Bibliographic guide to serial titles

Bibliographic guide to serial titles

Bibliographic Guide to Serial Titles Contained in this section is full bibliographic and subscription information for all serials that are included an...

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Bibliographic Guide to Serial Titles Contained in this section is full bibliographic and subscription information for all serials that are included annually in Polymer Contents. Titles published monthly and semimonthly are included in each issue; others that are published less frequently are included in the next issue after they are received. The format for each entry is illustrated in the example shown at the right. Addresses for publishers may be found in the section, Index to Publishers Addresses.

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Acta Polymerica. ACPODY. ISSN 0323.7648. (Formerly Faserforschung und Textiitechnik). m.* 4 w 7 cf 1 cclatent Code EnaS

ACS Symposium Series. ACSMCI. ISSN 0097-6156. irr. ACS. See New Book Z’irlesfor current polymer title and price. Acta Polymerica. ACPODY. ISSN 0323-7648. (Formerly Faserforschung und Textiltechnik). bm. Akademie-Verlag or Buchexport. In Eng, Ger, Russ; Eng, Ger, Russ sum & tc. Germany, DM 498; elsewhere, DM506, f 183, SFr 470, $360. Acta Polymerica Sinica. GAXUE9. ISSN 1000-3304. bm. Science Press.

Additives for Polymers. ADPOEI. ISSN 0306-3747. m. Elsevier (London). UK, f343. Advanced Cement Based Materials. ACATE9. ISSN 10657355. 8x (1,3,4,5,7,9,10,11). Elsevier (NY). US institutions, $330; US individuals, $170; For. individuals, $214. Advunces in Chemistry Series. ADCSAJ. ISSN 0065-2393. irr. ACS. See New Book Titles for current polymer title and price.

I. Complete serial title with its International Organization for Standardization (ISO) abbreviation Indicatedin boldface; e.g. ActaPolym.ISOabbreviationsareusedtoidentify serial titlesintheTables o~Contenrs section. When appropriate, IS0 abbreviations may be followed by the English title of a romign language publication or by other descriptors indicated within parentheses. 2. CODEN identifiers as specified by ASTM E25&76. The CODEN is used in the full bibliogtaphic snip appearing below each IS0 abbreviation in the Tablesof Contents section.CODEN may m followed by the original language tide enclosed within parentheses if the serial tide is an English language translation. 3. International Standard Serial Number (ISSN). 4. Reference to any former titles. 5. Frequency of publication: o. annual; so, semiannual; 9, quarterly; bm, bimonthly; m, monthly; sm. semimonthly; x, number of issues published annually but not regularly; irr, irregular.For regularly published titles with frequencies less than monthly. the months of publication ate indicated by numerals enclosed within parentheses; e.g., q( indicates that the serial is published quarterly in Match, June, September, and December. 6. Publisher or sales agent (see h&.x to PublishersAddresses). 7. Language of publication, smmmxies, and tables of contents (tc); if no entry is given, language is English. 8. Subscriptionor ordering information for nmt current volume or single issues; e.g. JXJN$, Canadian dollar; DM, Deutsche Mark (FDR); M, GDR Mark Dfl, Dutch Guilder (florin).

Advances in Colloid and Interface Science. ACISB9. ISSN 0001-8686.8x. Elsevier (Amsterdam). Advances in Polymer Science. APSIDK. ISSN 0065-3195. (Formerly Fortschritte der Hochpolymeren-Forschung). irr. Springer (Berlin). See New Book Titles for current title and price. Advances in Polymer Technology. APTYDS. ISSN 0730-6679. (Formerly Advances in Plastics Technology). q. Wiley (NY). US, $476; Canada & Mexico, $516; elsewhere, $538. AIChE Journal. AICEAC. ISSN 0001-1541. m. AIChE. US, $675 (elsewhere add $80 for postage) $85 for AIChB members; $45 for student members; single issues, $70 (outside the US add $8 for postage). Analytical Chemistry. ANCHAM. ISSN0003-2700. sm. ACS. ACS members, US,%50;Canada&Mexico,$89;Europe,$I49;elsewhere, $179. Nonmembers (personal), US, $95; Canada& Mexico, $134; Europe, $194; elsewhere, $224. Nonmembers (institution), US, $685; Canada &Mexico, $724; Europe, $784; elsewhere, $814. Student, US, $37.50; Canada & Mexico, $76.50, Europe, $136.50; elsewhere,





Die Angewandre Makromolekufure Chemie. (Applied Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics). ANMCBO. ISSN 0003-3 146.10x. Htlthig & Wepf. In Eng, Fr, Ger; Eng, Gersum& tc. Europe, SFr. 1,250; DM 1500; iiS, 10,625; US $980 (plus postage). Annual Review ofMaterials Science. ARMSCZ. ISSN 0084-6600. a. Annual Reviews. See New Book Z’irlesfor current title and price. Annual Review of Physical Chemistry. ARPLAP. ISSN 0066-426X. a. Annual Reviews. See New Book Titles for current title and price. Biomaterials. BIMADU. ISSN 0142-9612. (Incorporating Clinical Materials). 24x. Elsevier (Oxford). North, Central, & South America, $1431; elsewhere, f900.


BMATEM ISSNO955-7717. (IncorporatingBiomedi-

cal Materials). m. Elsevier (London). US & Canada, $298; UK, f 175; else-

whem f 198.

’ Biopolymers. BIPMAA. ISSN 0006-3525. elsewhere, $894.



14x. Wiley


(NY). US, $775,



Carbohydrate Polymers. CAPODS. ISSN 0144-8617. 12x. Ekevier (bndon). UK, f550; US, $889.

International Journul of Polymeric Materials. LJPMCS. ISSN 0091-4037. 3~01s. (4x per vol.). Gordon and Breach .(NY). Individual rate (available to

those whose library subscribes to journal), US, $410; ECU, 315. CeBular Polymers. CELPDJ. ISSN 0262-4893. (Formerly European Journal OfCehh Plastics). bm. Rapra. UK, f170; elsewhere, 095.

Internationa1 Polymer Processing. IPPREJ. ISSN 0930-777X. q. Carl Hanser

Verlag. Germany, DM428.60; Foreign European Countries, $27 1.40; BS3256; 271.4OsFr; elsewhere, $281.60.

Chemistry of Materials. CMATEX. ISSN 0897-4756. m. ACS. ACS member& US, $522 (S54for ACS members); Canada&Mexico, $544 ($76 for ACS members); Europe, $574 ($106 for ACS members); elsewhere, $590 ($122 for members).

Journal de Physique 1. JPGCES. ISSN 0302-0738. m. Editions de Physique.

France, 3950 FF (for airmail add 440 FF).

Chinese Journal of Polymer Science. CJPSEG. ISSN 0256-7679. q. Science Press. US, $243; DM 410. Clinical Materials. CLNME2. ISSN 0267-6605. tn. Elsevier (London). US, $460; f285.

Journal de Physique II. JPAHER. ISSN 0302-0738. m. Editions de Physique. France, 4250 FF (for airmail add 450 FF). Jourd of Advanced Materials. JADMEK. ISSN 1070-9789. (Formerly SAMPE Quarterly). q. SAMPE. US, $60; Canada & Mexico, $68; elsewhere,

Colloid & Polymer Science. CPMSB6. ISSN 0303-402X. (Formerly Kolloid Z.&s&rift fur Polymere). m. Steinkopff. In Eng, Ger; Eng, Ger sum. DM 1600; US, $1000 plus postage (single issues, DM 160; US, $100); 20% discount for members of Kolloid-Gesellschaft or the Europran Colloid and Interface Society.

$75; single issues, $16 + postage. JournalofAnalyticalandAppliedPyrolysis. Elsevier (Amsterdam). Dfl. 790.

Joum~l of Applied Physics. JAPIAU. ISSN 0021-8979. sm. AIP. US St possessions,$2045($2lOformembersofA~andaffliatedsocieties); Canada, Mex., Central & S. Am & Caribbean, $2130 (members, $295); Europe, Asia, Africa, & Oceania, $2315 (members, surface, $295; air freight, $480); curmnt single issues, members, $26; nonmembers, $95.

Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical Engineering Aspects. COSUD3. ISSNO927-7757. (FormerlyColloids and Surfaces). m. Elsevier(Amsterdam). Colloids and Surfaces (Amsterdam).

JAAPDD. ISSNO165-2370.2~.

B: Biointerfaces. ISSN 0927-7765. m. Elsevier

Jo~rnd of AppliedPolymerScience. JAPNAB. ISSN 0021-8995.4/m. Wiley

Composite Structures. COMSE2. ISSN 0263-8223.16x. Elsevier (Oxford). UK, E1200; US. $1788.

(NY). US, $3530 per volume; Canada I!? Mexico, $4010, outside North America, $4190. Subscription includes Applied Polymer Symposia (see entry).

Part A: Applied Science and Manufacfuring. CASMFJ. ISSN 1359-835X. (Incorporating Composites Manufacturing). m. Elsevier Science Ltd. US institution, $954; elsewhere, f600, US individual, $164; elsewhere, fl03.

Joum~l ofApplied PolymerScience: AppliedPolymer Symposia. APPSBX. ISSN0570-4898. (Formerly Applied Polymer Symposia). irr. Wiley (NY). For subscription information, see J. Appl. Polym. Sci.


Journul of Bioactive and Compatible Polymers. JBCPEV. ISSN 0883-9115. q. Technomic. US, $260; elsewhere, add $36 for outside US ($54/yearairmail); single issues, $66.

Composites Science and Technology. CSTCEH. ISSN 0266-3538. 16x. Elsevier (London). UK, f725; US, $1378.

Journal of Cellular Plastics. JCUPAM. ISSN 0021-955X. bm. Technomic. US, $215; elsewhere, add $48 for surface, (single issues, $37).

Compututionul & Theoretical Polymer Science. CTF’SEJ. ISSN 1052-0643. (Formerly Computational Polymer Science). q. PRA Press. US &Canada, $190 ($140 for individual professionals and students); elsewhere, $205 ($155 for individual professionals and students).

Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. JCISAS. ISSN 0021-9797. (Formerly Journal of Colloid Science). m. Academic. US & Canada, $666; elsewhere, $752.50; reduced rate for personal subscribers.

Topics in Polymer Science. CTPSDH. ISSN 0160-6727. irr. Plenum. See New Book Tides for current title and price. Contemporary

Joumalof Composite Materials. JCOMBI. ISSN 0021-9983. sm. Technomic. US, $780; elsewhere, add $48 for postage; single issues, $44.

Dissertation Abstracrs International [Section] B: The Sciences andEngineering. DABBBA. ISSN 0419-4217. m. University Microfilms. US & Canada,

Journal of Composites Technology & Research. JCTRER. ISSN 0885-6804. q. ASTM. US &Canada, $60 ($48 for ASTM members); elsewhere, $66 ($53 for members); single issues, $25.

$195; elsewhere, $355. Dissertation Abstracts



C: European Absirack

DAICDG. ISSN 0307-6075. q(3,6,9,12). University Microfilms. $455. Engineering Plastics. ENPLEB. ISSN 0952-6900. bm. Rapra. UK, f220; elsewhere, f240.

Journal of Controlled Release. JCREEC. ISSN 0168-3659. m Elsevier (Amsterdam). US $1100, reduced rate to members of the Controlled Release Society.

European Polymer Journal. EUPJAG. ISSN 0014-3057. m. Pergamon (OXford). InEng,Fr;Engsum.North,Central,&SouthAmerica,$1514;elsewhem, 2952.

Journal of Elastomers and Plastics. JEPLAX. ISSN 0095-2443. (Formerly Journal of Elastoplastics). q(1,4,7,10). Technomic. US, $245; elsewhere, add $48 (single issue, $63).

High Performunce Plastics. HPPLEO. ISSN 0264-7753. m. Elsevier (London). UK, E239.

Journal of Environmental Polymer Degradation. JEPDED. ISSN 10647564. q. Plenum. US, $175; elsewhere, $205; Personal subscribers, US, $53; elsewhere, $62.

High Performonce Polymers. HPPOEX. ISSN 0954-0083. q. Carfax. US, $298 [single issue, $82); personal subscription plan, $120.

Journal of Inorganic and Organometalllc Polymers. JIOPE4. ISSN 10530495. q. Plenum. US institution rate, $195 ($45 for individual professionals); elsewhere, $230 ($53 for individual professionals).

Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. IECRED. ISSN 0888-5885.

m. ACS. US, $834 ($70 for ACS members); Canada & Mexico, $858 ($94 for ACS members); Europe, $893 ($129 for ACS members); elsewhere, $908 ($144 for members).

Journal of Macromolecular Science-Pure and Applied Chemistry. JSPCJZ6. ISSN 1010-1325. (Formerly J. Macromol. Sci.-Chem.) m. Dekker. US, $2,195 ($1.097.50 for students and individual professionals); elsewhere, add $42 for surface mail, $66 for air to Europe, $78 for air to Asia (includes Macromol. Reports-see entry).

International Journal of Biological Macromolecules: Structure, Function und Interactions. IJBMDR. ISSN 0141-8130. bm(2,4,6,8,10,12). Elsevier Science B.V. Internarional Journal of Polymer Analysis and Characterization. IPACEZ.

ISSN 1023-666X. 4x. Gordon & Breach Science. Personal rates, US, $113; ECU, $87. POLYMER CONTENTS

Journal of Macromolecular Science-Physics. JMAPBR. ISSN 0022-2348. 4x. Dekker. US institution rate, $525 ($262.50 for individual professionals and students); elsewhere, add $14 for surface mail or $22 for air to Europe or $26

for air to Asia.






Europe. KUPEES. ISSN 0023-5563. Kunststoffe-German Plastics). m. Hanser. Germany.


Joumul ofMacromolecular Science-Reviews in Macromolecular Chemistry a&Physics. JMSPDH. ISSN 0736-6574. (Formerly Journal of Macromolecu-

lar Science, Reviews in Macromolecular Chemistry). 4x. Dekker. US, $635 ($317.50 for students and individual professionals); elsewhere, add $14 for surface mail or $22 for air to Europe or $26 for air to Asia.


Chemisrry. JMACEP. ISSN 0959-9428. m. The Royal Society of Chemistry. EEA (in&UK), f519; US, $934; elsewhere, E532.

Macromolecular Chemistrynnd Physics. MCHPJ?S. ISSN 1022-1352. (Formerly Die Makromolekulare Chemie: Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics). m. Hlithie & Weof. In Ene. Ger. Fr: Ene sum & tc. SFr. 2900: DM 3650: a: 24,500, Ui $2486 plus po&ge (&c&de~Macromol. Rapid C&nun. and Macromol. Theory Simulations-see entry).

Joumal ofMaterials

Science. JMTSAS. ISSN 0022-2461. m. Chapman and Hall, UK/EU, f2095; US & Canada, $3595; all other countries, D270. Subscription includes Journal of Materials Science Letters, Materials in Electronics, & Materials in Medicine (see entry).

Rapid Communicationr. ISSN 1022-1336. (Formerly Die Makromolekulare Chemie, Rapid Communications). m. Hiithig & Wepf. Europe, SFr. 280; DM 350; tiS 2400, US $240 (included at no charge with subscription to Macromol. Chem. Phys.-see entry).

Journal of Materials Science Letters. JMSLDS. ISSN 0261-8028. m. Chapman and Hall. Included with subscription to Journal of Materials Science (see entry). Science. JMESDO. ISSN 0376-7388. bw. Elsevier

MacromoiecufurReports.MREPEG. ISSN 1060-1325.8x. Dekker. US, $250 ($250 for individual professionals and students); elsewhere, add $28.00 for surface mail, $44.00 for air to Europe, $52.00 for air to Asia. (International Rapid Publication Supplement included at no charge with subscription to the J. Macromol. Sci.-Chem. - see.entry ).

Journal ofNon-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics. JNFMDL. ISSN 0377-0257. m. Elsevier (Amsterdam). North, Central, & South America, US, $1866.

Macromolecular Symposia. (Formerly Die Makromolekulare Chemie, Macromolecular Symposia). MSYMEC. ISSN 1022-1360. irr. Hiithig & Wepf. Europe, SFr. 980; DM 1230; tiS 8300; US $830.

Joumal ofMaterials

Jountal of Membrane (Amsterdam).


Macromolecular Theory and Simulations. MTHSEK. ISSN 1022-1344. Hiithig & Wepf. (Formerly Die Makromolekulare Chemie: Theory and Simulations). SFr. 295; DM 350; &S, 2500; US $250 (included at no charge with subscription to Makromol. Chem. - see entry).

Journul of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry JPPCEJ. ISBN 1010-6030. m. Elsevier (Lausanne). Sfr. 900.- (approx. US $539). Journal of Plastic Film & Sheeting. JPFSEH. ISSN 8756-0879. q(l,4,7,10). Technomic. US. $280, elsewhere, add $48 for postage; single issues, $71.

MAMOBX. ISSN 0024-9297. bw. AC.%US, $1332 ($99 for ACS members); Canada&Mexico, $1384 ($151 for ACS members); Europe, $1457 ($224 for ACS members); elsewhere, $1499 ($266 for members).


Journ& of Polymer Engineering. JPOEEK. ISSN 0334-6447. (Formerly Polymer Engineering Reviews). q. Freund (London). US, $180. Joumf ofPolymer Research. JPOREP. ISSN 1022-9760.q. Polymer Society, Taipei. Taiwan, Individual, NT$ 1,000;libraries, NT$2,000 (single issue, NT$ 250). Elsewhere, individual, USf40; library, $80 (single issue, $10).

Masters Abstrucrs. MSTAAF. ISSN 0025-5106. 4x(3,6,9,12). University Microfilms. US & Canada, $60; elsewhere, $75. of Composife Materials (English Translation). MCMAD7. (Translation of Mekhanika Kompozitnykh Materialov). ISSN 0191-5665. (Formerly Polymer Mechanics). bm. Plenum. US, $1125; elsewhere, $1315: single issue, $200. Mechanics

Journal of Polymer Science, Polymer Chemistry Edition. JPLCAT. ISSN

0360-6376. (Formerly Journal of Polymer Science, Part A). 17x. Wiley (NY). US, $4998; Canada & Mexico, $5338; outside of North America, $5525. Subscription includes Polymer Physics, and Polymer Symposia editions (see entries).

Monatshefle fur Chemie (Chemical Monthly). MOCMB7. ISSN 0026-9247. m. Springer (Wien). In Ger; Eng, Ger sum; Eng tc. DM 814 plus carriage

Journaf of Polymer Science, Polymer Physics Edition. JPLPAY. ISSN OO98-

1273. (Formerly Journal of Polymer Science, Part A-2). tn. Wiley (NY). For subscription information, see J. Polym. Sci., Polym. Chem. Ed. Journal ofPolymer Science, Polymer Symposia. JPYCAQ. ISSN 0360-8905. (Formerly Journal of Polymer Science, Part C). irr. Wiley (NY). For subscription information, see J. Polym. Sci., Polym. Chem. Ed. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites. JRPCDW. ISSN 073 l-6844.

charges (single issues, DM 75); N. America, $485 (single issues, $48). New Polymeric Materials. NPMAES. ISSN 0169-6525. 4x. VSP. DM 318; us, $199. Journal of the Japanese Society of Rheology. NRGADP. ISSN 0387-1533. q(3.6,9,12). SRJ. 8,000 Yen (approx. $5OUS). In Japan; Eng tc, sums, figs, tables.

Nihon Reoroji Gakkaishi.

m. Technomic. US, $795; elsewhere, add $48; single issues, $68.

Plaste undKautscbuk. PLKAAM. ISSN 0048-4350. m. VEB. In Ger. DM 198.

Journal of Rheology. JORHD2. ISSN 0148-6055. (Formerly the Transactions of the Society of Rheology). 6x. Wiley (NY) for The Society of Rheology. Included with Membership to the Society of Rheology, all nonmembers, US, $425; Canada & South American continent, $435; elsewhere, $445.

Plastics Engineering. PLEGBB. ISSN 0091-9578. (Formerly SPE Journal). m. SPE. Included with membership to SPE. US nonmembers, $75: outside US, add $25 for surface mail or $65 for air; single issues, $10.

Jounutl ofSupercrificut Fluids. JSFLEH. ISSN 0896-8446. q. PRA Press. US & Canada, $275 ($190 for individual professionals and students); elsewhere, $290 ($205 for individual professionals and students).

Plastics Rubber and Composires: Processing and Applicarions. PRPAEP. ISSN 0959-8111. (Formerly Plastics and Rubber Processing and Applications). 10.x.Elsevier (Oxford) for The Institute of Materials. Member of the Institue of Materials, UK, f205; US members, $306; Non members, UK, E410; US, $611.

Journul of Testing and Evaluation. JTEVAB. ISSN 0090-3973. (Supercedes Journal of Materials). bm( I ,3,5,7,9, I 1). ASTM. US & Canada, $60 ($45 for ASTM members); elsewhere, $68 ($51 for ASTM members); single issues, $14.

Polimery. POLIM. ISSNOO32-2725.m. RedakcjaPolimery. 1nPolish;Eng tc, sums. US, $126.

Jourrml of Thermal Analysis. JTHEA9. ISSN 03684466. m. Wiley (UK) & Akademiai Kiad6. US, $2,495. Journal of Vinyl & Additive Technology. JVATF4. ISSN 0193-7197. (Formerly Journal of Vinyl Technology). q(3,6,9,12). SPE. US, $150 ($60 for members of SPE); elsewhere, add $20.

Kobunshi Ronbunshu. (Collected Papers on High Polymers). KBRBA3. ISSN 0386-2186. (Formerly Kobunshi Kagaku). m. SPSJ. In Japan; Eng tc, sums, figs, tables. US member, $50, non-member, $100; add $40 for airmail.



Polymer. POLMAG. 1SSN 0032-3861. bw. Elsevier Science Ltd. North, Central, and South America, US, $2235; elsewhere, f1500 (includes Polymer Communications).

Polymer (Korea). POLLDG. ISBN 0379-153X. 6x. Polymer Society of Korea. US & Europe individual, $90 (airmail) or $60 (surface); US &Europe Library, $160 (airmail) or $130 (surface); Asia individual, $60 (air only); Asia Library, $130 (air only). Polymer BulIerin. POBUDR. ISSN 0170-0839. m. Springer (Berlin or NY). US, $999: single issue, $97; elsewhere, DM 1296 plus carriage charges; single issues, DM 129.60 plus carriage charges. 599





Polymer Composires. PCOMDI. ISSN 0272-8397. bm. SPE. us, $225 ($100 for SPE members); elsewhere, add $25. PolymerDegradation undStabifiry. PDSTDW. ISSN 0141-3910. (Absorbed Polymer Photochemistry). 0x. Elsevier (London). North, Central, & South America, $1625; elsewhere, f 1090. Polymer Engineering and Science. PYESAZ. ISSN 0032-3888.(Formerly SPE Transactions). 18.x.SPE. US & Canada, $225 for individual subscribers ($150 for SPE members) and $500 for institutional subscribers; elsewhere, add $45 for surface mail or $80 for airmail.

Applied Chemistry. PACHAS. ISSN 0033-4545. m. Blackwell. UK, f59@ elsewhere, E646, US KcCanada, $895 ($110 or E79.50 for individuals whose institution has a library subscription). Pureand

Radiation Physics and Chemistry. RPCHDM, ISSN 0146-5724. m. Pergaman. North, Central, & South America, $991; elsewhere, f665. Reactive & Functional Polymers. RFPOE6. ISSN 1381-5148. (Formerly Reactive Polymers). m. Elsevier (Amsterdam).

Polymer Gels and Networks. PGNEEI. ISSN 0966-7822.4x. Elsevier (Oxford). US, $254; UK, f 170.

fieologica Acta. RHEAAK. ISSN 0035-4511. bm. Steinkopff. In Eng, Fr, Ger; Eng, Fr, Ger sum. DM 1.178 plus DM 236 postage; US, Canada, & Mexico, $736 plus postage; 20% discount for members of participating societies and subscribers to Colloid & Polymer Science (see entry).

Polymer Intemutioml. PLYIEI.ISSN0959-8103. (Formerly BritishPolymer Journal). m. John Wiley & Sons for the Society of Chemical Industry. US, $875.

Rubber Chemistry and Technology. RCTEA4. ISSN 0035-9475.5x. Rubber Division, ACS. $95 (add $25 for air).

Polymer Journal. PGLJBI. ISSN 0032-3896. m. SPSJ; USACO (exclusive sales agent). US individual member, Y13.800; public member, Y47,ooO,Japan individual member, ‘Y9,800;public members, Y43.000;add Y7.000for airmail; single issues, V7.050.

SAMPE Journal. SAJUAK. ISSN 0091-1062. bm. SAMPE. US, $65 ($15 included in dues for SAMPE members); Canada & Mexico, $73; elsewhere, $105; single issues, $10. Science and Engineering of Composite Materials. SCMAJ%. q. Freund. US

PolymerNetworks &Blends. PNBLES. ISSN 1181-9510. q. ChemTec. US,


$165; elsewhere, add $15. Polymer News. PLYNBU. ISSN 0032-3918. m. Gordon and Breach. Personal

rate (available to individuals whose library subscribes or who provide a home address), US, $223; European Currency Unit, 186. Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering. PPTEC7. ISSN 0360-2559. (Formerly Journal of Macromolecular Science, Reviews in Polymer Technology). 6x. Dekker. US institution rate, $895 ($447.50 for individual professionals and students); elsewhere, add $22.50 for surface mail; $33 for air to Europe; $39 for air to Asia. Polymer Reaction Engineering. PREEEG. ISSN 1054-3414. q(2,5,8,10). Dekker. US institution rate, $265 ($132.50 for individual professionals and students); elsewbere, add $14 for surface mail; $22 for air to Europe; $26 for air to Asia. Polymer Science (English Translation). PYSCAN. (Formerly Polymer Science USSR). (Translation of Vysokomolekulyarnye Soedineniya, Seriya A). ISSN 0032-3950. m. Pergamon (Oxford). Institution rate, f 1000; US, $1600.

Polymer Science, Series A (Translation of Vysokomolekalyarnye Soedineniya, SeriyaA iSeriyaB). PSSAFE. ISSNO965-545X. m. Interperiodica. US, $1889; elsewhere, $2175. PolymerScience, SeriesB (Translarion of Vysokomolekulyarnye Soedineniya, SeriyaA i Seriya B). PSSBFH. ISSN 0965-545X. bm. Interperiodica. US, $715; elsewhere, $825. Polymer Science ond Technology. POSTBS. ISSN 0093-6286. irr. Plenum. See New Book Titles for current title and price.

Sen-i Gakkaishi. SENGAS. ISSN 0037-9875. (Journal of the Society of Fiber Science and Technology; supercedes Sen-i Kogyo Gakkaishi; absorbed Sen-i To Kogyo). m. SFSTJ. 18,000 Yen plus postage; SFSTJ members, 7,200 Yen plus postage (single issues, 1,500 Yen plus postage). In Japan., Eng; Eng sums, figs, tables. Sociezy of Plastics Engineers, [Technical Papers]. SPEPAU. ISSN 00968773. a. SPE. See New Book Tides for current title and price. Solid StateIonics. ISSN 0167-2738. m. Elsevier (Amsterdam). North, Central, & South America, $1876. Supramoleculur Science. SUSCFX. ISSN 0968-5677.6x. Elsevier Science Ltd. North, Central, & South American, $254; elsewhere, f 170. Synthetic Metals. SYMEDZ. ISSN 0379-6779. 24x. Elsevier (Lausanne). North, Central, & South America, $2222. Textile Research Journal. TRJOA9. ISSN 0040-5175. m. TRI. US, $200; elsewhere, add $15 forsurface mail; forairmail add: Canada, $24; Mexico, $26; South&Central America, $34; Europe, $51; USSR, Asia, Africa, Middle 8zFar East, $62; single issues, $30. Thermocbimica Acta. THACAS. ISSN 0040-6031. 24x. Elsevier (Amsterdam). In Eng, Fr, Ger; Eng, Fr, Ger sum North, Central, & South America, US $4089. Trends in Polymer Science. TPSCEB. ISSN 0966-4793. m. Elsevier (Cambridge). Personal rate: US and Canada, $125; UK and elsewhere, f78; Student rate: US & Canada, $63; UK & elsewhere, f39; Library rate: US & Canada, $632; UK&elsewhere, f397.

Polymer Testing. POTEDZ. ISSN 0142-9418.5x. Elsevier (London). North, Central, & South America, US, $565, elsewhere, f355.. Polymers & Polymer Composites. PPOCEC. ISSN 0967 3911. (Formerly Composite Polymers). bm. Rapra. UK, E220; overseas, f240. Polymersfor Advanced Technologies. PADTES. ISSN 1042-7147. m. Wiley

(UK). US, $995. Progress in Colloid & Polymer Science. PCPSM. ISSN 0340-255X. (For-

merly Fortschrittsberichte ueber Kolloide und Polymere). irr. Steinkopff. In Eng, Ger (Eng sum). Supplement to Colloid & Polymer Science. Bille separately to subscribers of Colloid & Polymer Science (see entry). Progress in Organic Coatings. POGCAT. ISSN 0033-0655. 8x. Elsevier

(Lausanne). Progress in Polymer Science. PRPSBI. ISSN 0079-6700. bm. Pergamon.

North, Central, &South America, $649; elsewhere, E435. Progress in Rubber and Plastics Technology. ISSN 0266-7320. q. Rapra for the Plastics and Rubber Institute.






