Bibliographic guide to serial titles

Bibliographic guide to serial titles

Bibliographic Guide to Serial Titles Contained in this section is full bibliographic and subscription information for all serials that are included an...

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Bibliographic Guide to Serial Titles Contained in this section is full bibliographic and subscription information for all serials that are included annually in Polymer Contents. Titles published monthly and semimonthly are included in each issue; others that are published less frequently are included in the next issue after they are received. The format for each entry is illustrated in the example shown at the right. Addresses for publishers may be found in the section, Index to Publishers Addresses.

Polymerica. ACPODY. ISSN 0323.7648. (Formerly Faserforschung und Textiltechnik). m. y-0


Entry Content Code ACS Symposium Series. ACSMCI. ISSN 0097-6156. irr. ACS. See New Book Tirles for current polymer title and price. Acta Polymerica. ACPODY. ISSN 0323-7648. (Formerly Faserforschung und Textiltechnik). bm. Akademie-Verlag or Buchexport. In Eng, Ger, Russ; Eng, Ger, Russ sum & tc. Institutional rate: America, Asia, Australia/New Zealand, $1048; Europe, $9 18; Germany, DMI588; Switzerland, sFr 1398. Personal rate: America, Asia, Australia/New Zealand, $167; Europe, $150; Germany, Austria, DM248; Switzerland, sFr 244. Acta Polymerica ence Press.

Sinica. GAXUE9.

ISSN 1000-3304. bm. Sci-

Advances in Chemistry Series. ADCSAJ. ISSN 0065.2393. irr. ACS. See New Bwk Titles for current polymer title and price. Advances in Colloid a&Interface 8686. 8x. Elsevier (Amsterdam).

Science. AClSB9. ISSN 0001.

I. Complete serial title with its InternationalOrganizationfor Standardization(ISO) abbreviation indicatedinbo1dface;e.g.ActaPolym.ISOabbreviationsareusedtoidentlfyserial titlesintheTables ofCo,nrenrssection. When appropriate. IS0 abbreviations may be followed by the English title of a foreign language publication or by other descriptors indicated within parentheses. 2. CODEN identifiersas specifiedby ASTM E250-76. ‘I%e CODEN is used in the fall bibliographicstripappearingbeloweachIS0 abbreviationin the TablesofContenrs section. CODEN may be followed by the original languagetitle enclosedwithin parenthesesif the serial title is an English languagetranslation. 3. InternationalStandardSerial Number (ISSN). 4. Referenceto any former titles. 5. Frequency of publication: o. annual: so, semiannual; 4, quarterly: bm, bimonthly;nr, monthly; sm, semimonthly;+. number of issuespublishedannually but not regularly; irr, irregular. For regularlypublishedtitleswith frequencieslessthanmonthly,the monthsof publicationare indicated by numerals enclosedwithin parentheses;e.g.. q(3,6,9,12) indicates that the serial is published quarterlyin March, June, September,and December. 6. Publisheror salesagent (seeIndex fo Publishers Addresses). 7. Language of publication.summaries.and tablesof contents(tc); if no entry is given, language is English. 8. Subscriptionor ordering informationfor most current volume or single issues;e.g. DCN$, Canadiandollar; DM, DeutscheMark (FDR); M, GDR Mark; Dfl, Dutch Guilder (florin).

Advnnces in Polymer Science. APSIDK. ISSN 0065-3 195. (Formerly Fortschritte der Hochpolymeren-Forschung). irr. Springer (Berlin). See New Book Titles for current title and price. Advances in Polymer Technology. APTYDS. ISSN 0730-6679. (Formerly Advances in Plastics Technology). y. Wiley (NY). US, $765; Canada & Mexico, $805; outside North America, $839. AIChE Journal. AICEAC. ISSN 0001-1541. m. AlChE. US, $765; lnternational, $845; US AlChE member. $95; international member, $175; US student member, $55; international student member, $135.

BiomedicaIMateriak. BMATEM ISSN 0955-7717. (IncorporatingBiomedical Materials). m. Elsevier (London). US & Canada, $298; UK, El75; elsewhere, E198. Biopolymers. BIPMAA. ISSN 0006-3525.14.x. Wiley (NY). Institution rates: US, $4995; CanadalMexico, $5235; elsewhere, $5439. Personal rates: US/ Canada/Mexico, $755; elsewhere, $899. Carbohydrate Polymers. CAPODI. don). UK, f550; US, $889.

ISSN 0144-8617.

12x. Elsevier (Lon-

AnalyticalChemisTry. ANCHAM. ISSNOOO3-2700. sm. ACS. ACS members, US, $78; Outside North America, $20.5. Nonmembers (personal), US, $223; Outside North America, $350. Nonmembers (institution), US, $940; Outside North America, $1067. Students, US, $59; Outside North America, $186.

Cellular Polymers. CELPDJ. ISSN 0262-4893. (Formerly European Journal of Cellular Plastics). bm. Rapra. UK, f 170; elsewhere, f 195.

Annual Review ~$Materials

Chemical Engineering (UK). EuropelClSNapan,

Science. ARMSCZ. ISSN 0084-6600. Reviews. See New Book Titles for current title and price.

a. Annual

Annual Review of Physical Chemistry. ARPLAP. ISSN 0066-426X. Annual Reviews, See New Book Titles for current title and price. Biomaterials. BIMADU. ISSN 0142-9612. als). 24x. Elsevier (Oxford). US$2596.





Clinical Materi-

Science. CESCAC. ISSN ooO9-2509. sm. Elsevier 4789 Dutch Guilders; all other countries, $2956.

Chemisrry @Materials. CMATEX. ISSN 0897-4756. m. ACS. ACS members, US, $66; Canada & Mexico, $109; Europe, $155; elsewhere, $182. Nonmembers (personal), US, $205; Canada & Mexico, $248; Europe, $294; elsewhere, $321. Nonmembers (institution), US, $699; Canada & Mexico, $742; Europe, $788; elsewhere. $815. Students, US, $49; Canada & Mexico, $92; Europe, $138; elsewhere, $165.




Science Limited

Chinese Journal ofPolymer Science. CJPSEG. ISSN 0256-7679. Verlag. US, $300; DM 440. Materials. $460; f285.



ISSN 0267-6605.

y. Springer-

m. Elsevier (London). US,

Colloid & Polymer Science. CPMSB6. ISSN 0303-402X. (Formerly Kolloid Zeitschrift fur Polymere). m. Springer-Verlag. In Eng, Ger; Eng, Ger sum. DM 3039; US, $1865 plus postage (single issues, DM 303.90; US, $185.15); 20% discount for members of Kolloid-Gesellschaft or the Europran Colloid and Interface Society. Colloids a&Surfaces A: Physicochemical Engineering Aspects. COSUD3. ISSNO927-7757. (Formerly ColloidsandSurfaces). m. Elsevier(Amsterdam). Colloids and Surfaces Elsevier (Amsterdam).

B: Biointerfaces.

Composite Structures. COMSE2. us, $3374.


ISSN 0263-8223.

ISSN 0927-7765.


16.x. Elsevier (Oxford).

Composites, Part A: Applied Science and Manufacruring. CASMFJ. lSSN 1359-835X. (Incorporating Composites Manufacturing). m. Elsevier Science Ltd. Europe/CIS/Japan, 3 182 Dutch Guildem; all other countries, USS 1615. Composites Science and Technology. CSTCEH. ISSN 0266-3538. 16x. Elsevier (London). Europe/CIS/Japan, 5433 Dutch Guilders; all other countries, US$2758. Computational & Theoretical Polymer Science. CTPSEJ. ISSN 1052-0643. (Formerly Computational Polymer Science). 4. Elsevier Science. Europe, CIS, & Japan, 338 Dutch Guilder; elsewhere, $209. Contemporary Topics in Polymer Science. CTPSDH. ISSN 0160-6727. Plenum. See New Book Titles for current title and price.


Disserrution Abstracts International [Section] B: The Sciences and Engineering. DABBBA. ISSN 0419-4217. rn. ProQuest. Dissertation Abstracfs Internationnl [Secrion] C: Worldwide. DAICDG. ISSN 1042-7279. q(3,6,9,12). ProQuest. Electrochimica Acta. ELCAAV. $2093; elsewhere, f I3 16.

ISSN 0013-4686.

sm. Elsevier (UK). US,

Engineering Plastics. elsewhere, E240.

ISSN 0952-6900.

bnz. Rapra. UK, f220;


International Journal of PolymericMaterials. IJPMCS. ISSN 00914037. 3~01s. (4x per vol.). Gordon and Breach .(NY). Individual rate (available to those whose library subscribes to journal), US, $410; ECU, 315. International Polymer Processing. IPPRBJ. ISSN 0930-777X. 9. Carl Hanser Verlag. Germany, DM 428.60; Foreign European Countries, $27 I .40; 833256; 27 1.4OsFr; elsewhere, $28 I .60. Journal de Physique I. JPGCEI. Price. 4610 FF. Journal de Physique Price. 5000 FF.

ISSN 0302-0738.

m. Editions de Physique.

II. JPAHER. ISSN 0302-0738.

tn. Editions de Physique.

Journal of Advanced Materials. JADMEK. lSSN 1070-9789. (Formerly SAMPE Quarterly). 9. SAMPE. US, $60; Canada & Mexico, $68; elsewhere, $75; single issues, $16 + postage. Journul of Analyfical and Applied Pyrolysis. Elsevier (Amsterdam). Dll. 790.

JAAPDD. ISSN 0165-2370.2x.

Journul ofrlze American Chemicul Society. JACSAT. ISSN 0002-7863.5/x. ACS. ACS members, US, $148; Outside North America, $379. Nonmembers (personal), US, $307; Outside North America, $538. Nonmembers (institution), US, $2165; Outside North America, $2396. Students, US, $I I I; Outside North America, $342. Journal of Applied Physics. JAPIAU. ISSN 0021-8979. sm. AIP. US & possessions, $2590 ($240 for members of AIP and affiliated societies); Canada, Mex.. Central & S. Am & Caribbean, $2695 (members, $345); Eurone, Asia. Africa, &Oceania, $2860 (members, $5 IO); phor to current year single issues, members, $30; nonmembers, $120. Journal rfAppliedPolymerScience. JAPNAB. ISSN 0021-8995.4/m. Wiley (NY). US, $10,595; Canada & Mexico, $I 1,155, outside North America, $1 1,631. Journczl #Bioactive and Compatible Polymers. JBCPEV. ISSN 0883-91 15. 9. Technomic. US, $360; elsewhere, add $5 for outside US; single issues, $9 I. Journal of Cellular P1astic.r. JCUPAM. ISSN CO2 I -955X. bm. Technomic. US, $265; elsewhere, add $55 for surface, (single issues, $46). Journal ofChemical Physics. JCPSA6. ISSN 0021-9606. 48X. AIP. US & possessions, $4455 ($3 15 for members of AIP and affiliated societies); Canada, Mex., Central & S. Am & Caribbean, $4565 (members, $425); Europe, Asia, Africa, & Oceania, $4770 (members, $425 for surface; $630 for air freight).

The European Physical Journul B. EPJBFY. ISSN 1434-6028. Formerly Journal de Physique and Zeitschrift fur Physik B. 24x. Springer. US, $2928; Germany, DM 4424.90; elsewhere, DM 4455.50.

Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. JCISAS. ISSN 0021-9797. (Formerly Journal of Colloid Science). tn. Academic. US & Canada, $666; elsewhere, $752.50; reduced rate for personal subscribers.

The European Physical Journal D. EPJDF6. ISSN 1434-6060. Formerly Journal de Physique and Zeitschrift fib Physik D. 24x. Springer. US, $1532; Germany, DM 2504.80; elsewhere, DM 2520.40.

Journal of Composite Materials. JCOMBI. ISSN 0021-9983. $1375; elsewhere, add $60 for postage; single issues, $59.

European Polymer Journtrl. EUPJAG. ISSN 0014-3057. m. Pergamon (Oxford). In Eng, Fr; Eng sum. Europe, The CIS & Japan, 3664 Dutch Guilders; elsewhere, $2106. High Performance Polymers. HPPOEX. ISSN 0954-0083. $298 (single issue, $82); personal subscription plan, $120.

9. Carfax.


Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. IECRED. ISSN 0888-5885. m. ACS members,US,$82;Canada&Mexico,$l21;Europe,$l74:elsewhere, $199. Nonmembers (personal), US, $224; Canada & Mexico, $263; Europe, $316; elsewhere, $341. Nonmembers (institution), US, $1,014; Canada & Mexico, $1,053; Europe, $1,106: elsewhere, $1,131. Students, US, $61; Canada & Mexico, $100; Europe, $153; elsewhere, $178. Internationul Journal of Biologica\ Macromolecules: Structure, and Interactions. IJBMDR. ISSN 0141-8130. bm(2,4,6,8,10,12). Science B.V.

Function Elsevier

sm. Sage. US,

Journcd @Composites Technology & Reseurch. JCTRER. ISSN 0885-6804. 9. ASTM. US & Canadaa, $ I29 ($ I I6 for ASTM members); elsewhere, $142 ($128 for members); single issues, $35. Jnurnul r,f’ Controlled Release. (Amsterdam). US, $2292.


ISSN 0168-3659.



Journul ofElastomers und Plastics. JEPLAX. ISSN 0095-2443. (Formerly Journal of Elastoplastics). 9( Technomic. US. $245; elsewhere, add $48 (single issue, $63). Journal c)j’Inorganic crnd Organometclllic

Polymers. JIOPE4. ISSN lO530495. 9. Plenum. US institution rate, $345 ($5.5 for individual professionals); elsewhere, $405 ($64 for individual professionals). Jorrrnctl of Macromolectrlor

Science-Physic.s. JMAPBR. ISSN 0022-2348. 4.r. Dekker. US institution rate, $1,095 ($54750 for individual professionals and students); elsewhere, add $2250 for surface mail, or $33 for air to Europe. or $39 for air to Asia.

Internafionul Journal ofPolymer Analysis und Characterizcrrion. IPACEZ. ISSN 1023-666X. 4x. Gordon & Breach Science. Personal rates, US, $I 13; ECU, $87.






Science Limited

Jnurtud of Macromolecular Science-Pure and Applied Chemisrry. JSPCB6. ISSN 1010-1325. (Formerly J. Macromol. Sci.-Chem.) m. Dekker. US, $2,595

($ I ,297.50 for students and individual professionals); elsewhere, add $45 for surface mail, $66 for air to Europe, $78 for air to Asia. Journal af Macromolecular

Science-Polymer Reviews. JMSPDH. ISSN 0736-6574. (Formerly Journal of Macromolecular Science, Reviews in Macromolecular Chemistry). 4x. Dekker. US, $895 ($65.00 for students and individual professionals); elsewhere, add $18 to Canada; $16 for surface mail, or $22 for air to Europe, or $28 for air to Asia.


qf Society of Rheology, Japan. ISSN 0387-1533. The Society of

Rheology, Japan. Journal of Supereritical Science.

Fluids. JSFLEH. ISSN 0896-8446. 9. Elsevier

of Testing and Evaluation. JTEVAB. ISSN CQ90-3973.(Supercedes Journal of Materials). bm( 1,3,5,7,9,11). ASTM. US &Canada, $129 ($116 for ASTM members); elsewhere, $142 ($128 for ASTM members); single issues, $35. Joumol

of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. JTHEA9. ISSN 03684466. tn. Wiley (UK) & Akadtmiai Kiadb. US, $3,429; NLG 7200.00.

Journal ojMaterial.r Chemistry. JMACEP. ISSN 0959-9428. tn. The Royal Society of Chemistry. EEA (incl.UK), f560; US, $1008.


Journal of Materials Research. JMREEE. ISSN 0884-2914. tn. Materials Research Society.

Journal of Vinyl & Addirive Technology. JVATF4. ISSN 0193-7197. (Formerly Journal of Vinyl Technology). q( SPE. US & Canada SPE members, $75; Nonmembers, $190; Corporate/Institution Library, $250; outside North America, add $25 for postage.

ofMaterials Science. JMTSAS. ISSN 0022-2461. m. Chapman and Hall. Print & Internet access EU, f3600; Rest of world, $5970. Print only EU f2995; Rest of world $4975. Subscription includes Journal of Materials Science Letters, Materials in Electronics, & Materials in Medicine (seeentry).


Journal of Materials Science Letters. JMSLDS. ISSN 0261-8028. m. Chapman and Hall. Included with subscription to Journal of Materials Science (see entry). Journul ofMaterial. Science - Matererials in Electronics. JMSEEV. ISSN 0957-4522. m. Chapman and Hall. Included with subscription to Journal of Materials Science (see entry).

of Materials Science - Matereriuls in Medicine. JSMMEL. ISSN 0957-4530. nr. Chapman and Hall. Included with subscription to Journal of Materials Science (see entry).


Journul of Membrane Science. JMESDO. ISSN 0376-7388. bw. Elsevier (Amsterdam). US, $4213. JournalofNon-NewtonianFluidMechanics. Elsevier (Amsterdam).

Kobunshi Ronbunshu. (Collected Papers on High Polymers). KBRBA3. ISSN 0386-2186. (Formerly Kobunshi Kagaku). m. SPSJ. In Japan; Eng tc, sums, figs, tables. US member, $50; non-member, $100; add $40 for airmail. Europe. KUPEE3. ISSN 0023-5563. Kunststoffe-German Plastics). m. Hanser. Germany.



Macromolecular ChemisrryandPhysics. MCHPES. ISSN 1022-1352. (Formerly Die Makromolekulare Chemie: Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics). m. Wiley-VCH. In Eng, Ger, Fr; Eng sum & tc. US/Canada, $3288; Europe,%2868;GermanylAustria,DM5018;Switzerland,sFr4218;elsewhere, $2958 (includes Macromol. Rapid Commun. and Macromol. Theory Simulations, and Acta Polym.-see entry). Macromolecular Materials and Engineering. MMENFA. lSSN 1438-7492. (Formerly Angewandte Makromolekulrue Chemie)9x. Wiley-VCH. Germany, DM 2440.88; Switzerland, SFr 2048; Outside Europe., $1518 (included at no charge with subscription to Macromol. Chem. Phys.-see entry).

JNFMDL. ISSN0377-0257.m.

of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry JPPCEJ. ISBN 1010-6030. m. Elsevier (Lausanne). Sfr. 900.- (approx. US $539).


Journcd of Plastic Film & Sheeting. JPFSEH. ISSN 8756-0879. y( I .4,7,10). Technomic. US, $470, elsewhere, add $60 for postage; single issues, $130. Journal of Polymer Englneenng.

JPOEEK. ISSN 03346447. (Formerly Polymer Engineering Reviews). q. Freund (London). US, $180.

Journu/ofPolymcrResearch. JPOREP. ISSN 1022-9760.q. Polymer Society, Taipei. Taiwan, Individual, NTS 1,000;libraries, NT$2,000 (single issue, NT$ 250). Journal of Polymer Science, Parr A, Polymer Chemisrry. JPLCAT. ISSN 0360-6376. (Formerly Journal of Polymer Science, Part A). sm. Wiley (NY).

US, $8,535: Canada & Mexico, $9,015; outside of North America, $9,423. Subscription includes Polymer Physics, and Polymer Symposia editions (see entries). Journal ofPolymer Science, Purr B, Polymer Physics. JPLPAY. ISSN 009%

1273. (Formerly Journal of Polymer Science, Part A-2). sm. Wiley (NY). For subscrtptton mformation, see J. Polym. Sci., Polym. Chem. JourncdofPolymerScience, PolymerSymposia. JPYCAQ. ISSN 0360-8905. (Formerly Journal of Polymer Sctence, Part C). irr. Wiley (NY). For subscription information, see J. Polym. Sci.. Polym. Chem. Journal Polymers and the Environment. JPENFW. ISSN 1566-2543. y. Plenum. US, $290;elsewhere, $340; Personal subscribers, US, $68; elsewhere, $80. Journctl of Reinforced Plastics and Composites. JRPCDW. ISSN 073 I-6844. snr. Technomic. 1JS. $1275; elsewhere, add $60; single issues, $72.

Macromolecular Rapid Communications. MRCOES. ISSN 1022-1336. (Formerly Die Makromolekulare Chemie, Rapid Communications). m. WileyVCH. US/Canada, $378; Europe, $328; Germany/Austria, DM568; Switzerland, sFr 478; elsewhere, $338 (included at no charge with subscriotion to Macromol. Chem. Phys.-see entry).

Macromolecular Reports. MREPEG. ISSN 1060- 1325.8~. Dekker. US, $250 ($250 for individual professionals and students); elsewhere, add $28.09 for surface mail, $44.00 for air to Europe, $52.00 for air to Asia. (International Rapid Publication Supplement included at no charge with subscription to the J. Macromol. Sci.-Chem. - see entry ). Macromolecular Research. ISSN 1598-5032. (Formerly Korea1Plymer Journal). 6x. The Polymer Society of Korea, Macromolecular Symposia. (Formerly Die Makromolekulare Chemie, Macromolecular Symposia). MSYMEC. ISSN 1022-1360. irr. Wiley-VCH. US/ Canada, 1108, Europe, $968, Germany/Austria, DM1678; Switzerland, sFr 1408; elsewhere, $988. Macromolecular Theory and Simulafions. MTHSEK. ISSN 1022-1344. Wiley-VCH. (Formerly Die Makromolekulare Chemie: Theory and Simulations). US/Canada, $398; Europe, $348; Germany/Austna, DM608; Switzerland, sFr ~518;elsewhere, $358 (included at no charge with subscription to Makromol. Chem. - see entry). MAMOBX. ISSN 0024-9297. bw. ACS. ACS members, US, S 118; Canada & Mexico, $18 I; Europe, $270; elsewhere, $32 1. Nonmembers (personal), US, $268; Canada & Mexico, $331; Europe, $420; elsewhere, $471. Nonmembers (institution), US, $1,686; Canada & Mexico, $1,749; Europe. $1,838; elsewhere, $1,889. Students, US, $88; Canada & Mexico, $15 I : Europe, $240; elsewhere, $291.


Masters Abstrcrcrs. MSTAAF. ISSN 0025-5106.4x(3,6,9,12). ProQuest. Research Bullerirr. MRBUAC. ISSN 00255408. m. Pergamon. Europe/ClS/Japan. NLG 3.44900; elsewhere, US $1,75 1. Materials

JORHD2. ISSN 0148-6055. (Formerly the Transactions of the Society of Rheology). 6.r. Wiley (NY) for The Society of Rheology. Included with Membership to the Society of Rheology, all nonmembers, US, $475: Canada & South American continent, $485; elsewhere, $500.

Jortrntrl ofRheology.




02002 Elsevier Science Limited

Mechanics ofComposite Materials (English Translation). MCMAD7. (Translation of Mekhanika Kompozifnykh Materialov). ISSN 019 I-5665. (Formerly Polymer Mechanics). bm. Kluwer. US, $1795.

Polymer Reaction Engineering. PREEEG. ISSN 1054-3414. ~(2.5.8, IO). Dekker. US institution rate, $S25 ($45 for individual professionals and students); elsewhere, add $ I6 for surface mail; $ I8 for air to Canada; $22 for air to Europe; $28 for air to Asia.

Monatshefrefur Chemie (Chemical Monthly). MOCMB7. ISSN 0026-9247. tn. Springer (Wien). In Ger; Eng, Ger sum; Eng tc. Japan, DM 1856 plus carriage charges (single issues, DM 180); N. America, $1193 (single issues, $117.50; all other countries, DM 1856: 6s 12992 plus carriage charges: (Single issues, DM 180: iiS 1260).




POLREZ. ISSN 0969-5990.4x.


Series A (Translation of Vy.~okomolekul)arnye


SeriyaA). PSSAFE. ISSN 0965-545X. m. Interneriodica. US &Canada. $2630: elsewhere, $3030.

New Polymeric us, $199.


NPMAES. ISSN 0 169-6525. 4x. VSP. DM 3 18; Polymer Science, Series B (Translation of Vysokomolekulyctrnye Soedineniya, ISSN 0965-545X. bm. Interperiodica. US & Canada, $1000; elsewhere, $1150. Seriya B). PSSBFH.

Nihon Reoroji Gakkaishi. Journal of the Japanese Society of Rheology. NRGADP. ISSN0387-1533. y(3,6,9,12). SRJ. 8,000 Yen (approx. $50 US). In Japan; Eng tc, sums, figs, tables. PIasteundKautschuk.


ISSN 0048-4350.

PolymerScience, Series C (Translation of Vysokomolekulyclrnye Soedineniyu, Seriyu C). PSSBFH. ISSN Pending. 2x. Interperiodica. US & Canada, $3469;

m. VEB. In Ger. DM 198.

elsewhere, $4011.

PlasticsEngineering. PLEGBB. lSSN0091-9578. (Formerly SPEJournal). nz. SPE. Included with membership to SPE. US nonmembers. $142: outside US. add $100; single issues, $20.

Polymer Science nnd Technology. POSTBS. ISSN 0093-6286. See New Book Titles for current title and price.

Po1ymerTestin.q. POTEDZ. ISSN 0 142-94 IS. 5x. Elsevier (London). Europe, The CIS, & Japan, 1533 Dutch Guilders; all other countries, US $778.

Plastics Rubber and Composites: Processing and Applications. PRPAEP. ISSN 0959-8 I 1I (Formerly Plastics and Rubber Processing and Applications). 10x. Elsevier (Oxford) for The Institute of Materials. Member of the Institue of Materials, UK, f205; US members, $306; Non members, UK, f4lO; US, $611. Polimery. POLIA4. ISSN 0032-2725. sums. US. $126.

m. RedakcjaPolimery.

Polymers & Polymer Composites. PPOCEC. ISSN 0967 391 I (Formerly Composite Polymers). bm. Rapra. UK, f220; oversea, f240. Polymersfor Advanced Technolqies. (UK). US, $1645; personal rate, $750.

In Polish; Eng tc,


Progress in Orgunic (Lausanne).

Polymer Bulletin. POBUDR. ISSN 0170.0839. m. Springer (Berlin or NY). US, $1373: single issue, $135.95; elsewhere, DM 2198 plus carriage charges; single issues, DM 219.80 plus carriage charges. Polymer Composites. PCOMDI. ISSN 0272-8397. for SPE members); elsewhere, add $25.

bm. SPE. US, $225 ($100

PolymerDegradationandStabilify. PDSTDW. ISSNOl41-3910.(Absorbed Polymer Photochemistry). 12x. Elsevier (London). Europe, The CIS, &Japan, 5254 Dutch Guilders; all other countries, US $2667. Polymer Engineering and Science. PYESAZ. ISSN 0032-3888.(Formerly SPE Transactions). l&. SPE. US & Canada SPE members, $190; Nonmembers, $290; Corporate/Institution Library, $620; outside North America, add $50 for surface or $80 for airmail. Polymer Gels and Networks. ford). US, $363.

PGNEEI. ISSN 0966-7822.

4x. Elsevier (Ox-

PolymerInternationuI. PLYIEI. ISSN 0959-8103. (Formerly British Polymer Journal). m. John Wiley & Sons for the Society of Chemical Industry. US, $1350; Personal rate, $125. Polymer Juurnnl. POLJBI. ISSN 0032-3896. sales agent). US institutional, $1350.



ISSN 0033-0655.

8x. Elsevier

Progress inPolymerScience. PRPSBS. ISSN0079-6700. Xx. ElsevierSci. Europe, CIS, & Japan, 2428.00 Dutch Guilder; elsewhere, $1396. Progress in Rubber and P1astic.s Technology. Rapra for the Plastics and Rubber Institute.


PRPTEE. ISSN 0266-7320.


Pure and Applied Chemisrry. PACHAS. ISSN 0033-4545. tn. Blackwell. Europe, f770; Rest of world, f847, US & Canada, $ I 166 ($ I30 or f92 for individuals whose institution has a library subscription). Radiation Physics and Chemistry. RPCHDM. ISSN 0969-806X. Sci. Ltd. US, $1586.

m. Elsevier

Reactive & Functional Polymers. RFPOE6. ISSN I38 I-S 148. (Formerly Reactive Polymers). m. Elsevier (Amsterdam). US, $1386. Rheolqica Acta. RHEAAK. ISSN 0035-45 I I, bm. Springer. In Eng, Fr, Ger; Eng, Fr, Ger sum. DM I. 178 plus DM 236 postage; US, Canada, & Mexico, $736 plus postage; 20% discount for members of participating societies and subscribers to Colloid & Polymer Science (see entry).

m. SPSJ; USACO (exclusive

Polymer(Korea).POLLDG. lSBN0379-153X.6x.PolymerSocietyofKorea. US & Europe individual, $90 (airmail) or $60 (surface); US & Europe Library, $160 (airmail) or $130 (surface); Asia individual, $60 (air only); Asia Library, $130 (air only). PolymerNews. PLYNBU. ISSN 0032-3918. m. Gordon and Breach. Personal rate (available to individuals whose library subscribes or who provide a home address), ECU244. Polymer-Plastics Technolqqy and Engineering. PPTEC7. ISSN 0360-2559. (Formerly Journal of Macromolecular Science, Reviews in Polymer Technology). 6x. Dekker. US institution rate, $112.5 ($65 for individual professionals and students); elsewhere, add $20.00 for surface mail; $22.50 for air to Canada; $27.50 for air to Europe; $35 for air to Asia.


PADTES. ISSN 1042-7 147. m. Wiley

Progress in Colloid & Polymer Science. PCPSD7. ISSN 0340-255X. (Formerly Fortschrittsberichte ueber Kolloide und Polymere). irr. Steinkopff. In Eng, Ger (Eng sum). Supplement to Colloid & Polymer Science. Bille separately to subscribers of Colloid & Polymer Science (see entry).

Polymer. POLMAG. ISSN 0032-3861. bw. Elsevier Science Ltd. Europe, The CIS, & Japan, 10,125 Dutch Guilders; Rest of world, US, $5474 (includes Polymer

irr. Plenum.

Rubber Chemisrry und Technology. RCTEA4. ISSN 0035-947.5.5x. Division, ACS. US. $300; elsewhere, %375.


SAMPE Journal. SAJUAK. ISSN 0091-1062. bm. SAMPE. US, $65 ($15 included in dues for SAMPE members); Canada & Mexico, $73; elsewhere, $105; single issues, $10. Science and Engineering $160.



SCMAE6. y. Freund. US

Sen-i Gakkaishi. SENGAS. ISSN 0037-9875. (Journal of the Society of Fiber Science and Technology; supercedes Sen-i Kogyo Gakkaishi; absorbed Sen-i To Kogyo). m. SFSTJ. 18,000 Yen plus postage; SFSTJ members, 7,200 Yen plus postage (single issues, 1,500 Yen plus postage). In Japan., Eng; Eng sums, figs, tables.


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Society ojf Plastkc Engineers, [Technicul Papers]. SPEPAU. 8773. a SPE. See New Book Titles for current title and price. SolidStateIonics. & South America,

ISSN 0167.2738. $2868.

rn. Elsevier (Amsterdam).

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Supramolecular Science. SUSCFX. ISSN 0968-5677. 6x. Elsevier Science Ltd. North, Central, & South American, $254; elsewhere, f 170. Synthefic $3456.

Metals. SYMEDZ. ISSN 0379-6779.24x.

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Textile Research Journal. TRJOA9. ISSN 0040-5175. m. TRI. US, $245; elsewhere, add $20 for international surface mail; for airmail add: Canada, $24; Mexico, $26; South&Central America, $34; Europe, $5 1; USSR, Asia, Africa, Middle & Far East, $62: single issues, $30. Thermochimica Acta. THACAS. ISSN 0040-603 1. 24x. Elsevier (Amsterdam). In Eng, Fr, Ger; Eng, Fr, Ger sum North, Central, & South America, US $6602.






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