Recent public health literature

Recent public health literature

PUBLIC HEALTH. i916. themselves to arrange with their staffs regarding the duties of Clinical Officer. " That in advertising the facilities provided...

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themselves to arrange with their staffs regarding the duties of Clinical Officer. " That in advertising the facilities provided in each area it should be made plain that the Medical Officer of Health will always be ready to advise people as to the methods of treatment which are available for them. " That as a temporary measure the fees suggested by the Local Government Board for the pathological work under the Public Health (Venereal Diseases) Regulations 1916 be adopted, plns the incidental expenses for apparatus and postages which are roughly estimated at 2s. 6d. in each case for Wasserman Reactions. " T h a t some remuneration be provided in all schemes for the extra duties devolving on the Medical Officer of Health under the Regulations." After considerable discussion, which was joined in by Drs. Marsden, Cares, Hewat, Hibbert, Wilkinson, McMaster and Joseph, the recommendations were adopted. It was resol~zed that the Recommendation dealing with the remuneration of Medical Officers of Health in schemes formulated under these Regulations should be forwarded to the Council, asking that this aspect of the question may be placed before the Local Government Board. RECENT PUBLIC HEALTH LITERATURE

BIRTH-RATE. P A R K E S (L' C.). The national and social aspects of the lowered birth-rate. Journ. Roy. Sanit. Inst., 1915, xxxvi, 473. Discussion, 483. BERIoBERI. WILLCOX (W. H.). Beri-beri, with reference to prophylaxis and treatment. Lancet, 1916, i, 553. BLOOD. LOVIBOND (J. W.). The colour of blood in health and disease. Journ. Roy. Sanit. fnst.~ i916-I7, xxxvii, I. Discussion, p. 4. CHILDREN, CARE OF. AYERS (E. A.). The conservation of infant life. Pediatrics, 1916, xxviii, 6.--THOMSON (J). Child welfare. Jogrn. State Med., 1916 , xxiv, 86. CHOLERA. GELARIE (A. J.). Vitality of the cholera vibrio in the water of New York Bay. Medical Record, N.Y., 1916, lxxxix, 236. DERMATITIS, OCCUPATIONAL. W H I T E (R. P.). Some new forms of occupational dermatitis. Lancet, 1916, i, 40o.-GARDINER (F.). Some points in the causation of occupation dermatitis. Journ. State Med., i916, xxiv, 82.


DISINFECTION. NORTON (J. F.). and HSU (P. H.). The physical chemistry of disinfection. Journ. In/ect. Dis., 1916, xviii, 18o. DYSENTERY. CASTELLANI (A.). Notes on dysentery vaccination. Brit. Med. Journ., 1916 , i, 3o6. --LOW (G. C.). Ammbic dysentery. Practitioner, 1916, xcvi, 320. FEVER. HILL (R. A. P.). Diagnosis of fevers among the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force. Lancet, 1916, i, 5o4.--JONA (J. L.). A contribution to the study of fever. Med. Journ. o/Australia, 1916, i, 71. FOOD POISONINO. ANGUS (W.). Notes on an outbreak of food poisoning. Journ. Roy. Sanit. Inst., 1916-17, xxxvii, 6. INFLUENZA. NAIVIMACK (C. H.). The bacteriology of the recent grip epidemic. Medical Record, N.Y., 1916, lxxxix, 368. JAUNDICE. WILLCOX (W. H.). The epidemic jaundice of campaigns. Brit. Med. Journ., 1916, i, 297. LEPROSY. JOHNSTON (S. A.). Leprosy. Philippine Journ. o/Sci., 1916, B, x, 365. MALARIA. S T E V E N (LIEUT. W. S. R.). Report of an iuvestigation in regard to the prevalence of malaria amongst the troops stationed at Karachi, 1913. Journ. Roy. Army Med. Corps, 1915, xxiv, 251. MENINfiITIS. BENIANS (T. H, C.). Cerebro-spinal fever. Practitioner, 1915, xcv, 653.--ROLLESTON (T~II~. SIJgG.-GE~¢. H. D.). Report on cerebrospinal fever in the Royal Navy. Journ. Roy. Naval Med. Service, 1915, i, 373. MENIN01T|S, CEREBR0°SPINAL. DONALDSON (R.). A contribution to the study of the etiological factor in so-called cerebro-spinal fever. Lancet, 1915, i, 1333--NABARRO (D.). On the bacteriology of cerebro-spinal fever. Brit. Journ. Children's Dis., 1915, xii, I93.---TREADGOLD (Lieu2. C. H.). Cerebro-spinal meningitis in the Salisbury Plain area during the early part of 1915. Journ. Roy. Army Med. Corps, 1915, xxiv, 221. OCCUPATIONS, DISEASES OF. BUTLER (T. H.). Industrial diseases caused by light, and their prevention. Birmingham Med. Rev., 1915, lxx~)iii, 97.--CALLER (E. H.). Industrial conditions most responsible for disease. Public Health, Michigan, 1915, N . S . , iii, 518.



SANITATION. FRF~GCOLN (L. D.). Sanitation among the Indians. Internal. Clinics, 1915, 25th ser., iii, I58. SEWAOE DISPOSAL. SMITH (A. W.). The construction and working of the Royal Military Camp Sewage-disposaI works at Ripon. Journ. Roy. Sanit. Inst., 1916-17, xxxvii, 17. Discussion, p, 21. SCARLET FEVER. HEKTOEN (L.). Scarlet fever. Public Health, Michigan, 1915, N.S., iii, 5o6. SCHOOL CHILDREN. PETERSEN (E. A.). Medical inspection of school children. Cleveland Mad. Journ., 1915, xi'v, 744. SOIL. NORTH (J-). " Back to the Soil." The relation of pulmonary tuberculosis to soil formation. Mad. Record, N.Y., 1914, lxxxvi, 969 . SORE THROAT. BIGGS (H. ~.) ~ilk-borue septic sore throat : A new health problem. Medical Record, N.Y., 1915, lxxxviii, 945. SYPHILIS. DUDDING (STAFF-SURG. J. S,). Syphilis in the Navy. Journ. Roy. Naval Med. Service, 1915, i, 239.--STILLIANS (A. W.). The prevention of syphilis. New. York Med. Journ., 1915, cii, 134. TEETH, DISEASES OF. POTTER (W. t-I.). Measures calculated to reduce the incidence of dental disease from the sixth to twelfth years. Brit. Dental fourn., 1916, xxxvii, 97. TEETH. CARE OF. LOPPENTHEIN (J. W.). Care of the teeth and good health. Public Health, Michigan, 1915, N.S., iii, 59. TETANUS. MAC CONKEY (A. T:). The prophylaxis of tetanus. Brit. Mad. fourn., 1915, it, 849. TICK FEVER. DRAKE-BROCKMAN (R. E.). On an epidemic of African tick fever anmng the trocps in British Somaliland. Trans. Socy. TroD. Mad. and Hyg., 1915, viii, 201. Discussion, p. 2o7. TOBACCO. CULVERWELL (G. H:). The toxic possibilities of tobacco smoke. Dublin Journ. M. Sci., 1915, cx~xix, 241. TOWN PLANNING FRANCIS (T. E.). Town-planning bye-law. Journ. Roy. Sanit. Inst., 1915, xxxvi, 69. Discussion, p. 75. TROPICAL DISEASES. BALFOUR (A.). Tropical problems in the New World. Trans. Socy. Tr@. Mad. & Hyg., 1914-15, viii, 75. Discussion, p. lO9.


TROPICS, SANITATION IN. ROSS (SIR R.). Government, and civil and military sanitation in the Tropics. fourn. State Med., 1915, xxiii, 97TR£PANOSOM|ASIS. BRUCE

(SIR D.). The Croonian Lectures on

trypanosomes causing disease in mart and domestic animals in Central Africa. L~neet; 1915, i, 1323. TUBERCULOSIS. RIHA (W: W.). Tuberculosis in children. Medical Record, N.Y., 1915, lxxxviii, 229. TUBERCULOSIS. HOLBROOK (J. H.). The relation of school children to the anti-tuberculosis campaign. Canad. Pract. de Ray., 1915, xl, 33I.--KENWOOD (H.) and EMILY L. DOVE. The risks from tuberculous infection retained in books. Lancet, 1915, it, 66. ~. FADYEAN (SIR J.) and KNOWLES (LI~ua?. R. H.). The diagnosis of tuberculosis in cattle by inoculation of guineapigs with antiformeded f~eces. Journ. Coup. Path. and Therap., 1915, xxviii, lO7. TYPHOID FEVER. ELMER (W. P.). Study of a recent typ!mid , epidemic, with especial reference to the use of I anti-typhoid vaccines, fourn. Amer. Med. Assoc., 1915, lxiv. I,I47.--FRAZIER (W. L.). The abolition of typhoid fever. Medical Record, N.Y., 1915, lxxxvii, 476.--OGAN (M. L.). Immtmization in a typhoid outbreak in the Sloane Hospital for Women. New York Mad. Journ, 1915, ci, 6Io.--WILLE (V. A.). T h e direct mierosdopJc localization of the typhoid bacilli in the blood of the patient, and its significance with regard to diagnosis and treat, merit. Journ. Trop. Mad., I915, xviii, 67 ; g o . COLLINS (R2 J.) and PERKINS (R. G.). Typhoid fever in I913. Cleveland Med. Journ., 1914, xiii, 786.--GUTIERREZ (P.). Typhoid fever in tbe Philippines. Philippine fourn. Sci., 1914, ix, B. 367.--HARRIS (L. I.) and OOAN (M. I,.). Experiences of the New York Health Department in typhoid immunization. Journ. Amer. Mad. Assoc., 1915, lxiv, 3.--OSLER (SIR W.). The war and typhoid fever. Trans. Socy. o/ Trop. Mad. and Hyg., 1914, viii, 45Discussion, p. 62.--BASSETT-SMITH (P. W.). Typhoid and its prevention. Journ. Roy. Naval Med. Service, 1915, i, 49.--DUDLEY (S. F.). Note on a typhoid carrier. Journ. Roy. Naval Med. Service, 1915, i, 63.--OSLER (SrR W.). The war and typhoid fever. ]ourn. Trop. Mad., 1915, xviii, IS.--ANDERSON (A. V. M.). Secondary. infections in typhoid fever. Med. Journ. o/Australia, 1915, N. S., it, 23.--CECIL (R. L.). On the relative virulence of sensitized and non-sensitized typhoid bacilli. Journ. In/ect. Dis., 1915, xvi, 26.--HANSEN (P.) and PARKER (H. N.). Typhoid fever in Rockford~ Illinois. Journ. In/act. Dis., 1915, xvi, I.