Index to current literature

Index to current literature

INDEX TO CURRENT LITERATURE Edited by CHARLES E. I t E N R Y Instit~te of Livb~g, Hartford, Co~n., U.S.A. ANASTASOPOULOS, C,-.~ DIAKOYIANNIS, A. and R...

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INDEX TO CURRENT LITERATURE Edited by CHARLES E. I t E N R Y Instit~te of Livb~g, Hartford, Co~n., U.S.A. ANASTASOPOULOS, C,-.~ DIAKOYIANNIS, A. and ROUTSONIS~ IK. Three cases of ~eulporal lobe epilepsy with endocrinopathy. J..¥europsychiat., 1959, 1: 65-76. ANDY, O. J.~ BONN, P., CHINN, ]:~. M. and ALLEN, M. :Blood pressure nlteratbms secondary to amygdaloid and periamygdaloid after-discharges. J. Ne~lrophy.~iol., 1959, 22: 51-60. ASRATIAN, E. A. Switching in conditioned reflex activity: some new observations. Parley J. Higher Nerv. deriv., 1958, 8: 289-296. ]3ALDWIN, ~./[., ]3ACH, S. A. and LEWIS, S. A. E f f e c t s of radio-frequem'y energy on primate cerebral activity. Neurol., 1960, I0:178-187. ]3AUMANX, R.. Ergebnisse tiber die GrSssenordnug sehneller Ab]iiufe elektro-lfiologischer Hirnpotentiale im " p a s s i v e n " und " a k t i v e n ~' EEG mit einem Priizi~ious-Elektroenstrahloszillographen. Acta Biol. Med. Ger~n., 1959, 2: 534-557,. BE.'~NET% A. E. Diagnosis of intermediate stage of alcoholic br',in damage. °l. : | ~ ( r . recd. Ass., 1960, 172: 1143-1146. ]3ERK'O~,VITZ, E. C., SUNDSTEN, J. W. ltlld SA%VYER, C. H. Electroencephalographic and behavioral changes ~n unrestr'~ined rabbits during insulin hypoglycemia. Ncnrol., 1960, 10: 355-364. ]3ERL, S., PURPURA~ D. P., GIRADO, ~]'. and WAELSCII~ H. Amino acid metabolism in epileptogenic and non-epileptogenic lesions of the neocortex (c:,t~..1. Nt'~frochc~!l., 1959, 4: 311-317. ]3ORENSTEIN, ]:). et DABBAI[, M. L'enc~phalographie fractionnOe et l'SlectrocneSphalogramme dans ]es psychoses dSlirnntes aigui:s et chroniqnes. An~. m,~l.-p.~ychol., 1959, 117: 793-818. ]3OVDIN, G., ]-~AURAS,A. et ]'~ABET, R. ]'~es encOphalopathies des hypoglycSmies spontt~nS~s. (Revue analytique de 37 c a s h propos d'unc ol~servation ])ersom,elle.5 P a r t [ and P a r t II. Pr. mgd., 1960, 63:270 272, 321-324. ]3ROUTEANV, R. $i ]3ROSTEANU, E. [Les troubles psychiques des cufants 5t)ileptiques. ] Stud. Cert. Neurol., 1959, 4: 291-299. (?HASSAING, ]:).-H. Etude d'une m~thode d'int(~gration des donn6es 51ectroencfiph'flographi(rues au tours de ]'anoxSmie hypocaonique. (Th~se, P a r i s ) , 1959, 76 pp. (!ON~AD. E. C. The electroenceplmlograph (EEG) as evidence of criminal responsibility. J. Crim. Law, 1959, 50: 405-414. CRAG(~. ]3. G. A specific response in the hil)pocamlms of the rabbit to ()lfactory stimnlation. Nature, 1959, 78.i: 1697-1699. CRIGHEL, E. [Investigation o~ Cortical Rcactirity.] Bildioteca Medicalh X l [ l , ]3uccresti, Ed. Acad. R.P.R., 1959, 184 pp. (~R1GHEL, E. ,qnd NESTIANU, V. Eleetroence~)halographic stu(ly of cortical reactivity. Parley J. Higher Ncrv. Aetiv., 1958, 8: 529-539. (~RIGIIEL, E., ]N-E~TIANU,~r. ~i KREINDLER, A. [Recherches au snjet da md~'auism(, d"lp~mrition des rdponses 6voqu~es sec,)ndaires t)arbituriques.~ S t , d . C,'rr. .Vc~lrol., 1959.4: 125-136. ('~T~¢T~I, tI. O. und GOLDENSOIIN, E. S. Die Assoziation yon (~cfiissmiilern in der Mittellinie des Gesichts mit Konw~lsio~wn und intrakraniellen Gef:,issmissbildnngen. Eine Variante der Sturge-Webersehen Krankheit. Dcr Ha~ttaczt, 1959, 1(): 3(~6-370. ])x.'c~ov, I. V. Disturbances of higher nervous activity in dogs during asynchronous light stimulation. Pal'lov J. Higher N~'rr. Aetiv., 1958, o°: 499-50~i. D.ONI)EY, ~-. et ]:~RAZIER, ~[. A. ]3. ReUl,qr(lues a propos de l'enregistrement ,h~ns los diff~rentes conches cortic'~lcs de l.~ rGp(mse primaire a l'6clair hunim~ux chez le chat 16gbrement ancstl,6si6. J~cv. Nc+~rol., Paris, 1959, I00: 3{;6-375. DONGIEn, S. Statistical study of clinical and electroencephalographic manif(~st:ltions of 536 psychotic episodes occurring in 516 elfilepties between clinical seizures. Epilep.s.ia, 1959-60, 1 : l l 7 142. DOTY, R. V . , ]3ECK, E. C. ;tll(] KOOI, U. i . Effect of brain-stem lesions on comiiti
[ 7(~s ]



GASTAUT, ~:[., TOGA, ~{., BERT, I)., PAYAN, H. and NETTER, J. A elinic:~l, electroencephalographic and anatomical study of experimental Japanese " B " encephalitis in the monkey. J. here. merit. Dis., 1960, 130: 160-175. (~ELLHORN, E., ~BALLIN, ]~. M. and KAWAKAMI, 1V[. Studies on experiment:d eo~lw~Isi0ns with emphasis on the role of the hypotha]amus and the retieuNr form:~tim~. Epilepsia, 1959-60, 1 : 233-254. GIBRS, F. A. (Ed.) Molecules and Mental Health. Philadelphia: J. B. Lipphwott Company, 1959, 189 pp. GIBSON, W. C. Temporal lobe epilepsy in two sisters. Epilepsia, 1959-60, t: 316-324. GLASE~, G. H. The neurological status of the newborn: Neuromusenlar and electroencephalographic activity. Yale J. Biol. Med., 1959, 32: 173-191. (~OLDENSOttN~ E. S. ~lnd GOLD, A. I ). Prolonged behavioral disturbances as ict:d phenomena. Neurol., 1960, 10: 1-9. (~OLD1E, |J. and GREEtZ, J. M. A study of the psychological factors in a case of se~sor.v reflex epilepsy. (Psychological factors in reflex epilepsy.) Brain, 1959, (W: 5O5-524. GOLDSTEIN, L. Eleetroencephalographic analysis of the effect of 2-dimethyl-~m~ilmethanol, choline and atropine on the rabbit brain. J. Pharm. exp. Tber., 1960, 128: 392-396. C~RASHCHENKOV, iN-. I. International congress on electroencephalography of the higher nervous activity. I. C. yR. S. Med. Reports, 1959, No. 5: 20-21. GRINDEL', O. ]V[. qnd SPIRIN, V. G. Changes in the mobility of the basic cortic~d l)rocesses after a slight closed cerebral trauma. Parlor J. Higher Nerv. Acrid., 1958, 8: 452-459. GUSEL'NII':OV, V. I. The representation of the visual analyser in the cerebral hemisI)heres of the pigeon. Pavlov J. Higher Nerv. Activ., 1958, 8: 565-570. IIEL)JAN, Z. Aetivit6 Eleetrique du Cerveau et Structure Mentale en Psychoehir~rgi~. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1959, 212 pp. J v s , A. and J u s , K. [Biochenlical aspect of neurophysiologicnl mechanisms during the formation of conditioned reflexes.] Nenrol. Neuroehir. P,~yehiat. Polslca, 1959, .~: ]3-29. KAMP, A . , SEM-JACOBSEN, C. W.~ STORS[ VAN I~EEU'WEN, W. all(] VAN- DER TWEEL, L. It. Cortic:~l responses to modul,qted light in the human subject. Acta physiol, seated., 1960, 4 8 : 1 12. KATS, K. Electroencephalographic study of reflex activity in man. Pavlov J. Higher Nerv. Activ., 1958, 8: 466-474. KELLAWAY, P., CRA~.VLEY, J. W. all(] KAGA~'v'A, N. A specific electroencephalogrnphi(' correl,qte of convulsive equivalent disorders in children. J. Pedlar., 1959, 55 : 582-592. I~-OELLA, W. P. Some functionnl properties of optically evoked potentials hL cerebel|:,r cortex of c:,t. J. Neurophysiol., 1:959, 22: 61-77. KOZHEVNIKOV, ¥. A. and RADIONOVA, E. A. [Measurement of hearing by various re:~ctions. Probability method of appraising EEG depressed alpha reaction appearing ]n response to sound stimulation of minimal intensity.] Prob. fizh)l, ak~st., Moskva, 1959, 4: 68-79. KOZHEVNII.:OV, V. A. aud SOROKO, ~'. I. [Electronic measurement of EEG alpha-rhythm changes appearing upon imposition of stimulation.] Prob. fiziol, al:~lst., Moskv:l. 1959, 4: 80-83. KREINDLER, A., ATEV, ]~. ~i CRIGHEL, :E. [Recherehes sur l'influencc de l'61ectrotonus sur la r6activit6 convulsive cortic~de.] Stud. Cere. Neurol., 1959, 4 : 8 9 98. KREINDLER, A., CRIGHEL, E. ~i POILICI, I. [Recherches sur les corr(%~tions entre l'aspect 61ectro-ene6ph,~dographique et pneumenc6phalographique d~H/s diff6rentes formes d'6pilepsie.] Stud. Cert. Neurol., 1959, 4: 213-224. KREINDLER, A., /UCKERMAN, E., STERIADE, ~[. and CH1MIOI',~, I). The action of chlorprom:~zine on the central and peripher,~l ,~fter effects induced by cortic:d :/Ild reticul:lr stimulation. Arch int. Pharmacodyn., 1959, J20: 263-285. LAaSSON, L.-E. Correl,~tion between the psychological significance of stimuli and the nmgnitudes of the st:trtle blink and evoked EEG potenti:~ls in man. Aeta pbusiol. stand., 1960, ~/3: 276-294, LIBERSON, IV. T. Electroencephalography. Amer. J. Psychiat., 1960, 116: 584-587. LISOVSKAI.% G. M. The eleetroencephalographic examination of children in hctdth :~nd in dlse:~se. Pavlov J. Higher Nerv. Activ., 1958, 8: 488-493. LIuBI~rOv, N. N. The electrical changes in cortical and hypothalamie structures during el:d)or.~tion of a food conditioned reflex. Parlor J. Higher N('rI:. Activ., 1958, 8: 519-529. LIUBIMOV, N. N. al|d TROFIMOV, I~. G. Technique for the recording of the electri(':d l)otentials of different structures in the cortex, subeortex :~nd bruin stem of the (log ill chronic experiment. Parlor J. Higher Nerv. Activ., 1958, 3: 571-578. MACKAY, ~R. P. All epilepsy is one. A. M. A. Arch. Nel~rol., 1960, 2: 237-2:~6. MAS[~OVA, N. P. The electroencephalogram of neurasthenies in the waking st~t~,, during sleep "~nd :tt the time of wakening. Pa~:lov J. Higber Nero,..4clil'., 1958, 3: 482-488.



1V[ATHIS, P. S~m~iologie ~lectroenc~phalographique et stades du coma. (Th~se, Paris)~ 1959, 59 pp. ~V[ESEL, E. and LEDPORD, F. F. The electroencephalogram during hypnotic age regression (to infancy) in epileptic patients. A.M.A. Arch. 2qeurol., 1959, 1: 516-521. MIRZOIANTS, N. S. The slow rhythm in the infant electroeneephalogranl. Parlor; J. Higher Nerv. Activ., 1958, 8: 494-499. ~V~ISON-CRIGI-IEL~~NT.yCONSTANTINESCU, E. ~i CRIGttEL, E. [Recherches 61ectroeortieographlques et biochimiques au cours de l'excitation et de l'inhibition. Aspect 61ectrocorticographique et modifications du glyeog~ne, de I ' A T P ct dr. l'acide lactique du cerveau du rat.] Stud. Cerc. Nenrol., 1959, 4: 337-348. .~¢[IYAZAKI, ]~. and TORRES, F. Alterations of tile alpha rhythm occurring after temporal lobe resections in man. A.M.A. Arch. Neurol., 1959, 1 : 502-512. MORIN, S. Epilepsie psycho-motrice. (Thbse, Marseille), 1959, 154 pp. MURAMATSU, T., ANDO, ]~[., ~-~AGATSU, T. and YAGI, K. E f f e c t s of flavins on the electroencephalogram. J. Neurochem., 1959, 4: 229-233. NAKAIIAMA, ~I. Cerebral response in sonmtic "lrea I I of ipsil'ltcral somatic [ origin. J. Neurophysiol., 1959, 22: 16-32. NAUMOVA, T. S. On the structure and function of tile reticular fornmtion and its place in the analyser system. Pavlov J. Higher Nerv. Activ., 1958, 3: 578-582. NETCHINE, S., TALAN, I.~ LAIRY, G. C. et ZAzzo, ]~. EEG et niveau mentM; 6rude d 'une population h niveau mental faible. L'Annde Psychol., 1959, 59: 355-438. NOiiL, P. L'~lectroenc6phalogranmle des schizophrbnes. Contribution h l'6tude des corr6tations ~lectro-cliniques et physio-pathologiques. (Thbse, P a r i s ) , 1959, 163 pp. NOGUCHI, W., MORI, A. and SHISIAZONO, Y. An experimental study on lhe correlation between electrical activity and cerebral blood flow in convulsive processes. )7pilepsia, 1959-60, 1: 208-226. NYSTR(JM, S. A case of decortication following a severe head injury. Aeta pspchiat. Kbh., 1960, 35: 101-112. OCHS, S. Organization of visual afferents shown by spike components of cortical response. J. Neurophysiol., 1959, 22: 2-15. OSTEELD, A. M., MACIINE, X. and I~NNA, K. R. The effects of atropine on the electroencephalogram and behavior in man. J. Phar,m. exp. Thor., 1960, 123: 265-272. PALMA, E. C. Etiopatogenia y tratamiento de la epilepsia escncial. A~. Fae. ~wd. Montevideo, 1959, 44: 113-133. PHILLIPS, P. ]~. and ZARRIELLO, J. J. Central nervous system injury froln high radial G force. Aerospace Med., 1959, 30: 847-851. PIETTE, Y. Action du pentothal sur ]es alt6rations ~lcctroenc6phalogr:~phiqucs do l'61ectrochoe. Acta ~e~troI. psychiat. Belg., 1959, 59: 1045-] 066. PIOTR()W'SKI, A. [A case of musieogenic epilepsy observed clinically and bioelectricMly.] Neurol. Ne~lrochir. Pspchiat. Pols~a, 1959, 9 : 39-44. PURPURA, D. P. and GIRADO, M. Synaptic mechanisms involved in transcallosal activation of corticospinal neurons. Aeta ital. Biol., 1959, 97: 111-139. PURPURA, D. P.~ GIRADO, M. and GRUNDI!~EST, H. Synaptic components of ccrebellar electrocortical activity evoked by various afferent pathw',ys. J. gem I)hysiol., 1959, 42: 1037-1066. PURPURA, D. P., GIRADO, M., SMITH, T. G., CALLAN, D. A. and GRUNDI:EST, ]{. Structure-activity determinants of pharm:lcologieal effects of :unino acids "H~d related compounds on central synapses. J. Ncuroehem., 1959, 3 : 2 3 8 2(;8. PURPURA, D. P., GIRADO, ~,L and WAELSCH, ~-. Amino acid metabolism in cpi]eptogcnic and non-epileptogenic lesions in the neocortex (cat). J. Ne~lroellem., 1959. 4: 311-317. RABI~,'OWCI~, M. Ia. The electrical activity in different layers of the cortex of the motor and acoustic analysers during the elaboration of conditioned defensive reflexes. Pavlov J. Higher Nerv. Activ., 1959, 8: 507-519. ROBERTS, ~). R. An electrophysiological theory of hypnosis. I~1¢. ,1. Clin. Exper. Hypnosis, 1960, 8: 43-55. ROSE, J. E.~ GALAI~BOS, R. and :HUGHES, J. R. Microelectrode studies of the cochlear nuclei of the cat. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., 1959, 104: 211-251. ROSENBAUM, ]~]-. E. :Familial hemiplegic migraine. Net~rol., 1960, 10: 164-17(). RuslNov, V. S. Electrophysiologieal investigation of loci of stationary excitation in the central nervous system. Parlor J. Higher Nerv. Activ., 1958, 8: 444-451. SAGER, O.y :DRocAI'~, ,]-. ~i BROSTEANU, E. [L'Plcctro-enc6phalogramme chez des personnes ~g~es de plus de 60 "tns.] St.itd. Cerc. Neurol., 1959, 4: 27-57.



SAKHIULINA, G. T. and MUKHAI~IEDOVA,Ye. A. Changes in tile electroencephalogram of man in the process of motor habit formation. Pavlov J. Higher Nerv. Aetiv., 1958, 8: 459-466. SATO, K. On the " t r a n s f o r m i n g a c t i o n " related to tlle threshold, chronaxie and accommodation constant of a living excitable system. Jap. J. Physiol., 1959, 9: 327-335. SCHAD]~, J. P. Maturational aspects of EEG and of spreading depression in rabbit. J. Neurophysiol., 1959, 22: 245-257. SCHMALBACH, K. Behavior anomalies in chronic epileptic animals. Aeta Nc~rol. Latinoamer., 1959, 5: 7-16. SCHI~IIDT, ]~. P.~ TIIO=~IAS, L. B. and W.~RD, A. A. The hyper-exeitable neurone. Microelectrode studies of chronic epileptic loci in monkey. J. Neurophysiol., 1959, 22: 285-296. SCHOOLMAN, A. and EVARTS, E. V. Responses to lateral geniculate radiation stimulation in cats with implanted electrodes. J. Ne~rophysiol., 1959, 28: 112-129. SIIILIAGINA, N. N. Changes in the electrieal activity of the cerebral cortex during orienting and conditioned reflexes in animals in the course of ontogenesis. Parlor J. Higher Nerv. Activ., 1958, 8: 539-548. SILVERI~IAN, ]). Seri'd eleetroencephalogr'lphy in brain tumors and eerebro-vascular aeeidents. A. M. A. Arch. Ncurol., 1960, 2: 122-129. SOKOLOVA, A. A. Electrical activity in the vislml and motor regions of the cerebral eortex in rabbits during reinforcement of a dominant focus in the motor region by light stimulations. Pavlov J. Higher Nerv. Avtiv., 1958, 8: 549-556. SPIEGEL, E. A., WYCIS, ~ . W.~ SZEKELY, E. G.~ RUSY, B. and BAIRD, H. W. Study of the meseneephalic tegmentum in paralysis agitans and Parkinsonism. A. M. A. Arch. Ne~lroI., 1960, 2: 46-54. ~TERIADE, ~¢[. and S'rmCA, E. On the anticonvulsive effect of quinidine. Y. Experimental investigation of somatomotor, vegetative and bioelectrical aspects of convulsive seizures elicited by electroshock. II. Experimental investigations of focal electric,,1 after-discharge and penicillin epilepsy. Epilcpsia, 1959-60, l : 264-274, 275-284. ~TONE, W. E.~ TEV¢S~ ,1. I~. and ~ITCHELL~ E. N. Chemical concomitants of convulsive activity in the cerebrum. Neurol., 1960, 10: 241-248. STRAUSS, H. Paroxysmal compulsive running and the concept of epilepsia cursiva. Neurol., 1960, 10: 341-344. TAm~RY, J.-CL. Contribution h l'6tude des 6pisodes psyehotiques aigus surwmant chez des sujets pr~sentant des sympt6mes cliniques ou ~leetroenc@halographiques dvoquant l'existence d'une ~pilepsie. (Th~se, Paris) 1959, 100 pp. TIKOFSKY, R. S., K OOI, ~[. A. and TttO~AS, M. I-[. Elcctroenccphalographic findings m~d recovery from aphasia. Neurol., 1960, 15: 154-156. VAN HARREVELD, A. Compounds in brain extracts causing spreading depression of eerebrM cortical activity and contraction of crustacean muscle. J. Net~roehcm., 1959, 3 : 3 0 0 - 3 1 5 . YAN METEt~, W. G., OWENS, H. F. and HIMWICtt, H. E. Effects on rabbit hrain of a new drag (Scrnyl) with psychotomimetic properties. J. Ne~ropsychiat., 1960, Z: 129-134. VASIL'YEVA, V. ~f. Electroencephalographic study of the motor region of the cerebral cortex in white rats during epileptiform reactions. Pa'rlov J. Higher Ncrv. Attic., 1958, 8: 557-564. YERZILOVA, O. V. Changes in the cortical electrical activity of the dog in the region of the "mditory and nlotor analysers during the formation and reversal of motordefensive reflexes. Pavlov J. Higher 5rerv. Activ., 1958, 8: 410-420. ~¥ALKER, A. E.~ LICHTENSTEIN~ I{. S. and ~[ARSIIALL, C. A critie'd "umlysis of electrocorticography in temporal lobe epilepsy. A. M. A. Arch. Ne~trol., 1960, 2: 172-182. WELLS, (3. E. Modification of alpha-wave responsiveness te light by juxtaposition of •mditory stimuli. A. M. A. Arch. Neurol., 1959, I : 689-694. WELLS, C. E. and WOLFF~t{. G. Formation of temporary cerebral connections in normal and brain-danmged subjects. Neurol., 1960, JO : 335-340. WHITE, J-. C., SCI-IWAB, R. S. and SAHINALP, I. Parasagittal meningiomas of the longitudin-d sinus and falx. J. Neurosurg., 1960, 17: 197-212. WINFIELD, 1). L. The use of methyprylon as an aid in obtaining electroencephalograms in alcoholics. J. nerv. ment. Dis., 1960, 130: 45-48. ~r()SIIII, 2"N~.~OKAZAKI, ~.~ YAI~'[AGUOHI~Y.~ IIDA, ,~. and FUKUI, :K. E f f e c t of catechol on spontaneous and induced electrical activity of the brain, Med. J. Osalca Univ., 1959, 10: 63-74.