The East Midland branch

The East Midland branch

PUBLIC HEALTH. :\04 travel in this way before arranging the startingpoint. A letter was read from Dr. Laird (Cambridge) suggesting a visit by member...

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travel in this way before arranging the startingpoint. A letter was read from Dr. Laird (Cambridge) suggesting a visit by members of the Branch to the Peckham Health Centre in the autumn . The Hon . Secretary was asked to include the suggestion in the programme for next session. On the motion of Dr. Dupont, seconded by Dr. Laird, it was resolved unanimously that the candidature of Dr. W. G. Savage (Somerset) be supported for the Presidency of the Society during the coming session. Dr. D. J. Thomas (Acton), opened a discussion on ,. Diphtheria Immunisation," which proved of great interest, no fewer than twelve of those present following Dr. Thomas' paper with comments and questions. After Dr. Thomas had replied, a hearty vote of thanks was accorded him for bringing the matter before the Branch.

• THE SOUTHERN BRANCH. President: Dr. H. D. Kelf, Asst. M.O.It., Hants County Council. Hon. Secretary: Dr. A. B. Williamson, M .O.H., Portsmouth.

A meeting of this Branch was held at the Guildhall, Portsmouth, on April 5th, 1935. In the absence of the President, Dr. H. C. Maurice Williams was voted to the chair. A letter from the Executive Secretary in regard to the supply of milk to school children was read, asking for the views of the members on the actual working of the scheme during the past three months of its operation. It was generally agreed that the scheme was working very well; that there was an increasing demand each week by children for milk; that milk purveyors were encouraged to instal efficient pasteurising plants, and that the scheme might profitably be extended to apply to pre-school children. Dr. J. W. Hunter (Senior Assistant Medical Officer of Health and Tuberculosis Officer, Portsmouth) gave an interesting paper on " Tuberculosis." The chief ideas put forward were, first, that the dispensary unit should now be located as a section of an out-patient department at all municipal hospitals, where all the amenities of an up-to-date general hospital would be available for investigation; secondly, contact examination should be carried out at home, in consultation with the family doctor, and the " suspects " would be referred to the


dispensary unit for fuller investigation; thirdly, it is advisable that the forms of institutional treatment of all cases of pulmonary tuberculosis should, at the heginning, be hospitalisation; and fourthly, as to after-care, the time was apparently now ripe for the institution of a pension scheme, based on the family requirements and governed by regulations to which the patient and family must adhere. A lively discussion followed, in which Drs. j. R. Tibbles, W. D. Beck, A. E. Druitt, E. C. Watts, H. C. Maurice Williams and A. B. Williamson took part. It was unanimously agreed to have the paper forwarded to the Hon, Editor of PUBLIC HEALTH with a view to publication in the journal.

THE EAST MIDLAND BRANCH. President: Dr. J. A. Fairer, M.O .H., Leicestershire C.C. Hon, Secretary : Dr. J. A. Stirling, M.O.H ., Chesterfield•

A meeting of this Branch was held in the Guildhall, Nottingham, on March 14th, 1935~ Dr. C. Banks occupied the chair, and twenty-six members and five guests were present. A discussion on " Diphtheria I I was opened by a series of short papers given by the following members: Dr. Barker (who dealt with the clinical side); Dr. l\lcKenzie (who discussed the administrative point of view); and Drs. Booth and Millard (whose contributions were concerned with the question of immunisationj, That the information so ably given in the papers was appreciated was shown by .t h e prolonged and very interesting discussion which followed, and at its close a hearty vote of thanks was accorded to the openers by Dr. Tibbits, seconded by Dr. Haigh.

• THE MATERNITY AND CHILD WELFARE GROUP. President: Dr. Stella Churchill. HUll. Secretary : Dr. Muriel Radford, .. Clwyd," l\lanor WilY, Potters Bar. Middlesex.

A meeting of this Group was held at the house of the Society on March 22nd, 1935, the President occupying the chair. Thirty-five members and visitors attended. An illuminating and interesting paper embody. ing the results of much observation and research was read by Dr. Helen l\lackay, F.R .C.P., On fC Ana:mla In Infants and Young Ohlldren, I I In the animated discussion which followed
