Multiplanar anatomy of the head and neck for computed tomography

Sebastian et al: lntramedullary Spinal Metastasis

oratory studies, but as exhibited here, a diagnosis may not be reached until surgical exploration and biopsy are performed. W h e n confronted with a subacutely progressive myelopathy in which the etiology is unclear, a search for an underlying extraneural malignancy should be considered.

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Book Review M u l t i p l a n a r A n a t o m y of the H e a d and N e c k for C o m p u t e d T o m o g r a p h y

By Enrique Palacios, Michael Fine, and Victor M. Haughton, New York, John Wiley & Sons, 1980 206 pp., $148.00 Reviewed by RogerJ. Hudgins, M.D., Christopher C. Carver, M.D., and Albert L. Rhoton, Jr., M.D., Gainesville, Florida T h e recent advancements in computed tomographic (CT) scanning have brought about a need for references that give anatomic correlation with the C T projections. This volume attempts to fill that need. It is divided into four major sec-

tions encompassing axial, semiaxial, coronal, and sagittal C T projections. Each section is made up of one-centimeter thick anatomic sections and corresponding radiograms and C T scans. T h e anatomic sections are in color, beautifully prepared, and meticulously labeled using full names rather t h a n abbreviations. T h e C T scans were not labeled because the corresponding anatomic section and radiograms are labeled so extensively. As the authors note, the anatomic sections and the C T scans do not correlate perfectly. This is one of the better atlases that correlate anatomy and computed tomography because of the labeling without abbreviations, and the correlation between anatomic cross sections, plain roentgenograms, and C T scans.