Abhandlungen des zentralen geologischen instituts, 8—Erläuterungen zu den sporenstratigraphischen tabellen vom zechstein bis zum oligozäm
Abhandlungen des Zentralen Geologischen Instituts, 8 Erl6uterungen zu den sporenstratigraphiscken Tabellen vom Zechstein bis zum Oligoz6n. H. D6RING, ...
Abhandlungen des Zentralen Geologischen Instituts, 8 Erl6uterungen zu den sporenstratigraphiscken Tabellen vom Zechstein bis zum Oligoz6n. H. D6RING, W. KRUTZSCH, D. H. MA1 und E. "ScHuLZ. Zentrales Geol. Inst., Berlin, 1966 (appeared 1968) 149 pp., 15 loose-leaf tables, M D N 15,--. At the Second International Conference on Palynology (Utrecht, The Netherlands, 1966) a few preprints were distributed of a very valuable work which was a complication demonstrating the stratigraphic distribution of spore and pollen species in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic of northern central Europe. This work has now appeared in its final version. It contains seven papers (one by Schulz, two by Schulz and Mai, two by D6ring and two by Krutzsch) which review the most important literature on the subject and give detailed information about the stratigraphy as it was developed on the basis of palynological information.