Bibliographic guide to serial titles

Bibliographic guide to serial titles

Bibliographic Guide to Serial Titles Contained in this section is full bibliographic and subscription information for all serials that are included an...

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Bibliographic Guide to Serial Titles Contained in this section is full bibliographic and subscription information for all serials that are included ann,rally in Polymer Contents. Titles published monthly and semimonthly are included in each issue; others that are published less frequently are included in the next issue after they are received. The format for each entry is illustrated in the example shown at the right. Addresses for publishers may be found in the section, Index to Publishers Addresses. ACS Symposisan Series. ACSMC8. ISSN 0097-6156. /rr. ACS. See New Book Titles for current polymer title and price. Acta Polymerica. ACPODY. ISSN 0323-7648. (Formerly Faserforschung und Textiltedmik). m. Akademie-Verlag or Buchexpon. In EUg, Ger, Russ; Eng, C-cr, Russ sum & tc. 240DM plus 20-DM postage. Advances in Chem/stry Series. ADCSAJ. ISSN0065-2393./rr. ACS. See New Book Titles for cunent polymer title and price.

Advances in Colloid and Interface Sdence. ACISB9. ISSN 0(301-8686. 8Jc Elsevier (Amsterdam). DfL 580 or US $257.80. Advances in Polymer Sdence. APSIDK. ISSN 0065-3195. (Formerly Fortschriue der Hochpolymeren-Forschung). /rr. Springer (Berlin). See New Book Titles for current title and price.

Advances /n Polymer Technology. AFFYD5. ISSN 07306679. (Formerly Advances in PlasticsTechnology). q. Wiley

'AActaPolymerica ACP~ODY ISS/

Entry Content Code 1. Complete serial t/fie with its Intmamt/onalOrganizationfor Standaniizat/on (]SO) abbreviation indicated in boldface; e.g. Acta Polym. ISO abbreviatinus are used to identify serial titles in the Tabla ofCont*ntssection. When appropriate,ISO abtncviatinm may be followedby the EngUsht/tlc of • foreign language publication or by other descdptms indicated within panmthesus. 2. CODEN identifiers u spa:Lcu~by ASTM E250-76. The CODEN is used in the full bibliographicstrip appearing below each ISO abbrevistionin the Tables of Contents section. CODENmay be followed by the original language title enclosed within perenthese~if the se~tl title is an English language translation. 3. Intem•tional Standard SePal Ntanber (ISSN). Reference to any fon'ner titles. 5. F.requmcyof publication:a, annual; m, semisnnual; q, quattedy; bin, bimontld~ m, monthly; am, sanimomhly; z, number of issues published mmuatly but not regularly; b.r, irregular. For rege]ady publishedtitles with frequonciss less than monthly, the montll of publication are indicated by n ~ enclmed within parontimses;•4-, q(3,6,9,12) indicates that the serial is published qus-qedy in March, Jtme, September, and December. 6. Publish~ or salea agent (see Index to Pub//s&ersAddhur~.0. 7. Language d publicat/on, summaries,and tables of contents (tc); ff no entry is given, langu•gc is English. 8. Subscription or mdaing information for most cunmt volume or single issues; *4. DCN$, Canadian dollar, DM, Deutsche Mark (FDR); M, GDR Mazk;Dfl, Dutch Guilder (florin).


(NY). US, $142; elsewhere, $176.



AIChE Journal AICEAC. ISSN 0001-1541.12x. AI(~aF~ US, $275 ($40 for AIChE single issues, elsewhere, add $13 for postage.

Biopolymers. BIPMAA. ISSN 0006-3525. m. Wiley (NY). US, $580, elsewhere, add $76 for air.

Analytical Chemistry. ANCHAM. ISSN 0003-2700.14x. ACS. US, $38 ($25 for ACS members); single issues $6.

Brit/sh Polymer Journal. BPOJAB. ISSN 0007-1641. bin. Elsevier(London). UK, £115; elsewhere, £130 or $228.

Die Angewandte Makremoleku/are Chemie. (Applied Macnanolecular

Carbohydrate Polymers. CAPOD8. ISSN 0144-8617. 8x. Elsevier (London). UK, £170, elsewhere, £187 or $355.

Chemistry and Physics). ANMCBO. ISSN 0003-3146. 9x. Huthig & Wepf. In Eng, Fr, Get, Eng, Ger sum & tc. US, $495 (add $33 for surface mail and $60 for air mail); single issues, $55. Annua/Review o f Matm'/a/a Science. ARMSC7~ ISSN 0084-6600. a. Annual Reviews. See New Book Titles for curre~ title and price.

Cellu/ar Polymers. CELPDJ. ISSN 0262-4893. (Formerly European Journal of Cellular Plastics). bnt Ralxa. UK, £I 12; elsewhere, £125 or $207.

Annua/ Review o f Physical Chemistry. ARPLAP. ISSN 0066-426X. a. Annual Reviews. See New Book Titles for current title and price.

Colloid & Polymer Sdence. CPMSB6. ISSN 0303-402X. (Formerly Kolloid Zcitsdn'ift fur Polymcse). m. Stcinkopff. In Eng, Get, Eng, C-er sum. DM 995 ($498) plus postage (single issues, DM 90); 20% discount for members of Kolloid-Gesellschaft.

Biomaterlals. BIMADU. ISSN 0142-9612. b ~ Buuerworth, US, £140;, single issues, £26.

Collolds a M Surfaces. COSUD3. ISSN 0166-6622. 24x. Elsevier (Amsterdam). Dfl. 1650., US $660.

Blomed/cal Polymers. BIPOEK ISSN 0267-5439. n t Elsevier (Amsterdam). US, $200, £125, or Dfl. 525.

Composite Structures. COMSE2. ISSN 0263-8223.8~c Elsevier (London). UK, £159; elsewhere, £175 or $333.



©1988 Elsevier Sdeace Publishers Ltd.

Composites. CPSOAN. ISSN 0010-4361. q(1,4,7,10). Butterworth; Quadrant (sales agent). US & Canada, $198 (single issues, $47); UK, £110 (single issues, £26); Overseas, £128 (single issues, £31). Composites Sdence and Technology. CSTCEH. ISSN 0266-3538. m. Elsevier (London). UK, £253; elsewhere, £279 or $530. Contemporary Topics in Polymer Sdence. CTPSDH. ISSN 0160-6727./rr. Plenum. See New Book Titles for current fide and price.

Dissertation Abstracts International [Section] B: The Sciences and Engineering. DABBBA. ISSN 0419-4217. m. University Microfilms. US & Canada, $195; elsewhere, $355.

Dissertation Abstracts International [Section] C: European Abstracts. DAICDG. ISSN 0307-6075. q(3,6,9,12). University Microfilms. $455.

Journal of Macromolecular Science-Physics. JMAPBIL ISSN 0022-2348. bm(2,4,6,8,10,12). Dekker. US institution rate, $320 ($160 for individual professionals and students); elsewhere, add $12 for surface mail or $15 for air to Europe or $19 for air to Asia.

Journal of Macromolecular Science-Reviews in Maeromolecular Chemistry and physics. JMSPDH. ISSN 0736-6574. (Formerly Journal of Macromolecular Science, Reviews in Macromolecular Chemistry). 4x. Dekker. US, $285 ($142.50 for students and individual professionals); elsewhere, add $12 for surface mall or $15 for air to Europe or $19 for air to Asia.

Journal of Mater;,,ls Sdence. JMTSAS. ISSN 0022-2461. m. Chapman and HaIL UK, £715; US & Canada, $1425 (airmail surcharge $160); all other countries, £850 (airmail surcharge £80); single issues, £65/$125. Subscription includes Joumal of Materials Science I.=tters (see entry).

Journal of Mater;,,b Sdence Letters. JMSLD5. ISSN 0261-8028. m. European Polymer Journal. EUPJAG. ISSN 0014-3057. nt Pergamon (Oxford). In Eng, Fr; Eng sum. DM 1350 (DM 222 for individuals whose institution has a library subscription).

Chapman and Hall. Included with subscription to Journal of Materials Science (see entry). Single issues, £19/$38.

Journal of Membrane Sdence. JMESDO. ISSN 0376-7388. 12x. Elsevier High Performance Plastics. HPPLEO. ISSN 0264-7753. m. Elsevier (Amsterdam). US, $210, £120, or Dfl. 475.

(Amsterdam). Dfl. 1160 or US $565; 10% discount given with combined subscription to Desalination (no entry).

International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives. IJAADK. ISSN 01437496. 4x(1A,7,10). Buuerworth. UK, £82 (single issues, £25); Overseas, £92 (single issues, £28) US, $166 (single issues, $50).

Journal of Non-Newtonlan Fluid Mechanics. JNFMDL. ISSN 0377-0257. 9x. Elsevier (Amsterdam). Dfl. 918; US, $455.

Journal of Photochemistry and Photoblology A: Chemistry JPPCE.I. ISBN International Journal of Biological Maeromolecules. UBMDR. ISSN 0141-

1010-6030. m. Elsevier (Lausanne). Sfr. 1375.- (approx. US $917).

8130. bm(2,4,6,8,10,12). Butterworth. UK, £152 (single issues, £30); Overseas, £175, (single issues, £35).

Journal of Wnysical Chemistry. JPCHAX. ISSN 0022-3654. bw. ACS. US, $387 ($65 for ACS members).

International Journal of Polymeric Materials. UPMCS. ISSN 0091-4037. 4x. Gordon and Breach (NY). Corp. rate, $334, library rate, $266, Individual rate,$167.

Journal of plastic Film & Sheeting. JPFSEH. ISSN 8756-0879. q(1,4,7,10). Technomic. US, $160, elsewhere, add $30 for postage; single issues, $42.

Journal de physique (Paris). JOPQAG. ISSN 0302-0738. m. Editions de

Journal of Polymer Engineering. JPOEEK. ISSN 0334-6447. (Formerly

Physique. France, F.F. 2 010; elsewhere, F.F. 2 430.

Polymer Engineering Reviews). q. Frennd. US, $125.

Journal of Applied Physics. JAPIAU. ISSN 0021-8979. sin. AIP. US &

Journal of Polymer Materials. JOPMES. q(3,6,9,12). Oxford. US, $70.

possessions, $725 ($90 for members of AIP and affiliated societies); elsewhere, $765 ($130 for members); current single issues, $32.

Jotwnal of polymer Science, Polymer Chemistry Edit/on. JPLCAT. ISSN

Journal of Applied Polymer Sdence. JAPNAB. ISSN 0021-8995. 16x. Wiley (NY). US, $745; elsewhere, add $116 for air. Subscription includes Applied Polymer Symposia (see entry).

0360-6376. (Formerly 1oumal of Polymer Science, Part A). m. Wiley (NY). US, $1,085; elsewhere, add $158 for air. Subscription includes Polymer Physics, Polymer Leers, and Polymer Symposia Editions (see entries).

Jota~al of polymer Sdence, Polymer Letters Edition. JPYB AN. ISSN 0360Journal of Applied Polymer Sdence: Applied polymer Sympos/a. APPSBX. ISSN 0570-4898. (Formerly Applied Polymer Symposia). /rr. WHey (NY). For subscription information, see J. AppL Polym. Sci.

Journal of Cellular Plastics. JCUPAM. ISSN 0021-955X. b ~ Technomic. US, $110; elsewhere, add $30 for postage outside US; single issues, $20.

6384. (Formerly Journal of Polymer Science, Part B). nt WHey (NY). For subscription information, see J. Polym. Sci., Polym. Chem. Ed.

JournalofpolymerSdence, Polymer Physics Edition. JPLPAY. ISSN00981273. (Formerly Journal of Polymer Science, Part A-2). m. Wiley (NY). For subscription infonnatiou, see J. Polym. Sci., Polym. Chem. Ed.

Journal of Colloid and Interface Sdence./CISA5. ISSN 0021-9797. (Formedy Joumal of Colloid Science). nt Academic. US & Cmaadmb $666; eisewhem, $752.50; reduced rate for personal subscribers.

JowTml of Polymer Science, Polymer Symposia. JPYCAQ. ISSN 0360-

Journal of Composite Materials. JCOMBL ISSN 0021-9983. m. Technomic.

JournaiofReinforced plostics and Composites. JRPCDW. ISSN 0731-6844.

US, $415; elsewhere, add $30 for postage; single issues, $38.

bnt Technomic. US, $240, elsewhere, add $30 for postage; single issues, $42.

Journal of Composites Technology & Research. JCIRE1L ISSN 0885-6804.

Journal of Research of the Nationa/Bureau of Standards. JRNBAG. ISSN 0160-1741. bin. US. US, $17 (single issues, $3); elsewhere, $21.25 (single

q. ASTM. US & Canada, $38 ($28 for ASTM members); elsewhere, $43 ($32 for members); single issues, $14.

Journal of Controlled Release. JCREEC. ISSN 0168-3659. 9a~ Elsevier (Amsterdam). Dfl. 750 or US $405; reduced rate to members of the Controlled Release Society.

8905. (Formerly Journal of Polymer Science, Part C)./rr. WHey (NY). For subscription information, see J. Polym. Sci., Polym. Chem. Ed.

issues, $3.75).

Journal ofRheology. JORHD2. ISSN 0148-6055. (Formerly the Transactions of the Society of Rbeology). 8x. WHey (NY) for The Society of Rhnology. US, $240 (included with membership to the Society of Rbeology); elsewhere, add $47 for air service.

Journal of Elastomers and Plastics. JEPLAX. ISSN 0095-2443. (Formerly Journal of Elastoplastics). q(1,4,7,10). Technomic. US, $140; elsewhere, add $30 for postage; single issues, $37.

Journal of Macromolecular Science-Chemistry. JMCHBD. ISSN 0022233X. 14x. Dekker. US, $1,100 ($550 for students and individual professionals); elsewhere, add $36 for surface mail, $45 for air to Europe, $57 for air to Asia.



Jotwnal of Testing aM Evaluation. JTEVAB. ISSN 0090-3973. (Supercedes Journal of Materials). bm(13,5,7,9,11). ASTM. US & Canada, $40 ($30 for ASTM members); elsewhere, $45 ($34); single issues, $14. Journal of Thermal Analysis. JTHEA9. ISSN 0368-4466. bin. WHey (UK). UK, £319; elsewhere, $695.

©1988 Elsevi~ Sdeaee Publishers Ltd.

Journal of Vinyl Technology. JVTEDI. ISSN 0193-7197. q(3,6,9,12). SPE. US, $75 ($25 for members of SPE); elsewhere, add $8. Kobunshi Ronbunshu. (Collected Papers on High Polymers). KBRBA3. ISSN 0386-2186. (Formerly Kobunshi Kagaku). m. SPSJ. In Japan; Fag tc, sums, figs, tables. US member, $50; non-member, $100; add $40 for airmail.

Kunststoffe-German Plastics. KGPLES. ISSN 0023-5563. m. Hanser. Germany, DM 218.40;, US, $89. Macromolecu/ar Chem/stry (London). (Specialht Periodical Report). MCCHDC. ISSN 0144-2988./rr. RSC. See New Book Titles for curmat title and price. Maeromolecules. MAMOBX. ISSN 0024-9297. m. ACS. US, $342 ($53 for ACS members). Dic Makromoleku/are Chemic. (Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics). MACEAK. ISSN 0025-116X. m. Huthig & Wepf. In Fag, Ger, Fr, Eng sum & tc. SFr. 1500.-DM 1850; plus SFr. 75.-DM 90 postage outside Germany: for airmail add SFr. 135.-DM 160. (includes Die Makromolehdare Chemie, Rapid Communications-see entry); single issues, SFr. 130.-DM 160; US, $950; add $60 for surface, $120 for air)..

Die Makromole/adare Chem/e, Rapid Communications. MCRCD5. ISSN 0173-2803. m. Huthig & Weir. In Eng, Ger, Fr, Fag sum. US, $75: add $15 for surface, $45 for air, (included at no charge with subscription to MakremoL Chem.-see entry). Dic Makromole/adare Chemic, Macromolecu/ar Sympos/a. (Macromolecular Symposia). (Formerly Die Makromolekulare Chemic, Supplement). MCMSES. ISSN 0025-116](. 6T Huthi8 & Wepf. SFr. 400.- or DM 480; US, $240, (add $50 for surface, $1(30 for air).

Polymer Engb~er/ng and Science. PYESAZ. ISSN 0032-3888.(Formerly SPE Transactions). Igx. SPE. N. America, $160 for individual subscriben ($115 for SPE members) and $400 forinstitutional subsen'bers; elsewhere, add $22 for surface marl or $65 for airmail.

~ym,r Jo,,.naL pot, ms. ~ s s s 0032-3896. m. spsJ; USACO (exclusive sales agent). US member, $155; library, $300; add $80 for ainnail, single issues $70. Polymer News. PLYNBU. ISSN 0032-3918. m. C_nxdonand Breach (I.zmdon). Corp. rate, $204, library rate, $164, Individual rate, $102. Polymer-Plastics Tedmology and Eagineer/ng. PFFEC7. ISSN 0360-2559. (Formerly Jonmal of Mac~-~olecular Science, Reviews in Polymer Technology). 4~c Dekker. US, $250 ($125 for individual professionals and students); elsewhere, add $12 for surface mail or $15 for air to Europe or $19 for air to Asia.

Polymer Preprin~, American Chemical Sec/ety, Div/s/on of Polymer Chem/stry. ACPPAY. ISSN 0032-3934. sa. Division of Polymer Chemistry, ACS. $50 (included with membership in the Division); add $27 for air mail, (single issues, $25). Polymer Preprints. Japan. (Kobunshi Gakkai Yokoshu). KGYOEE. 8a: SPSJ. In Japan. Polymer Process Eagineer/ng. PPEGD7. ISSN 0735-7931.3x. Dekker. US, $79.50 ($67 for individual professionals and smdunts); elsewhere, add $8.25 for surface mail or $9 for air to Europe or $11.40 for air to Asia.

Polymer Science and Technology. POSTB5. ISSN 0093-6286./rr. Plenma. See New Book Titles for current title and price. Polymer Science USSR (EnglLth Translation). PYSCAN. (Translation of

Masters Abstracts. MSTAAF. ISSN 0025-5106. 4x(3,6,9,12). University Microfilms. US & Canada, $60; elsewhere, $75.

Vysokomolekulyamye Suedineniya, Seriya A). ISSN 0032-3950. m. Pergamon (Oxford). Institution rate, DM 2040.

Mechanics of Composite Mater/a/s (Engl/sh Translation). MCMAD7.

Polymer Testdn&. POTEDZ. ISSN 0142-9418. bin. Elsevier (London). UK, £105; elsewhere, £115 or US $190.

(Translation of Mekhenika Kompozimykh Materialov). ISSN 0191-5665. (Formerly Polymer Mechanics). bin. Plenum. US, $645; elsewhere, $715: single issue, $150. MonatsheJtefur Chem/e (Chemical Monthly). MOCMB7. ISSN 0026-9247. r~ Springer (Wien). In Gen Fag, Ger sum; Fag te. DM 814 plus carriage charges (single issues, DM 75); N. America, $485 (single issues, $48). Nihon RenroJi Gakkaishi. Journal of the Japanese Society of Rheology. NRGADP. ISSN 0387-1533. q(3,6,9,12). SILL 8,000 Yen (approx. $50 US). In Japan; Eng te, stuns, figs, tables. Plaste and Kautschuk. PLKAAM. ISSN 0048-4350. m. VEB.

Plastics Engineering. PLEGBB. ISSN 0091-9578. (Formerly SPE Journal). re. SPE. US, $35 (included with membership to SPE): elsewhere, add $15 for surface mail or $40 for air;, single issues, $3.50.

Plastics and Rubber Processing and Applications. PPAPDE. ISSN 01446045.8a= Elsevier (London). £182 ($346). Polymer. POLMAG. ISSN 0032-3861. m. Butterworth; Quadrant (sales agent). UK, £339, single issues, £34 (includes Polymer Communications-see entry); elsewhere, £390;, single issues, £39. Polymer Bulletin. POBUDR. ISSN 0170-0839. m. Springer (Berlin or NY). North America, $353: single issue, $35; elsewhere, DM 576 plus carriage charges; single issues, DM 57.60 ($27) plus carriage charges. Polymer Communications. POCOEF. ISSN 0263-6476. m. Buuerwonh. Included with subscriptionto Polymer (see entry). Polymer Compos~es. PCOMDI. ISSN 0272-8397. bin. SPE. N. America, $100 ($40 for SPE members); elsewhere, add $12. Polymer Degradation and Stab//h'y. PDSTDW. ISSN 0141-3910. (Absorbed Polymer Photochemistry). 12x. Elsevier (London). UK, £277; elsewhere, £305 or US $534.



Polymeric Mater/a/s Sdence and Engineer/ng. Procuedings of the ACS Division of Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering. PMSEDG. (Formealy Organic Coatings and Applied Polymer Science Proceedings). sa. ACS. $15; $30 for industrial, governmental and educational organizations and libraries (included with membership in the Division). Progress in Colloid & Polymer Sdence. PCPSD7. ISSN 0340-255X. (Formealy Fortschrittsberichte u ~ Kolloide und Polymere)./rr. Steinkopff. In Fag, Ger (Fag sum). Supplement to Colloid & Polymer Science. Billed separately to subscribers of Colloid & Polymer Science (see entry). Progress in Organic Coatings. POGCAT. ISSN 0033-0655. 4x. Elsevier (Lausanne). Sfrs. 310 (US, $230).

Progress in Polymer Sdence. PRPSB8. ISSN 0079-6700. q. Pergamon. US, DM 375 (DM 143 for individuals whose institution has lih,ary subscription). Pure and Appl/ed Chem/stry. PACHAS. ISSN 0033-4545. m. Blackwell. UK, £355; elsewhere, £420, US, $550 ($77 [£59.50] for individuals whose institution has a library subscription). Radiation Phys/cs and Chem/stry. RPCHDM. ISSN 0146-5724. m. Pergamon. DM 1145, (DM 228 for individuals whose institution has a library subscription).

Reactive Polymers, Ion Exchangers, Sorbeats. RPISDH. ISSN 0167-6989. 9x. Elsevier (Amsterdam). Dfl 532 or US $266. Res Mechan/ca. RESMD6. ISSN 0143-0084. 12x. Elsevier (London). UK, £320; elsewhere, £352 or $616.

Rheologica Acta. RHEAAK. ISSN 0035-4511. bnL Steinkopff. In Eng, Fr, Get, Eng, Fr, Ger sum. DM 840 plus postage.; single issues, DM 145; 20% discount for members of participating societies and subscribers to Colloid & Polymer Science (see entry).

©1988 Elsevla- Sdence Publishers Ltd.

Rubber Chem/stry and Technology. RCTEA4. ISSN 0035-9475. 5x. Rubber Division, ACS. $85 (add $20 for air). SAMPE Jow'naL SAJUAK. ISSN 0091-1062. bnt SAMPE. US & Canada, $31 ($10 included in dues for SAMPE members); elsewhere, $37; single issues, $7. SAMPE Quarterly. SAMQA2. ISSN 0036-0821. q(1,4,7,10). SAMPE (CA). US, $25; (single issues $7) elsewhere, add $4. Sen-i Gakkaishi. SENGA5. ISSN 0037-9875. (Journal of the Society cf Fiber Sol.ace and Technology;, supercedes San-i Kogyo Gakkaishi; absorbed Seni To Kogyo). m. SFSTJ. 18,000 Yen plus postage; SFSTJ members, 7,200 Yen plus postage (single issues, 1,500 Yen plus postage). In Japan., Eng; Eng sums, figs, tables.

Society of Plastics Engineers, FFechnical Papers]. SPEPAU. ISSN 00968773. a. SPE. See New Book Titles for current title and price. Synthetic Meta/s. SYMEDZ. ISSN 0379-6779. 24x. Elsevier (Lausaone). SFrs. 1620.- (approx US $1080).

Textile Research Journal. TRJOA9. ISSN 0040-5175. m. TRI. US, $130; elsewhere, add $10 for surface marl; single issues, $15. Thermochimica Acts. THACAS. ISSN 0040-6031.30x. Elsevier (Amsterdam). In Eng, Fr, Get, Eng, Fr, Ger sum Dfl. 3225 or US $1264.70.



©1988 Elsevier Science Publishers Ltd.