Oceanographic Abstracts
WARREN, B. A., 1963. Topographic influences on the path of the Gulf Stream. Tellus, 15 (2): 167-183. Meander patterns observed in the Gulf Stream east of Cape Hatteras exhibit correlations with bottom topography. An examination of the orders of magnitude of terms in the Gulf Stream vorticity balance suggests that if the current extends to the ocean bottom, as implied by some recent deep velocity measurements, its path must indeed be controlled principally by the topography of the Continental Rise, with a generally smaller constraint imposed by the meridional variation of the Coriolis parameter. Approximate current paths calculated according to this mechanism--steadystate conservation of potential vorticity--agree sufficiently well with observed paths to confirm the topographic explanation of large-scale meanders. The observed variety in meander patterns is attributed to fluctuations in current direction and path curvature near Cape Hatteras. These conclusions make doubtful any direct relation between large-scale meanders and possible instabilities of the Gulf Stream east of Cape Hatteras, and between the distribution of wind stress and the separation of Stream from coast. WEDARD, A. M. and A. NAPOLI, 1962. Lo stato di inquinamento dell'acqua di mare nella zone costiera di Salerno. Riv. ltal. lgiene, 22: 5-21. Ref. in: Bull. Inst. Pasteur, 1963, 61 (8): 2437. L'eau de mer de la c6te de Salerne est fortement pollu6e, d'apr~s l'analyse de 115 6chantillons d'eau. IV. et N. ont d6termin6 le nombre de bact6ries cultivables/t 37 ° et le degr6 colorim6tdque. WERNER, B., 1962. Verbreitung und jahreszeitliches Auftreten yon Rathkea octopunctata (M. Sars) und Bougainvillia superciliaris (L. Agassiz) (Athecatae-Anthomedusae). Ein Beitrag zur kausalen marinen Tiergeographie. Kiel. Meeresforch., 18 (3) (Sonderheft): 55-66. The distribution and seasonal occurrence of Rathkea oetopunctata and Bougainvillia superciliaris and related metagenetic species are summarized according to the dates given in the literature. The wide range of distribution in the northern hemisphere of these circum-polar species has generally proved to be almost the same. Temperature experiments in the laboratory and, a comparative examination of the local temperature conditions in the sea the essential phases of both the polyp and medusan generation are shown to depend on temperature. The polyp of both species represents a vegetative eurytherm and propagative stenotherm generation. On the other hand the medusa was shown to be stenotherm. The general conclusion is that the distribution and seasonal occurrence both of Rathkea and Bougainvillia mast be explained in terms of the temperature requirements of these species and, of temperature conditions where they occur. The differences in distribution of the species, and the differences in the seasonal occurrence depend primarily on genetically determined and significantly different temperature requirements of the polyps for the process of budding off medusae. Thus the two species are grouped in different geographical units. Rathkea represents a boreal arctic, Bougainvillia an arctic boreal species. WIEGEL, R. L., 1963. Some engineering aspects of wave spectra. In: Ocean Wave Spectra, Proc. Conf., Easton, Md., May 1-4, 1961, Prentice-Hall, N.J., 309-321. Two aspects of waves and the effects of waves on coastal works are considered. One aspect is the relationship between wave spectra and the mixing of surface waters, which is of prime importance in the functional design and operation of an ocean outfall sewer. The other is the lack of reliability of wave data and forecasting techniques and the effect this has on design and operations when considered in conjunction with other equally unreliable data and/or concepts. WXLOER, D. G., 1963. Movements, growth and survival of marked and tagged lobsters liberated in Egrnont Bay, Prince Edward Island. J. Fish. Res. Bd., Canad., 20 (2): 305-318. The average straight line distance between release and recapture points of 253 tagged lobsters free 10 to 12 months was 7.3 nautical miles (13.5 kin). Carapace-length growth increments per moult among 870 punch-marked lobsters recovered from the fishing grounds were independent of size and averaged 0.47 in. (11.9 mm) for males and 0.42 in. (10.7 ram) for females. Weight increments per moult varied from 4.0 to 7-5 oz (113-213 g) for males and from 3.3 to 5.4oz (94-153 g) for females. Of the males, 17"8 per cent moulted twice; of the females, 7.4 per cent. Survival over a 10 month period was estimated to be 76.4 per cent. WOLFF, T., 1961. Description of a remarkable deep-sea hermit crab, with notes on the evolution of the Paguridea. Galathea Rep. 4:11-32. Adults and three post-larval stages of Probeebei mirabilis Boone, 1926 are described and compared to the holotype, the latter being a juvenile not previously recognized as a hermit crab. The former were collected by the Galathea in the East Pacific off Costa Rica at 3570 m, the holotype collected by the Arcturus in the Gulf of Panama at 1145 m depth. Phylogenetically, Probeebei is most closely related to other genera with paired male pleopods and eleven phyllobranchia, most of which also occur in the deep-sea. Probeebei is another instance of carcinization, i.e. evolution by convergence of crab-like forms occurring in systematically unrelated pagurids. In both carcinized pagurids and other forms which protect their abdomen in almost straight objects (Dentalium shells, worm tubes, pieces of wood,