Dr. Stanley (a guest) considered that healthy competition between the medical and surgical staffs of voluntary and municipal hospitals was all to the good, and advocated parttime consulting staffs at municipal hospitals in preference to. making it a separate service. Dr. F. B. Mackenzie read a short paper reviewing the results and findings of diphtheria immunization in a school population of ,595, amongst whom the incidence of diphtheria had been unusually heavy. At the commencement of his campaign the susceptible school-children in the district amounted to 60 per cent. of the whole, and at the end of the campaign this had been reduced to 40 per cent. and the epidemic had entirely ceased. Dr. Mackenzie gave full details of the work done, including the percentage of children accepting the offer of immunization, the number giving the Schick positive reaction before immunization, the number immunized, arid the number who were still Schick positive after immunization. Dr. Burn stated that Birmingham were imnmnizing a thousand school-children a week at a cost of approximately 2s. 6d. per immunization, including the services of the staff engaged on the work. Dr. Auden said that preliminary Schick testing had been entirely given up prior to the routine immunizatio.n of school-children in Birmingham, and emphasised the importance of approaching the parents through the head teachers. He said that in Birmingham they were getting 7,5 per cent. of acceptances from parents. The meeting concluded with a hearty vote of thanks to Dr. Massey and Dr. Mackenzie for their interesting papers. THE EAST MIDLAND BRANCH. P r e s i d e n t : Dr. B. C. Stevens, M.O.H., Grimsby. H o n . S e c r e t a r y : Dr. J. A. Stirling, M.O.I-I.,Chesterfield.
A meetin K of this Branch was held in the Guildhall, Nottingham, on March 10th, 1932, the President occupying the chair. Nineteen members were present, and apologies for absence were received from four members. It was unanimously agreed that the E a s t Midland Branch support the nomination of Dr. Ernest W a r d for the office of President of the Society for tile session 1932-33. A discussion on the " Aims and Objects of the Central Council for Health Education " was opened by Mr. G. L. C, Elliston, Secre-
tary, and Mr. T. Crew, Organising Secretary, of the Central Council. Mr. Elliston gave an account of the constitution and activities of the Council, while Mr. Crew dealt raainly with the practical application of the methods of health education. An interesting discussion ensued, in which too,st of the members present took part. A hearty vote of thanks was acco,rded the speakers on the proposition of Dr. Cyril Banks, seconded by Dr. Fairer. It was agreed that the next meeting of the Branch be held at the Guildhall, Nottingham, on Thursday, April 14th, 1932, when Dr. Mary Weston will read a paper on infant welfare. THE WELSH BRANCH. Dr. D. A. Powell, Principal Medical Officer, Welsh National MemorialAssociation. Hon. Secretary : Dr. D. J. Thomas, Deputy M.O.m, Rhondda. President :
A meeting of this Branch was held at the Glanely Tuberculosis Hospital, Cardiff, on February 25th, 1982. The President occupied the chair, and twenty-two; members and visitors attended. Before the commencement of the meeting the members were entertained to tea by the Matro.n of the ttospital. Consideration was given to the resolution submitted to, the Society by the Northern Branch regarding the establishment .of a special committee to advise local authorities in the selection of candidates for appointment in the public health service, and it was decided to support the resolution. Correspondence relating to three nominations for the Presidency of the Society during the session 1932-33 was discussed, and it was decided that the matter be referred for the consideration of the Branch Council. Dr. A. G. M. Severn, Medical Officer of Health, Pontypridd, read an interesting paper on " Ultra-Violet I.ight and Public H e a l t h , " which has been forwarded to the H o n o r a r y F..dito.r of PUBLm HFALTH with a view to publication. The President, during the course of the discussion, emphasised the importance of the adequate training" of nurses employed in ultraviolet light departments. Dr. Gilchrist remarked on the value of ultra-violet light therapy for the treatment of abdominal tuberculosis, but noted that this form of therapy was extremely dangerous in some of the pulmonary forms of the disease,