Bibliographic Guide to Serial Titles C o n t a i n e d in this s e c t i o n is full b i b l i o g r a p h i c a n d s u b s c r i p t i o n i n f o r m a t i o n f o r all serials that are inc l u d e d a n n u a l l y in P o l y m e r C o n t e n t s . T i t l e s p u b lished m o n t h l y a n d s e m i m o n t h l y are i n c l u d e d in e a c h issue; o t h e r s that are p u b l i s h e d less f r e q u e n t l y are i n c l u d e d in the n e x t i s s u e after they are received. T h e f o r m a t f o r e a c h e n t r y is illustrated in the exa m p l e s h o w n at the right. A d d r e s s e s f o r p u b l i s h e r s m a y be f o u n d in the section, I n d e x to P u b l i s h e r s Addresses. Acta Polymerica Sinica. GAXUE9. ISSN 1000-3304. bm. Science Press.
Advances in Colloid and Interface Science. ACISBg. ISSN 0001-8686.8x. Elsevier (Amsterdam). Advances in Polymer Science. APSIDK. ISSN 0065-3195. (formerly Fortschritte tier Hochpolymeren-Forschung). irr. Springer (Berlin). Advances in Polymer Technology. APTYD5. ISSN 0730-6679. (formerly Advances in Plastics Technology). q. Wiley (NY). US, $9511; Canada & Mexico, $990; outside North America, $1024. AIChE Journal. AICEAC. ISSN 0001 - 1541. m. AIChE. US, $950; International, $1045; US AIChE member, $105; international member, $21X). Annual Review of Materials Science. ARMSCZ. ISSN 008466{X). a. Annual Reviews.
1. Completeserial title with its InternationalOrganizationfor Standardization (ISO)abbreviation indicated in boldface;e.g. ActaPolym.lSOabbreviationsareusedtoidentifyserialtitlesintheTables of Contems section. Whenappropriate,ISO abbreviationsmay be followedby the Englishtitle of a foreign languagepublicationor by other descriptorsindicated within parentheses. 2. CODEN identifiers as specified by ASTM E250-76. The CODEN is used in the full bibliographic stripappearing beloweach ISOabbreviationin the Tablesof Contents section.CODENmay he followedby the original languagetitle enclosedwithinparenthesesif the serial title is an English language translation. 3. InternationalStandard Serial Number(ISSN). 4. Reference to any formertitles. 5. Frequency of publication: a, annual; sa, semiannual; q, quarterly; bin, bimonthly; bw, biweekly; m, monthly;sin, semimonthly;x, numberof issuespubhshedannually but not regularly; irr, irregular. For regularly published titles with frequencies less than monthly, the months of publicationare indicated by numeralsenclosed withinparentheses;e.g., q(3,6,9,12) indicates that the serial is publishedquarterly in March, June, September,and December. 6. Publisheror salesagent (see PublishersAddresses). 7. Languageof publication,summaries,and tables of contents(tc); if no entry is given, language is English. 8. Published subscriptioninformationfor most current volumeor single issues; e.g. DCN$, Canadian dollar; DM, DeutscheMark (FDR); M, GDR Mark; Dr, DutchGuilder (florin).
Annual Review of Physical Chemistry. ARPLAP. ISSN 0066-426X. a. Annual Reviews. Biomaterials. BIMADU. 1SSN 0142-9612. (incorporating Clinical Materials). sin. Elsevier (Amsterdam). US, $170; Euro 152; JPY 20,200.
Celhdar Polymers. CELPDJ. ISSN 0262-4893. (formerly European Journal of Cellular Plastics). bm. Rapra. $595 + postage. Chemical Enghleering Science. CESCAC. ISSN 0009-2509. sin. Elsevier (UK). US, $4629.
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. COSUD3. ISSN 0927-7757. (formerly Colloids and Surfaces). 24x. Elsevier (Amsterdam). North, Central, and South America, $6233. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces. CSBBEQ. ISSN 0927-7765. 7x. Elsevier (Amsterdam). US, $2018.
Composite Structures. COMSE2. ISSN 0263-8223.16x. Elsevier (Oxford). US, $3374. Composites, Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing. CASMFJ. ISSN 1359-835X. (incorporating Composites Manufacturing). m. Elsevier Science Ltd. Europe/CIS/Japan, 3182 Dutch Guilders; all other countries, US$1615.
Chemistry of Materiols. CMATEX. ISSN 0897-4756. m. ACS. North America ACS members, $2211; outside North America ACS members, $349; North America institutions, $1294; outside North American institutions, $1423.
Composites Science and Technology. CSTCEH. ISSN 0266-3538. 16x. Elsevier (Amsterdam). North, Central, and South America, US $3621.
Chine.*e Journal of Polymer Science. CJPSEG. ISSN 0256-7679. 6x. Springer-Verlag. Print and Online, Euros 440 plus postage.
Contemporary Topics in Polymer Science. CTPSDH. ISSN 0160-6727. irr. Plenum. See New Book Titles for current title and price.
Colloid & Polymer Science. CPMSB6. ISSN 0303-402X. (formerly Kolloid Zx,itschriftfur Polymere). 12x. Springer-Verlag. In Eng, Ger; Eng, Ger sum. All Countries except North and South American, Euros, 2598 + postage.
Dissertation Abstracts International [Section] B: The Sciences and Engineering. DABBBA. ISSN 0419-4217. m. ProQuest.
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Dissertation Abstracts International [Section] C: Worldwide. DAICDG. ISSN 1(142-7279. q(3,6,9,12). ProQuest. Electroehimica Acta. ELCAAV. ISSN 0013-4686. sin. Elsevier (UK). US, $2093; elsewhere, £1316. Engineering Plastics. ENPLEB. ISSN 0952-6900. bin. Rapra. UK, £220; elsewhere, £24(I. The European Physical Journal B. EPJBFY. 1SSN 1434-6028. (formerly Journal tie Physique and Zeitschriftfiir Physik B). 24x. Springer. All Countries except North and South America, Euro 2600 + postage. The European Physical Journal D. EPJDF6. ISSN 1434-6060. (formerly Journal tit"Physique and Zeitschriftfiir Physik D). 24x. Springer. US, $1532; Germany, DM 2504.8(I; elsewhere, DM 2520.40. The European Physical Journal E. 1SSN 1292-8941. All Countries except North and South America, Euro 1692 + postage. European Polymer Journal. EUPJAG. ISSN 0014-3057. m. Elsevier (Amsterdam). In Eng, Fr; Eng sum. Noah, Central, and South America, US $3,523; Europe, Euros 3,150; Japan, Yen 418,300. High Performance Polymers. HPPOEX. ISSN 0954-0083• q. Carfax. US, $298 (single issue, $82); personal subscription plan, $120.
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. IECRED. ISSN 0888-5885. m. Print Edition: Noah America ACS members, $241; outside North America ACS members, $400; Noah America ACS Student members, $181; outside Noah America ACS Student member, $340; North America institutions, $1704; outside North American institutions, $1863• Web Edition: North America ACS members, $75; outside North America, $75. Print/Web Edition: Noah America ACS members, $316; outside North America, $475. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules: Structure, Function and Interactions. IJBMDR. ISSN 0141-8130. 10x. Elsevier Science B.V. Personal rates: US, $200; Europe, Euros 180; Japan Yen 23,900. Institution rates: US, $1,816; Europe, Euros 1,624; Japan, Yen 180. International Journal of Polymer Analysis and Characterization. IPACEZ. ISSN 1023-666X. 4x. Gordon & Breach Science. PersonaI rates, US, $113; ECU, $87. International Journal of Polymeric Materials. IJPMCS. ISSN 0091-4037. 3vols. (4xper vol.). Gordon and Breach .(NY). Individual rate (available to those whose library subscribes to journal), US, $410; ECU, 315. International Polymer Processing. IPPREJ. ISSN 0930-777X. q. Carl Hanser Verlag. Germany, DM 428.60; Foreign European Countries, $271.40; t~$3256; 271.40sFr; elsewhere, $281.60. Journal de Physique L JPGCE8, ISSN 0302-0738, m. Editions de Physique. Price, 4610 FF.
Journal of Applied Polymer Science. JAPNAB. ISSN 0021-8995.4/m. Wiley (NY). US, $10,595; Canada & Mexico, $11,155, outside North America, $11,631. Journal of Bioactive and Compatible Polymers• JBCPEV. ISSN 0883-9115, q. Sage. US, $999; £689. Journal ofCellularPlastics. JCUPAM. ISSN 0021-955X. bm. Sage. US, $790: £545. Journal of Chemical Physics. JCPSA6. ISSN 0021-9606.48X. AlP. US AlP members print and online, $458; AlP Non-US (surface) print and online, $668; AIP Non-US (air)jprint and online, $788. AIP members online only, $190. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. JCISA5. ISSN 0021-9797. (formerly Journal of Colloid Science). m. Academic. US & Canada, $666; elsewhere, $752.50; reduced rate for personal subscribers. Journal of Composite Materials• JCOMBI. ISSN 0021-9983. sm. Sage. £2,600; US, $3,770. Journal of Composites Technology & Research• JCTRER. ISSN 0885-6804. q. ASTM. US & Canadaa, $129 ($116 for ASTM members); elsewhere, $142 ($128 for members); single issues, $35. Journal of Controlled Release. JCREEC. ISSN 0168-3659. m Elsevier (Amsterdam)• US, $2292. Journal of Elastomers and Plastics• JEPLAX. ISSN 0095-2443. q(1,4,7,10). Sage Publications• US print and electronic, $818; £545. Journal oflnorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials. JIOPE4. ISSN 1053-0495• q. Springer. Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part B: Physics. JMAPBR. ISSN 00222348.6x. Taylor & Francis. US Institution, $2,047; UK Institution, £1,241 : US Individual, $378; UK Individual, $229, Journal of Macromolecular Science Part A: Pure and Applied Chemistry. JSPCE6. ISSN 1060-1325. (formerly J. Macromol. Sci.-Chem.) m. Taylor & Francis• US Institution, $4,190; UK Institution, £2,539: Individual, $810; UK Individual, £491. Journal of Maeromolecular Science-Polymer Reviews. JMSPDH. ISSN 1532-1797. (formerly Journal of Macromolecular Science, Reviews in Macromolecular Chemistry). 4x. Taylor & Francis. US, $1,150. Journal of Materials Chemistry. JMACEP. ISSN 0959-9428. m. The Royal Society of Chemistry. EEA (incl.UK), £560; US, $1008. Journal of Materials Research. JMREEE. 1SSN 0884-2914. m. Materials Research Society.
Journal tie Physique II. JPAHER. ISSN 03(12-0738. m. Editions de Physique. Price, 5000 FF.
Journal of Materials Science. JMTSAS. ISSN 0022-2461. m. Chapman and Hall. Print or Online, Euro 8,875; US, $8,875. Print and Online, Euro 10,650; US, $10,650. Subscription includes Journal of Materials Science Letters, Materials in Electronics, and Materials in Medicine (see entry).
Journal of Advanced Materials. JADMEK. ISSN 1070-9789. (Formerly SAMPE Quarterly). q. Sage. SAMPE Members, US, $30; Nonmembers, $70; Institutions, $15(1; outside North America add $15; Canada or Mexico add $8.
Journal of Materials Science Letters. JMSLD5. ISSN 0261-8028• m. Chapman and Hall. Included with subscription to Journal of Materials Science (see entry).
Journal of A nalytical and Applied Pyrolysis. JAAPDD. ISS N 0165-2370. 2x. Elsevier (Amsterdam)• Dr. 790.
Journal of Materials Science-Matererials in Electronics• JMSEEV. ISSN 0957-4522. m. Chapman and Hall. Included with subscription to Journal of Materials Science (see entry).
Journal of the American Chemical Society• JACSAT. ISSN 0002-7863.51x. ACS. Print Edition: Noah America ACS members, $328; outside North America ACS members, $657; North America ACS Student members, $246; outside Noah America ACS Student member, $575; Noah America institutions, $3165; outside Noah American institutions, $3494. Web Edition: North America ACS members, $90; outside North America, $90. Print/Web Edition: Noah America ACS members, $418; outside North America, $747. Jourual of Applied Physics. JAPIAU. ISSN 0021-8979. sm. AlP. US AIP members print and online, $380; AIP members elsewhere print and online, $526.
Journal of Materials Seience-Matererials in Medicine. JSMMEL. ISSN 0957-4530. m. Chapman and Hall. Included with subscription to Journal of Materials Science (see entry). Journal of Membrane Science. JMESDO. ISSN 0376-7388. 28x. Elsevier (Amsterdam). US, $6,760. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics. JNFMDL. ISSN 0377-0257. m. Elsevier (Amsterdam).
©2006 Elsevier
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry JPPCEJ. ISBN 1010-6030. m. Elsevier (Lausanne). Sfr. 900.- (approx. US $539). Journal of Plastic Film & Sheeting. J PFSEH. ISSN 8756-0879. q(1,4,7,10). Technomic. US, $470, elsewhere, add $60 for postage; single issues, $130. Journal of Polymer Engineering. JPOEEK. ISSN 0334-6447. (formerly Polymer t~)rg#~eering Reviews). q. Freund (London). US, $390. JournalofPolymer Research. JPOREP. ISSN 1022-9760. q. Polymer Society, Taipei. Taiwan, Individual, NT$1,000; libraries, NT$ 2,000 (single issue, NT$ 251)). Journal of Polymer Science, Part A, Polymer Chemistry. JPLCAT. ISSN 0361)-6376. (formerly Journal of Polymer Science, Part A). sm. Wiley (NY). U S Print only, $12,740; Can ada & Mexico Print only, $13,220; outside of North America Print only, $13,628. US Print and Electronic, $14,014; Canada & Mexico Print and Electronic, $14,494; outside of North America Print and Electronic, $14,902. Worldwide Electronic only, $12,740. Subscription includes Polymer Physics edition (see entry). Journal of Polymer Science, Part B, Polymer Physics'. JPLPAY. ISSN 00981273. (formerly Journal of Polymer Science, Part A-2). sin. Wiley (NY). For subscription information, see J. Polym. Sci., Polym. Chem.
Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics. MCHPES. ISSN 1022-1352. (formerly Die Makromolekulare Chemie: Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics). 18x. Wiley-VCH. In Eng, Ger, Fr; Eng sum & tc. Subscription includes all six Macromolecularjournals. Europe print or electronic, Euro 6,424; Europe print and electronic, Euro 7,067; Switzerland print or electronic, Sfr. 11,534; Switzerland print and electronic, Sfr 12,688; Elsewhere print or electronic, US, $7,948; Elsewhere print and electronic, US, $8,743. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering. MMENFA. ISSN 1438-7492. (formerly Angewandte Makromolekulare Chemie) m. Wiley-VCH. Subscription includes all six Macromolecularjournals. Europe print or electronic, Euro 6,424; Europe print and electronic, Euro 7,067; Switzerland print or electronic, Sfr. 11,534; Switzerland print and electronic, Sfr 12,688; Elsewhere print or electronic, US, $7,948; Elsewhere print and electronic, US, $8,743. Macromolecular Rapid Communications. MRCOE3. ISSN 1022-1336. (formerly Die Makromolekulare Chemie, Rapid Communications). m. WileyVCH. Subscription includes all six Macromolecularjoumals. Europe print or electronic, Euro 6,424; Europe print and electronic, Euro 7,067; Switzerland print or electronic, Sfr. 11,534; Switzerland print and electronic, Sfr 12,688; Elsewhere print or electronic, US, $7,948; Elsewhere print and electronic, US, $8,743.
Journal of Polymer Science, Polymer Symposia. JPYCAQ. ISSN 0360-8905. (formerly Journal of Polymer Science, Part C). irr. Wiley (NY). For subscription information, see J. Polym. Sci., Palym. Chem.
Macromolecular Reports. MREPEG. ISSN 1060-1325.8x. Dekker. US, $250 ($250 for individual professionals and students); elsewhere, add $28.00 for surface mail, $44.00 for air to Europe, $52.00 for air to Asia. (International Rapid Publication Supplement included at no charge with subscription to the J. Macromol. Sci.-Chem. - see entry ).
Journal af Polymers' and ttre Environment. JPENFW. ISSN 1566-2543. q. Plenum. Print or Online, US, $404; Euros, 404; GBP, 253. US, $404.
Macromolecular Research. ISSN 1598-5032. (formerly Korean Polymer Journal). 6x. The Polymer Society of Korea.
Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites. JRPCDW. ISSN 0731-6844. sin. Sage Publications. US, $3,699, £2,551.
Macromolecular Symposia. (formerly Die Makromolekulare Chemie, MacromolecularSymposia). MSYMEC. ISSN 1022-1360.14x. Wiley-VCH. Subscription includes all six Macromolecularjournals. Europe print or electronic, Euro 6,424; Europe print and electronic, Euro 7,067; Switzerland print or electronic, Sfr. 11,534; Switzerland print and electronic, Sfr 12,688; Elsewhere print or electronic, US, $7,948; Elsewhere print and electronic, US, $8,743.
Journal ofRheology. JORHD2. I SSN 0148-6055. (formerly the Transactions of tire Society of Rheology). 6x. Wiley (NY) for The Society of Rheology. Included with Membership to the Society of Rheology, all nonmembers, US, $550; Canada, Mexico, Central & South America, and Caribbean, $560; Europe, Asia, Africa and Oceania, $575. Journal of the Society of Rheology, Japan (Nihon Reoroji Gakkaishi). ISSN I)387-1533. The Society of Rheology, Japan. Journal of Supercritical Fluids. JSFLEH. ISSN 0896-8446. q. Elsevier (Amsterdam). US, $1,179. Journal of Testing and Evaluation. JTEVAB. ISSN 0090-3973. (supercedes Journal of Materials). bin( 1,3,5,7,9,11 ). ASTM. US & Canada, $129 ($116 for ASTM members); elsewhere, $142 ($128 for ASTM members); single issues, $35. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. JTHEA9. ISSN 1388-6150. m. Kluwer Academie Publishers B.V. Print or Online, $4,598; Print and Online, $5,517.60.
Macromolecular Theory and Simulations. MTHSEK. ISSN 1022-1344. 9x. Wiley-VCH. (formerly Die Makromolekulare Chemie: Theory and Simulations). Subscription includes all six Macromolecularjournals. Europe print or electronic, Euro 6,424; Europe print and electronic, Euro 7,067; Switzerland print or electronic, Sfr. 11,534; Switzerland print and electronic, Sfr 12,688; Elsewhere print or electronic, US, $7,948; Elsewhere print and electronic, US, $8,743. Macromolecules. MAMOBx. ISSN 0024-9297. bw. ACS. Print Edition: North America ACS members, $311; outside North America ACS members, $540; North America ACS Student members, $233; outside North America ACS Student members, $462; North America institutions, $2611; outside North American institutions, $2840. Web Edition: North America ACS members, $75; outside North America, $75. Print/Web Edition: North America ACS members, $386; outside North America, $615. Masters Abstracts. MSTAAF. ISSN 0025-5106. 4x13,6,9,12). ProQuest.
Journal of Vinyl & Additive Technology. JVATF4. ISSN 0193-7197. (formerly Journal of Vinyl Technology). q(3,6,9,12). SPE. US, Canada & Mexico SPE members, $150; outside North American, $170; US, Canada and Mexico Nonmembers, $336; outside North American, $360; Institution US, Canada & Mexico print only, $474;.Institution outside North America, $548; Electronic only, $474; Combination print and electronic in US, Canada, & Mexico, $522; Combination print and electronic outside US, $596.
Mechanics of Composite Materials (English Translation). MCMAD7. (translation ofMekhanika Kompozimykh Materialov). ISSN 0191-5665. (Formerly Polymer Mechanics). bin. Kluwer. US, $1795.
Kobunshi Ronhunshu. (Callected Papers on High Polymers). KBRBA3. ISSN 0386-2186. (formerly Kobunshi Kagaku). m. SPSJ. In Japan; Eng tc, sums, figs, tables.
Monatsheftefur Chemie (Chemical Monthly). MOCMB7. ISSN 0026-9247. m. Springer (Wien). In Ger; Eng, Ger sum; Eng tc. All Countries except North and South America, Euro 1,392 + postage.
Kunststoffe-Plast Europe. KUPEE3. ISSN 0023-5563. (formerly
New Polymeric Materials. NPMAES. ISSN 0169-6525.4x. VSP. DM 318; US, $199.
Kunststoffe-German Plastics). m. Hanser. Germany. Macromolecular Bioscience. MBAIBU. ISSN 1616-5187. m. Wiley-VCH. Subscription includes all six Macromolecularjournals. Europe print or electronic, Euro 6,424; Europe print and electronic, Euro 7,067; Switzerland print or electronic, Sfr. 11,534; Switzerland print and electronic, Sfr 12,688; Elsewhere print or electronic, US, $7,948; Elsewhere print and electronic, US, $8,743.
Materials Research Bulletin. MRBUAC. ISSN 0025-5408. m. Elsevier (Amsterdam).. US, $2,266; Europe, Euros 2,025; Japan, Yen 268,900.
Nihon Reoroji Gakkaishi. Journal of the Japanese Society of Rheology. NRGADP. ISSN 0387-1533. q(3,6,9,12). SRJ. 8,000 Yen (approx. $50 US). In Japan; Eng tc, sums, figs, tables. Plaste undKautschuk. PLKAAM. ISSN 0048-4350. m. VEB. In Ger. DM 198.
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Plastics Engineering. PLEGB B. ISSN 0091-9578. (formerly SPEJournal). m. SPE. Included with membership to SPE. US nonmembers, $142; outside US, add $100; single issues, $20. Plastics Rubber and Composites: Processing and Applications. PRPAEP. ISSN 0959-8111. (formerly Plastics and Rubber Processing and Applicalions), lOx. Elsevier (Oxford) for The Institute of Materials. Member of the lnstitue of Materials, UK, £205; US members, $306; Non members, UK, £410; US, $611. Polimery. POLIA4. ISSN 01132-2725. m. Redakcja Polimery. In Polish; Eng tc, sums. US, $261/. Polymer. POLMAG. ISSN 0032-3861. (absorbed Computational and Polynler Science). bw. Elsevier (Oxford). Personal rate: US & all countries except Europe, $509; Europe, Euros 454; Japan, Yen 60,200. Institution rate: US & all countries except Europe, $6,597; Europe, Euros 5,896; Japan, Yen 783,000. Polymer Bulletin. POBUDR. ISSN 0170-0839. m. Springer (Berlin or NY). Print and Online, all countries except North and South America, Euros 1400 plus postage. Polymer Composites. PCOMDI. ISSN 0272-8397. bin. SPE. SPE members, $300; Nonmembers, $640; Institution, $805; Elsewhere add $36. Polymer Degradation and Stability. PDSTDW. 1SSN 0141-3910. (absorbed Polynler PIIotochemistry). 12x. Elsevier (Amsterdam). US and Central & South America, $3732.
Polymer Engineering andScience. PYESAZ. ISSN OO32-3888.(formerly SPE Transactions). 18x. SPE. US & Canada SPE members, $190; Nonmembers, $290; Corporate/Institution Library, $620; outside North America, add $50 for surface or $80 for airmail.
Polymer Science and Technology. POSTB5. ISSN 0093-6286. irr. Plenum. See New Book Titles for current title and price. Polymer Testing. POTEDZ. ISSN 0142-9418. 5x. Elsevier (London). US, Central & South America, $1,164. Polymers & Polymer Composites. PPOCEC. ISSN 0967-3911. (formerly Composite Polymers). bm. Rapra. UK, £490; US, $770.
Polymers for Advanced Technologies. PADTE5. ISSN 1042-7147. m. Wiley (UK). US print or electronic, $2,590; US print and electronic, $2849. Progress in Colloid & Polymer Science. PCPSD7. ISSN 0340-255X. (formerly Fortschrittsberichte ueber Kolloide und Polymere). irr. Springer (Heidelberg). In Eng, Ger (Eng sum). Supplement to Colloid & Polymer Science. Progress in Organic Coatings. POGCAT. ISSN 0300-9440. 8x. Elsevier (Amsterdam). North,Central, and South America, $1,872. Progress in Polymer Science. PRPSB8. ISSN 0079-6700. m. Elsevier (Amsterdam). Progress in Rubber and Plastics Recycling Technology. ISSN 1477-7606. q. Rapra for the Plastics and Rubber Institute. UK, £350 + postage; US, $590 + postage. Pure and Applied Chemistry. PACHAS. ISSN 0033-4545. m. Blackwell. Europe, £770; Rest of world, £847, US & Canada, $1166 ($130 or £92 for individuals whose institution has a library subscription).
Radiation Physics and Chemistry. RPCHDM. ISSN 0969-806X. m. Elsevier Sci. Ltd. North, Central, and South America, $2,064.
Polymer Gels and Networks. PGNEEI. ISSN 0966-7822. 4x. Elsevier (Oxford). US, $363.
Reactive & Functional Polymers. RFPOE6. ISSN 1381-5148. (Formerly Reactive Polymers). m. Elsevier (Amsterdam). US, Central & South America, $1,803.
Polymer International. PLYIEI, ISSN 0959-8103. (formerly British Polymer Journal). m. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., (Wiley, UK) for the Society of Chemical Industry. US institution print or electronic, $1,870; US institution print and electronic, $2,1)57.
Rheologica Acta. RHEAAK. ISSN 0035-4511. bm. Springer. In Eng, Fr, Ger; Eng, Fr, Ger sum. All countries except North and South America, Euro 1,470 + postage.
Polymer Journal. POLJB8. ISSN 0032-3896. m. SPSJ. Japan SPSJ members, Yen 9,8110; Japan nonmembers, Yen 43,000; All other countries SPSJ members, Yen 13,800; All other countries nonmembers, Yen 47,000.
Rubber Chemistry and Technology. RCTEA4. ISSN 0035-9475.5x. Rubber Division, ACS. US, $300; elsewhere, $375.
Polymer (Korea). POLLDG. ISBN 0379-153X. 6x. Polymer Society of Korea. PSK members, Asia, $67; all other areas, $84; PSK student members, Asia, $50; all other areas, $70; nonmembers, Asia, $84; all other areas, $100.
included in dues for SAMPE members); Canada & Mexico, $73; elsewhere, $105; single issues, $10.
Polymer News. PLYNBU. ISSN 0032-3918. m. Taylor & Francis. US Institutional, $1,069; US personal, $316.
SAMPE Journal. SAJUAK. ISSN 0091-1062. bm. SAMPE. US, $65 ($15
Science and Engineering of Composite Materials. SCMAE6. q. Freund. US $160. Sen-i Gakkaishi. SENGA5. ISSN 0037-9875. (Journal of the Society of Fiber
Polymer-Plastics Technology and Enghzeering. PPTEC7. ISSN 0360-2559. (formerly Journal of Macromolecular Science, Reviews in Polymer Technology). 6~. Dekker. Print or Online, US, $1,750; Print and Online, US, $1980. Surface delivery, add $25. Airmail delivery add, Canada, $28.51); Europe and South America, $42; Asia, $54. Polymer Reaction Engineering. PREEEG. ISSN 1054-3414. q(2,5,8,10). Dekker. US institution rate, $825.
Science and Technology; supercedes Sen-i Kogyo Gakkaishi; absorbed Sen-i To Kogyo). m. SFSTJ. 18,000 Yen plus postage; SFSTJ members, 7,200 Yen plus postage (single issues, 1,500 Yen plus postage). In Japan., Eng; Eng sums, figs, tables.
Society of Plastics Engineers, [Technical Papers]. SPEPAU. ISSN 00968773. a. SPE. See New Book Titles for current title and price. Solid State lonics. ISS N 0167-2738. m. Elsevier (Amsterdam). North, Central,
Polymer Recycling. POLREZ. ISSN 0969-5990.4x. Rapra.
and South America, $4,114.
Polymer Science, Series A (translation of Vysokomolekulyarnye Soedineniya, Ser~va A). PSSAFE. ISSN 0965-545X. m. Interperiodica. US & Canada, $4,121. Series A-C included in subscription. North America, $4440; elsewhere, $5133.
Supramolecular Science. SUSCFX. ISSN 0968-5677. 6x. Elsevier Science Ltd. North, Central, & South American, $254; elsewhere, £170.
Polymer Science, Series B (translation of Vysokomolekulyarnye Soedineniya, Seriya B). PSSBFH. ISSN 0965-545X. bin. lnterperiodica. Series A--C included in subscription. North America, $4440; elsewhere, $5133.
Synthetic Metals. SYMEDZ. ISSN 0379-6779.24x. Elsevier (Amsterdam). North, Central, and South America, $4,746. Acta. THACAS. 1SSN 0040-6031. sm. Elsevier (Amsterdam). In Eng, Fr, Ger; Eng, Fr, Ger sum. North, Central, & South America, US $8,067. Thermochimica
Polymer Science, Series C (translation of Vysokomolekulyarnye Soedineniya, Seriya C). PSSBFH. ISSN Pending. 2x. Interperiodica. Series A-C included in subscription. North America, $4440: elsewhere, $5133.
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