July 1994
Additives -forPolymers
PROCESSING & EQUIPMENT Iodine colour scale in automatic calorimeter A new colour measurement scale, the Iodine scale, has been introduced to further extend the range of colouc measurement capabilities offered by the fully automatic calorimeter, the PFX-990 from Tintometer Ltd. As with the existing colour scales, a single measurement allows calculation of the Iodine scale value. The Iodine colour scale is a one-dimensional scale used extensively throughout Europe for the colour grading of resins, plasticizers and solvents whose colour is similar to an iodine/potassium iodide solution. The colour scale is expressed from 0 to 500 units. For very light colours with measurement values of 1 or less on the Iodine scale, the Hazen (APHA) scale can be used, which is also a standard facility on the PFX-990. The new scale is available as an EPROM retrofit kit for existing PFX-990 users, and a new version of software is also available for PC-control of the instrument when fitted with the Iodine scale. Contact; Ifhe Tintometer Ltd, Waterloo Road, SaZ~sba~, SFI 2JY, UK. Tel: +44-72232 7242. Fax: i- 44- 722-412322.
Contact: Degussa AG, Weissfrauenstrasse 9, D-60311 Framer, Ge~ny. Tel: +4969218-01. Fax: +49-69218-3218.
Elf Atochem acquires Schering AZDN activity Elf Atochem and Schering have signed an agreement concerning AZDN, a derivative of hydrazine. Elf Atochem, who is already established in this market with a 1000 tpa capacity plant at Lannemezan (SW France), is acquiring Schering’s AZDN activity. Schering will withdraw from the market and close its production facility in Widnes (Cheshire, UK). The world market for AZDN is in the order of 3000 tpa, of which 800 tonnes is consumed in Europe. It is used as a blowing agent in PVC. Contact: Paul F Jukes, Elf Atochem UK Ltd, Co~thro~ Way, ~atcham, Newb~~, Berkshire, RG13 4LW, UK. Tel: i-44-63587a300. Fax: +44-635870050.
AlliedSignal acquires Akzo f luorochemicals AlliedSignal has completed the purchase of Akzo’s fluorochemical business, based on hydroffuori~ acid and ~uoroc~bons. Akzo is selling the US group a plant at Weert, in the Netherlands. AlliedSignal is heavily involved in the development of CFC alternatives. Contact: AlliedSignal Inc, PO Box 2332, Morristown, NJ 07962, USA. Tel: +I-201455-2145.
Degussa in China Degussa has acquired a 40% interest in a Chinese carbon black company. It has joined a German investment company and the Zhenya Carbon Black company from China (which has 45% of the joint venture) in setting up Qingdao Degussa Chemical company with two plants totalling 53,000 tonnes capacity, the larger of which went into production early last year using technology licensed from Degussa. @I994 Elsevier Science Ltd
Uniroyal expands antioxidant plant Uniroyal Chemical has recently completed an expansion for its high perform~ce plastic antioxidants at the company’s manufacturing facility in Freeport, Grand Bahama Island. The addition of a second line, which increases production capacity by about 70%, will be primarily used to commercially manufacture Naugard 10. The Freeport 9