1933. THE
President : Dr. Cyril Banks, M.O.H., Nottingham.
Hon. Secretary : Dr. J. A. Stirling, M.O.H., Chesterfield. A meeting of this Branch was held at Messrs. Zenobia's, Loughborough, on November 24th, 1932, Dr. B. C. Stevens occupying the chair. Seventeen members and ten guests were present. Mr. C. J. Bond, C.M.G., F.R.C.S., read a very stimulating and instructive paper on " E u g e n i c s in relation to Preventive Medieine and Publie Health," which was very much appreciated. To the regret of those present, time did, not permit a discussion. Mr. Bond was cordially thanked for his paper, on the proposition of Dr. Newth, seconded bv Dr. Millard. Mr. C. Emerson Huston, of Messrs. Zenobia, gave what was described by the Chairman as a racy, fragrant and msthetic address on " P e r f u m e r y , " and a cordial vote of thanks, proposed by Dr. Fairer and seconded by Dr. Graham, was accorded him by the Branch.
FEVER HOSPITAL SERVICE G R O U P . President : Dr. E. W. Goodall, O.mE.
Hon. Secretary: Dr. Alexander Joe, D.S,C., North-
Western Hospital, London County Council.
A meeting of this Group was held at the house of the Society on November 25th, 1932, t h e President occupying the chair. The President read a report he had prepared on the subject of " The Teaching of Infectious Diseases to Medieal Students." The report was based on evidence obtained, through the Society, from the licensing, examining and teaching bodies in Great Britain and Ireland. The subject had already been discussed by the General Purposes Committee of the Society in response to certain resolutions passed by the Group, but decision on the matter had been deferred for the production of additional evidence. This was afforded by the report. A discussion followed, which was opened by the President, and i n which Professor W . W . Jameson, Dr. Sage Sutherland, Dr. A. Topping and Dr. A. Joe took part. A letter on the subject from Dr. :E. H. R. Harries was also read.
The report was adopted and ordered I~ b~" forwarded to the General Purposes Committee of the Society, The Council of the Group has fixed the following dates for meetings during the session : - - J a n u a r y 27th, in London (subject to be announced); March 81st, in London (Dr. Egerton Williams, of Sheffield, will read a paper on " Cerebrospinal Fever ") ; May 26th, a provincial meeting (place to be announced) ; and June 30th, in London (Dr. Benn, of Birmingham, will read a paper on " Heart Failure in Diphtheria "). THE
President : Dr. G. H. Dupont, M.O.H.,Twickenham.
Hon. Secretary: Dr. C. E. E. Herington, M.O.H., Erith. A meeting of the :Executive Committee of" this Group was held at the house of the Society on October 21st, 1932, the President occupying the chair. He was supported by Drs. G. H . Pearce, Linton (F. T. C.), Barker, McDonald (J. F.), Williams (C. L.), Wilkes, Adamson, and the Hon. Secretary. Apologies for absence were received from Drs. M'Gonigle, Allen, Orr, Tapper, Horsburgh and Buchan. The meeting welcomed Dr. G. H. Pearce who, later in the afternoon, was installed as President of the Society. The activities of the Group were reviewed, and a provisional programme formulated for the forthcoming session. T h e meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the Chairman. A meeting of the Group was held a t tile house of the Society on December i6th, 1932, w h e n , in addition to the President of the Society, there were nine members present. Apologies for absence were received from eight others. The question of reading a paper was considered, and it was decided to ask Dr. Burton to prepare one. Consideration was given to the Local Government and Other Officers' Superannuation (Amendment) Bill, the Hon. Secretary having reported correspondence between the Executive Secretary of the Society and himself. A resolution was moved by Dr. E. H. T. S a s h and carried unanimously. Its purport was that the disabilities suffered by medical officers