BSI revises weld standards

BSI revises weld standards

ULTRASONICS NEWS Meeting of the Doppler discussion group A major meeting of the informal Doppler discussion group has been planned for the 30 March ...

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Meeting of the Doppler discussion group A major meeting of the informal Doppler discussion group has been planned for the 30 March 1973. Although the exact venue has not yet been fixed, the meeting will be held in London and has been arranged to follow the medical session of Ultrasonics International 1973. The group normally meets every two months to discuss technical-clinical co-operation in the rapidly advancing field of Doppler technology. It is hoped that a number of prominent researchers both from the UK and abroad will give contributions.

Clinical Research Centre, Division of Bioengineering, Watford Road, Harrow, Middlesex HAI 3UJ, UK on cross-correlation


Three papers on ultrasonic cross-correlation flowmeters will be presented at the international symposium of measurement and process identification by correlation and spectral techniques to be held at the University of Bradford from 2-5 January 1973. Ultrasonic cross-correlation flowmeters are already regarded as the most important type of cross-correlation flowmeters since they give results independent of the velocity of sound in the fluid without restricting the flow. The devices have already been widely applied to monitor single and two-phase flow in industrial environments and biological fluid in the field of medicine. Papers have been presented on these instruments in the past but no details have been released on circuit and system design. The papers at the Bradford conference, however, will describe full system details. The authors and titles of the papers are: Recent experiments in correlation flowmetering ~ G. Calvert, K. T. Lee, R. Luczynski and K. H. Ong (University of Bradford) Gas flow velocity measurement using natural turbulence signals - J. Coulthard (Teesside Polytechnic) Transducer systems for cross-correlation by ultrasonic bulence detection - P. A. Johnson (Kent Instruments Readers wishing to attend the conference the address below.

Mr Gil Raudsep, Marine Systems Centre, Honeywell Inc, 5303 Shilshole Avenue, Northwest, Seattle, Washington 98107, USA

9th symposium on non-destructive


The 9th symposium on non-destructive evaluation will be held at the El Tropicano Motor Hotel, San Antonio, Texas from 25-27 April 1973. The aims of the symposium will be to bring together technical and managerial personnel engaged in and concerned with fundamental and applied aspects of non-destructive evaluation.

Readers wishing to take part in the meeting and those wishing to hear about future meetings should contact Mr L. H. Light at the address below.


The conference will be co-chaired by Dr Theodor F. Haeter of Honeywell’s marine systems centre and Edward W. Early of the University of Washington’s applied physics laboratory. One page abstracts should be submitted by 5 February 1973 to the technical programme chairman at the address below.


should write to

The Secretary, Institute of Measurement and Control, 20 Peel Street, London W8, UK

Contributed papers are welcomed on recent research and developments in all types of non-destructive evaluation related to transportation, defence and energy systems. Prospective authors should send abstracts of approximately 200 words to the address below by 1 January 1973. Amos Greer and George Matzkanin, 9th Symposium of NDE, PO Drawer 28510, San Antonio, Texas 78284, USA

5th Hungarian acoustics conference The Hungarian Optical, Acoustical and Filmtechnical Society will stage its 5th conference on acoustics on lo-14 April 1973 in Budapest. The sessions of the conference will deal with all aspects of acoustical research. Hungarian and English will be the official languages of the conference, but papers may be presented in Russian, German or French. OPAKFI, The Secretariate, 5th Conference on Acoustics, Budapest VZ,Anker kb;z 1, Hungaty

New ASTM standards Part 22 of the 1972 Annual Book of ASTM Standards has been published by the American Society for Testing and Materials. This standard covers sorptive mineral materials, soap, engine coolants, polishes, halogenated organic solvents, activated carbon and industrial chemicals. Among the new standards is a test for cavitation-erosion characteristics of aluminium in engine antifreeze solutions using ultrasonic energy. American Society for Testing and Materials, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia Pa 19103, USA

Ocean ‘73 - a call for papers Papers are now being invited for Ocean ‘73, the fourth annual IEEE international conference on engineering in the ocean which will be held from 25-28 September 1973 at the Washington Plaza Hotel in Seattle, Washington. Of particular interest to readers will be the proposed subject areas of underwater acoustics and imaging, underwater communications and signal processing.


BSI revises weld standards The British Standards Institution has revised parts 2 and 3 of BS3923 - Methods for the Ultrasonic Examination of Welds. The series of three parts was first published in 1965. Part 1 was revised in 1968. The Institution revised the original standard to keep up with changes in industrial techniques and applications of ultrasonics.