more capacity to handle acidic substances than basic ones. The tests for pH utilize a series of dyes which are sensitive to certain hydrogen ion concentrations. Such dyes as methyl red and bromthymol blue are frequently utilized . There are several brands and types of paper strips which can be used to measure pH . Litmus paper will only indicate acid or alkaline pH. Medical quality Hydrion® papers are available for the determination of urine pH. The product Nitrazine® papers (Phenapthazine-Squibb) is supplied in l5-foot rolls and can be used to make approximately 180 tests. The product has seven color gradations in a pH range from 4.5 to 7.5. When using this paper stri p for pH determinations of the urine, a pH of 0.2 should be subtracted from the indica ted readin g after comparing with the sup plied color chart. The urine used in makin g these determina tions should not be diluted with water or other fluids . Both the Hydrion® and Nitrazine® papers a re supplied with a color chart on the package . The multiple diagnostic aid product Combistix® contains one section of the paper strip for pH measurements from five to nine. Thus with this one dip-
and-read paper strip patients may determine the presence or absence of glucose and proteins and also measure the pH of their urine. A color chart for each of these determinations is attached to the container. At the present time, these are the diagnostic aids most frequently sold by pharmacists to physicians and patients. The community and hospital pharmacist should be aware of the various trade products and their uses, so that they are able to give professional advice when requested. The charts on pages 599 and li02 will provide a summary of their uses. color form ations and manufacturers.
9. 10.
What Is the R ole of the Enzymatic Uriue
13 .
Glucose Te st , Ames Co. Su gar Te st, Den co, Denver C hemical Co., Ne w York , N. Y.
14 . [.') .
ttl. 17.
18 . 19 .
references 1.
2. 3.
4. ;,) , 6.
7. 8.
Drugs of Choice, C. V. Mosby Compan y , Phi lade lp hi a, Pa. 1960-6 1, p. 795. Ph ysicians' Desk R eference, 1962, p. 224. Franck e, Don E. , H ospital Formulary of Selected Drugs, H amilton P ress, Hami lton, 111. , 1954, p. 235. "The Neglected Art of Ur ine T'estin g," Pictacl inic, Ames Co., Elkhart, Ind. Guidebook /0 1' the N ew Diabeti c P aticlll , ibid. A Few W ords About Urine - Sugar Te j lin g, ibid. The Where, Why, and H ow of a S eparate Diabetic Department for Your Phal'1l'tG cy, ibid. "Urine
Errors ,'"
Physician s' Bulletin, 26 ( May 1961).
A P ocket Ref erence for the Diabetic, E li Lilly and Co., Indi anapoli s . Ind . "Compari son of T es-Tape a nd Copper Red uction Methods fo r the Det ermina ti on of U rin e Gl ucose," J . Tex. State Soc. Amer. Me d. Techu%gists, 3 (Dec. 1956). Adams, E.C., JL, Mast , R.L ., and Free, A.H. , "Specificity of Glucose Oxidase, " Arch. of Biochem. and Biophysics, 91 (D ec. 1960).
20 21 . 22 .
2-1. 2;"i.
Birnberg, C. H. , Kurzrok, R ., and Laufer, A" "S im ple T est for Determining Ovulation Time ," lAMA, 166 (Ma r . 8,1958). Doy le , J osep h B ., Ewers, Frank J. Jr., a nd Sapit , Donald , "The New Fertility Testing T ape, A Predictive Test for the Fertile P eriod ," l AMA, 172, 1744(A pril 16, 1960) . American Druggist l\1agazine (N ov. 16 ,1959). THI S JO U RNAL (Pract. Ed.), 20, 733(Dec. 1051)). Drug Topics (Nov. 23, 1959). " H ome-T esting with Colo rimetric Paper Strips, " l AMA , 173, 14 78(J ul y 30, 1960). Stanl ey, Ph y llis, " The Detecti o n o f Aceto n e in the Urine ," Amer. J . 0/ Jv12d. Technol ogy , 9 (Jan . 1943) . Hepatic Tests , W yeth Laboratories, Philadelphia , Pa . Paul , W .O. , a nd H am ilto n , H.E., "The Importance of Occult B lood in th e S tool ," Amer. l . of Dig. Diceu"" IS, 23(Jan . 1948) . Baird , H . W ., III , J. Pe diat ., 52, 7 15 (Jun e 19!i8). Ph enylketonu ria, Mead John son and Co., Evansvill e, Ind . "Simple Paper Test for Detection o f Phen y lketonur ia," Amer. Pra ct. Dig. Treat., 136 (Feb . 1960).
for 1963
by American Pharmaceutical Association Foundation The American Pharmaceutical Association Foundation through the Committee on Awards and Prizes A.Ph.A. Scientific Section, invites nominations before January 1, 1963, for the second annual presentation of the seven research achievement awards ma de for the first time at the annual meeting of the Association in Las Vegas. The seven areas include the followin g : 1. Drug Standards and Assays 3. Pharmacodynamics 5. Physical Pharmacy 2. Advancement of Pharmacy 4. Natural Products 6. Stimulation of Research 7. Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry
Each award carries with it an honorarium of $1000 (one thousand dollars ) . In addition to the $1000 for each award, travel expenses up to $300 are included to enable attendance at the annual meeting of the Association at which the award will be presented. Awards are intended to recognize and encourage outstanding individuals for meritorious contributions in their chosen field of pharmaceutical research, either theoretical and basic or applied and t echnological. To be eligible, nominees need not be members of the Association but should be active in a field or pursuit closely r elated to pharmacy or pharmaceuticals, such as pharmacy schools, industrial pharmaceutical concerns, or a department of a private institution or government agency. Nominations may be submitted by any member of the A.Ph.A. They must be in prior to January 1, 1963 to the Research Ach ievement Awards, A.Ph.A. Foundation 2215 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington 7, D.C.
Previous nominations must be renominated for reconsideration . Refer ence can be made to pr evious nomination and supporting file and only new information, data, reprints, etc. need be submitted with the new nomination. Further detai ls and a booklet on Research Achievement Awards is available from the American Pharmaceutical Association Foundation office at the above address .
VOl . NS2. No . 10, October 1962