NDT contracts worth over $6 m

NDT contracts worth over $6 m

-International news N D T c o n t r a c t s w o r t h over S6 m Federation of Materials Institutes formed in UK Contracts worth more than US $6 mill...

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-International news N D T c o n t r a c t s w o r t h over S6 m

Federation of Materials Institutes formed in UK

Contracts worth more than US $6 million have been awarded to Combustion Engineering Inc's Nuclear Power Systems Division for ultrasonic imaging instrumentation and remote scanning devices plus trained support personnel.

A U K Federation of Materials Institutes has been formed by the Institute of Ceramics and the Plastics and Rubber Institute.

The company says it has been contracted by United Technologies Corporation (UTC) to provide the equipment and staff for UTC's Titan 34D solid rocket motor project. The programme is part of an overall US Air Force review of the present

inspection techniques applied to space vehicles. Combustion Engineering has also been awaded the contract to provide non-intrusive liquid level fuel sensors for the Titan II space programme. These sensing devices enable the liquid rocket fuel to be detected from the outside of a fuel tank, thus eliminating any need to penetrate the tank's skin.

Combustion Engineer Inc, 1000 Prospect Hill Road, Post Office Box 500, Windsor, CT 06905-0500, USA

CT systems inspect rockets and circuits The ARACOR ICT-1500 system will be a key ingredient in the Advanced Rocket Nozzle Inspection (ARNIS) contract awarded to Aerojet by the US Air Force Rocket Propulsion Laboratory at Edwards Air Force Base in California. The primary objective of the contract is to develop and implement procedures for using advanced computed tomography inspection techniques for the reliable evaluation of the quality of key rocket nozzle components at various stages of manufacture. The ARNIS will be used for inspecting components for the Small Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (SICBM). It will be integrated into the production line of a carbon-carbon composite nozzle manufacturer and used to inspect SICBM components at various stages of fabrication. Digital radiography and computed tomography of advanced rocket nozzles will be the task of a US

Advisory editor dies It is with sadness that NDT International must record the death of W. Campbell Heselwood, one of the original members of our board of advisory editors. Mr Heselwood had been closely involved with the journal since its inception in 1967 and was still active on the journal's behalf. A full obituary will be published in our next issue.


$3.5 million system order from ARACOR by the Aerojet Strategic Propulsion Company of Sacramento, CA, USA. • Computed tomographic systems by ARACOR are also to be used in a 30-month, $1.5 million programme to develop a nondestructive inspection system for electronic systems and advanced materials. The contract, awarded by the US Defense Nuclear Agency, aims to inspect the metal traces on each layer of multilayered printed circuit boards as well as the solder bonds. The system will also attempt to solve the problems of inspecting new high-temperature composite materials. The ARACOR system is said to be able to resolve the fibre architecture and pore distribution in the material and will be used to assess how various microstructural anomalies develop during processing as well as their effect on known degradation processes in the material. In addition to identifying, sizing and locating flaws the system will also provide a laminographic capability. Laminography enables layer-bylayer imaging within the natural contours of objects and provides a complementary inspection to computed tomography, which provides precise cross-sectional images of the object.

Advanced Research and Applications Corporation (ARACOR), 425 Lakeside Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94086, USA

The Federation is intended to develop a joint, coordinated approach to all activities involving the science and engineering of materials, but at the same time to preserve and focus the autonomy of the constituent members in their specialist fields under the terms of their respective charters and articles of association. The Federation's aims are: "to ensure uniform, high professional, educational and training standards by participating in authoritative engineering council accreditation processes for the full range of materials in our sectors, and to ensure efficient dissemination of information through effective, coordinated learned society activities including publications and conferences.' The Federation intends also to welcome other complementaW materials institutes into the Federation.

The Institute of Ceramics, Shelton House, Stoke Road, Shelton, Stoke on Trent, ST4 2DR, UK

Sponsors sought for sessions Sponsors are being sought for sessions commemorating the 50th anniversary of bonded resistant strain gauges and brittle coatings at conferences of the International Measurement Confederation, the Instrument Society of America, the Society for Experimental Mechanics and the Western Regional Strain Gage Committee. The inventors, developers and pioneers of these techniques will be honoured at the 1988 meetings of the societies, which will feature sessions on the histdry and development of the methods. Sponsors will be listed in the published proceedings for contributions of $ 2 0 0 to $1000. Those interested should contact: Peter Stein, Stein Engineering Services Inc, 5602 East Monte Rosa, Phoenix, AZ 85018, USA

NDT International August 1987