. Dent. Surgeon Dentist: Mr. Payne. House-Surgeon : Mr. H. P. Dunn. Pupils are admitted to the practice of the Hospital upon producing a certificate of being duly registered as medical students. EVELINA HOSPITAL FOR SICK CHILDREN, Southwarkbridge-road, S.E.—Consulting Physician : Dr. W. S. Playfair. Consulting Surgeon : Mr. Prescott Hewett. Physicians : Drs. E. Buchanan Baxter, F. Taylor, N. I. C. Tirard, James Goodhart. Surgeons : Messrs. W. Morrant Baker, H. G. Howse. and R. Clement Lucas. Ophthalmic Surgeon: Dr. W. A. Brailey. Dental Surgeon : Mr. J. Lyons. House-Surgeon : Dr. W. Hale White. Hon. Secretary : Dr. I. Dobree Chepmell. SCHOOL OF PHARMACY OF THE PHARMACEUTICAL SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN, Bloomsbury-square, W.C.-Chemistry and Pharmacy: Professor Redwood, Ph.D., F.C.S. Lectures are delivered on Monday, Tuesday, ard Wednesday mornings at 9 o’clock. The course consists of sixty lectures. Two courses are given annually, the first commencing on October 3rd, 1881 ; and the secoud course on March lst, 1882. The subjects of these lectures are-(1) Physics in relation to Chemistry and Pharmacy. (2) Inorganic Chemistry. (3) Organic Chemistry. Botany and Materia Medica: Professor Bentley, M.P,.C.S. Eng., F.L.S. These lectures are delivered on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday mornings, at 9 o’clock. The first course commences on October 7th, 1881 ;

training of medical otlicers Apply to the Secretary, Mr.

of health aud

W. Baxter.

public analysts.

ENGLISH PROVINCIAL HOSPITALS AND MEDICAL SCHOOLS. BATH ROYAL UNITED HOSPITAL.-120 beds. Honorary Consulting Physician : Dr. Davies. Physicians : Drs Goodridge, Coate, and C01e. Surgeons: Messrs. Gore, Stockwell, and Fowler. Dental Surgeon : Mr. Gaine. Pathological Registrar and Curator: Mr. H. Culliford Hopkins. In-patients, last year, 1055 ; out-patients, 10,243. The hospital is recognised by the General Medical Council, and licenced for dissection. It has a good library and an excellent museum, containing a large number of interesting specimens, both in Pathology, I-Itinian and Comparative Anatomy. A year spent at the hospital counts as one out of the four required before qualifying for practice. Fees for attending the hospital practice, six months, £5 5s. ; twelve

months, £10 10s. Arrangements have been made by which pupils entering

hospital in October can be instructed in the subjects required for the recently instituted examination of the Royal College of Physicians, termed the First Professional Examination for the Licence, which can be passed during the year spent at the hospital. The subjects being Chemistry and Chemical Physics, Materia Medica, and Pharmacy, Medical Botany, and Osteology. For further particulars apply to the Registrar and Curator. the

QUEEN’S COLLEGE, BIRMINGHAM.—The Sands Cox Prize, of the value of £20, is given annually in the Medical Departis open to students who have completed their cur ment. Itand is awarded after examination in Medicine, riculum, The examination for this prize in. and Midwifery. Surgery, 1882 will be held in the last week in March. Two Ingleby Scholarships will be awarded annually after examination in Obstetric Medicine and Surgery, and Diseases of Women and Children. These Scholarships are open to students who have completed the first two years of their curriculum in this College. One or more Sydenham Scholarships will be awarded annually of the value of thirty guineas each. The orphan sons of former students of the Birmingham Medical School shall have priority of election. No Sydenbam scholars shall be elected whose age exceeds twenty-three years on the day of election. The Scholarships shall be held for three years, subject to good bebaviour. One or more Queen’s Scholarships will be awarded annually of the value of thirty guineas. Medals and certificates of honour are awarded annually in each class after examination. Students of Queen’s College are qualified to compete for all Scholarships, gold medals, and other prizes offered by the University of London, the Royal College of Surgeons, and the

Apothecaries’ Society.

THE GENERAL AND THE QUEEN’S HOSPITALS, BIRMING-HAM.—The General Hospital :—Consulting Physician: Dr. Fletcher. Consulting Surgeon : Mr. Crompton. Pnysiciansd Drs. Russell, Wade, Footer, and Rickardf. Surgeons: Messrs. Baker, Pemberton, Bartleet, and Jolly. Obstetric Officer : Dr. Malins. Assistant-Physicians : Drs. Saundby and Simon. Assistant - Surgeons : Messrs. Archer and Chavasse.—The Queen’s Hospital Consulting Obstetric Surgeon : Mr. Berry. Consulting Surgeon : Mr. S. Gamgee. Physicians : Drs. Heslop. Sawyer, Carter, and Hunt. Surgeons : Messrs. West, Furneaux Jordan, Wilders, and. Bennett May. Obstetric Surgeon : Mr. John Clay. Ophthalmic Surgeon : Mr. Priestley Smith. Dental Surgeon : Mr. Charles Sims. Casualty Surgeon : Mr. Jordan Lloyd.

484 The practices of these hospitals are amalgamated for the purposes of clinical instruction under the direction of the Birmingham Clinical Board. All students will be required to attend six months alternately at each hospital, excepting those who enter for six mouths only, who will be allowed to choose either hospital. ____

BRISTOL SCHOOL OF MEDICINE (affiliated to University College, Bristol).-Students of Anatomy or Physiology who ,do not pay the composition fee of sixty guineas, are required to pay a medical tutor’s fee of two guineas per annum. BRISTOL ROYAL INFIRMARY.—250 beds. Physicians : Drs. Spencer, Shingleton Smith, Waldo. aud Shaw. Surgeons : Messrs. Board, Dowsou, Prichar’), Cross, and Greig Smith. Surgeon for the out-patients : Mr. Harsant. Medical Superintendent : Mr. Macintire. House-Physician : Dr. Watson. House-Surgeon : Dr. Lendon. Secrelast year 2836; outtary : W.last Trenerry. In-patients patients year 27,796. Clinical clerkship, six months, five guineas; one year, eight guineas. Dressership, five guineas for each six months. Obstetric clerkship, three

guineas for each three months. Special clinical instruction is given in Diseases of the Eye, Ear, and Throat, also in Diseases of Women. Several prize, of considerable value, are open to competition among the students. Fees.—Medical or Surgical Practice, six months, seven guineas ; one year, twelve guineas ; perpetual, twenty guineas. Medical and Surgical Practice together in one

payment, one year, twenty guineas ; perpetual, thirty-five guineas. The above fees include Clinical Lectures. Pupils are entitled to attend the practice not only of their

physician or surgeon, but also that of all the physicians Surgical pupils, on acquiring the requisite experience, are permitted to dress all the out-patients, and also to reside in the house in weekly rotation, where they are in charge of all the casualties under the supervision of the house-surgeon. A Pathological Clerk, who performs all the post-mortem examinations, is appointed for three months from among the senior students. Practical Pharmacy at the taboratory and dispensary. The library contains about 3000 volumes, the museum over 3000 specimens. BRISTOL GENERAL HOSPITAL—154 beds. Physicians : Drs. Burder, Markham Skerritt, and Harrison. PhysicianAccoucheur : Dr. Lawrence Surgeons : Messrs. Lansdown, Atchley, Dobson, and Keall. Dentist: Mr. Parson. HouseSurgeon : Mr. Pickering. Physician’s Assistant: Mr. Bryden. Assistant House-Surgeon : Mr. E. M. Knapp. Secretary :Lieutenant Fox, R.N. Clinical clerkship, six months, five guineas. Dressership, six months, five guineas. Obstetric clerkship, three months, three guineas. Special clinical instruction is given in Diseases of the Skin, Eye, Ear, and Throat, also in Diseases of Women, and in Dental Surgery. Several valuable scholarships are open to competition. Fees.-Medical or Surgical Practice, six months, :E6; twelve months, £10 ; perpetual, JE20. The above fees own



include Clinical Lectures. Pupils are entitled to attend the whole medical and surgical practice of the hospital. Dressers reside in the hospital in rotation, and free of expense, and attend all the casualties under the direction of the House-Surgeon. Instruction in Pharmacy is given in the hospital dispensary. There is a good library and also a museum, to both of which the students have access.

ADDENBROOEE’S HOSPITAL, CAMBRIDGE.-Clinical Lectures in Medicine and Surgery in connexion with the Cambridge Medical School are delivered at this hospital twice a week during the academical year ; and practical instruction in Medicine and Surgery, in the wards and out-patient rooms, is given by the physicians and surgeons daily, during the vacations as well as term time. Instruction is also given in all the special modes of medical and surgical investigation. Clinical assistants and dressers are selected from students according to merit and without payment. UNIVERSITY OF DURHAM COLLEGE OF MEDICINE, NewA University of castle-upon-Tyne. —Scholarships, &c. Durham Scholarship of the value of £25 a year for four years annually for proficiency in Arts awarded to perpetual students in their first year only. The Dickinson Scholarship, value i15 annually, for Medicine, Surgery, Midwifery, and Pathology. The Tulloch Scholarship, value d620 annually, for Anatomy, Physiology, and Chemistry. The Charlton -

value £35 annually, for Medicine. The Gibb valueC25 annually, for Pathology. At the end of each session a Silver Medal and Certificate of Honour are awarded in each of the regular classes. An Assistant Curator of the Museum ij annually appointed from among the senior students, and receives i12 as an honorarium. Assistant Demonstrators of Anatomy, Assistant Physiologists, Pathological Assistants, and Assistants to the Dental Surgeon are also elected. Four times in the year, two Resident Medical Assistants, two Resident Surgical Assistants, three Non-resident Clinical Clerks, and sixteen Non-resident Dressers (eight for the In-patients, and eight for the Out-patient Department), are appointed for three months. The Medical and Surgical Assistants are provided with apartments and board in the Infirmary, on payment of five guineas for three months. Fees foo Lecticres.-Composition fee for all the lectures, qualifying for the Licence in Medicine and the Mastership in Surgery of the University of Durham, the Licence and Membership of the Royal College of Physicians, the Membership of the College of Surgeons, and the Licence of the Apothecaries’ Society, and payable on entering to the first winter session, £52 10s. Separate courses of lectures, each i44s. Single course of Chemistry, £5 5s. The composition fee entitles the holder to attend the lectures on Botany, Chemistry, and Materia Medica, and to use the Museum of Materia Medica in the library of the College. Hospital Prcccticc.-This can be attencl ed at the Newcastle Infirmary, which contains 230 beds. Midwifery, Diseases of the Eye, and Insanity can be specially studied. The Laboratories, Libraries, and Museums are open daily. Fees for Hospital Pratice.—Twelve months, £12 12s. ; six months, 988s.three months, £5 5s. ;perpetual fee, £26 5s. ;; or, if paid by three instalments, first year, i12 12s. ;second year, 910 10s.;third year, 966s. If paid by two instal. ments, first year, £14 14s.second year, n2 12s. Thesefees are payable in advance.

Scholarship, Scholarship,


GENERAL KENT AND CANTERBURY HOSPITAL.-Open for the reception of patients April 26th, 1793. 45,339 inpatients, and 78,319 out-patients, have been admitted since the hospital was open. The hospital contains 102 beds. Pupils of the staff are admitted to the practice of the hospital, and have the use of the libralY of the East Kent and Canterbury Medical Society for i77s. Operation day, Thursday, 11 A.j’I1. Physicians : Drs. Alfred Lochee and Henry Alexander Gogarty. Consulting Surgeons : Mr. P. B. Hallowes and Mr. James Reid. Surgeons : Messrs. Charles Holttum, Frank Wacher, Thomas ’Whitehead Reid, and John Greasley. Dentist : Mr. Robert J. Bell. House-Surgeon :Mr. G. Coulson Bull. Assistant House. Surgeon and Dispenser : Dr. A. H. Montfort. Secretary: Mr. Thomas Southsee. ____

LEEDS SCHOOL OF MEDICINE. -Several of the Courses of Lectures are now, by arrangement, attended at the Yorkshire College, which is within a short distance of the School of Medicine. This College commenced its operations in 1874, and in addition to the lectures on Chemistry, Biology, Comparative Anatomy,and Botany, attended by students of the Leeds School of Medicine, it now possesses Chairs in various branches of Science and Literature. LEEDS GENERAL INFIRMARY has accommodation for 300 in-patients. Clinical Lectures are given by the Physicians and Surgeons in the theatre of the school, and in the operating room of the infirmary. All students must hold the office of clinical clerk and dresser in accordance with the recent requirements of the examining boards. In the Eye and Ear Department a large number of special cases are treated during the year. Demonstrations on Diseases of the Ear are given by Mr. Nunneley. A house-physician and a house-surgeon are elected from time to time when vacancies occur. There are also four resident assistants in the infirmary. Two are elected every six months, and they continue in office for one year. They are chosen from the senior students of the school, and are provided with apartments and board in the infirmary free of charge. Dr. Major, Medical Director of the West Riding Lunatic Asylum, lectures on Mental Diseases during the summer. The Hardwick Clinical Prize, value £10, is conferred annually upon the most deserving student who exhibits a satisfactory proficiency in Clinical Medicine. The Surgeons’ Clinical Prizes, value respectively £8, £5, and £3, given by

485 the surgeons to the hospital, are conferred annually on the most deserving students who exhibit proficiency in Clinical Surgery. In addition to the Silver Medal awarded in Medical Jurisprudence, there is a prize of £10 (Thorpe Prize), for which a special examination is annually held. Four resident assistants are chosen from the senior students, board and residence free. There are a large Dispensary and a Fever Hospital in the town, both open to students attending the school.

NORTHAMPTON GENERAL INFIRMARY. -Established 1743 ; rebuilt 1793. In-patients, 1128 ; out-patients, 7587. Beds, 144. Physician : Dr. Buszard. Surgeons : Messrs. Kirby Smith and G. H. Percival. House-Surgeon : Dr. A. H. Jones. Resident Medical Officer : Mr. E. J. Morley. Outpupils are received and have every opportunity of acquiring Instruction is a practical knowledge of their profession. also given in and Materia Medica, and Practical Pharmacy. Pupils’ fees ;B25 per annum, or a perpetual fee of £50. The infirmary is recognised by the examining boards.



LIVERPOOL ROYAL INFIRMARY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE, (The Medical Faculty of University College).-Three house-

surgeons and two house-physicians are elected every six months from pupils of the school who have obtained a qualification. Nine clinical dressers and nine clerks are elected quarterly; and post-mortem clerks for six weeks. Pupils of the infirmary are admitted to learn Pharmacy in the dispensing department for six months. Three scholarships of £2, held for two years. The hospital contains 300 beds ; including 40 beds for the treatment of diseases of women. The Lock Hospital adjoining contains 60 beds. Fees.—For six months’ medical practice, five guineas ; twelve months, six guineas ; surgical, six guineas for six months, eight guineas for twelve months (this includes admission to the practice of the Lock Hospital adjoining the Infirmary) ; perpetual medical and surgical practice, thirtytwo guineas. A School of Dental Surgery exists in connexion with the above. The curriculum includes Lectures and Demonstrations on all the subjects required for the Licence in Dental Surgery of the Royal College of Surgeons of London, Edinburgh, and Dublin. LIVERPOOL COLLEGE OF CHEMISTRY.-The chemical lectures will be delivered on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, commencing October 8th, and continuing until May. Fee four guineas. The chemical laboratories are open from 10 to 5. Fee for practical course for Medical Students, three guineas. Certificates of attendance will be recognised by the chief Medical Examining Boards. Evening courses are also held. LIVERPOOL NORTHERN HOSPITAL. —Physicians : Drs. Dickinson and Caton. Surgeons : Mr. Manifold, Mr. Chauncey Pazey, and Dr. Campbell. Dental Surgeon : Mr. J. B. Lloyd. House-Surgeon : Mr. G. S. Hamilton. Assistant House-Surgeon : Mr. W. R. Parker. House-Physician : Dr. C. Shears. 145 beds. There is a special ward for the treatment of children. Clinical lectures are delivered by the physicians and surgeons during the summer and winter sessions. Clinical clerkships and dresserships are open to all the students without additional fee. Fees for Hospital Practice and Clinical Lectures.—Perpetual, twenty-five guineas ; one year, ten guineas; six months, seven guineas ; three months, four guineas. Students can enter to the medical or surgical practice separately on payment of half theabove fees. Practical pharmacy, three months fee, two guineas. Attendance on the practice of this hospital qualifies for all the examining boards. LIVERPOOL ROYAL SOUTHERN HOSPITAL. -Physicians: Drs. Cameron, Carter, and Williams. Surgeons : Messrs. Hamilton, Little, and Paul. Senior House-Surgeon : Mr. Davies. Junior House-Surgeons : Mr. Chisholm and Dr. Davison. 200 beds. Clinical lectures are given by the physicians and surgeons during the winter and summer sessions. Clinical clerkships and dresserships open to all students. Special wards for accidents and diseases of children. Rooms for a limited number of resident students. Fees for Hospital Practice and Clinical Leetacres.-Perpetual, twenty-five guineas; one year, ten guineas; six months, seven guineas; three months, four guineas. The practice of the hospital is recognised by all examining bodies. ___





year’s attendance recognised by examining boards. Fees : For the physicians’ practice, five guineas for six months ; ten

guineas, perpetual. For the surgeons’ practice, including dressership, no for three months ; £15 for six months; i20 for one year; E30 for two years ; and i40 perpetual. Pupils, resident and non-resident. Physicians: Dr. Eade, Dr. Bateman, and Dr. Taylor. Surgeons : Mr. Cadge, Mr. Crosse, and Mr. Williams. Assistant-Surgeons :Dr. Beverley and Mr. Robinson. House-Surgeon : Mr. D. D. Day.



OWENS COLLEGE (MANCHESTER ROYAL) SCHOOL OF MEDICINE.-This medical school is located in a large new building, which forms a part of Owens College. It is provided with a very large dissecting-room, physiological labo. ratory, private laboratories, and work-rooms, besides lectureThe departments of rooms, a museum, and a library. Anatomy, Physiology, and Chemistry are taught by professors who devote the whole of their time to the duties of their respective chairs. The more strictly practical departments of medical study are taught partly in the Medical School and partly in the Royal Infirmary, to which are attached a fever hospital, a lunatic asylum, and a convalescent home. Medical and surgical clinical classes are conducted in the Infirmary by the professors of medicine and surgery, and separate instruction is afforded in the elements of medical and surgical physical diagnosis, in obstetric medicine, ophthalmic surgery, and pathological anatomy, by the different members of the staff of the Medical School and Infirmary. The following scholarships and prizes are open to students of the Medical School :-1. A Dauntesey Scholarship of the value of about £100 is offered annually for competition at the beginning of October to persons who have not been students in any Medical School in the United Kingdom, and whose age does not then exceed twenty-five years. The subjects of examination are—(a) General and Comparative Anatomy; (b) Physiological Botany ; (e) Chemistry ; (d) Mathematics or Latin. 2. A Scholarship and Prizes are awarded at the end of each academic year to students of the first, second, and third year. 3. A Platt Physiological Scholarship of £50 a year for two years is offered annually to the student who, having studied for one entire session in the physiological laboratory of Owens College, has prosecuted the best original investigation in Physiology, and has passed a satisfactory examination in Physiology. 4. Two Platt Exhibitions of the value of £15 each, to be competed for by first and second year’s students in the class of Physiology. 5. A Dumville Surgical Prize of i20 is offered annually for proficiency in Clinical Surgery. 6. Medical and Surgical Clinical Prizes, each of the value of six guineas, are open to competition each year for the best reports (with comments) of cases which have occurred in the wards of the Infirmary. MANCHESTER ROYAL INFIRMARY.—Consulting Physicians : Drs. R. F. Ainsworth, Frank Renaud, T. H. Watts, Henry Browne. Consulting Surgeon : Mr. George Bowring. Physicians : Drs. William Roberts, Henry Simpson, John E. Morgan, D. J. Leech. Assistant Physicians : Drs. Julius Dreschfeld and James Ross. Obstetric Physician : Dr. John Thorburn. Surgeons : Messrs. F. A. Heath, Edward Lund, Walter Whitehead, Thomas Jones. Assistant Surgeons : Messrs. James Hardie, Fred. A. Southam. Ophthalmic Surgeon: Dr. D. Little. Dental Surgeon : Mr. G. W. Smith. Resident Medical Officer: Dr. Graham Steell. Resident Surgical Officer : Mr. Edmund H. Howlett. Medical and Surgical Registrar : Mr. G. A. Wright. Pathological Registrar: Mr. Alfred H. Young. Assistant Medical Officers : Drs. S. Moritz and T. J. Wilkinson. Secretary and Superintendent: Mr. W. L. Saunder. The Infirmary embraces a nurse-training institution, consisting of a staff of about eighty skilled nurses. It contains 315 beds. The annual average number of out- and home-patients is over 16,000, and the list of casualties in the accident-room exceeds 6000 per annum. Barnes Convalescent Home and the Monsall Fever Hospital contain together 570 beds. The Lunatic Hospital at Cheadle now accommodates 150 patients. Fees.-Medical practice : three months, four guineas ; six months, eight guineas ; twelve months, twelve guineas; full period required by the examining board, eighteen guineas. Surgical practice : three months, six guineas ; six months,

486 nine

guineas ; twelve months, eighteen guineas ; full period required by the examining board, thirty guineas. The fees for the full period required by the examining boards of both medical and surgical practice may be paid by a composition fee of £42 on entrance, or by two instalments of JE22 each

interval of twelve months. One medical and one surgical clinical prize, each of the value of six guineas, is offered annually for the best reports and commentaries on medical and surgical cases. Two nonresident and twelve resident officers are appointed. Two or more clinical clerks are attached to each physician and assistant-physician, and two or more dressers to each surgeon and assistant-surgeon. Two clerks are appointed to the pathological registrar and to each of the assistantmedical officers. Accident-room dressers are appointed .every month. at



SHEFFIELD SCHOOL OF MEDICINE.—The Infirmary contains 180 beds ; a Museum of Pathology, Library, and Postmortem Theatre, with microscopes and all the appliances for clinical research. Perpetual fee for attendance on all the lectures required by the Royal Callege of Surgeons and the Apothecaries’ Hall, £ 45. Secretary, Mr. A. Jackson. A tutor’s fee of i22s. is required from students entering for

and Physiology. JESSOP HOSPITAL FOR WOMEN, Gell-street, Sheffield.Medical Officers : Dr. Keeling, Dr. Hime, Mr. F. Woolhouse, and Mr. R. Favell. The hospital is devoted chiefly to diseases peculiar to women. There is also an obstetric department attached to the hospital for the admission of a small number of cases. A staff of midwives connected with the hospital attend lying-in women at their own homes, and in case of need are assisted by the members of the medical staff of the hospital. Out-patients are attended daily a,t the hospital. Students can attend the practice of the hospital, and be applied with cases of midwifery. Secretary, H. B. Warner, Hallamshire Chambers, Church-street.


HARTLEY INSTITUTION, Southampton.-In addition to preparations for the Preliminary Examination, instruction is given in Anatomy and Physiology, Zoology, Chemistry, Botany, Practical Chemistry, and in the use of the Micro-

scope. The institution contains a fine collection of anatomical models, and a medical library. T::e Practice of the Royal Infirmary of Southampton is open to students. The course of instruction is recognised by the Royal Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons of London for eighteen months of the four years of professional study required. Fees 966s. per term, or £ 15 per annum, in advance, which entitle the student to twenty-eight hours’ instruction per week, supplemented by the teaching in the Department of General Literature. ____

NORTH STAFFORDSHIRE INFIRMARY, Hartshill, Stokeupon-Trent.-The new North Srallfordshire Infirmary was opened in 1869, and is built on the pavilion plan. It has accommodation for nearly 220 patients, including detached fever wards and children’s hospital. In-patients last year 1516; out-patient?, 10,653. The hospital is duty recognised by the Court of Examiners of the Rqyal College of Surgeous ot England, and students have great facilities for acquiring a practical knowledge of their profession. WOLVERHAMPTON AND STAFFORDSHIRE GENERAL HOSPITAL.—Founded 1848. Beds, 210. A preparatory school of Medicine and Surgery. The pupils have the advantage

the whole of the practice of the Physicians and and are trained in Clinical work by the medical surgical staff. The attendance of pupils at this hospital is recognised by all the examining boards. Fees.—Six months, £ 6 6s.; twelve months, £ 10 lOs.; perpetual, £ 21. Some members of the honorary staff receive resident pupils. For further particulars, apply to the Hon. Secretary of the medical committee. of


Surgeons, and

YORK COUNTY HOSPITAL.—Established 1740; rebuilt 110 beds. In-patients, 782; out-patients, 4771. Physicians : Drs. G. Shann and W. Matterson. Consulting Surgeon: Mr. W. D. Husband. Surgeons : Messrs. R. Hewetson, W. H. Jalland, and F. Shann. House-Surgeon : Mr. Arthur Jefferson. Secretary : Mr. 11. Holtby. 1851.





are set apart for the professors of the University of Edinburgh. Courses of Clinical Medicine and Surgery are also given by the ordinary physicians and surgeons. Special instruction is given in the medical department on Diseases and in the surgical of Women, Physical Diagnosis, &c., department on Diseases of the Eye. Separate wards are devoted to fever, venereal diseases, diseases of women, diseases of the eye, also to cases of incidental delirium or insanity. Post-mortem examinations are conducted in the Anatomical Theatre by the Pathologist, who also gives practical instruction in Pathological Anatomy and Histology. From and after the commencement of the Winter Session, 1880—S1, the feesshall be as follows, viz. :-Perpetual ticket in one payment, £ 12 ; annual ticket, f66 6s. ;six months, £ 4 4s. ;three months, i22s. Separate payments amounting to £ 12 12s. entitle the student to a perpetual ticket. No fees are payable for any medical or surgical appointment. The appointments are as follows ;-1. Resi. dent physicians and surgeons are appointed, and live in the house free of charge. The appointment is for six months, but may be renewed at the end of that period by special recommendation. 2. Non-resident clinical clerks are appointed by the physicians and surgeons for such periods and under such conditions as they deem expedient. 3. Each surgeon appoints from four to nine dressers, the appointment being for six months. 4. Assistants in the Pathological department are appointed by the pathologist. SCHOOL OF MEDICINE, EDINBURGH. —The lectures qualify for the University of Edinburgh and the other universities, the Royal Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons of Edinburgh, London, and Dublin, and the other medical boards. In accordance with the statutes of the University of Edinburgh any four of the medical classes required for graduation, or two complete Anni Medici, may be attended in this school, each of which Anni Medici maybe contituted by attendance on two of the six months’ courses, or on one of these and two three months’ courses. The regulations re quire that the fee for any class taken for graduation in Edinburgh be the same as that for the corresponding class in the University. The whole education required for graduation at the University of London may be taken in this School. Fees.-For a first course of lectures, £ 3 5s ;; for a second, £2 4s. ;perpetual, £ 5 5s. To those who have already attended a first course in Edinburgh the perpetual fee is f24s. Practical Anatomy (six months’ course), £33s.; course of demonstrations, i2 £2 2.s. ; perpetual, ;C4 4s. Prac tical Anatomy with course of demonstrations, i44s. Practical Chemistry, £3 3s. Analytical Chemistry, i2amonth, £5for three months, or £ 10 for six months. Practical MateriaMedica, including Practical Pharmacy and Diseases of the Ear, Diseases of the Skin, Diseases of Children, each i22s. Vaccination, ilIs. For summer courses of Clinical Surgery and Clinical Medicine, each i22 4s. ;; Practical Anatomy, including Anatomical Demonstrations, Operative Surgery, and Medical Anatomy and Physical Diagnosis, each i22s.;Insanity, il15s. The minimum cost of the education in this School of Medicine for the double qualification of Physician and Surgeon from the Royal Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons, including the fees for the joint examination, is £ 95 ; whilst the minimum cost for the single qualification of either Physician or Surgeon, including fee for examination, is £ 85. The following order of study is recommended as a guide to the Student, though not enjoined :-First Year: Anatomy, Practical Anatomy, Chemistry, Practical or Analytical Chemistry, Hospital. Second Year : Anatomy, Practical Anatomy, Physiology, Surgery, Materia Medica (the last either in this or the Third Hospital. Third Year: Practice of Medicine, Clinical Surgery, Practical Anatomy, Practical Pharmacy, Clinical Medicine, Pathological Anatomy, Hospital. Fourth Yenr : Surgery, or Clinical Surgery, Midwifery and Diseases of Women and Children, Practice of Medicine or Clinical Medicine, Medical Jurisprudence, Practical Midwifery, Operative Surgery, Hospital. Six Residentships will be competed ior during the year. Three of these, tenable for the following six Winter months, will be competed for in March, and three for the succeeding six Summer months in July. EDINBURGH SCHOOL OF MEDICINE, Marshall-street,

clinical instruction

