Decision support systems reports and theses: Abstracts
both prescriptive/design and theoretical/explanatory reasons. The literature is then reviewed for the case of work organizations in order to identify lacunae in present approaches and to develop a suggested list of constituent elements of an incentive systems approach. After the definition of 'incentive relation', a conceptual framework for a micro or individual level incentive systems theory is presented. The paper concludes with a brief discussion of possible extensions and applications of the model. Author's Abstract
Barry M. Mitnick, Agents in the environment: Managing in boundary spanning roles, WP-490, Graduate School of Business, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260, USA (1982). The roles played by boundary spanning personnel (BSP) in managing business environments are examined, including informational and integrating and differentiating action transmission roles. In particular, the paper examines BSP as agents and as creators of agents in firm environments. Gains from augmenting environmental resource dependence models with agency concepts are discussed. In illustration, three brief cases based on interviews with fleet administrators are presented.
experiment. The advantages with respect to nonprocedural descriptions of 'operating characteristics' and the flexibility to design alternate simulation experiments are outlined and related to systems enforced data and process integrity conditions. Author's Abstract
Lawrence H. Nitz and Joachim Merz, Household production, consumption and savings- a FELES analysis of the effects of household characteristics, operating assets and human capita~ WP-102, Sonderforschungsbereich 3, J.W. Goethe-Universitaet Frankfurt and Universitaet Mannheim, FRG (1983). This study seeks to explicate production hypotheses for the non-market sector form microdata with relatively detailed measures of input and market values as output measures. Competition between the household production domain and consumption and saving on the market will be examined. The influence of household characteristics, operating assets and human capital are quantified by a cross section analysis of individual household behavior within a FELES (Functionalized Extended Linear Expenditure System) framework. Author's Abstract
Author's Abstract
Gerriet P. Mueller, Data structure requirements of microanalytic simulation models, WP-105, Sonderforschungsbereich 3, J.W. Goethe-Universitaet Frankfurt and Universitaet Mannheim, FRG (1983). A procedure to design Microanalytic Simulation Programs from their logical data structures is proposed. Logical abstraction of model entities (decision units) and relationships (interactions) serves to describe data at a meta level of assertions, so that an independence from the object level of manipulations, the 'operating characteristics', is derived. This results into a stable common reference structure, called 'global MSM-schema', that may be considered as a software-independent documentation of the minimal set of all the dependencies possibly used for any such simulation
W infried Schmaehl, Veraenderungen der Bemes. sungsgrundlage des Arbeitgeberanteils in der Rentenversicherung aus verteilungspolitischer Sich6 AP Nr. 91, Sonderforschungsbereich 3, J.W. GoetheUniversitaet Frankfurt und Universitaet Mannheim, FRG (1982).
In Germany in the last years it was often proposed to change the basis of employers contributions to the social security (especially retirement) system. Instead of the covered payroll (gross wage) for example, the net value added should be used. In this case the employers share of contribution payments would differ from the employees share, which would be based further on gross wage. The proposal for such a change of employer payments to the retirement system is based on assumptions about favorable effects especially on employment,
Decision support systems reports and theses: Abstracts
competition and the possibilities to finance the pension payments with less anti-incentive effects. However, the implications on the income distribution are ignored in most cases. In this paper effects of a changing contribution base for employer payments on the functional and on the personal income distribution are analysed. Inflationary and regressive effects are to be expected by such a change of the computation base for employer contributions. In addition effects of income redistribution within the retirement system are analysed. The degree of interpersonal income redistribution will increase and of intertemporal income redistribution will decrease. The German retirement system will become less of an insurance system and more of a tax-transfer system. At the same time the degree of the protection of property for pension claims by the constitution would be lowered. The possibilities of interventions by parliament and government in pension claims will increase. These effects can lower the acceptance of the social security retirement system. Author's Abstract
Rolf Schulte zur Surlage, Disaggregation der A rbeitsnachfrag¢ nach Qualifikationsmerkmalen Datenbasis und erste empMsche Ergebnisse, AP Nr. 93, Sonderforschungsbereich 3, J.W. Goethe-Universitaet Frankfurt und Universitaet Mannheim, FRG (1983). In this paper, two concepts of explaining and forecasting disaggregated labor-demand in groups of qualifications are discussed: a recursive link of models as an extension of the classical 'manpower-requirement approach' and the specification of econometric labor-demand functions. The problems of finding appropriate indicators for qualifications and constructing a database are shown in detail. In a first empirical investigation it is tried to discover important reasons for the demand for qualifications in different industrial sectors, disaggregated by 'Leistungsgruppen', and sex. As a main result in this paper it is shown that the impacts of production, productivity, and the costs of labor and capital are significantly different for particular groups of labor force. Author's Abstract
Winfried Sclunael, Income analysis based on longitudinal data from social security earnings records: The relative earnings position (age-earnings profile) and the individual replacement rate of German workers, AP Nr. 92, Sonderforsehungsbereich 3, J.W. Goethe-Universitaet Frankfurt und Universitaet Mannheim, FRG (1983). In this paper some possibilities of longitudinal data based on earnings records of the German Social Security Administration (retirement system) for income analysis are discussed. First a short description of the data base is given. Then it is discussed whether there exists an inverse u-shaped age-earnings profile for German workers as is often found on the basis of cross-sectional data. The longitudinal data show another picture of earnings development during worklife. The inverse u-shape of the age-earnings profile seems to be to a high degree the result of structural differences between the birth cohorts. Then some information are given on the earnings replacement :a|e of the German retirement system for different groups of workers. Author's Abstract
Claus Seegers, Fin A rbeitsmarkmodeli als integraler Bestandteil eines lnformationssystems fuer die raeumliche Pianung, Technische Universitaet
Berlin, Fachbereieh Informatik, Berlin, Germany (1982). This study deals with the developing of an operational model to support the planners, politicians and the needed prestudies about the developed methods and models. In the last years, syste~asimulation spread out to the field of city and regional planning. A number of models were developed to describe the specific features of the municipal planning. From LOWRY, who made use of the basic-non-basic concept, a great impetus started. The models of the LOWRY-type made use of allocation functions in which indices as attraction and accessibility to the areas are applied. Accessibility becomes a standard for the location of an area. In a number of models, influenced by the work of LOWRY, functions were used and assumptions were made for the allocation of activities. The relations for the r.llocations are shown in the dissertation where special empha-