Bibliographic G Serial Titks Contained in this section is full bibliographic and subscription information for all serials that are included annually in Polymer Contents. Titles published monthly and semimonthly are included in each issue; others that are published less frequently are included in the next issue after they are received. The format for each entry is illustrated in the example shown at the right. Addresses for publishers may be found in the section, Index to Publishers
9 P
0, 1
Acta Poiymcrica. ACPODY. ISSN 0323.7648 (Formerly Faserforschung und Textihechnik). m.*4 Akademie-Veriag or Buche rt. In Eng, Ger, Russ; Eng. Ger, Russ
4 0”
Addresses. EntryContentCode
ACS SymqosiumSeries. ACSMCI. ISSNOO97-6156.irr. ACS. See New Book Titlesfor current polymer title and price. Acta Polymericu. ACPGDY. ISSN 0323-7648. (Formerly Faserforschung und Textikechnik). bm. Akademie-Verlag or Buchexport. In Eng, Ger, Russ; Bng, Ger, Russ sum 8t tc. Germany, DM 498; elsewhere. DM506, f 183, SFr 470, $360. Acta PoIymerica Sinlca. GAXUB9. ISSN 1000-3304. bm. Science Ress. Additives for PoIymcrs.
ADFGEB. ISSN 0306-3747. m.
Ekevier (London). UK, -3.
Advanced Cement Based Materials. ACATB9. ISSN 10657355. 8x (1.3,4,5,7,9,10,11). Blsevier (NY). US institutions, $330; US individuals, $170; For. individuals, $214. Advances in Cbranim Series. ALXSAJ. ISSN 0065-2393. irr. ACS. See New Book Titlesfor curmnt polymer title and price.
1. Complete&al title with its IaternationalOrgaahtion for Sta&ar&&oa (ISO) abbmhtion indicatedinboldface;e.g. A~Pd~.ISOabbrrviationsanusedtoidentifyraialti~in~T~~s ofCof~e#tr~ section. When appropriate,IS0 abbreviationsmay be followed by tha English title of a fonign language publicationor by other descrip&a indicatedw&in pamthem. 2. CODENideatifiers as specitied by AS’IM E25@76. The CODBNia used in the ti& bibliographicstrip appearingbeloweachI80 sblveviationin theTabkx ojConrenrs raftion CODENmay be followed by the original lauguagetitle enclosed within parenthesesif the serial title is an Baglish language.translation. 3. IateraationalStaadardSerial Number(ISSN). 4. Referent+to any forma titles. 5. Frequencyof pubhatioa: a, aaauak so, semiannual;q, qwiy; by, bimonthly;m, nmatbly; sm, sernimoathly;x, numberof issuer published atmuallybut not t~-&Iy; irr. Irreguk. For regularlypublishedtides with frequenciesless thanmonthly,the moatlmafpubkatiooarei by nmnerals enclosed within pareutbeses; e.g., q(3,6,9,12) indicatea that the se&l is published quarterlyin March,June, Septmhr, aad Decemb~ 6. Publish or sales agent (see.Index to Publishers AaVresses). 7. Languageof publication,sununariea.and tables of cootants (tc); if now is given, language is English. 8. Subscriptionor orderinginformationfor most currentvolume or siagle issued; e.g. DCNS. Canadiandollar DM, Deutsche Mark(FDR); M. GDR Mark Dfl, Dutch Guilda (florIa).
Advances in Colloid and Interface sdence. ACISB9. ISSN 0001-8686.8x. Elsevier (Amsterdam). Advances in Polymer Scknce. APSIDK. ISSN 0065-3195. (Formerly Fortsclniae da Hochpolyrneren-Forschung). irr. Springer (Berlin). See New Book Titlesfor current title and price. Advances in Polymer Technology. APTYDS. ISSN 0730-6679. (Formerly Advances in Plastics Technology). q. Wiley (NY). US, $568; Canada & Mexico, $608; elsewhere, $634.
Die Angewandte hfakmmolekdare Chemie. (Applied Macromolecular Chemistry snd physics). ANMCBO. ISSNOOO3-3146.I@. HIlthig& Wepf. In Eng, Fr, Ger; Bng, Ger sum & tc. Europe, SFr. 1,250; DM 1500, eS, 10,625; US $980 (plus postage). Annual Review0fMatcriul.sScience. ARMSCZ. ISSN 00844600. a. Annual Reviews. See New Book Titlesfor current title and price. Annual Review of Physical Chemistry. ARPLAP. ISSN 0066426X. a. Annual Reviews. See New BOORTitlesfor cumznt title and price.
AIChE Journal. AICEAC. ISSN 0001-1541. nt. AIChB. US, $675; $85 for AIChB membas; $45 for student members (outside US add $80 for postage). Single issues, $70 (outside US add $8 for postage).
BiomaterIals. BIMADU. ISSN 0142-9612. (Incorporating Clinical Materials). 24x. Elsevier (Oxford). Europe/CIS/Japsn, 2600Dutch Guilders; all other countries, $1605.
AnalyticulChau@try. ANCHAM. ACS. ACS members, US.$54;~&Mcxico.$93;Europc.$153;elscwhae,$183.Nonmcmbefi @crsonal),US,$105;canada&Me~co,$144,Europe.$204,e1sewhen,S234. Nonmembers (l@itution), US, $740; Canada & Mexico,$77s; Bumpe, $839; elsewhere. $869. Studen& US, 540.50; Canada & Mexico, $79.50; Europe, $139.50; elsewhere, $169.50.
BiomedicalMaterialr.BMATBMISSNO955-7717.(Incorpomt@Biomedical Mate&Is). m. Blsevier (London). US & Canada, $298; UK, E175; clsewhee, f 198.
B@@mers. BIPMAA. ISSN 0006-3525. 14x. Wiley (NY). US, $775, elsewhere, $894.
Carbohydrate Polymers. CAPGDI. ISSN 0144-8617. 12x. Elsevier (Lendon). UK, f550; US, $889. Cellular Polymers. CELPDJ. ISSN 0262-4893. (Formerly European Journal of Cellular Plastics). bm. Rapra. UK, f170; elsewhere, f195. Chemical Engineering Science. CESCAC. ISSN 0009-2509. sm. Elsevier (UK). EuropelCISIJapan, 4789 Dutch Guilders; all other countries, $2956. Chemistry ofMaterials. CMATEX. ISSN 0897-4756. m. ACS. ACS members, US, $570 (ACS members, $58; students, $43.50); Canada & Mexico, $601 (ACS members, $89; students, $74.50); Europe, $634 (ACS members, $122; students, $107.50); elsewhere. $654 (ACS members, $142, students, $127.50). Chinese Journal ofPolymer Science. CJPSEG. ISSN 0256-7679. q. Science Press. US, $300; DM 440. ClIdcaJ Materi&. $460; E285.
Intenta~ional Journal of Biological Macromolecules: Structure, Function and Interactions. IJBMDR. ISSN 0141-8130. bm(2,4,6,8,10,12). Elsevier Science B.V. Internarionul Journal ofPolymer Analysis and Characterization. IPACEZ. ISSN 1023-666X. 4x. Gordon t Breach Science. Personal rates, US, $113; ECU, $87. Internaiionul Journal ofPolymeric Materials. JJPMCS. ISSN 00914037. 3~01s.(4x per vol.). Gordon and Breach .(NY). Individual rate (available to those whose library subscribes to journal), US, $410; ECU, 315.
Internutional Polymer Processing. IPPREJ. ISSN 0930-777X. q. Carl Hanser Verlag. Germany, DM 428.60; Foreign European Countries, $271.40; bS3256; 271.4OsFr; elsewhere, $281.60. Journal de Physique I. JPGCE8. ISSN 0302-0738. m. Editions de Physique. Price, 4610 FF.
CLNME2. ISSN 0267-6605. tn. Elsevier (London). US, Journal de Physique II. JPAHER. ISSN 0302-0738. m. Editions de Physique. Price, 5000 FF.
Colioid & Polymer Science. CPMSB6. ISSN 0303402X. (Formerly Koiioid ZeitschriftfurPolymer@. m. Steinkopff. in Eng, Ger; Eng, Ger sum. DM 1600; US, $1000 plus postage (single issues, DM 160; US, $100); 20% discount for members of Kolloid-Geseilschaft or the Europran Colioid and Interface Society. Colloids u&Surfaces A: Physicochemicul Engineering Aspects. COSUD3. ISSNO927-7757. (Formerly Colioidsand Surfaces). m. Elsevier (Amsterdam).
Journal of Advanced Materials. JADMEK. ISSN 1070-9789. (Formerly SAMPE Quarterly). q. SAMPE. US, $60; Canada & Mexico, $68; elsewhere,
$75; single issues, $16 + postage. Journal of Analytical and AppliedPyrolysis. JAAPDD. ISSN 0165-2370.2x. Eisevier (Amsterdam). Dfl. 790. Journal of Applied Physics. JAPIAU. ISSN 0021-8979. sm. AIP. US &
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces. ISSN 0927-7765. m. Eisevier (Amsterdam). Composire Structures. COMSE2. ISSN 0263-8223.16x. Elsevier (Oxford). UK, f 1200; US, $1788. Composires, Part A: Applied Science and Manufacruring. CASMFJ. ISSN
1359-835X. (Incorporating Composites Manufacturing). m. Eisevier Science Ltd. Eump&IS/Japan. 1724 Dutch Guilders; all other countries, $888.
possessions, $2 185($220 for members of AIPand affiliated societies); Canada, Mex., Central & S. Am & Caribbean, $2270 (members, $305); Europe, Asia, Africa, &Oceania, $2455 (members, surface, $490; air freight, $480); prior to current year single issues, members, $28; nonmembers, $100. . Journal of Applied Polymer Science. JAPNAB. ISSN 0021-8995.4/m. Wiley (NY). US, $3530 per volume; Canada & Mexico, MlO, outside North America, $4190. Subscription includes Applied Polymer Symposia (see entry).
Composites Science and Technology. CSTCEH. ISSN 0266-3538. 16x. Elsevier (London). UK, f725; US, $1378.
Journal of Applied Polymer Science: Applied Polymer Symposia. APPSBX. ISSN 0570-4898. (Formerly Applied Polymer Symposia). irr. Wiley (NY). For subscription information, see J. Appl. Polym. Sci.
Computotionol & Theoretical Polymer Science. CTPSEJ. ISSN 1052-0643. (Formerly Computational Polymer Science). q. Elsevier Science. Europe, CIS, & Japan, 338 Dutch Guiider; elsewhere, $209.
Journfd of Bioactive and Compatible Polymers. JBCPEV. ISSN 0883-9115. q. Technomic. US, $260; elsewhere, add $36 for outside US ($54/yearairmail); single issues, $66.
Contemporary Topics in Polymer Science. CTPSDH. ISSN 0160-6727. irr. Plenum. See New Book Titles for current title and price.
Jourmzl of Cellular Plastics. JCUPAM. ISSN 0021-955X. bm. Technomic. US, $215; elsewhere, add $48 for surface, (single issues, $37).
Dissertation Abstracts International [Secrion] B: The Sciences andEngineering. DABBBA. ISSN 0419-4217. m. University Microfilms. US & Canada, $195; elsewhere, $355.
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. JCISAS. ISSN 0021-9797. (Formerly Journal of Colloid Science). m. Academic. US & Canada, $666; eisewhere, $752.50; reduced rate for personal subscribers.
Dissertation Abstracts International
[Section] C: European Abstrucrs. DAICDG. ISSN 0307-6075. q(3,6,9,12). University Microfilms. $455.
JournalofCompositeMaterials. US, $1200; elsewhere, add 548 for postage; single issues, $51.
Electrocbbnica Acta. ELCAAV. ISSN 00134686. sm. Eisevier (UK). US, $2093; elsewhere, f1316.
Journal of Composites Technology & Research. JCTRER. ISSN 0885-6804. q. ASTM. US &Canada, 5129 (5116 for ASTM members); elsewhere, $142
(5128 for members); single Plastics. ENPLEB. ISSN 0952-6900. bm. Rapra. UK, f220; elsewhere, f240.
Europeon Polymer Joumul. EUPJAG. ISSN 0014-3057. m. Pergamon (Oxford). In Eng, Fr; Eng sum. Europe, The Cis & Japan, 2990 Dutch Guilders; elsewhere, $1846. High Performance Plastics. HPPLEO. ISSN 0264-7753. m. Elsevier (London). UK, f239. High Performance Polymers. HPPOEX. ISSN 0954-0083. q. Carfax. US, $298 (single issue, $82); personal subscription plan, $120. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. IECRED. ISSN 0888-5885. m. ACS. US, $882 (ACS members, $74, students, $55.50); Canada& Mexico, $915 (ACS members, $107; students, $88.50); Europe, $960 (ACS members, $152; students, $133.50); elsewhere, $981 (ACS members, $173; students, $154.50).
Journul of Controlled Release. JCREEC. ISSN 0168-3659. m Elsevier (Amsterdam). US, 51100. Journul of Elastomers and Plastics. JEPLAX. ISSN 00952443. (Formerly Journal of Eiastopiastics). q(1,4,7,10). Technomic. US, 5245; elsewhere. add 548 (single issue, 563). Joumul of Environmenral Polymer Degradation. JEPDED. ISSN 10647564. q. Plenum. US, 5175; elsewhere, $205; Personal subscribers, US, $53; elsewhere, 562. Joumul of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers. JIOPE4. ISSN 10530495. q. Plenum. US institution rate, $195 ($45 for individual professionals); elsewhere, 5230 ($53 for individual professionals).
Jormal of Mauwaokcahr sdence-Physics. JMAPBR. ISSN 0022-2348. 4x. Decker. US in&&n rate, $1,095 ($547.50 for individual professionals and students); elsewhem, add $22.50 for surface mail, or $33 for air to Europe, or $39 for air to Asia.
Journal ufl’hemuzl Analysis. JTHEA9. ISSN 0368-4466. m. Wiley (UK) & Akademiai Kiadb. us, $2,495. Jour~l merly
Journal of MSSUBIO~~W &iencc-Aue and Applied Chemistry. JSPCE6. ISSN 1010-1325. (Formerly J. Macromol. Sci.-Chem.)m. Dekker. US, $2,595 ($1,297.50 for students and individual professionals); elsewhere, add $45 for surface mail, $66 for air to Europe, $78 for air to Asia.
ofVinyl & Additive Techndogy. JVATF4. ISSN 0193-7197. (ForJournalof Vinyl Technology). q(3.6,9,12). SPE. us, $150 ($60 for
members of SPE); elsewhere, add $20. Kobunsbl Ronbunshu. (Collected Papers on High Polymers). KBRBA3. ISSN 0386-2186. (Formerly Kobunshi Kagaku). m. sPS.J. In Japan; Eng tc, sums, figs, tables. US member, $50; non-member, $100; add $40 for airmail.
Journalo~lecularS-ReviewsinMacromolecularChemistry andPhysics. JMSPDH. ISSN 0736-6574. (Formerly Journal of Macmmolecular Science. Reviews in Macmmolecular Chemistry). 4~. Dekker. US, $775 ($387.50 for students and individual professionals); elsewhere, add $15 for surface mail, or $22 for air to Europe, or $26 for air to Asia.
KunststofJc-Plast Europe. KUPEE3. ISSN 0023-5563. Kunststoffe-German Plastics). m. Hanser. Germany.
MacromolecularChemistryandphysics.MCHPES. ISSN 1022-1352. (Formerly Die Makmmolekulare Chemie: Macmmoleeular Chemistry and Physics). m. HUthig & Wepf. In Eng. Ger, Fr; Eng sum & tc. SFr. 3130; DM 3860, isS, 27,700; US $2610 plus postage (includes Macmmol. RapidCommun. and Macromol. Theory Simulations-see entry).
Journal of MMeriah Chemistry. JMACEP. ISSN 0959-9428. m The Royal Society of Chemistry. EEA (incl.UK), 5S60, US, $1008. Journal of Materials Sdence. JMTSAS. ISSN 00222461. m. Chapman and Hall, EU, c2095; US Bt Canada, $3595; Rest of World, f2270. Subscription includes Journal of Materials Science Letters, Materials in Electronics, & Materials in Medicine (see entry).
MacromelecuIar Rapid Commticrzions. ISSN 1022-1336. (Formerly Die Makmmolekulare Chemie, Rapid Communications). m. HUthig & Wepf. Europe, SFr. 310, DM 380; 8s 2720; US $255, plus mailing (included at no charge with subscription to Macromol. Chem. Phys.-see entry).
Journal of Materials Science Letters. JMSLDS. ISSN 0261-8028. m. Chapman and Hall, Included with subscription to Journal of Materials Science (see entry).
Macromolecular Reports. MREPEG. ISSN 1060-1325.8.x.Dekker. US, $250 ($250 for individual professionals and students); elsewhere, add $28.00 for surface mail, $44.00 for air to Europe, $52.00 for air to Asia. @ernational Rapid Publication Supplement included at no charge with subscription to the J. Macromol. Sci.-Chem. - see entry ).
Journal of Membrane Science. JMESDG. ISSN 0376-7388. bw. Elsevier (Amsterdam). US, $4213. JoumulofNon-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics. JNFMDL. ISSN 0377-0257. m Elsevier (Amsterdam).
Macromolecular Symposia. (Formerly Die Makromolekulare Chemie, Macromolecular Symposia). MSYMEC. ISSN 1022-1360. irr. HUthig & Wepf. Europe, SFr. 980; DM 1230; tiS 8300, US $830.
Journal ofPhotochemisrry and Photobiology A: Chemistry JPPCEI. ISBN 1010-6030. m. Elsevier (Lausanne). Sfr. 900.- (approx. US $539).
Macromolecufur Theory and Simukztions.MTHSEK. ISSN 1022-1344. HUthig & Wepf. (Formerly Die Makromolekulare Chemie: Theory and Shnulations). SFr. 325; DM 400, BS, 2850; US $270, plus mailing (included at no charge with subscription to Makromol. Chem. - see entry).
Journal OfPlastic Film & Sbee&g. JPFSEH. ISSN 8756-0879. q(l,4,7,10). Technomic. US, $280, elsewhere, add $48 for postage; single issues, $71.
Macromolecules.MAMOBX. ISSN 0024-9297. bw. ACS. US, $1400 ($104 for ACS members); Canada & Mexico, $1384 ($151 for ACS members); Europe, $1452($156 for ACS members); Europe, $1525 ($229 for members); all other countries, $1567 ($271 for members).
Jownol of Polymer Engineering. JPGEEK. ISSN 0334-6447. (Formerly Polymer Engineering Reviews). q. Freund (London). US, $180. JPGREP. ISSN 1022-9760.q. Polymer Society, Taipei. Taiwan, Individual, NT$ l,ooO;libraries, NT$2,000 (single issue, NT$ 250). Elsewhere, individual, US$40; library, $80 (single issue, $10).
Masters Abstracts. MSTAAF. ISSN 0025-5106. 4x(3,6,9,12). University Microfilms. US & Canada, $60; elsewhere, $75.
Journal of Polymer Science, Polymer Chemistry Rdition.JPLCAT. ISSN 0360-6376. (Formerlv Journal of Polymer Science, Part A). 17x. Wiley (NY). US, $4998; Canada-& Mexico, $5338; outside of North Ameri&$5525. Subscription includes Polymer Physics, and Polymer Symposia editions (see entries).
Mechanics of Composite Materials (English Translation). MCMAD7. (Translation of Mekhanika Kompozitnykh Materialov). ISSN 0191-5665. (Formerly Polymer Mechanics). bm. Plenum. US, $1125; elsewhere, $1315: single issue, $200.
Joumul ofPdgmerS&nce, Pdymer physicsEdition.JPLPAY. ISSN 00981273. (Formerly Journal of Polymer Science, Part A-2). m. Wiley (NY). For subscription information, see J. Polym. Sci., Polym. Chem. Ed.
Monatshefefur Chemie (Chemical Monthly). MGCMB7. ISSN 0026-9247. m. Springer (Wien). In Ger; Eng, Ger sum; E?ngtc. DM 814 plus carriage charges (single issues, DM 75); N. America, $485 (single issues, $48).
JoumalofPolymerScience,PolymerSymposia. JPYCAQ. ISSN0360-8905. (Formerly Journal of Polymr Science, Part C). irr. Wiley (NY). For subscription information, see J. Polym. Sci., Polym. Chem. Ed.
New Polymeric Materiak. NPMAE8. ISSN 0169-6525.4.x. VSP. DM 318; us, $199.
Journal ofReinforcedPlast.icsundcOmpoeifes.JRPCDW. ISSNO731-6844. m. Technomic. US, $1050; elsewhere, add $48; single issues, $60. Journal afRheoIogy. JORHD2. ISSN 0148-6055. (Formerly the Transactions of the Society of Rheology). 6x. Wiley (NY) for The Society of Rheology. Included with Membership to the Society of Rheology, all nonmembers, US, $425; Canada & South American continent, $435; elsewhere, $445. Journal of Supercrlticol Scinece.
Fluids. JSFLEH. ISSN 0896-8446. q. Elsevier
Journal ofTesting und Evaluutiun. JTEVAB. ISSN 0090-3973. (Supercedes JoumalofMaterials). bm(l,3,5,7,9,11). ASTM. US &Canada. $129 ($116for ASTM members); elsewhere, $142 ($128 for ASTM members); single issues, $35.
Nihon ReorojI GakkaIshi. Journal of the Japanese Society of Rheology. NRGADP. ISSN0387-1533. q( SRI. 8,OOOYen(appmx. SSOUS). In Japan; Eng tc, sums, figs, tables. Plaste undKaut.qcbuk. PLKAAM. ISSN 0048-4350. m. VEB. In Ger. DM 198. PlasticsEngineering.PLEGBB.ISSNOO91-9578.(FomlerlySPEJ0~~).m. SPE. Included witb membership to SPE. US nomnembem $75: outside US, add $25 for surface mail or $65 for air; single issues, $10. Plastics Rubber wad Compktes: ProCU8iagatld Applicutioas. PRPABP. ISSNO959-8lll.(FormerlyPlasticsandRubberPmcess&andA~~~ns). I&. Elsevier (Oxford) for The Institute of Mate&ls. Member of the Ins&e of Materials, UK, f205; US members, $306; Non members, UK, E410; US, $611. Pdimery.
PGLIA4. ISSN0032-2725.m.RedakcjaPolimery. lnPolish;Bngtc, sums. US, $126.
Progress in Coiioid & Polymer Science. PCPSD7. ISSN 0340-255X. (Formerly Fortschrittsberichte ueber Koiioide und Poiymere). irr. Steinkopff. In
Polymer. POLMAG. ISSN 0032-3861. bw. Elsevier Science Ltd. North, Central, and South America, US, $3242; elsewhere, 5252 Dutch Guilders (includes Polymer Communications).
Eng, Ger (Eng sum). Supplement to Colloid & Polymer Science. Bilie separately to subscribers of Coiioid & Polymer Science (see entry).
Polymer Bulletin. POBUDR. ISSN 0170-0839. m. Springer (Berlin or NY). US, $1082: single issue, $105; elsewhere, DM 1448 plus carriage charges; single issues, DM 144.80 plus carriage charges.
Progress in Organic Coatings. POGCAT. ISSN 0033-0655. 8x. Elsevier (Lausanne).
Polymer Composires. PCOMDI. ISSN 0272-8397. bm. SPE. US, $225 ($100 for SPE members); elsewhere, add $25.
Progress in Polymer Science. PRPSBB. ISSN 0079-6700. bm. Pergamon. North, Central, & South America, $649; elsewhere, E435.
PdymcrDegrPdationMdStabiliry. PDSTDW. ISSN 0141-3910. (Absorbed Polymer Photochemistry). 12x. Eisevier(London). Europe, The CIS, &Japan, 3487 Dutch Guiiders; all other countries, US$2152.
Progress in Rubber and Plastics Technology. ISSN 0266-7320. q. Rapra for the Plastics aud Rubber Institute.
Poimr Engineering and Science. PYESAZ. ISSN 0032-3888.(Formerly SPE Transactions). 18x. SPE. US & Canada, $260 for individual subscribers ($170 for SPE members) and $560 for institutional subscribers; outside North America. add $50 for surface mail or $80 for airmail.
Pure and Applied Chemistry.PACHAS. ISSNO033-4545. m. Blackwell. UK, f590: elsewhere. f646. US & Canada. $895 ($110 or 09.50 for individuals whosk institution has a.iibrary subsc&ion). . Radiation Physics and Chemistry. RPCHDM. ISSN 0146-5724. m. Pergamon. Europe/CIS/Japan, NLG 1318; elsewhere, $814.
Polymer Gels and Networks. PGNEEI. ISSN 0966-7822.4x. Elsevier (Oxford). US, $363.
Reactive & Functional Polymers. RFPOE6. ISSN 1381-5148. (Formerly Reactive Polymers). m. Elsevier (Amsterdam).
Polymer InternutionaI.PLYIE.1.ISSN 0959-8103. (Formerly British Polymer Journal). m. JobnWiley&SonsfortheSocietyofChemicalIndustry. U&$995.
Rheoiogica Acta. RHEAAK. ISSN 0035-4511. bm. Steinkopff. In Eng, Fr, Ger; Eng, Fr, Ger sum. DM 1.178 plus DM 236 postage; US, Canada, & Mexico, $736 plus postage; 20% discount for members of participating societies and subscribers to Colioid & Polymer Science (see entry).
PoIymer Journul. POIJB8. ISSN 0032-3896. m. SPSJ; USACO (exclusive sales agent). US individual member, ‘Yl3.800;public member, V47,OOO; Japan individual member, V9,800, public members, Y43,ooO,elsewhere, individual, Yl3.800, public member, ‘Y47,OOO (seamail postage); add v7,OOOfor airmail; single issues, y7,050.
Rubber Chemistry and Technology. RCTEA4. ISSN 0035-9475.5x. Rubber Division, ACS. $95 (add $25 for air).
Polymer (Korea). PGLLDG.ISBN 0379-l 53X. 6x. Polymer Society of Korea. US &Europe individual, $90 (airmail) or $60 (surface); US &Europe Library, $160 (airmail) or $130 (surface); Asia individual, $60 (air only); Asia Library, $130 (air only).
SAMPE Journul. SAJUAK. ISSN 0091-1062. bm. SAMPE. US, $65 ($15 included in dues for SAMPE members); Canada & Mexico, $73; elsewhere, $105; single issues, $10.
Polymer Networks &Blends. PNBLES. ISSN 1181-9510. q. ChemTec. US, $165; elsewhere, add $15.
Science a& Engineering of Composite Materials. SCMAE6. q. Freund. US $160.
Polymer News. PLYNBU. ISSN 0032-3918. m. Gordon and Breach. Personal rate (available to individuals whose library subscribes or who provide a home address), US. $223; European Currency Unit, 186.
Sen-i GakkaIshi. SENGAS. ISSN 0037-9875. (Journal of the Society of Fiber Science and Technology; supercedes Sen-i Kogyo Gakkaishi; absorbed Sen-i To Kogyo). m. SFSTJ. 18,OCOYen plus postage; SFSTJ members, 7,200 Yen plus postage (single issues, 1,500 Yen plus postage). In Japan., Eng; Eng sums, figs, tables.
Polymer-Plastics Tccbnoiogy and Engineering. PPTEC7. ISSN 0360-2559. (Formerly Journal of Macromolecular Science, Reviews in Polymer Technology). 6x. Dekker. US instituti rate, $895 ($447.50 for individual professionals and students); elsewhere, add $22.50 for surface mail; $33 for air to Europe; $39 for air to Asia.
Society of Plastics Engineers, [Technical Papers]. SPEPAU. ISSN 00968773. a. SPE. See New Book Tides for current title and price.
SolidStatcIonics. ISSN 0167-2738. m. Elsevier(Amsterdam). No&Central, & South America, $1876.
Polymer Reaction Engineering. PREEEG. ISSN 1054-3414. q(2,5,8,10). Dekker. US institution rate, $265 ($132.50 for individual professionals and students); elsewhere, add $14 for surface mail; $22 for air to Europe; $26 for air to Asia.
Supramoiecular Science. SUSCFX. ISSN 0968-5677. 6x. Elsevier Science Ltd. North, Central, & South American, $254; elsewhere, L170.
Polymer Science (Englis!t Translation). PYSCAN. (Formerly Polymer Science USSR). (Translation of Vysokomolekulyarnye Soedineniya, Seriya A). ISSN 0032-3950. m. Pergamon (Oxford). Institution rate, ElOOO;US, $1600.
Synthetic Metals. SYMEDZ. ISSN 0379-6779. 24x Eisevier (Lausanne). North, Central, & South America, $2222. Textile Research Journul. TRJOA9. ISSN 0040-5175. m. TRI. US, $225; elsewhere, add $20 forinternational surface mail; for airmail add: Canada, $24, Mexico,$26;South&CentralAmerica,$34,Europe,$5i;USSR,Asi~Africa, Middle & Far East, $62; single issues, $30.
PolymerScience,SeriesA(Translationof VysokomolekulyarnyeSoedineniya, Seriya A i Seriya B). PSSAF’E. ISSN 0965-545X. m. Interperiodica. US & Canada, $2078; elsewhere, $2390. PolymerScIence, SeriesB (Translationof VysokomolekulyarnyeSoedineniya, Seriya A i Seriya B). PSSBFH. ISSN 0965-545X. bm. Interperiodica. US &
Acta. THACAS. ISSN 0040-6031. 24x. Elsevier (Amsterdam). In Eng, Fr, Ger: Eng, Fr, Ger sum North, Central, & South America, US $4089.
Canada, $787; elsewhere, $905. Polymer Science and Technology. POSTBS. ISSN 0093-6286. irr. Plenum. See New Book Titles for current title and price. PolymerTesting. POTEDZ. ISSN 0142-9418.5%.Elsevier (London). Europe, The CIS. &Japan, 588 Dutch Guilders; all other countries, US$637.
Trends in Polymer Science. TPSCE8. ISSN 0966-4793. m. Elsevier (Cambridge). Europe & CIS/Japan: Personal,NLG 214; Student,NL,G107, Institution, NLG 113; Ail othercountries:Personal, $132, Student, $66, Institution, $687.
Polymers & Polymer Composites. PFOCEC ISSN 0967 3911. (Formerly Composite Polymers). bm. Rapra. UK, E220; overseas, f240.
Polymers for Advanced Technologies. PADTE5. ISSN 1042-7147. m. Wiley (UK). us, $1145.