J~u~,y, x9o8]
Recent Public Health Literature
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K L E I N (E.). A contribution to bacteriological analysis of materials polluted with the Bacillus ty2hosus. Lancet, 1907, ii, 1519.
SCHRADIECK (E. C.). Amethod of obtaining cultures from h u m a n blood. Amer. Jour. Med. Sciences, 1907, cxxx~v, 865.
Aeropathy or compressed air illness among tunnel workers. Jour. Amer. Med. Assoc., 1907, xlix, 1665.--RUDGE (F. H.). A case of " Caisson disease." Lancet, 1907, it, 1675.
S T E P H E ~ S O N (S.). The Calmette Serum reaction in ophthalmology. Amer. Jour. Ophthalmol., 1907, xxiv, 329.
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Diphtheria and schools.
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Fowl spiritlosis.
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COLVIN (T.) Is bubonic plague still lurking in the City of Glasgow? Lancet, 1907, ii, 1522.
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Scott. Med. and
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Recent Public Health Literature
RONZANI (E.). Ueber das Verhalten des bakterizin Verm6gens der Lungen gegeniiber einigen Ursachen, die dasselbe zu modifizieren verm6gen. Arch. fi~r Hygiene, 1907, lxiii, 339. MALARIA.
WOOD (E. J.). A mixed infection with tertian and quartan malaria occurring in a patient with symmetrical gangrene. Jour. Amer. Med. Assoc., 1907, xlix, 1891. MALTA FEVER.
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P O T T E R (N. B.). Further observations on opsonins in normal and pathologic sera. [four. Amer. Med. Assoc., 1907, xlix, 1815. RELAPSING FEVER.
1VIACKIE (F. P.). The part played by pediculus corporis in the transmissiou of relapsing fever. Brit. Med. Jour., 1907, ii, 1706. SCHOOL -CHILDREN.
W I L L I A M S (L. R.). A plea for ~be physical examination of all school children. Jour. Amer. Med. Assoc., 2907, xtix, 1663. SERUM TREATMENT.
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