Walker Filtration expands

Walker Filtration expands

NEWS/EXCHANGE RATES Walker Filtration expands C onstruction is underway at Dow Water Solutions’ Water Technology Development Center at the company’...

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Walker Filtration expands


onstruction is underway at Dow Water Solutions’ Water Technology Development Center at the company’s facilities in Tarragona, Spain (see Filtration Industry Analyst, August 2008). The centre will include product application development and component testing capabilities, and is designed to accelerate the commercialization of Dow’s water treatment technologies. “The provision of clean water is one of the most pressing challenges facing the global community in the 21st century,” said Ian Barbour, general manager, Dow Water Solutions. “This new centre represents an important step forward in our strategy to provide innovative, technology-based solutions to help address this issue.” Dow says that the new centre reflects its 2015 Sustainability Goals, which pledge the company’s commitment to help solve world challenges such as sustainable water supplies. The centre is expected to open in 2010 and will employ 25 researchers. Tarragona’s proximity to the Mediterranean sea will provide the centre with access to seawater, brackish water, municipal wastewater, and treated river water sources. By replicating real world operating conditions in large scale pilot plants, Dow Water Solutions believes this will enhance its understanding of how

to achieve the best performance and lowest operational costs for treating water. The centre will also feature a state-of-theart demonstration area showcasing Dow Water Solutions’ capabilities in water treatment technology. For further information, visit www.dowwatersolutions. com

Editor: Roisin Reidy

Sweden’s Munktell opens US office


unktell Filter AB, the Swedish paper filtration company, has opened its first North American sales and distribution office at Brier Creek in Raleigh, North Carolina. Munktell plans to aggressively grow its client base throughout the US. The Raleigh operation will initially consist of a small sales and distribution office and the company has plans to expand operations as its market share grows. Founded in 1815, Munktell specializes in filtration and separation technology for laboratory, industrial and environmental markets, air filter media and medical filtration technology. The Munktell Group, based in Falun, Sweden, has production sites and sales offices in Sweden and Germany.

For further information, visit www.munktell.com

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March 2009