Bibliographic Guide to S erial Titles Contained in this section is full bibliographic and subscription information for all serials that are included annually in Polymer Contents. Titles published monthly and semimonthly are included in each issue; others that are published less frequently are included in the next issue after they are received. The format for each entry is illustrated in the example shown at the right. Addresses for publishers may be found in the section, Index to Publishers Addresses. ACS Symposium Series. ACSMCS. ISSN 0097-6156.irr. ACS. See New Book Tiiles for current polymer title and price. Acta Poiymerica. ACPODY. ISSN 0323-7648.(Formerly Faserforschung und Textiltechnik). bm. Akademie-Verlag or Buchexport. in Eng, Ger, Russ; Eng, Ger, Russ sum & tc. institutional rate: America, Asia, Australia/New Zealand,$1048; Europe, $918; Germany, DMi588; Switzerland, sFr 1398. Personal rate: America, Asia, Australia/New Zealand, $167; Europe, $150; Germany, Austria, DM248; Switzerland, sFr 244. Acta Poiymerica Sinica. GAXUE9. ISSN Sci-
ence Press. Advances in Chemistry Series. ADCSAJ. ISSN 0065-2393.irr. ACS. SeeNew Book Tirles for current polymer title and price. Advances in CoiioidandInterfaceScience.
8686. 8~. Elsevier (Amsterdam).
ACiSB9. ISSN 0001
Acta Polymerica. ACPODY. ISSN 0323.7648
(FormerlyFasarforschungund Textiltechnik).
1.Completeserialtitle with its InternationalOrganizationfor Standardization(ISO) abbreviation Indicatedinbo1dface;e.g.ActaPolym.ISOabbreviationsareusedtoidentifysetialtitlesintheTables $Contents section.When appropriate,IS0 abbreviationsmay be followed by the Englishtitle of a roreignlanguagepublicationor by other descriptorsindicatedwithin parentheses. 2. CODENidentifiers as specifiedby ASTM E250-76.The CODEN is used in the full bibliographicstrip appearingbeloweachIS0 abbreviationin the TablesofConrentssection.CODEN may x followed by the original languagetitle enclosedwithin parenthesesif the serialtitle is an English language translation. 3. InternationalStandardSerialNumber (ISSN). 4. Referenceto any former titles. 5. Frequencyof publication:o. annual;sc, semiannual;q. quarterly;bm, bimonthly; m, monthy; sat, semimonthly;x, numberof issuespublishedannually but not regularly; irr, irregular. For egularlypublishedtitles with frequencieslessthan monthly, the monthsof publicationareindicated ,y numeralsenclosedwithin parentheses;e.g., q(3,6,9,12) indicatesthat the serial is published pmrterlyin March, June,September,and December. 6. Publisheror salesagent(seeIndex IOPublishersAddresses). 7. Language of publication,summariesi andtablesof contents(tc): if no entry is given, language s English. 8. Subscriptionor ordering information for most curmnt volume or single issues;e.g. DCN$, Canadian dollar;DM, DeutscheMark(FDR);M, GDRMark Dfl, DutchGuilder(florin).
Advances in Polymer Science. APSIDK. ISSN 0065-3195.(Formerly Fortschritte der Hochpolymeren-Forschung).irr. Springer(Berlin). See New Book Tifles for current title and price. Advances in Polymer Technology. APTYDS. ISSN 0730-6679. (Formerly
BiomedicalMaterials. BMATEM iSSN0955-7717. (IncorporatingBiomedical Materials). m. Elsevier (London). US & Canada,$298; UK, f 175; elsewhere, f 198.
Advances in Plastics Technology). q. Wiley (NY). US, $765; Canada & Mexico, $805; outside North America, $839.
Biopoiymers. BIPMAA. ISSN 0006-3525.14.x.Wiley (NY). institution rates:
AIChE Journal. AICEAC. ISSN 0001-1541.m. AiChE. US, $765; interna-
US, $4995; Canada/Mexico, $5235; elsewhere, $5439. Personal rates: US/ Canada/Mexico,$755; elsewhere,$899.
tional, $845; US AiChE member,$95; internationalmember,$175;US student member, $55; international studentmember, $135.
Polymers. CAPODI. ISSN 0144-8617. 12x. Elsevier (London). UK, f550; US, $889.
AnalyticalChemistry. ANCHAM. ISSN ACS. ACS members, US, $78; Outside North America, $205. Nonmembers(personal),US, $223; Outside North America, $350. Nonmembers(institution), US, $940; Outside North America, $1067. Students,US, $59; Outside North America, $186.
Cellular Polymers. CELPDJ. ISSN 0262-4893.(Formerly EuropeanJournal of Cellular Plastics).bm. Rapra.UK, f 170; elsewhere,f 195.
Chemical Engineering Science. CESCAC. ISSN 0009-2509. sm. Elsevier (UK). Europe/CiS/Japan,4789 Dutch Guilders; all other countries, $2956.
Annual Review ofMaterials Science. ARMSCZ. ISSN 0084-6600.a. Annual Reviews. See New Book Titles for current title and price.
Chemisfry of Materials. CMATEX. ISSN 0897-4756. m. ACS. ACS memhers, US, $66; Canada & Mexico, $109; Europe, $155; elsewhere, $182. Nonmembers(personal),US, $205; Canada& Mexico, $248; Europe, $294; elsewhere,$321. Nonmembers (institution), US, $699; Canada & Mexico, $742; Europe, $788; elsewhere,$815. Students,US, $49; Canada& Mexico, $92; Europe, $138; elsewhere,$165.
Annual Review of Physical Chemistry. ARPLAP. ISSN 0066-426X. a. Annual Reviews. See New Book Titles for current title and price.
BIMADU. ISSN 0142-9612. (incorporating Clinical Materials). sm. Elsevier (Amsterdam). US$2985.
02003 Eisevier Science Limited
ChineseJournal ofPolymer Science.CJPSBG.ISSN 0256-7679.q. SprlngerVerlag. US, $300; DM 440. Clinical Materials. CLNME2. ISSN 0267-6605.m. Elsevier (London). US, $460; f285.
International JoumaEof PoIymctic Materials. IJPMCS. ISSN 0091-4037. 3vols. (4xper vol.). Gordon and Breach (NY). Individual rate (availableto thosewhoselibrary subscribesto journal), US, $410; ECU, 315. Intem~zioru~lPolymer Processing.IPPREJ.ISSN 0930-777X.q, Carl Hanser Verlag. Germany,DM 428.60;ForeignEuropeanCountries,$271.40,6S3256; 27 14OsFt;elsewhere,$281.60.
Colloid dt Polymer Science.CPMSB6. ISSN 0303-402X.(Formerly Kolloid Z&s&rift fur Polymere).m. Springer-Verlag.In Eng, Ger; Eng, Ger sum.DM 3039; US, $1865 plus postage(single issues,DM 303.90,US, $185.15);20% discount for membersof Kolloid-Gesellschafi or the Europran Colloid and Interface Society.
Journal de Physique I. JPGCES.ISSN 0302-0738.m. Editions de Physique. Price, 4610 FF.
Journal de PhysiqueII. JPAHBR. ISSN 0302-0738.m. Editions de Physique. Colloids and Surfaces A: PhysicochemicaiEngineeringAspects.COSUD3. Price, 5ooo IT. ISSNO927-7757.(Formerly ColloidsandSurfaces).m. Elsevier(Amsterdam). Journal of Advanced Materiais. JADMEK. ISSN 1070-9789.(Formerly Colloids aud Surfaces B: Biointerfaces. CSBBEQ. ISSN 0927-7765. m. SAMPE Quarterly).q. Sage.US, $60; Canada&Mexico, $68; elsewhere,$75; single issues,$16 + postage. Elsevier (Amsterdam). Composite Structures. COMSE2. ISSN 0263-8223.16x. Elsevier (Oxford). us, $3374.
Journal of Analytical c&Applied Pyrolysis. JAAPDD. ISSN 0165-2370.2x. Elsevier (Amsterdam).Dfl. 790.
ComPusifes, Part A: Applied Scienceand Manufacturing. CASMFJ. ISSN Joumul of the American Chemical Society.JACSAT. ISSN 0002-7863.51x. 1359-835X.(IncorporatingCompositesManufacturing).m. Elsevier Science ACS. ACS members,US, $148; Outside North America, $379. Nonmembers Ltd. EuropelCISNapan,3182 Dutch Guilders; all other countries,US$l615. (personal),US, $307; Outside Noah America, $538. Nonmembers(institution), US, $2165:OutsideNorth America, $2396.Students,US, $111; Outside Composites Science and Technology. CSTCEH. ISSN 0266-3538. 16.x. North America, $342. Elsevier (London). Europe/CIS/Japan,5433 Dutch Guilders; all other countries, US$2758. Joumul qf Applied Physics. JAPIAU. ISSN 0021-8979. sm. AIP. US & possessions, $2590($240for membersof AIPand affiliated societies);Canada, Computational & Theoretical Polymer Science.CTPSBJ.ISSN 10524643. Mex., Central 8t S. Am & Caribbean,$2695 (members,$345); Europe,Asia, (Formerly ComputationalPolymer Science).q. ElsevierScience.Europe,CIS, Atiica, &Oceania, $2860(members,$5 10);prior to curmnt year single issues, & Japan,338 Dutch Guilder; elsewhere,$209. members,$30: nonmembers,$120. Contemporary Topics in Polymer Science.CTPSDH. ISSN 0160-6727.irr. Plenum. SeeNew Book Titles for current title and price.
Journal of Applied Polymer Science.JAPNAB. ISSN 0021-8995.4/m.Wiley (NY). US, $10,595; Canada 8r Mexico, $11,155; outside North America, $11,631.
DissertationAbstracts Intemutionul [Section]B: TheSciencesand Engineering. DABBBA. ISSN 0419-4217.m. ProQuest.
Journal ofBioactive ati CompatiblePolymers. JBCPEV. ISSN 0883-9115. q. Sage.US, $360; elsewhere,add $5 for outsideUS; single issues,$9 1.
Disserration Abstracts Intemutionul [Section] C: Worldwide. DAICDG. ISSN 1042-7279.q(3,6,9,12).ProQuest.,$265; elsewhere,add $55 for surface;single issues,$46
Electrochimica Acta. ELCAAV. ISSN Elsevier (UK). US, $2093; elsewhere,f 1316. Journal of Chemical Physics. JCPSAQ ISSN 0021-9606.48X. AIP. US & possessions, $4455($3 15for membersof AIP andaffiliated societies);Canada, Mex., Central & S. Am & Caribbean,$4565 (members,$425); Europe,Asia, Africa, & Oceania,$4770 (members,$425 for surface;$630 for air freight).
Engineering Plastics. ENPLEB. ISSN 0952-6900. bm. Rapra. UK, f220; elsewhere,f240. The European Physical Journal B. EPJBFY. ISSN 14346028. Formerly Journal de Physiqueand Zeitschrift ftlr Physik B. 24x. Springer.US, $2928; Germany,DM 4424.90;elsewhere,DM 4455.50.
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science.JCISAS. ISSN 0021-9797.(Fotmerly Journalof Colloid Science).m. Academic. US & Canada,$666: elsewhere,$752.50;reducedrate for personalsubscribers.
The European Physical Journal D. EPJDF6. ISSN 1434-6060.Formerly Journal de Physiqueand Zeitschrift ftlr Physik D. 24x. Springer.US, $1532; Germany,DM 2504.80;elsewhere,DM 2520.40.
Journal of ComposireMaterials. JCOMBI. ISSN 00214983. sm. Sage.US, $1375;elsewhere,add $60 for postage;single issues,$59.
European Polymer Journal. EUPJAG. ISSN 0014-3057.m. Pergamon(Oxford). In Eng, Fr; Eng sum. Europe, The CIS & Japan,3664 Dutch Guilders; elsewhere,$2106.
Journal of CompositesTechnology & Research.JFRBR. ISSN 0885-6804. q. ASTM. US KcCanadaa,$129 ($116 for ASTM members);elsewhere,$142 ($128 for members);single issues,$35.
High Performance Polymers. HPPGEX. ISSN 0954-0083.q. Carfax. US, $298 (single issue,$82); personalsubscriptionplan, $120.
Journal of Controlled Release. JCREEC. ISSN 0168-3659. m Elsevier (Amsterdam).US, $2292.
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research.IECRED. ISSN 0888-5885. m.ACSmembers,US,$82;Canada&Mexico,$l21;Europe,$l74;elsewhere, $199. Nonmembers(personal),US, $224; Canada& Mexico, $263; Europe, $316; elsewhere,$341. Nonmembers(institution), US, $1,014; Canada8c Mexico, $1,053; Europe, $1,106; elsewhere, $1,131. Students,US, $61; Canada& Mexico, $100; Europe, $153; elsewhere,$178.
Journal of Elastomers and Plastics.JBPLAX. ISSN 0085-2443. q( SagePublications.US, $245; elsewhere,add S48 (single issue,$63).
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules: Structure, Function and Interactions. IJBMDR. ISSN 0141-8130. bm(2,4,6,8,10,12).Elsevier ScienceB.V.
Jounrpl of Inorganic and Organometullic Polymers. JIOPB4. ISSN 10530495. q. Plenum.US institution rate, $345 ($55 for individual professionals); elsewhere,S405($64 for individual professionals). Journal of Macromolecuior Science-Physics.JMAPBR. ISSN 0022-2348. 4x. Dekker. US institution rate, $1,095 ($547.50for individual professionals and students);elsewhere,add $22.50for surfacemail, or $33 for air to Europe, or $39 for air to Asia.
International Journal of Polymer Analysis and Characterization. IPACEZ. ISSN 1023-666X.4x. Gordon & Breach Science.Personalrates, US, $113; ECU, $87.
82003 EIsevier Science Limited
Journal of Macromolccuiar Sdence-Pureand Applied Chemisny. JSPCE6. Jour~l of Society of Rheology, Japan. ISSN 0387-1533.The Society of ISSN 1010-1325.(Formerlv J. Macromol. Sci.-CMm.)m. Dekker.US. $2.595 Rheology,Japan. ($1.297.50for studentsand individual professionals)felsewhere,add..945for surfacemail, $66 for air to Europe,$78 for air to Asia J~untal of Supercritical Fluids. JSFLEH. ISSN 0896-8446. q. Elsevier Science. Journal of Macromolecular Science-Polymer Reviews. JMSPDH. ISSN 07366574. (Formerly Journalof MacromolecularScience,Reviewsin Macro- Journal of Testing and Evaluation. JTEVAB. ISSN 0090-3973.(Supercedes molecular Chemistry). 4x. Dekker. US, $895 (865.00 for studentsand indi- Journalof Materials).bm(l,3,5,7,9,11).ASTM. US &Canada, $129 ($116 for vidual professionals);elsewhere.add $18 to Canada,$16 for surfacemail, or ASTM members);elsewhere,$142 ($128 for ASTM members);single issues, $22 for air to Europe,or $28 for air to Asia $35. Journal of Materials Chemistry JMACEP. ISSN The Royal
Society of Chemistry.EEA (incl.UK). f560; US. $1008. Journal of Materials Research. JMRBEB. ISSN 0884-2914.m. Materials ResearchSociety. Science. JMTSAS. ISSN 0022-2461.m. Chapmanand Hall. Print & Internet accessEU, U600, Rest of world, $5970.Print only EU f2995; Rest of world $4975. Subscription includes Journal of Materiah ScienceLetters,Materialsin EIectronics.& Materialsin Medicine (seeentry).
Joumul of Materti
Journal of Materials Science Letters. JMSLDS. ISSN 0261-8028. m. Chapmanand Hall. Includedwith subscriptionto Journalof MaterialsScience (seeentry). in Electronics. JMSEJ!!V. ISSN 0957-4522.m. Chapmanand Hall. Included with subscriptionto Journal of Materials Science(seeentry).
Journal of Materials Science - Matereriak
Joumcl of Materials Science - Matererials in Medicine. JSMMEL. ISSN 0957-4530.m. Chapmanand Hall. Included with subscriptionto Journal of Materials Science(seeentry).
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorhetry. JTHEA9. ISSN 03684466. m. Wiley (UK) & Akaddmiai Kiadd US, $3,429; NLG 7200.00. Joumul of Vinyl & Additive Technology. JVATF4. ISSN 0193-7197.(Formerly Journal of Vinyl Technology).q(3,6,9,12). SPE. US & CanadaSPE members, $75; Nonmembers, $190; Corporate/InstitutionLibrary, $250; outside North America, add $25 for postage. Kobunshi Ronbunshu. (Collected Papers on High Polymers). KBRBA3.
ISSN 0386-2186.(Fotmerly Kobunshi Kagaku). m. SPSJ.In Japan;Eng tc, sums,figs, tables.US member,$50; non-member,$100, add $40 for airmail. Europe. KUPEE3. ISSN 0023-5563. (Formerly Kunststoffe-GermanPlastics).m. Hanser.Germany.
Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics.MCHPES. ISSN 1022-l 352.(For-
merly Die MakromolekulareChemie: MacromolecularChemistry and Physics). m. Wiley-VCH. In Eng, Ger, Fr; Eng sum & tc. US/Canada,$3288; Europe,$2868;Germany/Austria,DM5018;Switzer1and,sFr4218;elsewhere, $2958 (includesMacromol. Rapid Commun.and Macromol. Theory Simulations, and Acta Polym.-seeentry). Macromoleculur Materials and Engineering. MMENFA. ISSN 1438-7492.
Journal of Membrane Sdence. JMESDG. ISSN Elsevier (Amsterdam).US, 84213. Journal ofNon-Newtonian Fluid Mechunics.JNFMDL. ISSN Elsevier (Amsterdam). Joumcl of Photochemisrry and Photobiology A: Chemistry JPFCEJ. ISBN 10106030. m. Elsevier (Lausanne).St?.900.- (approx. US $539). Journal of Plastic Fii & Sheeting. JPFSEH.ISSN 8756-0879.q(l,4,7,10). Technomic.US, $470, elsewhere,add $60 for postage;single issues,$130. Journal of Polymer Engineering. JPGEEK. ISSN 03346447. (Formerly Polymer EngineeringReviews).q. Found (London). US, $180.
(FormeriyAngewandteMakromolekulareChemie)A. Wiley-VCH. Germany, DM 2440.88;Switzerland,SFr 2048; Outside Europe, $1518 (included at no chargewith subscriptionto Macromol. Chem. Phys.-seeentry). Rapid Communicafions. MRCOE3. ISSN 1022-1336. (FormerlyDie MakromolekulareChemie,RapidCommunications).m. WileyVCH. US/Canada,$378; Europe+$328; Germany/Austria,DM568; Switxerland, sFr 478; elsewhere,$338 (included at no charge with subscriptionto Macromol. Cbem. Phys.-seeentry).
Macromolecular Reports. MREPEG.ISSN 1060-1325.&r.Dekker. US, $250 ($250 for individual professionalsand students);elsewhere,add $28.00 for surfacema& $44.00 for air to Europe, $52.00 for air to Asia (International RapidPublicationSupplementincludedat no chargewith subscriptionto the J. Macromol. Sci.-Chem.- see entry ).
Joumul ofPolymer Research.JPGREP.ISSN 1022-9760.q. PolymerSociety,
Taipei. Taiwan, Individual, NT$ 1,ooO,libraries,NT.92.000(singleissue,NT$ 250).
Macromolecular Research.ISSN 1598-5032.(Formerly Koreal Plymer Jour-
Joumcl of Polymer Science.Purr A, Polymer Chemisny. JPLCAT. ISSN 0360-6376.(Formerly Journal of Polymr Science,Part A). sm. Wiley (NY). US. $8,535; Canada& Mexico, $9,015; outside of North America, $9,423. Subscriptionincludes Polymer Physics,and Polymer Symposiaeditions (see entries).
Macromolecular Symposia. (Formerly Die MakromolekulamCbemie,MacromolecularSymposia).MSYMEC. ISSN 1022-1360.irr. Wiley-VCH. US/ Canada,1108, Europe, $968, Germany/Austria,DM1678; Switzerland, sFr 1408;elsewhere,$988.
Journal of Polymer Science. P&B, Polymer Physics. JPLPAY. ISSN 00981273.(Formerly Journal of Polymer Science,Part A-2). sm. Wiley (NY). For subscriptioninformation, seeJ. Polym. Sci., Polym. Chem.
Macromolecular Theory Md Simulations. MTHSEK. ISSN 1022-1344. Wiley-VCH. (Formerly Die Makromoleku1areChemie: Theory and SimuIations). US/Canada,$398; Europe,$348; Germany/Austria,DM608; Switxerland, sFr 518; elsewhere,$358 (included at no charge with subscriptionto Makmmol. Chem. - seeentty).
Journal oflolymer Science,Polymer Symposia.JPYCAQ. ISSN 0360-8905. (Formerly Journalof Polymer Science,Patt C). irr. Wiley (NY). For subscription information, seeJ. Polym. Sci., Polym. Chem.
nal). 6x. The Polymer Society of Korea.
Macromolecules. MAMOBX. ISSN ACS. ACS members,
US, $118;Canada& Mexico, $lIl;Europe, $270;elsewhere,$321.Nonmembers(personal),US. $268; Canada&Mexico, $331; Eutope.$420; elsewhere. Journal Polymers and fhe Environment JPENFW. ISSN 1566-2543.q. $471. Nonmembers(institution), US, $1,686; Canada & Mexico, $1.749; Plenum.US, $290;elsewhere.$340;Personalsubscribers,US. $68;elsewhere. Europe, $1,838; elsewhere,$1,889. Students,US, $88; Canada& Mexico, $80. $151; Europe,$240; elsewhere,$291. Journal of Reinforced Plastics cad Composites.JRPCDW.ISSN 073 l-6844. sm. Sage.Publications.US, $1275; elsewhere.add $60; single issues,$72.
Masters Abstracts. MSTAAF. ISSN 0025-5106.4x(3.6,9.12).ProQuest.
Materials ResearchBulletin. MRBUAC. ISSN 00255408. m. Pergamon. Journal of Rheology. JORHDS.ISSN 01486055. (Formerly the Transactions Europe/CIS/Japan,NLG 3449.00; elsewhere.,US $1,75l. of the Society of Rheology). 6x. Wiley (NY) for The Society of Rheology. Included with Membershipto the Society of Rheology,all nonmembers,US. 8475; Canada& South American continent,8485; elsewhere.$500.
tZ@O3Elsevler science Llmlted
Mechanics of Composite Materials (English Translation). MCMAD7. (TranslationofMekhanikaKompotifnykhMaferialov). ISSN0191-5665.(Formerly Polymer Mechanics).bm. Kluwer. US, $1795.
Polymer Reaction Engineering. PREEEG. ISSN 1054-3414.q(2,5,8,10). Dekker. US institution rate, $525 ($45 for individual professionalsand students);elsewhere,add 516 for surfacemail; $18 for air to Canada;$22 for air to Europe;$28 for air to Asia.
Chemie (Chemical Monthly). MOCMB7. ISSN 0026-9247. m. Springer (Wien). In Ger; Eng, Ger sum; Eng tc. Japan,DM 1856 plus Polymer Recycling. POLREZ. ISSN 0969-5990.4x. Rapra. carriagecharges(single issues,DM 180); N. America, $1193 (single issues, $117.50;allotbercountries,DM 1856:iiS 12992pluscarriagecharges:(Single Polymer Science, SeriesA (Translationof Vysokomolekulyarnye Soedineniya. issues,DM 180: iiS 1260). Seriya A). PSSAFE.ISSNO965-545X.m. Interperiodica.US &Canada,52630; elsewhere,53030. New Polymeric Materials. NPMAEI. ISSN 0169-6525.4.x.VSP. DM 318; us, $199. Polymer Science,SeriesB (Translationof Vysokomolekulyamye Soedineniyu, Seriyu B). PSSBFH. ISSN 0965-545X. bm. Interperiodica. US & Canada, Nihon Reoroji Gakkaishi. Journal of the JapaneseSociety of Rheology. 51000; elsewhere,$1150. NRGADP. ISSN0387-1533.q(3,6,9,12).SRJ.8,000Yen (approx.$50 US). In Polymer Science,SeriesC (Translationof Vysokomolekulyamye Soedineniya, Japan;Eng tc, sums, figs, tables. Seriya C). PSSBFH.ISSN Pending.2x. Interperiodica.US &Canada, $3469; Plaste undKautschuk. PLKAAM. ISSN 0048-4350.m. VEB. In Ger. DM 198. elsewhere,54011. Monatshefefur
PlasticsEngineering.PLEGBB. ISSNOO91-9578. (FormerlySPEJournal).m. SPE. Included with membershipto SPE.US nonmembers,$142; outsideUS, add $100, single issues,$20.
Polymer Scienceand Technology. POSTBS.ISSN 0093-6286.irr. Plenum. See New Book Titles for current title and price. Polymer Testing. POTEDZ. ISSN 0142-9418.5x.Elsevier (London). Europe,
The CIS, & Japan,1533Dutch Guilders; all other countries,US 5778. ISSNO959-8111.(FormerlyPlasticsandRubberProcessingandApplications). 10x. Elsevier (Oxford) for The Institute of Materials. Member of the Institue Polymers d( Polymer Composires. PPOCEC. ISSN 0967 3911. (Formerly of Materials, UK, f205; US members,$306; Non members,UK, f410; US, CompositePolymers).bm. Rapra.UK, f220; overseas,f240. $611. Polymersfor Advanced Technologies. PADTBS. ISSN 1042-7147.m. Wiley Polimery. POLIM. ISSN 0032;2725.m. RedakcjaPolimery.In Polish;Eng tc, (UK). US, $1645;personalrate, $750. sums.US, $126. Progress in Colloid & Polymer Science.PCPSD7.ISSN 0340-255X. (ForPolymer. POLMAG. ISSN ElsevierScienceLtd. Europe,The me&y Fortschrittsberichteueber Kolloide und Polymere). irr. Steinkopff. In CIS, & Japan, 10,125 Dutch Guilders; Rest of world, US, $5474 (includes Eng, Ger (Eng sum). Supplementto Colloid & Polymer Science.Bille sepaPolymer Communications). rately to subscribersof Colloid & Polymer Science(seeentry). Plastics Rubber and Composires: Processingand Applications. PRPAEP.
Polymer Bulletin. POBUDR. ISSN 0170-0839.m. Springer(Berlin or NY). Progress in Organic Coatings. POGCAT. ISSN 0033-0655. 8x. Elsevier US, $1373:single issue,$135.95;elsewhere,DM 2198 plus carriagecharges; (Lausanne). single issues,DM 219.80plus carriagecharges. ElsevierSci.Ltd. Progressin PolymerScience.PRPSBI. ISSNOO79-6700.8x. Polymer Composites. PCOMDI. ISSN SPE.US, $225 ($100 Europe,CIS, & Japan,2428.00Dutch Guilder; elsewhere,51396. for SPE members);elsewhere,add $25. Progressin Rubber and Plastics Recycling Technology. ISSN 1477-7606.q. PolymerDegradationnndStabili?y.PDSTDW. ISSN0141-3910.(Absorbed Raprafor the Plasticsand Rubber Institute. UK, f350 + postage;US, $590 + postage. Polymer Photochemistry).12.x.Elsevier (Amsterdam).US $3504. Polymer Engineering and Science. PYESAZ. ISSN 0032-3888.(Formerly Pure and Applied Chemistry. PACHAS. ISSN 0033-4545. m. Blackwell. SPE Transactions).18x. SPE. US & CanadaSPE members,$190; Nonmem- Europe, f770; Rest of world, f847, US & Canada,$1166 (5130 or f92 for individuals whoseinstitution has a library subscription). bers, $290; Corporate/InstitutionLibrary, $620; outsideNorth America, add $50 for surfaceor $80 for airmail. Radiation Physics and Chemisrry. RPCHDM. ISSN 0969-806X.m. Elsevier Sci. Ltd. US, 51586. Polymer Gels and Networks. PGNBEI. ISSN 0966-7822.4x. Elsevier (Oxford). US, 5363. Reactive & Functional Polymers. RFPOE6. ISSN 1381-5148.(Formerly PolymerInternarional. PLYIEI. ISSN0959-8103.(FormerlyBritishPolymer ReactivePolymers).m. Elsevier (Amsterdam).US, $1386. Journal). m. John Wiley & Sons for the Society of Chemical Industry. US, Rheologica Acta. RHEAAK. ISSN Springer.In Eng, Fr, Ger; 51350; Personalrate, 5125. Eng, Fr, Ger sum. DM 1.178plus DM 236 postage;US, Canada,& Mexico, Polynier Journal. POLJBI. ISSN 0032-3896.m. SPSJ;USACO (exclusive $736 plus postage;20% discount for membersof participating societiesand subscribersto Colloid & Polymer Science(seeentry). salesagent).US institutional, 51350. Polymer(Korea). F’OLLDG. iSBN0379-153X. 6x. PolymerSocietyof Korea.
Rubber Chemistry and Technology. RCTEA4. ISSN 0035-9475.5x.Rubber
US &Europe individual, 590 (airmail) or $60 (surface);US &Europe Library, $160 (airmail) or 5130 (surface);Asia individual, $60 (air only); Asia Library, 5130 (air only).
Division, ACS. US, $300; elsewhere,5375.
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