Airmaster furnace contracts worth £650,000

Airmaster furnace contracts worth £650,000

Airmaster furnace contracts worth f650,OOO In the last 12 months, Yorkshire-based Airmaster Engineering has installed three major dust and fume arres...

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Airmaster furnace contracts worth f650,OOO

In the last 12 months, Yorkshire-based Airmaster Engineering has installed three major dust and fume arrestment systems at a UK iron founders with a combined contract value of 2650,000. Airmaster also report that all three are achieving emission levels well below the requirements of the UK Environmental Protection Act. In 1995, Airmaster installed the first centralised dust and fume extraction system to be introduced within the UK foundry industry, and the first of the latest installations follows on from this. This involved the replacement of an elderly wet collector system in an existing green sand plant with a dry bag filter. Having a total extraction volume of 75,650 m3/hr, the filter bag exhausts air from the sand plant plus the associated shake out area and castings conveyor. Airmaster say it incorporates lagging and trace

heating of the ducting to prevent moisture dew point problems. The other two systems were installed to serve a new foundry, at a new site providing the iron founders with additional capacity for the production of SG iron castings, which are used primarily by the automotive industry. Two five tonne induction furnaces are exhausted by an Airmaster filter system with a maximum extraction volume of 52,000 m3/hr. As an integral part of the system Airmaster fitted close capture hydraulically operated hoods on the two furnaces. Capable of being tilted during the pouring and metal treatment process, the hoods ensure that nearly all the fume is captured by the extraction equipment. T h e n e w f o u n d r y ’s green and sand plant, which is equipped with the latest Disamatic moulding

Chemistry Journal on the Internet The first issue of the Internet Journal of Chemistry (IJC) has now been published on the Internet by Infotrust, Ltd at: IJC will operate with no subscription cost for the entire 1998 year. During this time everyone has complete access to the journal articles, reviews, and search engines. Subscription rates for 1999 have yet to be established. The editor-in-chief of IJC is Steven Bachrach, Professor of Chemistry at Northern Illinois University. The Journal’s editorial board includes such contributors as: Stephen Heller, US Department of Agriculture; Toni Kazic, Washington University; Jan Labanowski, Ohio Supercomputer Center; Peter Murray-Rust, University; Nottingham Thomas Pierce, Rohm and Haas; Rzepa, Henry Imperial College. Steven Bachrach comments, “The principal aim of The Internet Journal of Chemistry is to provide an electronic venue for the communication of current chemical research, with enabling tools that allow for presentation of information that cannot be distributed in print. In addition, IJC will encourage the development of Internet resources for chemists. This includes news of Internet databases and tools; new software for handling Internet data; visualization tools and the like.” Department of ChemisIllinois Northern tW Universi% DeKalb, IL 60115, USA. Tel: + 1 8 15 753 6863. E-mail: smb @smb.chem. niu. edu

machine, i s s e r v e d b y an Airmaster extraction system capable of operating to a maximum of 63,000 m3/hr. Airmaster report that all three systems feature an 18m high stack to exhaust the cleaned air to atmosphere. The stacks are fitted with sound reduction equipment plus a dust monitor and data logger for the continuous monitoring of emissions. In addition, each of the fully automatic extraction systems has a single control panel. According to Airmaster, all three new installations are expected to achieve emissions to atmosphere of less than 1 0mg/Nm3.This is substantially below the 20mg/Nm3 stipulated by the EPA for melting and 50mg/Nm3 for other foundry equipment. Airmaster Engineering Ltd, Limewood Approach, Seacroft, Leeds LS14 lNG, UK. Tel: +44 113 272 3333; Fax: +44 113 265 0735.

Zander fuels domnick hunter expansion Unveiling its year end results for 1997, domnick hunter has said that last years f6.5 million acquisition of Zander has proved to be a notable success. Under 10 months of domnick hunter ownership, German-based Zander contributed f11.5 million to

nearly turnover and f950,OOO to profits. domnick hunter say that the growth strategy of the Group has being based upon organic growth rather than acquisition, and this remains largely the case. However, based upon the success with the acquisition of Zander,

domnick hunter say it is considering a more proactive, if low key approach, to strategic acquisitions. Group pre-tax profits rose 12% to f9.6 million on turnover of f65.8 million. However, operating margins slid from 17.3 % to 15.6 %. This was blamed on

Zander’s lower margins of just over 8%, yet Zander margins had already risen 2% under domnick hunter ownership. domnick hunter Group p/c, Durham Road, Birtlex Co. Durham, DH3 2% UK. Tel: +44 191 410 5121; Fax: +44 191410 8452.