EagleBurgmann introduces Buraflex 2000 HT compression packing

EagleBurgmann introduces Buraflex 2000 HT compression packing

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Sealing Technology

EagleBurgmann introduces Buraflex 2000 HT compression packing


agleBurgmann Germany GmbH & Co Kg has introduced a generalpurpose, stuffing box packing called Buraflex 2000 HT. This compression packing is particularly suitable for installation in pumps, for example, in power-generating systems, and in valves and fittings, agitators or fans. The braided packing is made of elastic, expanded pure graphite foil combined with a protective edge reinforcement and a lubricant. It is designed to be used in rotating applications at a peripheral speed of up to 40 m/s and a maximum 60-bar pressure from the medium. Specific quality characteristics include outstanding cross-sectional sealing and structural strength, says EagleBurgmann. Its good sliding qualities also result in substantial improvements in friction values when used in valves and fittings. Because of the good properties of the base material, this compression packing can be used at high temperatures (+250°C) without any problems, claims the firm.

Contact: EagleBurgmann Germany GmbH & Co Kg, Aeussere Sauerlacher Strasse 6–10, 82515 Wolfratshausen, Germany. Tel: +49 8171 23 0, Fax: +49 8171 23 1214, Web: www.eagleburgmann.com

Is this the world’s smallest O-ring?


S seal manufacturer Precision Associates Inc has successfully manufactured what it believes is the world’s smallest O-ring. The moulded O-ring has a cross-section of 0.15 mm (0.006 in) and an inside diameter of 0.2 mm (0.008 in). The company says that with an outside diameter of 0.5 mm (0.020 in), it is two-thirds the size of its previous smallest seal. In addition, the firm has been unable to locate another seal manufacturer that has made an O-ring this small. The mould used to produce the O-ring and the actual parts were manufactured on-site by Precision Associates. Continued miniaturisation of equipment used in the electronics, medical and fluid-power industries require ever smaller sealing components. The firm made this O-ring as part of an ongoing effort to determine the size of the smallest usable seal that it is able to produce.

Contact: Precision Associates Inc, 740 N. Washington Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55401, USA. Tel: +1 612 333 7464, Fax: +1 612 342 2417, Web: www.precisionassoc.com

Mobile milling machine repairs large flange in situ


Buraflex 2000 HT compression packing from EagleBurgmann Germany GmbH & Co Kg is made of elastic, expanded pure graphite foil combined with a protective edge reinforcement and a lubricant.

lobal bolting and engineering technology firm Hydratight Ltd reports that it has saved chemicals and manufacturing company Huntsman money and time by using a computercontrolled tool to repair, in situ, a large reactor-vessel flange. Hydratight was performing bolt tensioning and ultrasonic measurements on a reactor at the Huntsman facility on Jurong Island, Singapore. Testing identified an issue with 90-mm (3.5-in) studs on a special 500-mm (20-in) flange on the reactor. The bolt failed to reach its required 40 000 psi stress level because of damaged threads. Huntsman engineers confirmed earlier findings through further pressure testing that was performed on the reactor. Hydratight engineers were asked to assess the way in which the repair could be carried out. A proposal was made to use the company’s GeniSYS 220CNC – a 3D mobile milling machine – to bore out the damaged threads to 102 mm (4 in), then use reducers to restore the threads to 90 mm (3.5 in).

January 2011