The East Midland Branch

The East Midland Branch

JULY, PUBLIC HEALTH. 318 THE YORKSHIRE BRANCH. President : Lieut.-Colonel H. T, Bates, O.B.E., B.A., M.B., D.P.rI., M.O.H., Ilkley U.D., and Bur...

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318 THE



President : Lieut.-Colonel H. T, Bates, O.B.E., B.A., M.B.,

D.P.rI., M.O.H., Ilkley U.D., and Burley-in-Wharfedale U.D. Hon. Secretary : Dr. G. H. Pearce, M.O.H., Batley.

A meeting of this Branch was held in the Education, Offices, Calverley Street, Leeds, on May 27th, 1932, the President occupying the chair. Fifteen members were present. A letter was received from the Executive Secretary respecting the resignation of Colonel A. E. L. Wear. The Hon. Secretary was instructed to remind the Executive Secretary that the Yorkshire Branch passed a resolution on November 27th, 1931, that the Council of the Society be asked to retain Colonel ~Vear's name upon the Roll of Members. The election by ballot of officers of the Branch for" the session, 1932-33 resulted~ as follows : - President.---Dr. T. N. V. Potts. Vice.President.--Dr. L. Pickering-Pick. Hon. Secretary and Treasurer.--Dr. J. Mair. Member's of Council.~(Ten nominations had been received. Dr. Allardice having withdrawn his candidature, nine candidates were left for seven seats.) The voting was as follows: Drs. W . Barr, 11; J. J. Buchan, 16; N. Gebbie, 10; tI. M. Holt, 11; P. R. McNaught, 8 ; J.B. Samson, 4 ; J. A. Scott, 13 ; R. L. Thornley, 14; and E. A. Underwood, 14. The President declared the following gentlemen duly elected members of Council to serve for one year: Drs. W . Barr, J. J. Buchan, N. Gebbie, H. M. Holt, J. A. Scott, R. L. Thornley, and :E. A. Underwood. Four Representatives of the Yorkshire Branch of the Society on the Yorksh~'e Branch Council o[ the British Medical Association.--Drs. Bates, Jervis, Mair and Pearce. Two Auditors.--Drs. J. J, Buchan and T. N. V . Potts. VeterinaLv Representative on the Council of the Branck (Non-official).---Lieut.-Colonel J. A, Dixon, T.D. Dental Representative on the Council of the Branch, (Non-official).--Mr. B. R. Townend, L.D.S. Consideration was given to memoranda from the Tuberculosis Group. T h e following resolutions were unanimously agreed to : - (1) That the Council of the Society be asked to approve the memoranda and to ask the Ministry of

Health to simplify the returns needed so far as may be practicable. (2) That local authorities be encouraged to employ tuberculous ex-patients on their tuberculosis staff wherever possible. (3) The Branch does not agree with some of the statements in the preamble of the memorandum on the employment of tuberculous staffs in tuberculosis institutions, particularly with respect to superannuation. The President, on behalf of the Branch, congratulated Dr. G. H. Pearce on being nominated by the Council of the Society for the Presidency of the Society of Medical Officers of Health d u r i n g the session 1932-33. Dr. Pearce briefly replied, and asked to be relieved of the duties of lion. Secretary and Treasurer in consequence of the great honour which had been done him by his colleagues in the Society. Dr. J. J. Buchan proposed, and Dr. Pearce seconded, that Dr. J. Mair, Medical Officer of Health, Harrogate, be elected Hon. Secretary and Treasurer. This was carried unanimously. THE




President : Dr. B. C. Stevens, M.O.It., Grimsby. Hon. Secretary : Dr, J. A. Stifling, M.O.H., Chesterfield.

The annual meeting of this Branch was held at the Town Hall, Grimsby, on J~une 2nd, 1932. The members were received by the Mayor (Councillor C. W . Dixon) and other members of the Corporation. Following lunch, the annual business meeting took place, the President occupying the chair. Sixteen members were present. T h e annual report of the Hon. Secretary and Treasurer was read and adopted. The following office-bearers were elected for the session 1932-33 : - President.--Dr. C. Banks {Nottingham). President-Elect. - - Dr. H. C. Jennings (Boston (Lincs.) C.C.). Vice-President. - - Dr. B. C. Stevens (Grimsby). Hon. Secretary and Treasurer, and Representative on Council of Society.--Dr. J. A. Stirling (Chesterfield). Branch Council.--Drs. W . M. Ash, H. L. Barker, "VV. S. H. Campbell, J. A. Fairer, J. Ferguson, C. K . Millard, A. Morrison, A. A. E. Newth, ~V. B. Stott, A. C. Tibbits, and Mr. V. C. Carrington. D u r i n g the afternoon visits were paid to the Docks, Corporation Maternity Home, Nuns-



thorpe Sch9ol, and the Corporation Sanatorium and Isolation Hospital. The members were entertained at tea at the Corporation Sanatorium, and at its conclusion a hearty vote of thanks was accorded to the Mayor, and also to Dr. Stevens, who arranged such an enjoyable and instructive programme.



President : Dr. Peter Edwards, Med. Sup*., Cheshire Joint Sanatorium. Hon. Secretary.: Dr. Ernest Ward, T.O., South Devon,


the Joint Tuberculosis Council, and the H o n . Secretary was thanked for the two memoranda circulated. T h e H o n . Secretary read through the Constitution of the Group, and was asked to circulate this, together with a suggested new Constitution and rules, for consideration at tile next meeting. T h e question of salaries was briefly discussed. Friday, October 2ist, 1932, at 10.30 a.m., were the date and time fixed for the next meeting.


A meeting of the Group Committee was held at the house of the Society on May 20th, 1932. The President and twelve members were present. T h e H o n . Secretary and Council Representative a n n o u n c e d : (a) That Dr. YVatson had been elected to represent the Welsh Branch in place of Dr. J. L. Thomas.' Dr. Watson, present for the first time, was welcomed by the Chairman. (b) That the Central Council for Health :Education contemplated the organisation of health exhibitions and was also formulating a scheme of national health propaganda. Dr. Powell pointed out that the Welsh National Memorial Association, though responsible for much propaganda, had never been invited to a conference, and the Iton. Secretary promised to convey this information to the proper quarter. (c) That the Joint Tuberculosis Council had appointed a committee, consisting of Drs. Burrell, Tattersall, Coutts, and Esther Carling, to rereport upon the standards of diagnosis and the treatment of thoracic tuberculosis in children. (d) That the G r o u p ' s proposed amendments of the Constitution of the Society had not been carried, but that the General Purposes Committee were still considering how it could be arranged that specialist officers should have fuller representation on the Council of the Society. Dr. Jessel was nominated President of the Group for the session 1932-33; Drs. Peter Edwards and Trayer, Vice-Presidents; and Dr. Ernest W a r d , H o n . Secretary and Council Representative. A memorandum on the working of dispensaries, which had been circulated, was discussed and it was decided to take no further action for the present. The after-results of artificial pneumothorax were discussed. This subject was referred to


FEVER HOSPITAL MEDICAL SERVICE G R O U P . President : Dr. E. W. Goodall, o.n.E. l-Ion. Secretary: Dr. Alexander Joe, D.s.c., NorthWestern Hospital, London County Council.

T h e annual meeting of this Group was held at the Society's house on May 27th, 1932. The President occupied the chair and there were seventeen members present. The officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows :--President, Dr. E. W . Goodall ; Vice-Presidents, Dr. F. H. Thomson, Dr. E. H . R . Harries and Dr. D. Sage Sutherland ; Hon. Secreta~'y, Dr. A. Joe. Othe.r membe1"s of the Council: Drs. H . S. Banks, Anderson, Egerton Williams, J. MacGarrity, Borthwick, Ronaldson, Blake, Sawyer, Cubley, Gunn and R e e d . Mr. VV. H . H o b d a y , F.R.I.B.A., read a paper on " The Modern Isolation H o s p i t a l , " which dealt exhaustively with all the most important matters connected with hospitals for infectious disease, from the general lay-out according to the site and size to the latest improvements in respect of lighting, heating and the cleaning and disinfection of utensils. It appeared from the paper that the most noticeable advances of recent years had been those in connection with the details of internal arrangements and the nature o:f the materials used in construction. The cost per bed o.f erecting these hospitals had gone up considerably since the W a r , before which £400 had been the a.verage and £500 had been considered high. Now the cost in several hospitals of which Mr. H o b d a y gave details was between £600 and £700. In the discussion which followed, Dr. Sutherland (Monsall), Dr. Williams (Sheffield), Dr. Gordon P u g h (Carshalton), Dr. E. James (Romford), and the President took part.