N e w Officers of the American Dairy Science Association New officers for 1987--1988 are: from the Production Division, H. H. Van Horn, University of Florida, Vice President; and L. D. Muller, The Pennsylvania State University, Director. Elected from the Dairy Foods Division is T. W. Holzinger, Borden, Inc., Ohio, Director. H. H. (JACK) VAN HORN H.H. (Jack) Van Horn is Professor and Assistant Director of International Programs for the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida. He was born January 13, 1937 in Pomona, Kansas where he grew up on a dairy and general livestock farm. He was active in 4-H programs. He received his B.S. degree in dairy husbandry from Kansas State University in 1958 and M.S. in dairy nutrition in 1959. After completing Ph.D. work at Iowa State University, he was named Extension Dairy Specialist in December 1961 and served in that position as either Assistant or Associate Professor until 1967 when he moved to the University of Kentucky in a research and teaching position and Dairy Commodity Chairman in the Animal Sciences Department. He was there 2 years and was named Assistant Director of Extension for 4-H in 1969. He went to the University of Florida in October 1970 as Professor and Chairman of the Dairy Science Department until July 1981 to serve as Professor with emphasis on dairy cattle feeding and management research and teaching. In November 1986, he became Assistant Director of International Programs. As an extension specialist, Van Horn wrote numerous applied nutrition and dairy cattle management publications and conducted experiments with urea additions to dairy rations and comparison of various forage to concentrate rations for high producing cows. Nutrition experiments at the Universities of Kentucky and Florida emphasized incorporation of and comparison of nonprotein
nitrogen and various protein supplements, lipid, and oil seed products in complete rations of dairy cows, comparison of waste product fiber sources, and calf feeding and management. Van Horn was a member of the winning collegiate team at the National Intercollegiate Dairy Cattle Judging Contest as an undergraduate student. He regularly taught a dairy cattle evaluation course and dairy nutrition course at the University of Florida, coached the dairy cattle judging team, and judged numerous county and state dairy shows. During his time as Chairman, the department's faculty dramatically increased undergraduate majors in dairy science, increased numbers and involvement of graduate students trained, and increased amount and publication of research. He joined ADSA in 1958 and has been Advisor for the Student Affiliate Division of the Southern Branch, served on Dairy Feeding and Management Committee, the ADSA Long Range Planning Committee, the ADSA Production Division Council; Secretary, Vice Chairman, and Chairman of ADSA Production Division; ADSA Director; and Secretary-Treasurer, Vice President, and President of the Southern Branch of ADSA. He is also a member of the American Society of Animal Science, Sigma Xi, Gamma Sigma Delta, Alpha Zeta, and Dairy Shrine Club. He has been active in Baptist and Methodist Churches, is a general sports enthusiast, coached Little League baseball, and has been a leader in local basketball booster clubs. LAWRENCE D. MULLER Lawrence D. Muller is Professor of Dairy Science in the Department of Dairy and Animal Science at The Pennsylvania State University, University Park. He was born and reared on a dairy farm at Washington, Illinois. He received the B.S. degree in dairy science from the University of Illinois in 1964. In 1966 he received the
M.S. degree from the University of Illinois, and in 1969 he earned the Ph.D. degree in animal science from Purdue University. From 1969 to 1971, Muller was an Assistant Professor of Animal Science at Purdue University where he was involved in teaching, research, and coaching the dairy cattle judging team. In 1971 he accepted a position as Assistant Professor in the Department of Dairy Science at South Dakota State University. There he taught three courses in dairy production and management, served as an academic advisor and Advisor to the Dairy Science Club, and conducted research in dairy cattle nutrition and management. In 1976, Muller was the recipient of the Outstanding Teacher Award in the College of Agriculture. In 1976 he accepted a faculty position in dairy science at The Pennsylvania State University. Muller is responsible for teaching courses in dairy nutrition and management, advising undergraduate students, and serves as Advisor to the Penn State Dairy Science Club. He received the Outstanding Advisor Award in 1983 from the Student Affiliate Division of ADSA. In April 1985, he was one of five finalists for the Excellence in Advising Award presented at The Pennsylvania State University. Muller serves on numerous departmental and interdepartmental committees and has chaired several committees. In addition, he has worked with various segments of the dairy industry in Pennsylvania. Muller received the Ralston Purina Teaching Award from ADSA in 1985. Major research areas with which Muller has been involved include calf nutrition and management, forage preservation and utilization, and nutrition and management of lactating cows. He is the author or coauthor of 55 papers in refereed scientific journals and 24 articles in popular press and nonrefereed scientific journals. He received the Gamma Sigma Delta Research Award at The Pennsylvania State University in 1985. Muller has made over 50 presentations at various producer groups and at state, regional, and national meetings including three invited papers at professional meetings. He has made numerous presentations at different nutrition conferences in the US and Canada. He has Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 70, No. 12, 1987
advised 25 graduate students. F o u r of his students have placed either first or second in graduate paper competition at regional or national meetings. Muller has been an active member of ADSA since 1964. His ADSA activities include Feeding and Management Committee (1973 to 1976), State Membership Committee (1973 to 1976), Chairman of the Graduate Student Paper Contest (1975), and Undergraduate Scholarship Recognition Committee (1980 to 1982), Chairperson (1982). He served on the Editorial Board of the Journal o f Dairy Science (1976 to 1981). In the Production Division, he has served as Councilperson (1980 to 1983) and on the Nominating Committee (1982). He has served as Secretary and Vice Chairperson of the Production Division and is currently (1986 to 1987) serving as Chairperson. He was Chairperson of the Education Subcommittee (1981 to 1984) and served as ADSA representative to the Intersociety Committee on Education. He served as Advisor to the Student Affiliate Division (1981 to 1984). Muller has been active in the Northeast Branch of ADSA and served as Secretary (1982), Vice President (1983), and President in 1984. He holds memberships in the American Society of Animal Science (ASAS), American Institute of Nutrition, American Forage and Grassland Council, Gamma Sigma Delta, Sigma Xi, Council of Agricultural Science and Technology, and Dairy Shrine. He has chaired technical paper sessions at ASAS and served on the Dairy Program Committee (1982). T H O M A S W. H O L Z I N G E R
Thomas W. Holzinger is Corporate Director of Technology, Dairy and International Foods for Borden, Inc., Columbus, Ohio. He received his B.S. degree in dairy technology from the University of Vermont in 1953 and his M.S. degree in dairy microbiology from Iowa State University in t954. His professional career
ASSOCIATION AFFAIRS started as a research assistant in biochemistry at the Vermont Agricultural Experiment Station in 1955. He joined the New Jersey Dairy Laboratories as assistant manager in 1956. Holzinger has been with Borden since 1962, starting as Research Associate in New York City. After holding various positions, including that of Director of Research, Product Development, and Quality Control for the Borden Dairy Division, he was assigned in 1972 Corporate Quality Assurance and Regulatory Compliance responsibilities for the dairy and international foods operations. His assignments and responsibilities have extended to the most remote areas of the world. He provided technical and operational assistance to the first milk and ice cream plant built in the eastern province of Saudi Arabia, and he was requested by the King of Morocco to provide technical guidance for setting up a modern cultured dairy products manufacturing facility on the Royal Estate of Fez. Holzinger has been a member of ADSA since 1955. Other memberships include the
Institute of Food Technologists; the International Association of Milk, Food and Environmental Sanitarians; the American Cultured Dairy Products Institute (past Director); the United States National Committee of the International Dairy Federation (Director, as well as member of several IDF groups of experts); Gamma Sigma Delta; and Alpha Zeta. He has been an active participant at the Interstate Milk Shippers Conferences since 1970 and is currently serving as an elected industry member of its Council III. In 1986 Holzinger was appointed to the Commission on Dairy Product Safety, created by the Milk Industry Foundation and the International Ice Cream Association. He is a member of the National Food Processor's Association Aseptic Processing Committee and has given lectures on aseptic processing and packaging at Purdue University's Short Courses since 1984. Holzinger is author of various papers dealing with quality assurance and tests to evaluate t h e quality of dairy products.
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 70, No. 12, 1987