6 M.J. CARLILE & D.J.C. KNOWLES (Imperial College) 'Migration and taxis of myxomycete plasmodia'. J.N. CAMERON & M.J. CARLILE (Imperial College) 'Taxis in fungal zoospores' J.D. BU'LOCK (Manchester University) 'Trisporic acid C as a sex hormone in fungi'. G.W. GOODA Y (Aberdeen University) 'Sex hormones in fungi other than trisporic acid C' Please contact Dr. A. Trinci (Queen Elizabeth College, London) if you wish to present a poster at this meeting. Secretary of the Physiology Group From 1st January 1979 Dr. John F. Peberdy, Botany Department, Nottingham University, will be Secretary of the Physiology Group. The new secretary will be responsible for the organisation of the group's meetings from January 1980 and he would welcome suggestions of symposium topics from members.
THE B.M.S. SLIDE COLLECTION MARGARET HOLDEN Additions to the BMS slide collection since the list in the Bulletin Vol.Ll (1977) 18-23. AGARICS Agaricus bisporus, silvaticus Amanita excelsa Clitocybe fragrans, odora Coprinus of domesticus gp., impatiens, lagopides Cortinarius uliginosus Entolorna sinuatum Fayodia bisphaerigera Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca Hygrophorus chlorophanus, chrysaspis, marchii, ovinus Lactarius blennius, hepaticus, piperatus, subdu1cis Leccinum holopus Marasmius androsaceus, menierii Mycena fibula, haematopus Naucoria salicis Nolanea staurospora Panaeolus campanulatus Phaeolepiota aurea Pholiota myosotis Psathyrella caput-medusae, subnuda Ripartites tricholoma Stropharia semiglobata Tubaria furfuracea GASTEROMYCETES Bovista nigrescens Lycoperdon echinatum Yascellum pratense APHYLLOPHORALES Heterobasidion annosum Ramaria aurea Stereum gausapatum, rugosum
7 HETEROBASIDIOMYCETES Calocera cornea ASCOMYCETES Chaetomium sp, Diatrype disciform is Hymenoscyphus fructigenus, repandus Leptosphaeria acuta Melastiza chateri Otidea bufonia Peziza badia, emileia, petersii Plectania melastoma Rutstroemia macrospora Tapesia evilescens Tuber sp. (spores) Verpa coni ca MYXOMYCETES Cri braria argillacea Physarum leucophaeum, nutans Trichia sp . with 'Stilburn' FUNGI IMPERFECT! Alternaria sp. PLANT PATHOLOGY Albugo candida Botrytis cinerea Bremia lactucae Ceratocystis ulmi (tree with Dutch Elm) Erysiphe graminis Lachnellula willkommii Nectria galligena Puccinia graminis, lagenophorae , malvacearum Sclerotinia fru ctigena Synchytrium endobiot icum
T aphrina turgida (wit ches' broom of bir ch caused by a fungus) Ustilago tr itici, zeae Cubical rot in conifer Wit ches' broom caused by a mite
B.M .S NOTELETS AND BOOKPLATES Incred ible as it may seem , Ray Collings' corrected address in the October 1978 Bulletin was itself incorrect. Here is what might be called the definitive version! Mr. R. Collings, 49 Heol y Forlan, CARDIFF, CF4 lAY. Members are rem inded that if they have Giro accounts they may order on a Giro Tran sfer form . This may be of particular help to Members in Europe who have Postal Cheque (or similar) accounts. The British Giro number to use is 44 699 0000. As sta ted in October, Bookplates are now out of stock but co nsideration is being given to printing some more. As a result of inflation the cards are now good value , the original price having been maintained. They can be used either as greetings cards or as notelets. The price is SOp for 10 cards complete with envelopes. Please add 30p for post and pa cking for one set. 40p for two sets and so on up to 60p for inland po st ; SOp over seas post. Any excess will be refunded as extra cards.