Bibliographic guide to serial titles

Bibliographic guide to serial titles

II Bibliographic Guide to Serial Titles Contamed in this section is full bibliographic and subscription information for all serials that are included...

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Bibliographic Guide to Serial Titles Contamed in this section is full bibliographic and subscription information for all serials that are included annually in Polymer Contents. Titles published monthly and semimonthly are included in each issue; others that are published less frequently are included in the next issue after they are received. The format for each entry is illustrated in the example shown at the right. Addresses for publishers may be found in the section, Index to Publishers Addresses. Acta Polymerica Sinica, GAXUE9 ISSN 1000-3304. bm. Science Press.

Advances m Colloidand Interface Science. ACISB9. ISSN 0001-8686. 8x. Elsevier (Amsterdam). Advances tn Polymer Science. APSIDK. ISSN 0065-3195. (formerly Fortschntte der Hochpolymeren-Forschung) irr. Springer (Berlin). Advances m Polymer Technology APTYD5. ISSN 0730-6679. (formerly Advances m Plasttcs Technology). q Wiley (NY). US, $950, Canada & Mexico, $990; outside North America, $1024 AIChE Journal. AICEAC. ISSN 0001-1541. m. AIChE. US, $950; Intemataonal, $1045; US AIChE member, $105; intematlonal member, $200. Annual Rewew of Matemals Science. ARMSCZ. ISSN 00846600. a Annual Revtews

~ A c t a



1 Completeserial afle with ~tslntemaaonal Orgumzatlonfor Standax&zanon(ISO)abbrewaaon indicated mboldface,e g. ActaPolym.ISOahhmvlatlonsareusedtoldenufysenalutlesintheTables of Contents section Whenappropriate,ISO abbrewaaonsmay be followedby the Englishutle of a foreign languagepubheat|onor by other descriptorsinthcated wafun parentheses 2 CODENidentifiers as specifiedby ASTM E250-76 The CODENis used m the full bthhograpluestripappeanng beloweachISOabbrevmUonin the Tables of Contents secnon CODENmay be followedby the original languagetitle enclosedwithinparenthesesff the serial tatleis an Enghsh language translaaon 3. InterantlnualStandard Serial Number(ISSN). 4. Referenceto any formerUfles 5. Frequency of pubhcatlon a, annual, sa, sermannual,q, quarterly, bin, bimonthly, bw, biweekly, m, monthly,sm, sermmonthly;x, numberof issuespubhsbedannuallybut not regularly, trr, |rregular For regularly pubhshed nfles with frequenczesless than monthly, the months of pubheauonare iu&catedby numeralsenclosedwlthanparentheses,e.g, q(3,6,9,12) mtheatesthat the serial is publishedquarterlyin March,June, September,and December 6 Publisheror sales agent(scePubhshersAddres~es) 7 Languageof pubhcaaon,summaries,and tablesof contents(te), if no entry is given, language is English 8, Publishedsubscriptioninformationfor most current volume or single issues, e g DCN$, Canadian dollar, DM, DeutscheMark (FDR), M, GDR Mark, Dfl, Dutch Gudder (flonn)

Annual Rewew of Physical Chemistry. ARPLAP. ISSN 0066-426X. a. Annual Reviews

Biomaterials.BIMADU. ISSN 0142-9612 (incorporating Climcal Materials) sm. Elsevier (Amsterdam). US, $170, Euro 152; JPY 20,200. Cellular Polymers CELPDJ. ISSN 0262-4893. (formerly European Journal of Cellular Plastics). bin. Rapra $595 + postage.

Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemwal and Engineering Aspects. COSUD3. ISSN 0927-7757. (formerly Collmds and Surfaces). 24x Elsevier (Amsterdam). North, Central, and South America, $6233 Colloidsand Surfaces



COMSE2 ISSN 0263-8223 16x Elsevier (Oxford).

B: Biomterfaces CSBBEQ. ISSN 0927-7765 Elsevier(Amsterdam) US, $2018.

US, $3374.

Chemtcal Engineering Science. CESCAC. ISSN 0009-2509. sm. Elsevier (UK) US, $4629 Chemtstry of Materials. CMATEX. ISSN 0897-4756. m ACS North America ACS members, $220; outside North America ACS members, $349; North America institutions, $1294, outside North American institutions, $1423.

Composites, Part A: Apphed Science and Manufacturing. CASMFJ ISSN 1359-835X (incorporating Composites Manufacturing). m Elsevier Science Ltd. Europe/CIS/Japan, 3182 Dutch Guilders, all other countries, US$1615. Compos,tes Science and Technology CSTCEH. ISSN 0266-3538. 16x Elsevier (Amsterdam). North, Central, and South America, US $3621.

Chinese Journal of Polymer Science. CJPSEG. ISSN 0256-7679. 6x Springer-Verlag. Print and Online, Euros 440 plus postage.

Contemporary Topics m Polymer Science CTPSDH. ISSN 0160-6727 wr Plenum. See New Book Tttles for current title and price.

Colloid& Polymer Science. CPMSB6.

DissertationAbstractslnternattonal[Sectlon] B TheScwncesandEngmeermg DABBBA. ISSN 0419-4217. m ProQuest.

ISSN 0303-402X. (formerly Kollotd ZettschriftfurPolymere). 12x. Springer-Vedag. In Eng, Ger; Eng, Gersum. All Countries except North and South American, Euros, 2598 + postage.




Dissertat:on Abstracts Internattonal [Sectwn] C. Worldwtde DAICDG ISSN 1042-7279. q(3,6,9,12). ProQuest. Eleetrochimica Acta. ELCAAV. ISSN 0013-4686 sm. Elsewer (UK). US, $2093; elsewhere, £1316. Engineering Plasttcs. ENPLEB. ISSN 0952-6900 bm Rapra. UK, £220; elsewhere, £2.40. The European Physical Journal B. EPJBFY. ISSN 1434-6028 (formerly Journal de Physzque and Zettschriftfiir Phystk B). 24x. Springer All Countries except North and South America, Euro 2600 + postage. The European Phystcal Journal D. EPJDF6. ISSN 1434-6060 (formerly Journal de Physique and Zeitschrtftf~r Physik D). 24x. Spnnger. US, $1532, Germany, DM 2504.80; elsewhere, DM 2520 40. The European Phymcal Journal E. ISSN 1292-8941. All Countries except North and South America, Euro 1692 + postage. European Polymer Journal. EUPJAG ISSN 0014-3057. m. Elsevier (Amsterdam) In Eng, Fr, Eng sum. North, Central, and South America, US $3,347 High Performance Polymers HPPOEX. ISSN 0954-0083. q. Carfax US, $298 (single issue, $82), personal subscription plan, $120. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. IECRED. ISSN 0888-5885. m Pnnt Edltaon: North America ACS members, $241; outside Noah America ACS members, $400, North America ACS Student members, $181, outside North America ACS Student member, $340, North America institutions, $t704, outside North American instltuUons, $1863. Web Editmn. North America ACS members, $75; outside North America, $75. Print/WebEdition' North America ACS members, $316; outside North America, $475. Internatwna'l Journal of Biological Macromolecules: Structure, Function and Interactions. IJBMDR. ISSN 0141-8130. bm(2,4,6,8,10,12). Elsevier Science B.V

Journal ofApphedPolymerScience JAPNAB. ISSN 0021-8995 4/m. Wdey (NY). US, $10,595; Canada & Mexico, $11,155, outside North America, $11,631. Journal of Bioactive and Compatible Polymers. JBCPEV. ISSN 0883-9115 q Sage. US, $999; £689. JournalofCellularPlasUcs.JCUPAM ISSN0021-955X bm Sage US,$790, £545. Journal of Chemlcal Phystcs. JCPSA6 ISSN 0021-9606 48X. AIP US Alp membersprint andonline, $458, AlP Non-US (surface) pnnt andonline, $668; AlP Non-US (air) jpnnt and online, $788 AIP members online only, $190. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. JCISA5. ISSN 0021-9797. (formerly Journal of Colloid Science). m. Academic. US & Canada, $666; elsewhere, $752 50, reduced rate for personal subscribers. Journal of Composite Materia/s JCOMBI ISSN 0021-9983. sin. Sage. £2,600; US, $3,770. Journal of Composites Technology & Research. JCTRER. ISSN 0885-6804. q ASTM. US & Canadaa, $129 ($116 for ASTM members), elsewhere, $142 ($128 for members); single Issues, $35. Journal of Controlled Release. JCREEC. ISSN 0168-3659. m Elsewer (Amsterdam). US, $2292. Journal of Elastomers and Plastzcs JEPLAX. ISSN 0095-2443 q(1,4,7,10). Sage Publicaaons. US print and electromc, $818; £545. Journal oflnorgamc and Organometalhc Polymers and Materials. JIOPFA ISSN 1053-0495. q. Spnnger Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part B: Phymcs. JMAPBR. ISSN 00222348.6x. Taylor &Francts. US Instatuaon, $2,047; UK InsUtution,£1,241: US Individual, $378; UK Individual, $229.

Internatwnal Journal of Polymer Analysts and Characterlzatwn. IPACEZ ISSN 1023-666X. 4x. Gordon & Breach Sctenee. Personal rates, US, $113; ECU, $87.

Journal of Macromolecular Science Part A: Pure and Apphed Chemtstry. JSPCE6. ISSN 1060-1325. (formerly J Macromol. Scz.-Chem.) m. Taylor & Francis US InsUtution,$4,190; UK Institution, £2,539. Indwldual, $810; UK Individual, £491

Internatwnzd Journal of Polymeric Materials IJPMCS. ISSN 0091-4037. 3vols (4x per vol ). Gordon and Breach (NY). Indtwdual rate (avadable to those whose hbrary subscnbes to journal), US, $410; ECU, 315.

Journal of Macromolecular Science-Polymer Reviews. JMSPDH. ISSN 1532-1797 (formerlyJournal of Macromolecular Science, Reviews m Macromolecular Chemistry). 4x. Taylor & Francis US, $1,150

InternatwnaIPolymer Processing IPPREJ. ISSN 0930-777X q Carl Hanser Vedag. Germany, DM 428 60; Foreign EuropeanCountries, $271.40; oS3256; 271.40sFr, elsewhere, $281 60.

Journal ofMatertals Chemzstry JMACEP ISSN 0959-9428. m. The Royal Society of Chemistry EEA (lncl.UK), £560, US, $1008

Journal de Phymque L JPGCE8 ISSN 0302-0738 m EdlUonsde Physique Price, 4610 FF. Journal de Phystque H. JPAHER. 1SSN 0302-0738. m. Editmns de Physique. Price, 5000 FF. Journal of Advanced Materlals. JADMEK ISSN 1070-9789 (Formerly SAMPE Quarterly). q Sage. SAMPE Members, US, $30, Nonmembers,$70; Institutions, $150; outside North America add $15; Canada or Mexico add $8 JournalofAnalytwalandAppliedPyrolysis.JAAPDD Elsevier (Amsterdam). Dfl. 790

Journal of Materzals Science JMTSAS ISSN 0022-2461. m. Chapman and Hall Pnnt or Onhne, Euro 8,875; US, $8,875 Print and Online, Euro 10,650, US, $10,650 Subscription includes Journal of Materials Scwnce Letters, Materials m Electronics, and Materials m Me&cine (see entry). Journal of Materials Science Letters JMSLD5. ISSN 0261-8028 m Chapman and Hall Includedw|thsubscriptiontoJournalofMatertalsScience (see entry).

ISSN0165-2370 2x.

Journal of the American Chemwal Socwty. JACSAT. ISSN 0002-7863 51x ACS. Print Edition. North America ACS members, $328, outside North America ACS members, $657; North America ACS Student members, $246; outside North America ACS Student member, $575; North America institutions, $3165; outside North American institutions, $3494. Web Edition: North America ACS members, $90, outside North America, $90. Pnnt/Web Editton" North America ACS members, $418; outside North America, $747. Journal of Apphed Physics. JAPIAU. ISSN 0021-8979. sin. AlP. US AIP members print and online, $380, AIP members elsewhere pnnt and online, $526.


Journal of Mater:als Research. JMREEE. ISSN 0884-2914. m Materials Research Sooety.


Journal of Materials Science-Materertals m Electronics. JMSEEV. ISSN 0957-4522. m. Chapman and Hall Included with subscription to Journal of Materials Science (see entry) Journal of Materials Science-Matererials m Medtcme JSMMEL. ISSN 0957-4530. m Chapman and Hall Included with subsenptlon to Journal of Materials Sctence (see entry). Journal of Membrane Science. JMESDO. ISSN 0376-7388 28x Elsevier (Amsterdam). US, $6,760. JournalofNon-NewtorfianFluidMechamcs Elsevier (Amsterdam).

JNFMDL.ISSN0377-0257 m

02005 Elsevier

Journal of Photochemistry and Photobioiogy A: Chemtstry JPPCEJ. ISBN 1010-6030 m. Elsevier (Lausanne). Sfr. 900.- (approx. US $539) Journal of Plastic Film & Sheeting. JPFSEH. ISSN 8756-0879 q(1,4,7,10) Technomlc US, $470, elsewhere, add $60 for postage; smngleissues, $130 Journal ofPolymer Engmeenng.JPOEEK. ISSN0334-6447 (formerly Polymer Engineering Rev,ews). q Freund (London). US, $390 JournalofPolymerResearch JPOREP ISSN 1022-9760. q. Polymer Society, Taipel Taiwan, Individual, NT$1,000; libraries, NT$ 2,000 (single issue, NT$ 250). Journal of Polymer Science, Part A, Polymer Chemlstry JPLCAT. ISSN 0360-6376. (formerly Journal of Polymer Scwnce, Part A). sm Wiley (NY) US Print only, $12,740; Canada & Mexico Print only, $13,220, outside of North America Print only, $13,628 US Print and Electromc, $14,014; Canada & Mexico Print and Electronic, $14,494, outside of North America Print and Electronic, $14,902. Worldwide Electronic only, $12,740 Subscription mchides Polymer Physws edaion (see entry). Journal of Polymer Science, Part B, Polymer Physws. JPLPAY ISSN 00981273. (formerly Journal of Polymer Science, Part A-2). sm. Wiley (NY). For subscript/on information, see J. Polym. Sci., Polym Chem

MaeromolecularChem,stryandPhysws. MCHPES ISSN 1022-1352 (formerly D,e Makromolekulare Chemle. Macromolecular Chenastry and Physws) 18x Wiley-VCH. In Eng, Ger, Fr, Eng sum & tc. Subseripaon includes all six Macromolecularjournals Europe print or electromc. Euro 6,424; Europe print and electronic, Euro 7,067, Switzerland print or electronic, Sfr 11,534; Switzerlandprint and eleetrome, Sfr 12,688, Elsewhereprint or electromc, US, $7,948; Elsewhere print and electromc, US, $8,743 Macromolecular Mater,als and Engineering. MMENFA ISSN 1438-7492. (formerlyAngewandte Makromolekulare Chemze) m Wiley-VCH Subscription includes all six Macromolecularjoumals. Europe pnnt or elecl~omc,Euro 6,424; Europe print and electronic,Euro 7,067, Switzerlandprint or electronic, Sfr 11,534; Switzerland print and electronic, Stir 12,688; Elsewhere print or electronic, US, $7,948; Elsewhere pnnt and electromc, US, $8,743 Macromolecular Rapid Commumcat,ons. MRCOE3. ISSN 1022-1336. (formerly D,e Makromolekulare Chemie, Raptd Commumcations). m WileyVCH Subscription includes all six Macromolecularjoumals Europe print or electronic, Euro 6,424; Europe print and electronic, Euro 7,067; Switzerland print or electromc, Sfr. 11,534, Switzerland pnnt and electromc, Sfr 12.688; Elsewhere print or electronic,US, $7,948; Elsewhere print and electronic, US, $8,743.

JournalofPolymer Science, Polymer Sympos,a JPYCAQ. ISSN 0360-8905. (formerlyJournal of Polymer Science, Part C). ,rr Wdey (NY). For subscription information, see J. Polym. Sc,., Polym. Chem.

Macromolecular Reports. MREPEG. ISSN 1060-1325.8x Dekker US, $250 ($250 for lnthvidual professionals and students); elsewhere, add $28.00 for surface mail, $44 00 for air to Europe, $52.00 for air to Asia. (Internat/onal Rapid PublicationSupplementincluded at no charge with subscnptlon to the J Macromol. Sci -Chem - see entry ).

Journal of Polymers and the Environment- JPENFW. ISSN 1566-2543, q. Plenum. Pnnt or Online, US, $404, Euros, 404; GBP, 253 US, $404

Macromolecular Research. ISSN 1598-5032. (formerly Korean Polymer Journal). 6x. The Polymer Society of Korea

Journal of Reinforced Plast, cs and Composites. JRPCDW ISSN 0731-6844 sm. Sage Pubhcations. US, $3,699, £2,551.

Macromolecular Sympos,a. (formerly D,e Makromolekulare Chem,e, Macromolecular Sympos,a) MSYMEC. 1SSN 1022-1360.14x Wiley-VCH. Subscnptmn includes all six Macromolecularjoumals. Europe print or electromc, Euro 6,424; Europe print and electrome, Euro 7,067; Switzerland print or electromc,Sft. 11,534, Switzerlandpnnt and electronic, Sfr 12,688; Elsewhere pnnt or electromc, US, $7,948, Elsewhere print and electromc, US, $8,743.

Journal ofRheology JORHD2 ISSN 0148-6055. (formerly the Transactwns of the Sooety ofRheology) 6x. Wdey (NY) for The Society of Rheology Included with Membership to the Society of Rheology, all nonmembers, US, $550; Canada, Mexico, Central & South America, and Caribbean, $560, Europe, Asia, Africa and Oceania, $575. Journal of the Soctety of Rheology, Japan (Nihon Reoroji GakkaishO ISSN 0387-1533 The Soemty of Rheology, Japan Journal of Supercrit, cal Fluids JSFLEH. 1SSN 0896-8446. q. Elsewer (Amsterdam). US, $1,179. Journal of Testing and Evaluatwn. JTEVAB. ISSN 0090-3973. (supercedes Journal ofMatertals), bin(1,3,5,7,9,11). ASTM US & Canada, $129 ($116 for ASTM members); elsewhere, $142 ($128 for ASTM members), single issues, $35. Journal of Thermal Analysts and Calorimetry. JTHEA9 ISSN 1388-6150 m. Kluwer Academie PublishersB.V. Print or Onhne, $4,598, Print and Onhne, $5,517 60 Journal of Vinyl & Addttlve Technology JVATF4 ISSN 0193-7197 (formerly Journal of Vinyl Technology) q(3,6,9,12). SPE US, Canada & Mexico SPE members, $150; outside North American, $170, US, Canada and Mexico Nonmembers.$336, outside North American, $360; Inst/tut/on US. Canada & Mexico print only, $474,.Institut/on outside North America, $548, Electromc only, $474, Combmatmn plant and electromc in US, Canada, & Mexico, $522; Combinat/on print and electronic outside US, $596

Macromolecular Theory and Simulations. MTHSEK. ISSN 1022-1344. 9x. Wdey-VCH (formerly Dw Makromolekulare Chemw" Theory and Simulat,ons) Subscriptionincludes all six Macromolecularjoumals Europe print or electronic, Euro 6,424, Europe pnnt and electromc, Euro 7,067, Switzerland pnnt or electronic, Sfr. 11,534, Switzerland print and electronic, Sfr 12,688; Elsewhere print or electronic, US, $7,948, Elsewhere print and electromc, US, $8,743. Maeromolecules. MAMOBx ISSN0024-9297 bw. ACS PrintEdmon: North America ACS members, $311, outside North America ACS members, $540, North America ACS Student members, $233, outside North America ACS Student members, $462, North America mstitntmns, $2611; outside North American mstitut/ons, $2840 Web Edition" North America ACS members, $75, outside North America, $75 Pnnt/Web Edition. North America ACS members, $386, outside North America, $615. Masters Abstracts. MSTAAF. ISSN 0025-5106 4x(3.6,9,12) ProQuest.

Matertals Research Bulletin MRBUAC ISSN 0025-5408. m. Elsevier (Amsterdam) US, $2,153. Mechanics of Compos,te Materials (English Translatwn). MCMAD7 (translation ofMekhanika KompozitnykhMatenalov) ISSN 0191-5665 (Formerly Polymer Mechanics). bm Kluwer. US, $1795.

Kobunshi Ronbunshu. (Collected Papers on H,gh Polymers). KBRBA3. ISSN 0386-2186 (formerly Kobunshi Kagaku) m SPSJ In Japan, Eng tc, sums, figs, tables.

Monatsheflefur Chem,e (ChermcalMonthly). MOCMB7 ISSN 0026-9247 m Springer (Wien) In Ger, Eng, Ger sum; Eng tc. All Countries except North and South America, Euro 1,392 + postage.

Kunststoffe-Plast Europe KUPEE3 ISSN 0023-5563 Kunststoffe-German Plast,cs) m. Hanser Germany.


New Polymeric Matertals NPMAE8 ISSN 0169-6525.4x. VSP. DM 318, US, $199.

Maeromolecular Bioscience. MBAIBU ISSN 1616-5187 m. Wdey-VCH. Subscription includes all six Macromolecularjoumals Europe print or electronic, Euro 6.424, Europe print and electronic, Euro 7,067, Switzerlandprint or electromc, Sfr 11,534; Switzerland pnnt and electronic, Sfr 12,688; Elsewhere pnnt or electronic, US, $7,948; Elsewhere pnnt and electromc, US, $8,743

Nihon Reoroji Gakkaishi. Journal of the Japanese Society of Rheology. NRGADP. ISSN 0387-1533. q(3,6,9,12). SRJ. 8,000 Yen (approx $50 US). In Japan, Eng tc, sums, figs, tables


Plaste undKautschuk. PLKAAM ISSN 0048-4350. m. VEB In Ger DM 198.


©2005 Elsevier

Plasttcs Engmeermg PLEGBB ISSN 0091-9578 (formerly SPE Journal) m SPE Included with membership to SPE US nonmembers, $142, outside US, add $100; single issues, $20. Plastws Rubber and Compomtes" Processmg and Apphcatwns. PRPAEP ISSN 0959-8111. (formerly Plastics and Rubber Processing and Apphcations). 10x. Elsevter (Oxford) for The Institute of Materials Member of the Institue of Materials, UK, £205, US members, $306; Non members, UK, £410, US, $611. Polimery POLIA4. ISSN 0032-2725 m RedakcjaPohmery In Pohsh;Engte, sums. US, $260. Polymer POLMAG. ISSN 0032-3861. (absorbed Computatwnal and Polymer Science). bw Elsevier (Oxford). US, North & Central America, $6268

Polymer Testing. POTEDZ. ISSN 0142-9418 5x. Elsevier (London) US, Central & South America, $1,164. Polymers & Polymer Composttes. PPOCEC. ISSN 0967-3911. (formerly Compostte Polymers). bm. Rapra UK, £490; US, $770 PolymersforAdvancedTechnologws PADTE5 ISSN 1042-7147. re.Wiley (UK) US print or electronic, $2,590, US print and electromc, $2849 Progress m Colloid & Polymer Science. PCPSD7. ISSN 0340-255X (formerly Fortschrtttsbenchte ueber Kolloide und Polymere). trr Spnnger (Heidelberg). In Eng, Get (Eng sum). Supplement to Colloid & Polymer Sczence. Progress m Orgamc Coatings. POGCAT. ISSN 0300-9440. 8x Elsevier (Amsterdam). North,Central, and South America, $1,872.

Polymer Bulletin POBUDR. 1SSN 0170-0839 m Spnnger (Berlin or NY). Pnnt and Online, all countrtes except North and South America, Euros 1400 plus postage

Progress m Polymer Science. PRPSB8 ISSN 0079-6700. m Elsevier (Amsterdam).

Polymer Composttes. PCOMDI. ISSN 0272-8397 bin. SPE SPE members, $300; Nonmembers, $640, lnsUtution, $805; Elsewhere add $36

Progress mRubberandPlasttcsRecyclingTechnology. ISSN 1477-7606 q Rapra for the Plastics and Rubber Institute. UK, £350 + postage, US, $590 + postage

Polymer Degradation and Stabthty. PDSTDW ISSN 0141-3910. (absorbed Polymer Photochemistry). 12x Elsewer (Amsterdam) US and Central & South America, $3732 PolymerEngmeermg andScience PYESAZ ISSN0032-3888 (formerly SPE Transact:ons). 18x. SPE US & Canada SPE members, $190, Nonmembers, $290; Corporate/Inslatution Library, $620; outside North America, add $50 for surface or $80 for oarmml Polymer Gels and Networks PGNEEI. ISSN 0966-7822.4x Elsevier (Oxford). US, $363 Polymer Internatwnal PLYIEI ISSN 0959-8103 (formerly Brtttsh Polymer Journal) m. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, (Wtley, UK) for the Society of Chemical Industry US institution print or electromc, $1,870, US institution print and electronic, $2,057. Polymer Journal. POLJB8 ISSN 0032-3896. m. SPSJ Japan SPSJ members, Yen 9,800; Japan nonmembers, Yen 43,000; All other countries SPSJ members, Yen 13,800; All other countries nonmembers, Yen 47,000 Polymer(Korea).POLLDG ISBN0379-153X 6x PolymerSocletyofKorea PSK members, Asia, $ 67, all other areas, $ 84; PS K student members, Asia, $50, all other areas, $70, nonmembers, Asia, $84; all other areas, $100 Polymer News. PLYNBU. ISSN 0032-3918. m Taylor & Franc~s US Instltut~onal, $1,069, US personal, $316 Polymer-Plastzcs Technology andEngmeermg PPTEC7 ISSN 0360-2559. (formerly Journal of Macromolecular Sctence, Revtews m Polymer Technology). 6x. Dekker. Print or Online, US, $1,750, Print and Online, US, $1980. Surface dehvery, add $25 Airmail delivery add, Canada, $28 50, Europe and South America, $42; Asm, $54. Polymer Reaetmn Engmeenng PREEEG ISSN 1054-3414 q(2,5,8,10) Dekker. US restitution rate, $825 Polymer Recyding. POLREZ ISSN 0969-5990. 4x. Rapra. Polymer Science, Sertes A (translation of Vysokomolekulyarnye Soedmemya, Serzya A) PSSAFE. ISSN 0965-545X. m. Interperiodica US & Canada, $4,121. Series A--C included in subscriptton. North America, $4440, elsewhere, $5133. Polymer Science, Seines B (translataon of Vysokomolekulyarnye Soe&nentya, Sertya B) PSSBFH ISSN 0965-545X bm Interpenodlea Series A-C included in subscription. North America, $4440, elsewhere, $5133.

Pure and Apphed Chemistry PACHAS. ISSN 0033-4545 m Blackwell Europe, £770, Rest of world, £847, US & Canada, $1166 ($130 or £92 for mthviduals whose mstatataon has a library subscription) Radiatwn Physws and Chemtstry RPCHDM. ISSN 0969-806X. m. Elsevier Sci Ltd. North, Central, and South America, $2,064. React#re & Functional Polymers RFPOE6 ISSN 1381-5148. (Formerly Reactive Polymers) m Elsevier (Amsterdam). US, Central & South America, $1,803 Rheolog~ca Acta. RHEAAK. ISSN 0035-4511. bm Spnnger In Eng, Fr, Get; Eng, Fr, Ger sum All countries except North and South America, Euro 1,470 + postage. Rubber Chemtstry and Technology RCTEA4 ISSN 0035-9475 5x. Rubber Dwlslon, ACS. US, $300, elsewhere, $375. SAMPE Journal. SAJUAK. ISSN 0091-1062 bm SAMPE. US, $65 ($15 included in dues for SAMPE members), Canada & Mexico, $73, elsewhere, $105; smgle issues, $I0 Science and Engineering of Compostte Matertals. SCMAE6. q. Freund. US $160 Sen-i Gakkaishi. SENGA5. ISSN 0037-9875. (Journal of the Society of Fiber Science and Technology, supercedes Sen-i Kogyo Gakkaishi; absorbed Sen-i To Kogyo) m SFSTJ 18,000 Yen plus postage, SFSTJ members, 7,200 Yen plus postage (smgle issues, 1,500 Yen plus postage) In Japan., Eng; Eng sums, figs, tables Society of Plasttcs Engineers, [Techntcal Papers] SPEPAU ISSN 00968773, a SPE See New Book Titles for current title and price. Solid State Ionics ISSN 0167-2738. m. Elsevier (Amsterdam). North, Central,

and South America, $4,114 Supramolecular Science SUSCFX ISSN 0968-5677 6x Elsevier Science Ltd North, Central, & South American, $254, elsewhere, £170. Synthetw Metals SYMEDZ. ISSN 0379-6779 24x Elsewer (Amsterdam). North, Central, and South America, $4,746. Thermoehim~ca Acta THACAS ISSN 0040-6031 sin. Elsevier (Amsterdam). In Eng, Fr, Ger; Eng, Fr, Get sum North, Central, & South America, US $8,067.

Polymer Science, Sertes C (translation of Vysokomolekulyarnye Soedmemya, Serlya C). PSSBFH. ISSN Pendmg 2x. Interperiodlca Series A--C included m subscription. North America, $4440, elsewhere, $5133 Polymer Science and Technology POSTB5 ISSN 0093-6286 trr Plenum See New Book Tztles for current title and price.



©2005 Elsevier