Oceanographic Abstracts
shelf waters (of salinities, around 35.00%0) like Eucalanus subcrassus; the presence of copepods which only occur here in waters of high salinities, and the presence of copepods of very saline warm waters that survive in lower salinities and lower temperatures. Thus, Haloptilus and Heterorhabdus, Pontellina plumata, Rhincalanus are listed in waters of salinities between 33.00 and 35'00%0 (for instance, off Ecuador) in temperatures around 27°C (therefore comparable to our tropical waters). These species which are never found in low salinities in purely coastal waters off the Brazilian coast probably are stenoecious, rather than stenohaline. They are usually found in waters over great depths. Calanopia is found in the Pacific stations inside gulfs or near islands (Wilson 1950, p. 352-432; Scott 1909, p. 278-373) where there is influence probably of shallower water. It is therefore a good indicator of shelf and coastal water. Some copepods are good geographical indicators, thus some coastal and inshore species endemic in Brazilian waters have not yet been recorded in any other waters of the world. Oithona ovalis Herbst, Acartia giesbreehti Dahl, Pseudodiaptomus acutus and P. richardi Dahl seem to be good examples. Zoogeographically the waters off the southern coast of Brazil (State of Rio Grande do Sul) may be termed as a ' Mischgebiet ' (Steuer 1928, p. 217-218) a zone where the cold southern water current (Falkland Current) meets the warm originally tropical water and wheTe several intermediate habitats with their characteristic faunae are found together. There is usually a dominance of copepods in the open sea plankton (Hentschel 1933, p. 96). Thus the dominant species determined for the copepods present in a sample is possibly dominant for the whole community to which it belongs. The three schematic profiles shown in figures and by map along parallels 23 ~, 25 and 3 5 S represent the usual associations of frequencies of species found in the different environments off the southern Brazilian coast and summarize the results. BLANC J. J., 1963. Remplissage marin dans une grotte "~ I'oppidum de Constantine (Lanqon).
Rec. Tray. Sta. Mar., d'Endoume, 29 (44): 87-90. D6couverte d'une grotte colmat6e par un remplissage marin, d'origine littorale, d'gtge encore ind6termin6 (Mioc.~ne ou Plioc~ne). Le s6diment rub(~fi6 r6sulte du d6mant/~lement de plaquages ferrugineux et bauxitiques correspondant b, une p6riode d'6mersion. Phase de karstification ancienne et action pratiquement nulle de l'6rosion marine sur un littoral rocheux. BLANC JEAN J., 1964. Vases bathyales et sables d6tritiques au large de Marseille. Rec. Tray.
Sta. Mar. d'Endoume, Bull., 31 (47): 203-229. l~tudes sur les s6diments dragu6s dans la zone profonde du prdcontinent, au large de Marseille, et dans la vase bathyale au voisinage des canyons de Planier et de la Cassidagne. Caract~res min6ralogiques et granulom6triques. Importance des min6raux lourds, s6diments quaternaires et apports turbides. M61ange des stocks s6dimentaires correspondant aux facies marneux et bio-d6tritiques en bordure du pr6continent. Durant l'hiver 1962-1963, le chalutier de recherches ' Antedon,' de la Station Marine d'Endoume, a effectu6 plusieurs s6rizs de pr61~vements au large de Marseille. La zone prospect6e correspond un darntinz sin~galier, interm6diaire entre le pr6zontinznt au sens strict et l'6tage bathyal profond. Ainsi, les s6diments dragu6s, de-100 m, ~-1400 m s e r6partissent en deux cat6gories : (I ~) d'une part, les sables bio-d&ritiques du large (sables d6tritiques du large de J. M. Pdr~s et J. Picard), s6diments grossiers, polyg6niques, ~t thanatocoenoses quaternaires. (2 °) d'autre part, le facies plus homog~ne des vases bathyales du rebord prdcontinental, dans l'axe des canyons de Planier et de Cassidagne, sur les pentes et les interfluves. L'importance g6ologique de cette zone interm6diaire est grande, h la limite des s6diments n6ritiques et bathyaux. A l'exception des remaniements fr6quents, la limite des sables bio-d6tritiques, futures calcar6nites, et des vases bathyales (marries et calcaires marneux) est nette, brutale, conditionn6e par la topographie du socle (phyllades) et ' l'h6ritage ' g6ologique. BLANCHARD D. C., 1963. The electrification of the atmosphere by particles from bubbles in the sea. Progress in Oceanography, (Edited by SEARS, M.) Pergamon Pres-s Lond., 1: 71-202. The work in this paper has been directed towards an evaluation of the quantity of electric charge that is separated at the surface of the sea. As the carriers of the charge are particles that arise from the sea by wind and wave action, it was necessary to determine first the flux of particles across the sea and the manner in which the particles originated. Then, laboratory studies were carried out to determine the sign and magnitude of the particle charge. The data from these two separate investigations were combined to obtain an estimate of the charge separation by the world ocean. It was concluded that a majority of the particles that arise from the sea evolve from bubbles that break at the sea surface. These particles come from both the bubble film and the breakdown of a jet which rises at high speeds from the bottom of the collapsing bubble cavity. The film drop flux was computed directly from a knowledge of the world ocean white-cap coverage. The flux of jet drops, on the other hand, was computed indirectly, first by assuming a steady state between the source and the sink of the jet drops and then by computing their fall-out rate by sedimentation, rain washout, and advection over the continents.